Diana and the Ubar: Wonder Woman on Gor

Three hands of days later Chandor, the owner of the House of Anwar, confers with his principal staff. His tall barbarian kajira is eating the rence but refusing all water. Despite her chained hands she fights like a larl each time her cage is cleaned. �So to sum the situation up, the girl is no closer to resale than the day she was brought to us� the master slaver comments. Then he turns to the head physician of his slavers establishment. �Vikan, you should never have believed Markus�s agent when he told you that this was just another panther girl to be tamed.�

�I was mistaken, Chandor. Both her body and her will are exceptionally strong; it is as if she is truly of the warriors rather than a female. I feel certain now that we should employ drugs to break down her mental resistance.�

The massive dark-skinned man can hold his peace no longer. �This is all premature. She hasn�t even been taught the whip yet. Her skin is quite soft and highly sensitive. It shouldn�t matter that she is practically 100 per cent muscle; the whip will tame her.�

�But how many strokes will it take you, Hakim? Twenty? Thirty? Forty? It is my opinion as one of the Physicians that this girl will not yield until you have scarred her with the lash and we cannot give the lash to the auctioneer at the Love Festival. Again I say that drugs are the only plausible option to begin her training. Once we start I can heighten her sensitivity to pain enough that she will respond to a few blows of a slave whip.�

�Master, there is another approach. She is not yet branded, but even now slave fire is hot in her belly. It is obvious that her confinement is now causing great discomfort. We should let her out for some sexual exercise then put her in something that is even smaller and less ventilated. That will remind her that she is a woman and show her the advantages of cooperation.�

The woman who has spoken is a slender blonde with pale skin but dark Mediterranean eyes. Four centuries ago she had been an Italian countess captured by pirates. When her elderly Muslim husband died she was not given a dowry but was placed on the slave block in Malta. It turned out that the man who purchased her was a visitor from Gor. Though still a slave, she is high in the councils of Chandor, the new owner of the House of Anwar. He always considers her words with great care.

�Ordinarily, the right way to break a barbarian to slavery is to show her that she is no different from any other collared slut on Gor.Chandor begins. �But in this case we actually want to achieve something rather different. Her price will be higher the more arrogant and untamed she appears to be on the auction platform. Yet we will not get that high price if she appears completely uncontrollable; we must demonstrate in some way that our barbarian princess is a natural slave. To do that I am willing to authorize some unprecedented risks with this slave.�

�Each of you has made some good points.� He continues, �I have a few suggestions of my own. Our time is limited now so our focus will be upon forcing enough cooperation from her body so that we can teach it the absolute basics. Her mind will no longer be a concern of this house. We will offer this Amazon slut two choices: one will be Luma�s tutoring in slave skills with the absolute minimum of what our princess would consider degradation. The other will be that we do our best to bring her worst nightmares of slavery to life.�

�What specifically do you have in mind?� Hakim asks.

Luma hangs her head after Chandor finishes. Her face had gone white partway through his instructions and she does not want her Master to see the tears of pity she is fighting to hold back. At one point Hakim had whistled in appreciation at the chief slaver�s deviousness. The physician begins to mentally inventory his supplies and calculate the cost of replenishing them.

That night Diana lies in the arms of one of the six male slaves who have raped her into unconsciousness. Her back is lacerated from six blows with the heavy lash, and her left thigh aches from a fresh brand. The rest of her body is welted and bruised, including her face. Crazed by the physician�s drugs, the kajirus were completely without restraint in their lust-crazed violence. She wasn�t sure, but she thought one might have bitten off part of her earlobe. Through it all, the master of the house had watched impassively. Only at the end had he showed satisfaction that his orders had been carried out.

The following morning Hakim carries Diana to another cell. She is awake but in little condition to stand or walk because the day before the black giant had used his full strength to rip her back and buttocks open with the glass braided into the fabric of the lash. She had cried out in agony with the third blow, but whenever Chandor asked her to agree to train she had shaken her head in negation. Vikan was right, Hakim reflects. This one has the shape and responsiveness of a pleasure slave, the height and musculature of a warrior, and the will of a Ubar. It is fortunate that she is also highly intelligent. Eventually she will cooperate with us. The alternative Chandor is presenting to her is simply too awful for her to do otherwise.

