Main Info

Welcome to the Baby Heaven'z Avatars Webbie!!! Slogan:Baby Heaven'z Avatars, love it or leave it.
Please read the following for guild updates,and events.

~Guild Rules~
~Respect others,treat other as you would like to be treated.
~No swearing,or course language.
~No putting down other member.
~No Begging for any thing
~No spamming(Short Pointless Annoying Messages)ONE word or ONE sentence or ONE smilies counts.UNLESS it is your birthday or spam day or week.
Copying and pasting someone's else message or a random event WITHOUT posting your own 2 sentences or more after is also consider spamming
POSTING words like hi. or bye. DO NOT count as a sentence.
~No Chatspeak.(only jj,jk,kk,lol,fyi,bbl,bfn,idk,idc,omg,g2g,gtg,brb,wb,ty,
gmta,imo,bff,bf,b/f,gf,g/f,and ttyl is allowed)
[These aren't allowed]
and anything that isn't spelled properly.
~No Harassing others
~No joining the guild with other nicks to participate in guild activities.(Unless council says otherwise)
~You MUST post at least ONE non spam message before playing any guild games.This include Baby pursuit and quest.
~You MUST post at least ONE non spam message before registering your pet for baby school.
~You MUST post at least ONE non spam message before applying to council
~Council members inactive for two months will lose their position.
~Members inactive for three months or more will be deleted from the guild.

1st offence will get you a warning from the guild council
2nd offence will get you demoted a rank and suspended from the guild for two weeks
3rd offence will get you deleted and blocked from the guild forever.

Your Message Count!
You can exchange the messages you posted for items.!!!!!Once use this you will have to start over again. eg.50 messages get you a Scratchcard and you will have to start over from 1 msg.You can accumulate your points to 50,000 msgs and then you must claim your prize and start over from 1.
Go to msg prizes for more info


Guild Plot!!!

The guild plot has finally been released and is ready to go. You can check it out here
or use the link at the bottom of the navigation links. All guild members are welcome to participate and there are some pretty sweet prizes up for grabs. So if you got some time to spare go check it out.

Faerie Crossword Answers

Friday, March 3rd

2. jingly
6. pet
7. starry
10. bat
11. jade
12. kacheek
14. lupes

1. six
3. gwernial
4. general
5. attack
8. night
9. faeries
13. edna
15. uni

If the answers are not up to date click the button below to get them.
Faerie Crossword Answers at My Pad
The daily puzzle answer can also be found in the comments.

Daily Puzzle Answer


Good Bye

Thanks for coming to the BHA guild webbie, have a nice day!

Hits to the Site

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