Hatching Grounds


No clutches on the sands.....yet!  There's some coming, and SOON!!!


Past Clutches

  1. DD1: Gold Djenemath/Bronze Dwenshath (This is the clutch that Liyrhy's Alshalanth was born from)
  2. GL1: Gold Gwenneth/Bronze Larath
  3. JT1: Gold Jilaqueth/Bronze Trelnorth
  4. JL1: Gold Jilaqueth/Bronze Larath (This is the clutch that Tova's Torianth was hatched from)
  5. QA1: Gold Quenlynth/Brown Akolath
  6. ZI1: Gold Zylath/Bronze Ispeth (still weyrlings)
  7. TT1: Gold Torianth/Bronze Tactith (still weyrlings. This is the clutch that Orensa's Nimuenth was hatched from.)

Weyrling List


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