"A Thought on France and on Family"
So the most striking thing about France is the family, and the terre, the soil of France. Revolutions come and revolutions go, fashions come and fashions go, logic and civilisation remain and with it the family and the soil of France.
They are so reasonable about that land, of course it has no value without men, and of course men cannot exist without family.
So the most striking thing about France is the family, and the terre, the soil of France. Revolutions come and revolutions go, fashions come and fashions go, logic and civilisation remain and with it the family and the soil of France.
Paris France
Gertrude Stein makes a very simple idea of family and shows how France reacts to it. She states that France would not be the same with out the family structure. By Stein showing that other great things in France come and go at will, she shows how the family structure is very important to the life of France. It also seems that on some level Stein is talking not only about France but every where. She seems to make generalizations that other countries are part of. War is just one example of something that during her time was everywhere especially at the time this was written: the years leading up to World War II. By stating something simply to the people of the world like the idea that "family is what makes France so strong" she really shows society what makes the world strong.
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