Hakim sits the unresisting woman on a small table next to the bars of one wall. He ties her calves to the legs so that her crotch is right at the edge of the table. He quickly re-secures her hands to a chain looped around her waist. Then he shoves her back against the bars. She looks at him, her eyes glazed over with fatigue even though it is still early in the morning. She has not gotten more than two Ahn of true sleep--the male slaves had been too excited by her magnificent breasts and remarkably elastic cunt.

She protests feebly as he uses her thick curly raven hair to tie her so she cannot fall to either side. Should she start to doze, the pain will reawaken her. At Chandor�s order she is not to miss any part of what is to come. He reenters the cell and stuffs a wadded cloth in her mouth then uses a thin strip of leather to secure it in place. She will not interrupt Luma�s work either. Now everything is as Chandor has directed.

Princess Diana watches as the room fills with slave girls and guards armed only with switches and whips. She watches and listens as they practice the postures the haughty blonde in red silk is showing them. Commands are given in Gorean but Luma and some of the guards give explanations and corrections in other tongues. The blonde woman and her demonstrators move with a rare combination of confidence and deference to the guards. On Earth, only born harem girls move that way.

Wonder Women expects the training to break into an orgy at some point but she is wrong. The trainees stand in front of mirrors, reciting a litany about what it means to be a slave girl on Gor. Luma and her assistants comment on their postures, their inflections and their pronunciation of the words. This goes on for what seems like hours and then food is brought in. One by one, each girl offers a cup of wine and herself to one of the guards. The wine is accepted but each girl is refused. Luma switches their bottoms for being insufficiently pleasing and then each girl kneels beside a male to be fed from his hand.

While the trainees allow themselves to be fed and then drink from bowls placed on the floor, the blonde comes over to speak to Diana. �It�s not worth the effort to try to buck a system that is 10,000 years old, Princess. You know that don�t you?� She pulls out the wadded cloth so that Princess, the slave, can answer her.

�Some women are fit to be slaves, Luma. I am not. I am a princess of a people who have rejected slavery in all its forms for three millennia.�

�True, yet you have the sexuality of a natural slave. Though you are new to the collar you respond to male touch as one who has known slave orgasm. Given that your options come down to being repeatedly raped and beaten half-to-death or to accept my training I fail to see what you think your present course of actions gains for you.�

�What happens to me if I do cooperate?�

�Ultimately you go to the highest bidder at the Love Festival in four weeks time. You will dress in some parody of your costume as a super heroine of Earth. You will be expected to put on a show on the block to raise the interest of the bidders. The show is mostly stagecraft, but some portion of it will have to come from who you are. It is admittedly humiliating the first time it happens to a girl, but in your case I can promise you a great deal of advance rehearsal.�

�What must I learn?�

�We have four weeks left to teach you how to pretend to be a more docile slave girl than you are now. To pretend at all convincingly, Princess, you have to understand how a slave girl is supposed to act. It will be mostly my job to teach you that. We also teach courses here in sexual submission and sexual technique. In your case we plan to forgo most of them. You are more than a hundred years old, they tell me. My trained eye tells me that in that time somebody used your natural sexuality to break you. I also see that you are absolutely determined that it will not happen again, am I right?�

Diana gave no answer, because to do so might give her opponent a weapon to use against her.

�Well in any case, my Master thinks you will bring a higher price if he sells you with a fair amount of spirit left. Of course, if you won�t cooperate his sole option becomes that of keeping you as long as it takes to destroy your mind and then selling that passion slave�s body of yours in some future Love Festival. I don�t know about you, but given your choice between eventual insanity and slavery I would chose slavery.� With that observation Luma stuffs the gag back in Wonder Woman�s mouth and retightens the leather strip before walking back to her students.

�We are finished here, except for our unwilling pupil. She had a rough night and needs to be cleaned up before the guards enjoy their afternoon treat.�

The soap has a disinfectant in it that burns like lye. The brushes have stiff bristles that scratch painfully as the dried blood and sperm is scrubbed away. Compared to the lash, the pain is nothing. But Diana�s resistance is low at the moment and she moans and whimpers as they clean the rapidly healing gashes in her back. �What a baby� Luma cracks and everyone in the room laughs except Wonder Woman, who blushes in humiliation.

When the slaves finish, Luma�s assistants herd them from the room in the direction of the exercise hall. Four of the guards remain in the room with Luma and Wonder Woman. Hakim arrives to join them. Diana cringes at the expressions of unrestrained lust on the men�s faces.

