Gertrude's Openings
And Closings
On February 3, at 8:00 A.M. in Allegheny, Pennsylvania Gertrude Stein is born. Amelia and Daniel Stein, Gertrude's parents, have 5 children. Her father, Daniel Stein, along with his brother own a wholesale textile business.
In July of 1946 Gertrude Stein suffers from another intestinal attack. She is brought to American Hospital in Neuilly, near Paris. At 6:30 Pm on July 27, 1946 Gertrude Stein dies while under anesthesia. On October 22, 1946 Stein is finally placed in her grave in the Paris Cemetery Pere Lachaise. Ironically the date of her death states July 29, 1946 and also that she was born in "Allfghany."
Along the way through Gertrude Stein's Life she did many things. She met and was friends with Pablo Picasso and "married" Alice B. Toklas. Stein also met Adolf Hitler and actually stayed in his home. She toured the United States speaking at colleges. One of the most amazing feats that Stein accomplished in her life is the writing of 28 books. Not many authors can say they have written quite that much. Stein also had a great influence on the world and she helped to show society what it was that life was all about. It was one said by Ernest Hemingway,"Gertrude was always right." and Gertrude Stein was always right and the world knew it.
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