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-Without You-(Part 8)

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"Without You"
"broken trust"
"Is it me?"
"dear pain"

"Without You"

"I knew how things were, how you were, and even how your fellings were,
I knew the risk, the chance, yet I still hoped, and I still prayed that your love was true,
I closed my eyes, and I followed my heart; I tried so hard that everything else became a blur,
I ignored the signs, and it happened, everything went wrong, now I'm left alone without you."

"Broken Trust"

You lied to me, you swore on us, and you broke your promise,
you stabbed away at my heart, till finally it broke,
after we cried together, said good-bye, and gave a final kiss;
now I look back, and I can feel my heart start to choke.

You promised on our love that you would never cheat on me,
you pinky-swore that you would always remain faithful,
you told me you loved me, and we were meant to be;
All of these things you did to regain my love, and it was all a bunch of bull.

I had to leave, and go away for awhile,
you said you�d wait, because you cared so bad,
yet you changed, that wasn�t you, it�s not your style;
Hell, you cared so much and really tried yet your not even sad?

What was I to think, what was I to do?
Less than a week after I left you cheated on me,
the instead of learning a lesson, you go and do it again in a day or two;
You never really cared, you just played me, why couldn�t I see?

What can I do, what can I say? Well, there�s one thing,
I Love you, I always did, and I always will,
we�ll never be together again, but will both be happy, with whatever life will bring;
I�ll never give you another chance, but I�ll never give up on you still.

Call me weird, or say I was in love. I don�t care,
but I tried, I did everything for you, and only gained broken trust,
years from now, when you think about this, tell your kids, share;
Tell them you threw away someone who cared for you, to get someone you couldn�t even trust.

"Is It Me?"

What is happening to me?
Was it my fault?
Did I do something wrong?
Why is all this happening?
Where was I to fix the problems?
What was the problem?
What went wrong?
Why didn't I do something?
What should I do?
Why didn't you tell me?
Could we have solved this problem?
What was the problem?
Is it me?


Love and hate
sex and lies
sometimes I wish
you�d go and die.

I�d do anything for you
lie, cheat, steal, even kill
I have something you want
so just take it and no one will know.

one things for sure, between me and you
If I can�t have you no one will
I want you and I get what I want.

Love and hate
sex and lies
sometimes I wish
you�d go and die.

When I see you with him all I see is the blackness
he will see when he gets hit
nothing will stop me so don�t resist.

without you I don�t think I can live
I can�t think clearly since I lost you
anger has misplaced the rational ideas
in a world so damn unstable.

Love and hate
sex and lies
sometimes I wish
you�d go and die.

I thought I found my escape in you
but you don�t want to escape with me
I don�t care if you want me, I want you.

everything keeps running through my head
me, you, him, and your cold blue eyes
It�s all I can think about
I hope you can see what losing you has done to me.

Love and hate
sex and lies
sometimes I wish
you�d go and die.

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"Dear Pain"

Dear pain,
I just had to write to let you know...
That pain, I can feel you, running through my viens,
that pain, I can see you, but don't know who to blame;
That pain, I can taste you, you make me feel insane,
that pain, I live with you, and you play me like a game.
Well, I just had to write and let you know...

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(c)Copyright 1998 Daniel Carriger. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this page are the original works of
Daniel Paul Carriger, and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the author. Any unlawful
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