The Capture of Wonder Woman Part 3

He floated close, and reached out to adjust the mesmerizer. "No...please, no..." she whispered as the mind probe returned with even more power, now seeking to stimulate her sensual and sexual centers. The Warlord drifted back and released his loincloth, revealing an erect penis, obviously oiled and lubricated in preparation beforehand. He floated to her, and his hand gently grazed her side, enjoying her start as she gasped and shifted quickly away from his touch, which had surprised her, appearing to her as if out of nowhere. Now she knew she was not alone, and the mesmerizer played on her moment of uncertainty to chip another piece away from her resistance. Satisfied with that, he unexpectedly changed tactics and grasped her fisted hands, forcing her fingers apart with his. With this leverage, he captured her legs with his own and moved against her body. Her breasts touched his chest, which caused his erection to grow even further.

She felt him sliding against her body, his sudden presence against her causing her concentration to break for a moment, which allowed the mesmerizer to drain away more of her willpower. He moved his face near hers, so that she would smell and taste him with every breath. Slowly, he began to move into her body. Feeling the first probes of his member into her, she grimaced and tensed her muscles to resist, and for a moment, she was too tight for him to progress.

As she concentrated on preventing his possession of her body, she was forced to divide her concentration between her battle with the Warlord and her struggle with the mental conversion powers of the device strapped around her head. Sensing her distraction, the mesmerizer's programming suddenly changed. Now, instead of playing a disruptive counter-and-parry with Diana's thoughts, the machine began to project complete commands into her mind, seeking absolute domination of her consciousness. In her now-weakened state, she found it increasingly difficult to offer any resistance, and her mind slipped gradually under the machine's control.

*I must submit, must surrender*

", I am -"

*His, body and soul. I must submit to him.*


*Sensations - too strong! His body against me...*


*Flesh against flesh...his member pressing, entering...*

"No...he is-"

*Almost inside me...must open, open, open...*


Given the power of the mesmerizer, there was only one possible outcome: at the machine's bidding, she slowly began to climb to orgasm, her body readying itself for sex. Her nipples hardened against his chest, and he could feel her vaginal muscles start to lose their resistance, despite her determination to resist him. He felt this loosening, and began to slowly drive into her. Caught between the Warlord's assault on her body and the computer's assault on her mind, she was pushed to the threshold of her limits, then past them. "No...c-can't resist...anymore...too s-strong...ahhhh!" she cried as she was overwhelmed.

She gasped as her muscles relaxed and he thrust deeply into her, then her muscles contracted to hold him tight. They floated thus for many moments, he slowly and deeply thrusting in and out of her, the only sound being the "uh! uh! uh!" she moaned as his hard penis flowed in and out of her. He rubbed his chest against her breasts, then released one hand and cusped one soft breast in his leathered hand. He caressed and teased it, reveling in her vulnerability and helplessness. All the while, the mesmerizer was following it's program: her thoughts now perfectly mirrored those of the machine, and though this was only a temporary condition, it was enough to allow complete access to her mind. The Warlord's program implanted subliminal triggers and explored her subconscious, coaxing her to new depths of sensuality and awakening parts of her sexuality long hidden from herself...a seduction of the soul as complete as the Warlord's ravishing of her body.

They climbed to orgasm simultaneously, he propelled by his own desire and she pulled by the mesmerizer's machinations. At the machine's command, she arched her back and surrendered her flesh to him; his thrusts were so powerful that her hips developed a rhythm with them quickly, which allowed him to penetrate even more deeply into her. As the intensity of their activity grew, their sweat mingled and pooled over her belly, as well as drifting off into the anti-gravity space, creating the strange illusion of a kind of salty rain coming from their bodies. At the height of his possession of her, they climaxed at the same time, and she cried out with a scream that filled the chamber. She felt drowned in the sense of him as her womb expanded and was filled with his seed, overwhelming her sense of self and being. Her hips quivered with each powerful injection, and he put his hands on them to steady her as he continued to pour his sperm into her.

After a time, finally spent, the Warlord withdrew and examined his captive. Diana was covered with sweat, her long, dark hair cascading over her shoulders as her head sagged in defeat, and her pubic region was wet with oil and desire. He was satisfied, a good start. He retrieved his loincloth from its drifting, and moved toward the flowing portal. As he passed the ring, he reached out with the lightning and began to drag the ring, and her, with him towards the dimensional portal. As she moved towards it, some last vestige of resistance welled up within her and she desperately moved in her chains, trying to escape from being drawn beyond a portal she could sense but not see. He moved into the gateway, waited from the ring to catch up to him, then grasped her naked body. As he pulled her through she screamed, then collapsed in his arms, unconscious, as the portal sealed. Servant's computer automatically shut down as the portal de-energized, and the chamber fell into a deathly silence, marking the passing of Wonder Woman into the Warlord's realm.

