Gareth Calway - Bard On The Wire
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Book Of The Month
Every month, I am going to let my readers know what book I'm reading at the moment. If you are also reading this book - and can prove it by answering one simple question about it - I will send the first person who contacts me a signed copy of "Britain's Dreaming" my second and biggest book.

This month I are mostly been reading -
Mr Phillips by John Lanchester. (Faber)

slavery at the heart of bristol
Home and away in Bristol

chatterton statue in bristol
Rubbing shoulders with Chatterton, the other great Bristol poet


Hi, I am really the love child of John Atyeo and the goddess Aphrodite, (conceived, without John's knowledge, during a breathtaking goal he scored in 1955.) I was placed at birth with two worthy Anglo-Welsh bystanders. This website is about asserting my true inheritance.

Seriously though... Bard on the Wire is about giving you a glimpse into my chatter-town scrapbook of poems, reviews and senior moments and selling you my books and CDs direct. (Direct buying from me on the net enables me to do "offers" on purchases, having cut out the middleman.)

I hope you will enjoy reading me on this world-wide scrap book selection from my work. If you would like to own the poems in quality book form (thanks to my excellent publishers King of Hearts Publications and Frontier Publishing) just send me an e-mail and cheque and I'll sign you a copy, just as I would at a reading. If you would like to hear what producer/ guitarist Les Chappell has made of my live or studio performances - and he certainly impresses radio stations who've broadcast them - or if you want to bring back memories of the kind of performance you've seen me do, send the appropriate cheque to me and I'll personally supply the goods.

If you want to book me for a performance, please use the contact details to do so. Because in the end I value the poetry over the performance, I prefer intimate venues - though I have played Ashton Gate, big arts and music festivals, hen nights, caravan parks, pub carparks and your local street as well as theatres, pilgrim centres, arts centres and schools. I've even done an old people's home.

Or you can just browse through my particular take on the world, and check out whether you think I have a vision that's worth exploring.

I'm always being told by readers and audiences that I deserve to be better known. Perhaps I will have to wait for posterity to get my big break, but I'd rather it was now! If you've never come across me before and feel the same way, let me know - and please help me to make it happen!

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