Today i'm going to share about my experiences attending one of the best concert in my opinion which is Exo'rdium. I'm a big fan or should I say Exo-L since their debut era. Finally, i can step my legs at the arena and see them in real life It was kinda hard to pursuade my family to give me permission to attend this concert but after a few try my parents gave a green light to attend this concert. At that moment, I felt so happy that I can't stop grinning infront of my parents and my friends.

Actually the worry starts now. I was keen to collect money to purchase the concert ticket. I even asked my friends about the ticket price and it was so expensive..T..T..that I thought just by selling my kidney i would be able to buy the ticket. Just kidding tho. So, i took an initiative to do part time job and i manage to collect the sufficient amount to buy the ticket. Then i contacted my friend via Whatsapp and ordered the ticket. After she done purchasing my ticket she send me the ticket by postage. To tell you the truth, i actually had started to cry because I will going to meet my Idol in real life. It was so satisfying.

Making the long story short, D-DAY finally had arrived. At 7 o'clock in the morning, my friend's mother had picked me up from my house. She was the one that send us to the concert venue which is STADIUM MERDEKA. We arrived there about 8 a.m. and there was a long line waiting for us. It was a very nerve-wrecking moment for me to meet my fellow family members. We waited there for hours before entering the venue. i can feel my legs getting numb from standing too long. As the time nears, the venue's entrance was not opened yet so we were wondering why the hadn't opened it. Then , we were informed that EXO gave us time to complete our prayer first before starting the concert. AWWW.. HOW SWEET THEY CAN BE!!

This is the only pictures that shows how excited we were before entering the arena.

As we entered the arena, i was shocked to see how big it was and how beautiful it will look packed with silver ocean soon. When i approach my seat, i was glad that my seat is near the stage. I can feel my heart starts to beat faster and my palms started to sweat. While waiting for the members to pop-up , i started to think imagine on how i will react when i see them. Suddenly, the music is dropped and they popped out of nowhere. It was an overwhelming situation where i started to scream and cheers loudly while moving my lightstick. they were so unreal and so good looking! They were even looked b etter than in pictures. I'll share my pictures but just to remind, i took video more than pictures so, it'll be a few pictures only. ENJOY :)


So, my days goes by screaming, crying and laughing. The concert ended about 12 a.m and i reached my home about 1 a.m. Of course my parents were worried but the concert makes it worth. I'm definitely will attend the next year concert too. WISH ME LUCK >..<