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News from the Neurosciences

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How would it affect educational systems if everyone truly believed that the human brain could change structurally and functionally as a result of learning and experience--for better or worse? How would it affect how we teach and how students learn if everyone believed that the kinds of environments we create for learning, how we teach, and the learning strategies we offer students could result in better mental equipment they will use throughout life? In News from the Neurosciences, you will find articles that support the validity of this concept, as well as articles of current interest on various other aspects of brain research and its implications for education.


12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action - One Author's Personal Journey  Renate Caine
Education professor introduces her twelve organizing principles for how the brain/mind learns and how to use that information to enhance student learning.

Brain Science and Education  Noboru Kobayshi
Director of Child Research Net discusses implications of brain research for education and reports on a recent conference on that topic in Japan.

What is "The Art of Changing the Brain?"  James E. Zull
The art of learning is the arrangement of the right conditions and challenges in ways that engage the learner, students have the chance to use their whole brain. 

Special Education and the Concept of Neurodiversity    Thomas Armstrong
A well known educator and author describes how new research on neurodiversity is very much in line with contemporary psychology's new approach to "positive psychology" and will be fundamental in changing the attitudes and outlook of people toward children in special education programs.

Response of the Brain to Enrichment    Marian Cleeves Diamond
Although the brain possesses a relatively constant macrostructural organization, the ever-changing cerebral cortex, with its complex microarchitecture of unknown potential, is powerfully shaped by experiences before birth, during youth and, in fact, throughout life.

The Significance of Enrichment    Marian Cleeves Diamond
Diamond describes the physiological changes in the brain in response to differences in environment.

Enrichment in Action    Marian Cleeves Diamond
Dr. Diamond shares information about her work in Cambodia that further strengthens her case for providing an enriching environment to stimulate brain growth.

What are the Determinants of Children's Academic Successes and Difficulties?    Marian Cleeves Diamond
How can parents and teachers provide conditions that will most effectively promote growth and change in our children's brains? How can parents help a child develop his or her full potential and set a pathway of lifelong learning? In this article, Marian Diamond, neuroanatomist describes ways in which parents and teachers should create a climate for enchanted minds to obtain information, stimulate imagination, develop an atmosphere to enhance motivation and creativity and experience the value of a work ethic.

Male and Female Brains   Marian Cleeves Diamond
Are there significant differences between the male and female brain?

Why Einstein's Brain?    Marian Cleeves Diamond
The excitement of discovery is infectious -- Marian Diamond describes how she came to be interested in studying the ratio of glial cells to neurons in Einstein's brain back in the early 1980s.

Successful Aging of the Healthy Brain    Marian Cleeves Diamond
Dr. Diamond shows us how to keep our brains active and healthy throughout our lifetime.

The Brain . . . Use It or Lose It    Marian Cleeves Diamond
No matter what form enrichment takes, it is the challenge to the nerve cells that is important. Data indicate that passive observation is not enough; one must interact with the environment.

My Search for Love and Wisdom in the Brain    Marian Cleeves Diamond
The force of basic human needs for love and wisdom can be examined in the parts and functions of the human brain.  Changes in emotions and environment are integrated into the physical structure of the brain, linking love and wisdom to experience and perception. 

Brains on Fire: The Multimodality of Gifted Thinkers    Brocke Eide and Fernette Eide
Neuroscientists describe differences in brain physiology and function of gifted students.

Environment Shapes Auditory Processing     Navzer Engineer, Cherie Percaccio and Michael Kilgard
Brains of both animals and humans are 'plastic' throughout one's lifetime.

Optimizing Memory in the Adult Brain for Effectiveness in a Multitasking Society    Donalee Markus
The author is a psychologist who has worked for many years with Dr. Reuven Feuerstein in his pioneering "teaching intelligence" program. She describes new skills she has developed for improving memory in the adult and senior years.

Questions to Neuroscientists from Educators    Dee Dickinson
Prepared for the Krasnough Institute, Johns Hopkins University.

Stimulating the Brain and Senses Through Art    Dee Dickinson and Linda Bellon-Fisher, et al
An interview with the founder and CEO of New Horizons for Learning by the Washington State Arts Commission.

The USA Junior Chess Olympics Research: Developing Memory and Verbal Reasoning    Robert Ferguson, Ed. D.
The author supplies statistics to show the brain building benefits of chess.

Manufacturing Knowledge   Donalee Markus
The prominent psychology and creator of Design for Strong Minds discusses basic tools for thinking and learning.

Teaching Study Skills with Brain Science    Timmi Jo Forbes, et al.
The author uses neuroscience in the classroom so that special needs students can discover for themselves how they can learn.

The Treasure at the Bottom of the Brain    Henrietta C. Leiner and Alan L. Leiner
New tools have allowed researchers to learn more about brain function. The cerebellum, underestimated for centuries, now seems to be the complex "computer" that helps the brain function efficiently and effectively.

