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Polyhymnia is a group of friends who camp together at Pennsic.  We are primarily from the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands.  We are not a household, just a group of friends with common interests. 

Many Polyhymnians are members of the Debatable Choir; hence our name.  Polyhymnia was the Greek Muse of choral music, poetry, fountains and a few other things like geometry.

We are easy to find at Pennsic.  We typically camp with the Debatable Lands on block N10 in the middle of the Serengetti, bordered by Brewers, Cariadoc's Path, Chandler and Fletcher.  Just look for the "little house on the flatbed."  We constructed a faux half-timbered "house" that we use as our kitchen in 2003, and in 2005 we built another house for the camp pantry.  

Here are some photos of Polyhymnia and of my family.  Click on a photo to see a bigger version.

Camp entrance.  The house on the flatbed is to the left, the kitchen and pantry on the right.

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Interior of the kitchen at Pennsic 34.

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Interior of the pantry at Pennsic 34.

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Our tent at Pennsic 34.

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Arianna singing in the Pennsic choir, in red at far right.

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Polyhymnia's communal canopies, where we eat meals and hang out.

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A table and benches we built with help from Sir Reinhardt von Berchtesgaden

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Kenneth shooting at the Neptunalia event in July 2005.  He made it to 70 yards with his 14lb. bow.

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Arianna, Kenneth and Robert stand guard duty at the Ęthelmearc Kingdom gate.

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Johan returns from the field battle.

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Kenneth loves to play chess.  Here his opponent was Konstantinos.

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Kenneth and Robert with  their friend Grendl the mouse and his "mom," Lady Rufina.

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The Causeway battle seen from above, on the archery field.

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The cannon crew watching the Causeway battle.  They fire the cannons to mark the start and end of battles; they don't shoot at combatants.

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Kenneth (green) fighting Robert (purple) at War Practice, May 2005.

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The kids fight in the castle battle.  Ken is in the green armor with yellow mantling, Robert is in purple armor with the white helm.

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