Sasana Kijang Event

Name of event: Seminar On Resource Centre: Resource Centre as a Learning Space Creating Opportunities,KMC

Date: 1 November 2016

Time: 8.00 a.m - 4.00 p.m

Position: Bureau of Protocol and Registeration

Field: To ensure the event is runs smoothly and all participant register on time

Experience: I can know how to handle the event, know how to handle people around me that have the different behavior, feel more responsible with the task that are given and be responsible with each other

Jejak Pelita Bangsa Event

Name of event: Program with Adopted Family

Date: 2-4 November 2015

Position: Bureau of Activities

Field: To ensure that all activities with a foster family is running smoothly and attractive

Experience: Know how to handle the event, can build relationship with adopted family and also can improve communication skill

Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia Event

Name of event: Dinner Program

Date: 16 November 2015

Time: 8.00 p.m - 11.00 p.m

Position: Bureau of Protocol

Field: To ensure the event runs smoothly, providing a form for participants and invited VIP for this event

Experience: Know how to handle the event and can build relationship with other people







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Last update: November 16, 2016.