Kent's English and Education Page

Kent's Shakespeare Resources

Surfing with the Bard is the best Shakespeare site I've seen--easy to navigate, a lovely sense of humor, and really useful information.

This page offers a huge collection of Shakespeare information.

You can find more Skakespeare on this great site.

Bruce Spielbauer, a teacher in the ChicagoLand area, has put together Shakespeare for the Rest of Us. This is a great resource for both the teacher and student of Shakepseare. Spielbauer has put together a workingman's Shakespeare--one that everyone can understand.

Take a glance at the reconstructed Globe Theater
Or for another perspective click here.

Falcon Education Linkscontains some great materials on Hamlet and Macbeth and--as I say on my Education Links Page--one of the coolest Shakespeare images around. It is also a great K-12 educational resource.

Shakespeare's Diary gives a first-hand view of what it might have been like to be the bard.

Romeo and Juliet