Wonder Woman awoke in a huge bed chamber, feeling drowsy and disoriented. She remembered the past few days as a drug-like fog... her head felt strange, though, almost as though someone *else* was there. Putting her hands to her forehead, she found that her bracelets were now bound by silken braids... tied by a man, she thought, feeling her strength being siphoned away by her bonds. The sheets slid from her body as she sat up against the pillows, revealing that her uniform had been replaced by a delicate bra and panties, nothing more. She was surprised by this, but had no time to apprise her situation further as she heard the door to the chamber open. A muscular, bare-chested man entered, holding one hand behind his back, smiling at her menacingly as he approached the bed.

She stood up shakily and, clutching a sheet to herself, asked " I? Who are you?" She looked down at her body. "Where, is my uniform?" "Your uniform is unnecessary for your duties here," he answered, then quickly whipped her magic lasso from behind his back and threw a loop of its golden rope over her. "Wha...oh." she murmured as a loop of the golden lasso whispered around her bare shoulders. He tugged on the unbreakable golden rope and began to pull her to him. She tightly grasped the lasso with one hand and attempted to resist being dragged to him while trying to keep the sheet covering her in place with the other hand, but was too weak to succeed in her struggle. In the process, she provided him with quite a bit of entertainment as she twisted and squirmed in her futile struggle, a blur of flesh and lingerie. Presently, she stood before him, beautiful and defiant even in her weakened state.

He said, "You will obey me while bound with your lasso, Wonder Woman." "Yes," she replied angrily, "I must...obey." He smiled at this,and at her obvious dislike for being a captive. "Good. I command you to not attempt to escape, nor attempt to harm me. Do you understand?" She growled back at him, "Yes, I understand... damn you." He smiled at her curse and tightly grasped the lasso as he commanded her: "Drop the sheet." She did so, exposing her body to him. "Next, remove your bra and panties, princess; you will not be needing them for our...interplay." She didn't like the sound of that, but the power of the lasso surged into her, and against her will her hands went to the front of the bra, unclasping and opening it. Her ripe breasts sprung free as the bra fell to the floor. Her face remained set in a mask of defiance as she grasped the strings of the bikini. Leaning down, she pulled it off to join the bra at her feet, providing him with a spectacular view of her now-bare hips and ass as she did so. She stood up, now stripped, and the way he was hungrily gazing at her left little doubt about his intents. "Now," he whispered lustily, "embrace me!" Again the lasso surged, and she moved forward to close the space between them; as she placed her arms around him and pressed her warm, naked body against his, she felt his penis begin to swell and rise against her. "By Hera," she said with as much conviction as she could muster, "whoever you are, you'll pay for this!" He laughed, kissed her unwilling lips, and replied, "Perhaps so, princess. But undoubtedly, you will first." Leaning close to her, he whispered the word "submit" into her ear.

With that trigger word, she was overcome by the subliminal program which had been implanted in her during her capture, since supplemented during her reprogramming session. She leaned against him in her disorientation as she felt her resistance and anger slowly drain from her. He supported her even as he guided her back to the bed. Unobtrusively he removed the lasso from her, trusting in the subliminals and his own will to keep her in his power. A look of puzzlement played on her face as he gently leaned her back into the bed. "Wha, what are you..?" He put a finger to her lips to silence her, then removed a knife from his belt and cut the braids tying her wrists.

As she rubbed her wrists and tried to make sense of her situation, he deftly replaced the knife and removed a pair of restraints and a blindfold from his belt, closing one end of each restraint to opposite bedposts and letting their other ends swing free. He then untied his belt, allowing his loincloth to fall to the floor and revealing his nakedness to her. He was clearly enjoying her disoriented state, and enjoyed even more the strange mix of fear and questioning which played across her face as he laid down beside her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned her back against the mattress, all the while watching her face for any sign of anger or resistance. He found none; the subliminals and programming had short-circuited her ability to resist, replacing it with confusion and malleability.