Luma�s voice is now cold and harsh. Here�s the deal, Wonder Whore. You're about to experience slave rape, Gorean style. Sometimes slave rape happens so fast you feel it more in your mind than in your body. Sometimes it�s so much like lovemaking you start to forget you�re a slave in a Master�s arms. But always it�s something you can�t stop, or avoid, or control in any way. I will be here the whole time reminding you that you are now just a slave and to encourage you to fully satisfy each free man in the house of Anwar.�

As Luma speaks the first guard is opening his tunic and laying it on the table beside Diana. Then he removes his loincloth to display a modest erection. Luma finishes speaking and kneels on the floor where a second man brings his sex to her mouth. Diana pays Luma no attention; her eyes are locked on the man standing between her bound legs. She wonders if it will be pain or pleasure that will be forced upon her.

The guardsman looks at the fantastically beautiful body before him and tries to ignore the battered face. He is short and squat and normally this slave would have towered over him. Tied and displayed as she is, Diana seems as small and feminine and vulnerable as any other Kajira. He touches her heat and finds moisture. �Good�, he thinks, �We want to teach this princess that she is slave, not tear her channel with our thrusting�. He pulls Wonder Woman�s nether lips apart with one hand and steadies himself with the other.

�No! NOOOOO!� the Amazon princess cries out as he sinks into her despite her efforts to tighten down against male penetration. Normally she would have been able to resist but she was used too harshly and recently by the male slaves. She is tight once more, but with her hands linked her muscles lack an Amazon�s strength and so her vaginal folds yield easily to his pressure. Once is he is fully seated the guardsman does the last thing she expects. He leans forward and kisses her.

Her bruised lips are gently, but inexorably, taken between his teeth and she realizes that they are at this man�s mercy as well. She feels his strong calloused hands cupping her breasts, and that intensifies her feelings of utter helplessness. Yet to her further humiliation it is not despair that follows, but arousal. She is becoming more and more aware of how his sex pulses within her but neither moves in or out.

Suddenly she bucks at the feel of small fingers on her body. One strokes her clitoris; the other is borrowing into her anus. It is Luma. �Move for him, slave girl. You know you want to and he�s not going to move within you until you show him you want it.� Diana tries her best to hold still but the trainer�s fingers simply make that impossible to do. Diana rolls her muscles like a belly dancer as few times and at last the guardsman begins to give her the internal stroking she craves.

Diana does not climax for the fat rapist, but she comes fairly quickly for the next man and almost immediately for the third; Luma�s skillful fingers give her no way to resist. Then Luma steps away to restore one of the spent men and a fourth rapist moves into position.

This man�s erection is bent oddly as it emerges from his body; it points straight at his chin. At his request Diana�s hair is untied so that he can pull her flush against his chest. When he enters her she realizes why he did that. The guard does not so much thrust forward into her as glide himself up and down against her body. From breasts to loins and inside her pussy as well, a hard male body caresses her. Meanwhile, his lips fasten on hers and his tongue explores her gums and lips so skillfully that she wants to kiss back the man whose muscled arms have enveloped her in male warmth.

Wonder Woman�s Amazon body is reflexively receptive to violation when she is chained; it is a part of her heritage. Now, fatigued to the limit of her endurance, her mind is becoming receptive as well. This time her growing pleasure is not tinged with shame and in a matter of a few minutes she is climaxing vocally for the first time. This guard has excellent staying power and by the time he injects her with his seed Diana is again screaming into the cloth gag.

The slave rapes continue until Diana is barely conscious. At that point Hakim calls a halt to the proceeding so that she can be fed and watered. Immediately after that they begin working a string of beads into her bottom hole. She wants to cry out in protest, but the gag they have reinserted reduces her cries of rage, shock and discomfort to mere mumbles. By the time the 5th marble is shoved inside she is squirming like an eel from the sensations. By the 7th she is trying to beg them to stop. By the 12th she is weeping from unrelieved sexual frustration.

�Let her loose.� Hakim orders and the guardsmen carefully unlock the cuffs. They shove Wonder Woman into the center of the room and depart. She is alone with the oversized slaver. �Princess,� he says using her slave name, �we are going to settle the matter of which of us is a slave in this cell. Your choices are immediate submission or combat hand to hand. Should you lose to me, I will lash you again and then the rest of the men of this house will continue raping you. Should you win you will be allowed to plead your case with the Master of this House. It is he who will decide whether to use you for more branding practice or as a reward to male slaves or whether to simply sell you as you are.

