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-The Aftermath-(Part 5)

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"The Aftermath"
"what will become of my life"
"in sin"
"vagrant wanderer"

"The Aftermath"

"What will happen once it's all over, when will we finally die?
Will we hear the sweet melodies of heavens harps or feel the evil Satan's wrath?
All these questions, yet no answers. We don't know when, or even why,
But we do know what to do for each seperate path. Which way we choose will decide our aftermath."

"What Will Become Of My Life"

What will I become, how long will I live, when will I die?
Will I die of old age, or a freak accident while I'm young, what will it be?
Will I solve the world's mysteries, or find the secret of eternal life?
Will I be one of great physical strength, or learn to better control all of my mind?

Maybe I'll have a big house, with two kids, and I'll be able to come home to my wife,
or maybe she'll have a job while I relax all day, then she can come home to me;
I can picture her smiling at me, then waving as I leave, I can even hear her yell bye.
This is such a great dream, I wish it would come true, but a good wife is so hard to find.

Maybe I'll be drafted into a war, only to return home to hide from life and cry;
All my friends will be dead, even my son will be killed, he's one of a kind,
but someone would kill him way to soon, he was only a kid, still to young to whittle with a knife,
yet he was killed, and I'd never be the same, I'd miss him so badly, can't you see.

My destiny is held down by cement, yet I'll continue to struggle, I'll try to flee;
I don't know if it will be good or bad, but I'm only human so I'll still try to change my life,
I'll stick my hand out to anyone who says they'll help, you're in control, grab my knob and wind;
You have more control over me than I do, It's real confusing, but it's true, so why do I try?

"In Sin"

A twisted fate,
that you must pay;
It's way to late,
to try and stay;
Your filled with hate,
you'd better pray;
You've turned on him,
and lived in sin.

You'll go to hell,
you've had your chance;
God's rang his bell,
and made his stance;
In fire you'll swim,
on fire you'll dance;
You've turned on him,
and lived in sin.


There's a purpose in life, the reason we live, the reason we die,
Even our actions are decided for us. We can't control them, the love and the hate;
The reason why some of us burn in hell, while others visit the clouds and learn to fly,
I dont know my purpose, or my ending, but I'll continue to dream of a great pearly gate.

"Vagrant Wanderer"

He walked, long and far, across the dusty ground,
his shoes, and their soft little thump, made the only sound,
but as he walked, day by day, no one was around,
his world was nothing more, than a hot, barren, mound,
yet he kept on wandering, week by week, searching for a town,
and time after time he failed, for one was never found,
his skin was tanned, while rags were made from his ancient gown,
yet he kept on wandering, year by year, trying not to frown.

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