The computer is my homebuilt box, loaded with OS/2 Warp 4, and a Wildcat ver 4.x2 BBS system..

I started computing with a 386 laptop, soon got interrested in modeming with a 2400 baud
Zoom fax/modem, and had a great deal of fun visiting the BBSs in Livingston county..
Back in 89 there were only 4 or 5 systems up and running, and I figured I would try my hand at it..

Since Qmodem has a host mode, I used it for my first BBS.. The community saying here
is "Hartland Pride", so I figured I would name my BBS just that.. Heck, I was proud
of the fact I knew enough about computers, to run a BBS in the first place..

I've been running Hartland Pride BBS as a hobby since April 1989. (810)229-4465
It has been my teacher of the art of running these boxes.. After I began building this tower
system, the BBS got a facelift.. I tried several software packages, and finally settled on Megahost..
It was written by Don Mankin.. It is a fine program, and it was with it, that I began my learning

I am now running a Wildcat, ver 4.12 ML BBS.. It's too bad Mustang went the Windblown way..
Many OS/2 SysOps tried to get them to write for this OS, but they followed the rest of the Lemmings..
Too bad.. Wildcat 4.x is great software, and I intend to continue using it.. But if push comes to
shove, I'll switch over to an OS/2 BBS..

After putting up with having to shut the BBS down to do some other task, I started looking for
an Operating System that would allow me to Multitask.. Windows never excited me, I tried Linux,
Desqview, a couple shareware m-taskers, and anything else I could find..
I finally found a system that was easy to use, and reliable.. I found OS/2 2.11..
I am presently using Warp 4, and am amazed at how stable the system runs.. I can go on
a 2 week vacation, and come home to find the BBS still up and taking calls.. Try that on one
of your Windows machines..

Currently, there are only 2 BBSs in Livingston County Mi.. The Internet has had a huge impact
on us, and I have dropped from 60-70 calls/day, to 4 or 5.. We used to have 30 or more BBSs to call
around here, but many of them went with their SysOps to college.. Most people I mention BBSs to,
have absolutely no idea what they are, so I enlighten them to the fact that they can actually call
a local BBS with a Telecomm program, and have fun..
Why don't I use Windows? People can whine all they want about how great they think Windblown is, but they've never
tried anything else.. In my opinion, "It sucks bigtime".. Any operating system that
takes total control of your system, then proceeds to screw it up with useless files,
has no place on ANY computer system.. It's no wonder why people need huge hard drives..

This tagline below was gleaned from [email protected]
He tells us that it was stolen from someone else.. Several of us
that subscribe to the os2user listserv, have commented on how appropriate
it really is..

Windows 95: n.
32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an
8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor,
written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Think about it..

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