Regarding the Clan:


Requirements and Rules


Regarding the Game:


About the Clan


Member List


  • Requirements
  1. Must have at least one over level 25 character to join.
  2. Must join with all alts and mains.
  3. Must have a good attitude and be somewhat intelligent. (Will be kicked out of clan immediately if you do not abide by this rule. 
  4. Must have knowledge of the game and play often.
  5. Must be helpful to new players as well as helpful to veterans.


  • Rules
  1. Again, you must have a good attitude and somewhat intelligent.
  2. You should play often, this isn't a set rule though.
  3. Donating is option.
  4. Never pk allies or clannies.
  5. Kill all enemies as spotted with sufficient characters.
  6. Congratulate others on their wins, and do not boast when you yourself win.
  7. Try to help out as many clannies as possible.
  8. Have some fun in Austere. (This is a rule, needs to be taken seriously : )





About the Game



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