A Corellian Rogue in King Arthur's Court

by Rebecca J. Bush


The Fab Four:

Wedge Antilles or Sir Ouège d’Antille: Leader of Rogue Squadron, an intergalactic "everyman" with Corellian luck, consummate skill in a starfighter, and much inner conflict at the burdens of responsibility for his pilots. As Sir Ouège, a knight of noble spirit and great prowess, much admired by old Merlin.

Tycho Celchu or Sir Teichen of Selwich: Rogue Two, the Alderaanian Ace who’s always ready to protect the innocent and hunt down the enemy. Wedge’s wingman, on a par with the very best starfighter pilots, fully committed to his cause and to his friends. As Sir Teichen, he is the foremost of the Rogue knights in battle or joust.

Wes Janson or Sir Wesley of Orkney: Rogue Three, from Taanab, the eternally youthful (both in appearance and behavior) sharpshooter with a strong romantic bent but ill luck at maintaining any long-term relationship with a woman. As Sir Wesley, he is fond of quests and of rescuing damsels in distress. As both, look out for his wisecracks.

Derek "Hobbie" Klivian or Sir Derrick l’Haubit of Klive: Rogue Four, of Ralltiir, often as pessimistic as Wes is optimistic, but every so often he surprises us with a bit of dry wit or practical insight. As l’Haubit, he is not as prone as the others to getting caught up in the "game" of chivalry, but he can play that game as well as anyone.

The Fab Four’s Love Interests:

Iella Wessiri Antilles or Lady Hélène: The story takes place shortly after Wedge and Iella are married. Iella is an ex-cop of Corellia, current New Republic Intelligence agent, no-nonsense, clever and intelligent woman, and she’s beautiful, too. As Hélène, she is a noblewoman of great piety (still beautiful), recently widowed; everyone wants to marry her to get her lands. Wedge wants to marry her because she’s Iella and doesn’t know it.

Winter or Lady Iverna: Childhood friend (and occasional double) of Princess Leia Organa, white-haired Alderaanian beauty with the infallible memory, cold-blooded Intelligence agent whose heart finally warms for Tycho. As Iverna, she is Lady Hélène’s lady-in-waiting, friend, confidante, and a great help to the lady in her frequent distresses.

Unnamed damsels: Somewhere at court there’s a gal for Hobbie and a gal for Wes…but sadly, this short story is getting too long as it is, and I didn’t have time to work any romances for them into it. Merlin hints at the possibilities, however, and we know his prophecies are reliable.


Camelot Good Guys

Lady Nyneve: Most translations of Malory call her Nimue, but the one I first read had Nyneve, and now I like that name too much to use Nimue. She is the current Lady of the Lake, a former pupil of Merlin’s, and if she hadn’t locked him up in that cave in Cornwall, she might’ve had to give in and be his paramour too. As it is, they’ve got a rather quirky, love-hate sort of relationship. But I think there’s more of love in it than hate. It’s just that no woman could really put up with Merlin twenty-four hours a day. With him locked in his cave, she can enjoy her time with him and then go away when he gets too annoying. He seems to like it this way, too.

Sir Launcelot: Greatest knight of the Round Table (at least until his boy Galahad comes along). Currently Grail-questing like most of the knights, and fond of accomplishing little quests like defeating evil knights and freeing all their prisoners.

King Arthur: Best king that ever was, but beset by sorrows on every hand. His knights are all gone a-questing after that Grail and most of them won’t make it back. The fact that his queen and his best knight are betraying him doesn’t help either, but it doesn’t really come into this story.

Merlin: The great enchanter is living out his days sealed in a Cave in Cornwall. He doesn’t mind it, since it gives him time to think and contemplate the past and future, and since Nyneve kindly comes by once every few months to cheer him. He has some interesting things to tell Wedge about the future.

King Pellam: The Fisher King who used to be keeper of the Grail, until a vile sorcerer stole it away. He’d like to help Wedge, but that’s all he can tell him.

Camelot Bad Guys

Sir Agravaine: A rather surly brother of Sir Gawain, he’s in this story only to get knocked down by Tycho in a joust. He’s not very happy about it, since it’s Sir Teichen’s first victory.

Four Wicked Knights: So bad they don’t even get names. These fellows, who were trying to force Lady Hélène to marry one of them, were defeated by Sir Ouège and company.

Vandryan: The evil sorcerer who’s been messing with the Grail and moonlighting in the Star Wars world as a Dark Jedi employed by the Empire. It’s his fault Wedge and the rest are here, so they’re going to have to do something about him if they want to go home.


I always hate it when an author uses an unfamiliar name that I have no clue how to pronounce. So, for those of you who feel as I do, here’s how to pronounce those silly Arthurian names that Nyneve gives to the Rogues. (Pronunciations given first in IPA, then in something more like what English speakers probably see a lot…)

Ouège d’Antille: French. Ouege d'Antille or Ouege d'Antille; {WEHZH DAHN-TEEL´}

Teichen: German spelling, though Sir Teichen isn’t meant to be a German knight…don’t ask. Teichen; {TIE´-KHEN}

I assume everyone here can pronounce Wesley and Derrick, right? Well, just in case not… Wesley; {WEHS´-LEE} and Derrick; {DEHR´-RIHK}

L’Haubit: French. L'Haubit; {LOE-BEE´}

Nyneve: Nyneve; {NUH-NEHV´}

The rest of the Arthurian names ought to be familiar enough, I hope.

Click here! On with the story! Read it now!

10/27/2000 Rebecca J. Bush [email protected]

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