Aus Ark Designs offers original graphics free for use on both personal and commercial web sites. Although they are free to use, they are still copyrighted to Aus Ark Designs. Below you will find the terms of free use. By downloading or using any graphics within this site, you automatically agree to these terms. Thank You.

Return links for PERSONAL website use: Although a link back to Aus Ark Designs on personal sites would be highly appreciated, it is not required. If you choose to, the link is:

Return links for COMMERCIAL website use: A copyright statement must appear on the page where my graphics are used along with a link back to the Main page of my site.

The URL to my Main page is

All graphics used must be uploaded to your own web page server. Do not link directly to any graphics on this site.

Directions on how to download are found on my main page and also at the top of all my graphic pages.

The graphics within this site are not to be resold or redistributed in any manner and should not be directly associated with any product or service. Use is limited to web sites and should not be used in desktop publishing, multimedia, print or any other medium without prior consent. You can contact me Aus`Ark at [email protected]

Please do not use my graphics on any site which contains pornography or inflammatory material.

By downloading or using any graphic from within this site, you automatically agree to the terms above. I hope you have fun browsing my collection and I wish you the best of luck on your Web Page project.

Thank you for visiting Aus Ark Designs.
Copyright � 2002 Aus Ark Designs
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