"Nothing worthwhile comes easily... Work, continous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last"
...Hamilton Holt
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Algebra is the language of science and technology. It provides a foundation upon which
higher mathematics is built.

Algebra is the shorthand of arithmetic. Many problems which are proved difficult in the arm of arithmetic become far easier to solve when translated into algebra. Like any other mathematics subject, Algebra requires much understanding of its basic principles and wide exposure in solving the exercices before one can become proficient in it.

This site offers a variety of comprehensive problems that can be
used as foundation in mathematics.

The lessons starts with definitions, basic concepts, theorems, and other ways to unlock difficulties in the lessons. Rules, principles, and methods of solving specific problems follow. The illustrations and examples are exhibited to clarify definitions and principles. The exercises are carefully formulated, arranged and selected. They are designed meticulously
from easy to varying degrees of difficulty.

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