Gareth Calway - Bard On The Wire
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To My 2,375 visitors in the site's first year:

Thanks for visiting. I have been called all sorts of things in my time as a poet. When my "Bristol City Ruined My Life...But Made My day" CD first came out in the summer of 2001, the press and media began calling me the Bard of Bristol, or by my new City friends (not you, Graham) simply "The Bard", which chuffed me to bits. Less literate City fans have called me a cult. (At least I think that's what they called me.) During my efforts to tell Boudicca's story around the country on my "Boudicca; Britain's Dreaming" punk poetry tour, I was called The Bard of Boudicca. Once again, hugely flattering - and alliterative to boot. Celt Versus Woodhead was my New Times label during my Marked For Life tour. For some reason, I can't think why, the New Times received the impression I was not all that enamoured of Chris Woodhead, the then Head of OFSTED. Bard on the Wire is something I've called myself for internet (and radio) purposes, with a glance at fellow golden-voiced poet Leonard Cohen's song "Bird on the Wire". Virtual poet - as in virtual pet - is what I feel I have been to you, my beloved 2,375 visitors between August 9 2001 and the site's big reconstruction and relaunch, Saturday August 3 2002. A continued welcome to you and to the new thousands I hope will visit over the next year. Don't forget to feed me!

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