Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains a list of commonly asked questions about our services. If you have any further questions about, we will be happy to answer them.

How do I get my game text / documentation checked?

The first step is to get in touch with us, telling us what services you require. Useful details to include are your company details, the format of the files and any special requirements. Small files can be attached right away but if you have a lot to check (attachments totalling over 100Kb) we would prefer you to let us know before you send! Then we can reply with either a quote or a request for any further details we require.

How do I get my website checked?

Ordinarily a website to be proofread has already been uploaded and is often already in use. Because of this - and because a website already in place allows us to check all the links and pictures function properly - we do not usually need any files sent to us. Instead we just need the URL for your site and details on how much you want checking. We then send you the corrected files, ready for uploading.

Some websites, for instance those using frames or advanced PHP, can make this difficult. If we cannot download the files we will get in touch - you can then either send us the files via email for editing or, if you prefer, we can send you a plain text file containing a list of corrections.

How much will it cost to check my text?

Given the variable size of game text, manuals and websites, it is impossible to give a fixed cost to any contract. Instead we charge $1 per 100 words (or part thereof) and give you a quote based on the size of the task. So a game with 2000 words would cost $20.

How long will it take to check my text?

We aim to complete any job within two weeks. However, bigger contracts may naturally take longer - we will let you know when we quote for the task if we expect any delay. If your proofing is especially urgent, please let us know - we may be able to arrange an "express" service.

How and when do I pay?

For our regular services, an invoice is sent by email (please watch out for overzealous spam filters!) upon completion. This contains a link for making payment. Some services, such as the regular website check, require payment up front - but please contact us first.

We normally collect payments via Share-It, though we can also use PayPal if you prefer. Both will accept most credit cards.

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