Soaring Upon theeagle.gif (49076 bytes) Wind of Life

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  And soon the fires of the youthful energies grow lower and are replaced with a wind blowing through ones Self. The winds blows as time has fast and slow hard and soft. Truley this is the time when ones life changes.  You have shed the ignorance one has had since they were small, and they have collected pools of knowledge to use as ropes to climb their way through life.

At times the wind blows hard and frantic like the winds of a hurricane, for truley some of the youth is left.  Other times it blows as soft and warm as a gentle breeze for this as when all that has been learned can be applied.

The soul wonders free.  It is still so young when set free upon the world yet though in its ignorance of time it feels it carries a great weight.  The island has grown and the leaves on trees turn a hazy yellow and orange. 

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It is a time of tranisition and being.

Winter's Chilly Splendor


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