More about us than you ever wanted to know

You love the web masters of this site, right? ('Course you do) So here a little about, us...

Name: I am a creature of many names, most of them impossible for you mortals to comprehend. You may call me Farp Taccib Sattagg-Hinkstun. Yes, it's an anagram. No, I won't tell you what it means.
Job(s): Phlegm pot cleaner, Irken Invader, part-time Gerbilist, computer geek, deranged hobbit, rejected girl scout, and general sick person.
A short, whiny life history: Farp'sn ship crashed thousands of years ago on this stinking earth-planet. She was forced to possess the body of a mortal human to survive, until she met Phe, another survivor of the Great Crash. Now they participate in alien rites such as laughing themselves sick at the word 'bacon.' Farp has a poopy leopard gecko of doom. Her lifetime goal is to teach a rat to rollerblade.
Things that crack me up: Bacon, ZIM, anything by Terry Pratchett, Artemis Fowl, monkey wrenches, deranged hobbits, walking suitcases.
Things that do not amuse me: Squeaky toys, jokes I do not get, books that do not involve walking suitcases, the little dweeb who plays Harry Potter in the movie.
Farp according to google

Name: My name is far to dificult to pronounce in your earthling toung, but I am the one that they call Vengance Deamon.
Job(s): I am a not so trained assasin, but I can introduce you to some... I am aprentace to Farp in the ways of the web sight, and have currently atained the level of Widjet. I am also a rather wrong sole...
A short, whiny life history: This planet got in my way while I was speeding. I traveled to a so called "camp", which is apperantly a gathering place for humans, and found a survivor of the doomy death crash of doom of '89. We been doin' taky over worldy stuff :-)
Things that crack me up: Earthlings,making up stories one word at a time, blue Germans that like to hug people, the phrase "my car!", people who think their lives are bad so they can dress all in black, people who think they're really vampires... my god they're funny... hehe... hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHOOOHOOHOOHOOOOHEEHEEEHEEEEEEEEEHEEEAHAHAHAHAHARGGGG! *dies of cardiac arrest*
Things that do not amuse me: WASTING MY YOUNG LIFE WAITING FOR THINGS TO DOWNLOAD!!!! When I fail misrably at understanding anime, When my cat starts talking to me, when people laugh... oh how they laugh...
Phe according to google
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