Misunderstood Minds     Mel Levine
Struggling students are often misunderstood by the adult world. Dr. Levine created All Kinds of Minds to apply the latest neuro-developmental research to the understanding and management of differences in learning. The Institute provides families and teachers with a framework, a common language and tools to enable this large, needy and highly vulnerable segment of America's schoolchildren to become more successful learners.

Embryological Development of the Human Brain    Arnold B. Scheibel, MD
Dr. Scheibel tells the fascinating story of how the brain develops in human beings from conception to birth. He makes clear that this complex, rapidly developing process is affected continually by the environment in which it is taking place. What mothers eat, drink, and feel -- and the environments which they themselves experience--affect daily the neural development of their unborn child.

An Interview With Robert Sylwester
Dee Dickinson interviews Dr. Robert Sylwester from the University of Oregon, one of the foremost synthesizers of brain research applied to education, on how he came to be interested in brain theory.

The Downshifting Dilemma: A Commentary and Proposal    Robert Sylwester
Recent cognitive neuroscience developments are altering our understanding of a variety of brain systems and processes. The widely used metaphor of downshifting doesn't adequately communicate current understandings of how students respond to stressful situations. The new terms reflexive and reflective better describe our dual response system and its more complex function.

Unconscious Emotions, Conscious Feelings, and Curricular Challenges  Robert Sylwester
Emotions and their role in the classroom are discussed.

Language Learning Impairment: Integrating Research and Remediation    Paula Tallal, Ph.D.
A computer game program called Fast ForWord? has been shown to significantly improve the central auditory processing and speech and language skills of language learning impaired children. This novel remediation technique grew out of a collaboration between Dr. Paula Tallal and Dr. Michael Merzenich. Their research show that improvements are replicable and continue over time and are achieved in a relatively short, intensive program.

Fidalgo School in Anacortes,Washington: A Success Story    Chris Borgen
A description of a school curriculum based on recent brain research.

Applying Our Knowledge    Dee Dickinson
More on Fidalgo Elementary.

Day One: A Positive Beginning for Parents and their Infants   Mary Ellen O'Keeffe, et al
Brain based baby care. Day One is a video, but this overview about the ways infants learn from the first moments after birth can be used as a resource in its own right.   

Recommended Reading


Brain-Based Learning and Research Bibliography   Steve Krasner

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking, editors

Education on the Edge of Possibility   Renate Nummela Caine and Geoffrey Caine

MindShifts: A Brain-Compatible Process for Professional Development and the Renewal of Education    Geoffrey Caine, Renate Nummela Caine, and Sam Crowell

12 Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action: The Fieldbook for Making Connections, Teaching, and the Human Brain
Renate Nummela Caine, Geoffrey Caine, Carol McClintic, and Karl Klimek

Boys and Girls Learn Differently!: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
Michael Gurian, Patricia Henley, and Terry Trueman

Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture Your Child's Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence    Marian Diamond and Janet L. Hopson

The Learners' Way: Brain-Based Learning in Action    Anne D. Forester and Margaret Reinhard

Begin With the Brain: Orchestrating the Learner-Centered Classroom    Martha Kaufeldt

Exceeding Expectations: A User's Guide to Implementing Brain Research in the Classroom    Susan J. Kovalik and Karen D. Olsen

A Celebration of Neurons: An Educator's Guide to the Human Brain    Robert Sylwester

A Biological Brain in a Cultural Classroom    Robert Sylwester

Brain Matters: Translating Research into Classroom Practice    Patricia Wolfe

The Minds Of Boys: Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life   Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens

Related links

Learn About the Brain

Neuroscience for Kids
Created for students and teachers.

Neuroscience Coloring Book
Great for making diagrams, overhead projections, and just for finding out what things like the brain, Synapses and neurons look like.

Find Research on the Brain

Mind/Brain Learning Principles    Renate Nummela Caine and Geoffrey Caine
Renate and Geoffrey Caine outline twelve principles that must be considered in the design of any learning program.

World Wide Web Resources on Brain-Based Learning and Research   from Steve Krasner

Sponsored by Bryn Mawr College. Look under "Brain and Behavior" for articles, discussion questions and essays from a college course on Neurobiology and Behavior, and more. The website lives up to its name-- it is a serendipitous collection of interesting reading and links.

Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology on the Internet
Collection of brain research resources, including interactive tutorials.

The Brain Connection.com
How brain science can enhance learning.

Go Inside the Human Brain

Digital Anatomist Interactive Atlases: Interactive brain
Colorful, navigable images of the brain. Sponsored by the University of Washington.

Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour
Explains basic concepts about the brain and what happens to it in Alzheimer's disease. Viewers navigate at their own pace through 16 illustrated screens and follow colored text links that highlight key areas and special features of each illustration.

The Virtual Hospital: The Human Brain
Detailed descriptions and photographs of the anatomy of the human brain and spinal cord sponsored by the University of Iowa.

The Whole Brain Atlas
The Harvard Medical School website shows cross sections of the human brain. Brain structures are labeled; site also contains movies of MRI images. More clinical than other websites, most interesting for older students.



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