Back To Basic Books
In this site you will find sample pages of each of the Writing books in the Back To Basic series. Feel free to print out what you can use for your pupils, but the pages are not for resale. To purchase a copy of any of the books (Grades 1-3 is the only one available at present), click here and fill out the order form. I trust these pages will be helpful.

Note from the author:

It is not the purpose of these work books to replace writing curricula, but to supplement them. In my experience with teaching in multi-level classrooms, children who review the work given to lower levels develop stronger foundations upon which to build their own level of learning. As with any curriculum, the work given is a tool and should be used as instructional starting points. Teachers and parents will best benefit by taking these pages and individualizing lessons for their own children. The many different kinds of activities are simply ideas that will hopefully spark other ideas. Using a variety of teaching and drilling methods will break up the monotony of constantly reviewing the same facts - and constant review is necessary to learning.

Remember that your children's education does not only consist of what they learn from text books and blackboards. Everyday items such as stamps, clocks, tiles, spoons, macaroni, dirt used in everyday situations around the house, garden, store, park, doctor's office, library become invaluable manipulatives for teaching.

The writing skills for children in grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12 have been broken down into many easy lessons. The activities that appear in these books vary in their difficulty level. Assign work to your children that will be easy for them to master, then work that will be a slight challenge to them. It is not neccessary to have them complete each book in one year. Allow your children to spend as much time on each lesson as is needed to master the new concepts (as many lessons build on the knowledge acquired from previous lessons). When returning to the book another year, re-teach the lessons, using completed activities as reviews, then assign the previously-omitted work.

It is our desire at Back-To-Basics Tutoring to provide the teaching tools that will help youngsters of today become the speech writers, journalists, short story writers, poets and novelists of tomorrow.
Back-To-Basic Writing: Grades 1-3

Back-To-Basic Writing: Grades 4-6

To view the author's teaching experience, see her resume here
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Back-To-Basic Writing: Grades 7-9

Back-To-Basic Writing: Grades 10-12
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