�What if I demand the Slaves Choice of death?� On Gor there is a saying that a person who is truly free will chose death over slavery. Commonly, the only free choice offered to captives is immediate death. Once they agree to slavery, death is not again offered as an escape from their chains. The policy makes sense; a slave has a financial value, which a captive may not have.

�You were very expensive as slaves go, He would probably choose to make your death as painful and degrading as he could. Chandor is not a merciful man. Nor will his Codes allow him to lightly accept such a large financial loss.�

�Then why should I bother to fight?�

�That is the first glimmer of wisdom you have shown in several hands of days, barbarian. More such wisdom is what you will learn in this house. Are you ready to fight?�

�No, I need to take these things out of my bottom first.

�You are welcome to try.� Hakim remarks as she reaches down to the string protruding between her buttcheeks.

Diana tries to get them out, she really does. But when one of the larger beads emerges the sensation which rocks her is so strong it buckles her knees. Hakim first stands and then kneels beside her, making it all worse. Wonder Woman can�t fend him off with just one hand. His hands at her breasts and loins bring her such pleasure that in the end she is unresisting when he positions her for his penetration.

The beads still within her make Diana�s vagina almost virginally tight so that despite her gushing moisture she doesn�t believe that she can take all of him. The dark-skinned warrior seems so long and thick, and he keeps surging deeper and deeper within her with each thrust, filling and stretching her tired and sore channel. �Hera, she cries out �I can�t take this, he�s too big.�

But of course he is not too big, and once he is inside all the way he pulls back slowly and surges back in just as slowly. After a few such strokes he starts to work the string of beads in and out of her. The mass of sensations that had once been Wonder Woman rears upright only to be forced back into her hands and knees by the dark-skinned giant�s hand on the back of her neck.

Wonder Woman�s hands are free but she has no way to fight against the man kneeling behind her except to push against the floor and attempt to rise against his pressure. Already exhausted, and with the waves of pre-orgasmic pleasure surging through her body, she doesn�t have the strength or will to resist for long. Instead she bucks and sways her hips in a desperate effort to entice her dominating rapist to go faster.

�That�s the way, slut. Give your master a good ride. Let go of your resistance and accept that you are just a hot juicing female with a master�s sex within your body. It�s okay to come now, in fact I order it.�

Wonder Woman�s mind flashes back to when the Nazi Countess�s rape machine had control of Diana�s body while her sister�s magic lasso enabled the Countess to command her emotions. She had come on command again and again. It had been humiliating and frightening and yet indescribably thrilling. There is no magic lasso this time, but Diana still chooses to relax and let her body�s sensations take over.

Hakim watches in fascination as his defeated captive displays a depth of sensuality only Luma had suspected was there. Diana starts to ripple her body from shoulders to knees and then back again and her words egg him on in the barbaric tongue of English. He thinks at first that she is trying to force him to come quickly but when she squeezes him in spasms of orgasm he realizes that she is concerned primarily with her own pleasure.

And pleasure there is. Wonder Woman screams out her sexual surrender and lets the emotional and physical floodgates open. She comes and then comes again in increasing quick succession. Feelings of utter bliss and powerlessness overwhelm every other facet of her being until in complete exhaustion she passes out cold. She had not even noticed that Hakim had pulled the last of the beads from her body as he was inundating her with his gushing sperm.

The chief trainer pulls himself to his feet and wonders what the hell he should do next. �Had she submitted or fought me and lost?� he wonders. She had resisted but struck no blows. In all honestly, the idea of using the lash on a woman is distasteful despite the physician Vikan�s assurance that she will heal by the festival. He decides to confer with Chandor before tying her to the whipping post.

* * * *

Diana regains consciousness in darkness; a hood of some kind covers the top half of her face. She can feel that her rectum is stuffed with something that feels similar to the string of beads but is slightly thicker. Something in her vagina buzzes whenever her inner muscles squeeze down upon it. She assumes it is a vibrating dildo. Her hands are not tied in any way, and yet she is powerless to remove the two tormentors because of a cage encasing her from the shoulders down.

She is back in that small cage in which she originally awakened on Gor only this time it is tipped so that her head is on top. Her teeth are held apart by a special form of gag with a hole down the middle. She whimpers in shame at what awaits her. That kind of gag has a special sinister purpose.