He reached out and firmly grasped her wrists, directing them into the waiting cuffs. "No..." she whispered as the restraints sealed around her bracelets with a pair of *clicks*. As they swung home, she closed her eyes and felt her strength flee under his bondage. While her eyes were closed, he wrapped the blindfold around her head. Then, he reached past her and lifted a black lace garter from one of the bedposts. Slowly, he slid it up her right leg, moving higher and higher. She could feel his hands moving slowly up her smooth leg and tried to summon up the will to resist, to stop him, but was able to manage only a small moan as she vainly pulled against the chains of her restraints. He finally stopped only inches from her feminine lips, where he let the garter stretch and cling in place against her thigh. Her body began to react to his touch, and as he lightly ran his hand over the top layer of her pubic hair he could feel the moisture begin to build through it. He smiled, feeling her grow wetter as his hand grazed across her clitoris.

He leaned close to her; "Why, Diana," he asked, as he lightly traced her side with a finger, "haven't you ever mated with a man before?" "" she whispered, feeling his trailing hand as it ventured ever lower, "I was forbidden, lest I succumb to the influence of Man's world." He smiled predatorially; "Learn well, then." he finished, then rolled against her.

Diana's breasts compressed delightfully against his chest as he applied his full weight onto her. She felt his warmth and strength envelop her, overcome her, dominate her. She struggled for breath, then felt her panic be replaced with calm as the subliminal programming asserted its hold over her. She seemed about to speak, which he prevented directly: his kiss was sudden, yet not overly hard, drinking in the taste of her uncertain lips. She gasped as she felt his lips slide down her body, her neck making a gentle, involuntary movement as he kissed it and continued down to encircle one of her nipples. Her virgin breasts tasted of sweet vanilla, and they enlarged and filled under his ministrations. While his mouth was busy teasing her breasts, his fingers were tracing her lips, and she licked around her mouth as his touch orally stimulated her. As his tongue circled the rim of her areola, he could feel her nipple harden under his mouth. She was almost his, now. He lowered his hips to touch hers, belly pressing against belly as his penis rapidly grew erect, yearning to enter her.

She felt the touch of his member against her femininity, an act which served as a shock to momentarily weaken the hold of the subliminals over her. Summoning up the last of her willpower, she lowered herself from him, breaking contact for a moment. To no avail: she was stopped by the soft mattress underneath her and the metal surrounding her wrists, and as she felt him reestablish himself atop her, her moment of resistance passed and she was again in his power. This time, as she felt his penis begin to probe her inner thighs, she slowly spread her legs and opened herself to his invasion. "Better," he whispered, then moved in to fully possess her

With one smooth movement, he was inside her. As he entered her, she quaked under him and writhed against the pillow and sheets. He touched her body to guide her natural movements, beginning his training of her in the art of lovemaking and in being his slave. He began to slowly, rhythmically thrust into her, and her back flexed sensually in response. He was excited by having such a beautiful, soft, yet athletic partner, her curves meshing perfectly into his body. He ran his lips along her neck and rubbed his penis along her sensitive clitoris, enjoying the moan of surprise and pleasure this elicited from her. Then he began to pump in and out of her, her hips sliding back and forth with each insertion into her "Oooohhhhhhh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" she cried. With him inside her body now, his presence undeniable, the state of heightened sensitivity he had painstakingly created in her finally overwhelmed her, and she was lost.

As his rhythm grew in intensity, she locked her legs against his back and matched his rhythm, her flesh caressing and squeezing his cock as he grew even larger and neared release. She felt him grow larger, ever larger inside her, part of her amazed at how big he was, the space between her legs completely filled with his flesh. "Steevvveeee!!!" she screamed, as she climaxed. Then he roared as his semen exploded into her body, infusing her with part of him, filling her. He felt her body buckle and move in order to maintain contact with him as long as possible.

After their mating was complete he held her against him, enjoying the contact of flesh against flesh, of her softness and her smell. He basked in the knowledge that his domination of her was just beginning, but knew he had one slight detour to take before she could truly be taken, totally...


In mornings, she would awake in a daze, her memory of the previous day having been wiped clean, along with another part of her superheroine persona, and before she could gain her senses he was there, caressing her, kissing her, forcing her body to react before her mind could resist. Then he would enter her, penetrate her, and mate with her. While her mind was being erased, her body somehow remembered the lessons he was teaching it. The increasing state of amnesia he was creating in her made it easier and easier for him to make her accept the reality he was presenting to her as true.

By day, he continued to reprogram her, reshaping bit by bit each part of her psyche while draining her of her memories. He still had her dress in her Wonder Woman uniform for the sessions; he found it enjoyable to be reminded of the woman she was, making his capture and transformation of her all the sweeter. After the first few sessions, though, her boots had been replaced by red high heels, a symbol of the woman she was becoming. When they were deeper into the process, her uniform itself was altered considerably: the golden falcon pattern still covered her breasts, but the rest of the uniform, down to her hips, had been cut away, so that now her midsection and belly were bare, the falcon reduced to a bra which left much of her cleavage exposed. Her blue-and-star bottom had also been reduced, until all that was left was a string bikini which rode high on her hips.

