Barbara Taylor - Artist
Wellington, New Zealand
Oil Paintings
Acrylic Paintings
'Trinity' Sculpture
Lattice Series
Poetry Biography
About my artwork:

Painting gives me a wonderful opportunity to express my lifelong passion for colour, and to explore my fascination with complexity and detail.

Extensive life drawing and painting, including at the Slade School of Fine Art, University College, London, underpinned both my training in traditional oil painting techniques and my exporation of other media, including sculpture. In portraiture, I discovered my gift for getting a likeness.

While much of my earlier work was sited indoors, I found myself increasingly enticed to locations where water meets with complex landforms. In recent times I have also been exploring more abstract modes of self-expression, using acrylics rather than oils.

Born in New Zealand, I have travelled widely in order to inform my painting, visiting many galleries and art museums, specially in New York, London and Paris.

My work is held in private collections internationally, including London and New York.

Barbara Taylor
Wellington, New Zealand
October 2008
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