The Princess of Themyscira spends the rest of the day and most of the night that follows orally servicing the pleasures of men. She never once sees the faces of the men who erupt in her mouth or over her face. She never touches their bodies with anything besides her face or the inside of her mouth. Whenever she fails to use her tongue to enhance their pleasure or open her throat for a full penetration the vibrator inside her delivers an unpleasant shock. When she performs well it provides unwanted pleasure, making her degradation even more complete. She doesn�t bother to count the men. All that matters is that she has been shown convincingly that her sexual service to the slavers is not hers to choose to grant or deny. As a slave she will be used as her masters direct.

No,� she insists to herself at one point. �I am not a slave, I am Diana of Themyscira. I am simply a prisoner here. I will not help them sell me as a trained animal.�

Two days later Wonder Woman capitulates. It is no one large thing that forces her concession; it is simply the realization that she has no prospect of escape or rescue: nothing to look forward to but the routine of the previous days. Chandor has arranged for her total sexual exploitation for 48 hours with almost no pauses, followed by a day of rest and recovery before the cycle is repeated. They had even pulled out the rings and pins that had been forced through her nipples, nose, and navel only to reinsert them two days later.

After she is re-branded for a second time she is immediately lashed with yet another additional stroke added. When she loses consciousness from the pain, (which is enhanced by drugs given to her during force feedings,) they revive her by rubbing something into the raw skin of her back and thighs. Diana knows better by now than to try to endure this third lashing in silence. Each time before, any attempt to resist the pain had only made them swing harder. This time she screams and begs them to stop the whole time. It is, after all, what she wants: for the pain to stop.

A single guard leads the rubber-legged slave girl to a cage full of glassy-eyed male slaves already sporting erections. She thinks once more that she is more than 180 million miles from any help, without her magic equipment, completely alone. Pride hasn�t protected her from slavery, it has only made her the practice dummy for the slavers� whips and brands and sex organs. Surely her next owner will be better than Chandor who cares not a whit that she is beautiful or courageous or intelligent. He cares only that she helps him turn a profit some day.

The guard sees the tall kajira violently shaking her head, her eyes pleading above the gag in her mouth. He tightens his grip on her arm, expecting resistance. She does more than resist. She stomps her shackled feet on his and when he releases her to draw his whip she head-butts him so hard that the air rushes from his lungs. He goes down dazed.

When he recovers he sees the slave now standing over him. To his astonishment her hands, though still shackled at the wrists, are in front of her rather than behind her.(fn8) He watches her reach up to untie the leather of the gag. He springs to his feet and this time it is his sword that he reaches to draw.

Wonder Woman throws herself at the guard�s knees and he goes down with bone-jarring force as something twists and possibly tears in his left leg. She lies on top of him so that it is difficult to draw his weapon and wraps the chain on her wrists around his neck and presses on his voice box so that he cannot call for help.

�I want you to take me to Chandor. If you agree to do that and not tell him that I took you down like this, I promise you such sexual service as you have only dreamed about. Do you agree?�

He nods carefully, thinking �This crazy slave is prepared to kill me.� As soon as he is back on his feet he tries to cuff her face for her insolence. To his surprise she blocks the blow and moves closer. Her strong hand grabs his testicles through the cloth of his toga. �Naughty, Naughty.� She taunts him. Then her voice becomes low and hard. �I am a trained warrior several times your age. I have fallen slave but I need not grovel for the likes of you. Now take me to my master.�

�He is not here.� The guard's voice is a squeak.

�Don�t lie to me. I just saw him.�

�That was Chandor. He owns this place of business but does not own you. He has taken gold to train you and will receive a commission on your sale.�

�Who owns me?� Diana is thinking that it might be vitally important to know. It is not a good thing to be in the power of a completely unknown opponent.

�I do not know. Your collar says only that you are a kajira named �Princess�.�

�Will Chandor know?"

When the hapless guard replies that Chandor would probably know, Diana released him. Then she strokes her hand against his bare thigh. Shortly afterward, in that hallway, for the first time of her own free will, Diana Princess of Themyscira uses her body to placate the wrath of a male.

About twenty Ehn later, �Princess� kneels before the chair of the Master of the House of Anwar and begs for the training of a Gorean slave girl. �La kajira� she tells him.

Chandor consents to her request. Then at his order Princess is tied hand and foot to the whipping post and beaten nearly to death with the lash for striking a free person. It takes the Amazon two days to regain enough strength to begin Luma�s lessons. The scars on her back are completely healed a week after that but the unseen greater scars on her mind linger on.  


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