Between sessions, she was kept prisoner in the dark heart of the Warlord's stronghold. Even alone in her holding cell, she found little respite, as the evil aura of the place began to work on her. With her bracelets chained directly to the castle's rock walls, her connection to it was tangible and powerful. Her strength drained by the bondage, she was unable to escape as she felt her spirit being tugged at, being gradually corrupted the longer she remained. This especially manifested itself while she was asleep, and her dreams were of herself as a terrible force of evil...a dark queen of great power.

Wonder Woman was discovering some disconcerting secrets about her lasso. Most important, and dangerous to her, was that if a holder-captive pair were to remain constantly in that state for more than a couple of days, the captive's psychology would gradually begin to develop a susceptibility/ vulnerability to orders from her captor. Gradually, even when the lasso was removed, she found it harder and harder not to automatically do what he said, so conditioned was she becoming by long periods under the lasso's influence.

Another uncomfortable revelation was that using the lasso created an intense, very intimate connection between them during sex. To maximize control, he combined the compelling power of the lasso with the mindlink disks on her tiara... as his body's feelings of pleasure during their lovemaking were beamed into her mind, they mixed with the sensations from her own body in a multiplicative way, wave after wave of touch and desire that she was compelled through her lasso to open herself to completely. The effect was to create an experience which was utterly transformational in its nature. Sharing his pleasure through the mind link only conditioned her to seek out ways to increase his enjoyment, and in this way he was able to manipulate her sexuality into avenues which previously would have been unthinkable for her, and soon he was reshaping her into a woman able to match his own desires.

His hunger for her was almost insatiable, and her captive body was constantly used by the Warlord for his pleasure. For the first stages of her sexual training, he kept her chained and powerless; otherwise, her super-strength would have caused her muscles to crush his penis when she reached orgasm. Also, she was too weak while chained to resist him, an advantage in the early stages which he used to take full possession of her sexuality. Over time, though, she was conditioned to control her super-strength during their sessions, and her tightness was the stuff of dreams. After her uniform had been altered, he had her begin to wear that to bed, his stripping away of it each night a symbolic reflection of how he was he was stripping away her self.

Her body, too, did not escape reshaping. She was given treatments which softened her skin to an exquisite point, making it infinitely more supple and sensitive, a quality which only added to her emerging sensuality. Her sense of touch was elevated beyond anything she had thought possible. She now felt even the lightest caress of the wind on her skin, so that her senses were totally overloaded during the intense flesh-to-flesh contact of sex. In this wild, uninhibited state, she was an ideal match for the Warlord's own considerable passion.

The day was not long in coming when her uniform was totally gone. For a time, he kept her completely naked, reinforcing to her his total control of her environment, her body, her mind...and her soul. As her turning neared its apex, he again allowed her to wear clothing, but he dressed her in garb more suited to her new persona: her chest was sealed in a tight black leather girdle which was dominated by a screaming death falcon insignia, a dark macabre mirror of her old uniform which would come to represent horror and death to the Warlord's enemies. He tied a leather G-string around her hips, the knots firm but easily untied whenever he desired access to her. Finally, he had her kneel before him, and he circled her neck with a leather collar, the front of it inscribed with his seal, marking her undeniably as his. He knew he owned her, completely, irreversibly, when he closed the latch on the collar, and she whispered, unbidden, the word he had been waiting to hear from her:



She was now almost totally brainwashed. As the weeks wore on, in the bedroom, not only did her ability to please and excite him increase as she grew more skilled, but being kept in constant, regular exposure to his powerfully potent vitality resulted in his successful impregnation of her body. Having chosen her to serve as the vessel by which his progeny would enter the world, he took great pleasure from stroking her fat belly while she was pregnant with his child, enjoying the ultimate violation of her being. As she began to fill out, felt the kicks and movements of his child within her serve as a constant physical reminder of her link to him, the last vestiges of the old Wonder Woman began to disappear, and she slipped into her role as the Warlord's slave and concubine.

Soon enough after bearing his child, she became a lethal weapon in the Warlord's forces and the perfect mate for his evil. She was a new woman now, her strong body the only link to her past as she fought against those she once fought with, in the name of the Warlord, her lord, her Master.

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