Dedicated to Russkere for his artwork in general and "Klingonned Andorian" in particular

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"You may drive a hard bargain, cap'n," said the merchant through his unkempt beard, "but there are only so many deuterium dealers on this neutral station. One, to be precise. Me."

Jamie T. Clit, Captain of HMS Enterass, rested her chin on her hands and peered at the self-satisfied trader. He tweaked his collar and shifted in the chair.

"Point taken, Mr. Monopoly'gammee. What do you want in exchange for a tonne of deuterium?" spoke Jamie and took a deep breath. "Some primitive currency? Chests of gold? Ten herds of cows?"

"Please, cap'n, nothin' so crude. All I desires is a night with ya mighty divine body."

"Ah," said Jamie tactfully and recrossed her legs. She looked at her compatriots at the table. Suck, the First Officer, was sitting to her right and looking very nonchalant. Lieutenants Stickov and Sultry were sharing a chair to her left. The redshirt that accompanied them was nowhere to be seen.

"I'll even throw in a few Nibbles," offered Monopoly'gammee. He was losing his poker face. Deuterium was easy to come by on KYgel if one knew how to look.

"Nibbles?" asked Suck, very surprised at her ignorance of the matter.

"They make very cute pets. Ya'll love 'em. Honest," mumbled the flustered deuterium dealer. Nibbles were even easier to come by on KYgel than Deuterium.

"Here's my final counter-offer, Mr. Mono," said the Captain in a surgically precise tone. Suck casually unholstered her hazer in a manner that drew Mr. Mono's attention. "You will provide us with two standard tonnes of deuterium and those Nibbles that you speak of. In exchange, Lieutenant Sultry over here will suck you off."

"Captain?" yelped Sultry. She had been lost in thoughts about the specific itchiness of her chair on her bare ass and the general unsavouriness of the space station.

"You heard me, Sultry. We do need that deuterium to get back to Earth," replied the Captain matter-of-factly.

"Aye, aye," mumbled the Lieutenant and muttered quietly as she got under the table. "The things I do for Slut Fleet."


Jamie relaxed back in her cool bridge chair. Lieutenant Sultry had asked to be relieved and was sulking back in her quarters. Fortunately for the Captain, the cooing brown-furred Nibble in her hand was doing a wonderful job of taking her mind off that problem.

"Captain, Ensign Prude has not returned from the station yet," reported Suck.

Her thought sequence interrupted, the Captain dropped the soft Nibble in her bare lap and looked in the direction of the voice.


"Ensign Prude, the redshirt that accompanied to the station, has not returned. She is not responding to her communicator and a Hardon ship..."

"Whoa!" interjected Captain Clit.

Jamie's Nibble was the indirect source of this particular interruption. Its sensitive olfactory senses picked up on the closeness of the Captain's warm vagina and it edged towards the lovely organ. When in range, the furry creature unrolled out a warm tongue into the human's pussy.

"What the hell?"

The Nibble locked onto her flesh with its toothless mouth and gave her no choice in the matter. It pushed its thin red tongue up to Jamie's cervix, dragging its rough tip past her pussy walls. Having established its limits, it proceeded to lick the insides of her cunt with what would be termed great skill if its real goal were bringing her to orgasm. It wasn't.

Next to the Navigation console, Lieutenant Stickov was getting the blowjob of his life from a grey-furred Nibble that had wrapped its tongue around the tip of Stickov's shaft. The Nibble's lips were working on his cock tip while the tongue squeezed sideways along its curved path and licked Stickov's balls.

Completing the scene, a black-with-white-spots Nibble was driving Communications Officer Assura towards ecstasy behind the Captain's chair.

Suck was the only one not being petted by a Nibble pet for this day was one of the six in a week on which she suppressed her sex drive. She stood at her post and waited for the orgy to subside, lifting an eyebrow at the more evocative of the cries of carnal joy. The low temperature setting in the ship's climate controls caused her to rub her sides frequently and to keep her legs close together.


A large invisible hand drew itself over Ensign Prude's mouth and dragged her backwards into a side corridor away from the main Enterass party. A few passerbies stared, but strange locomotion methods weren't that uncommon on KYgel 7 and they could live with one that featured the person bend backwards, defy gravity, and humph as their leather boots dragged on the ground. Based on the way her unclothed pelvis stuck out, it was probably a mating season thing.

The dragging ended in a dark corridor next to a docking bay. The hyperventilating blue-skinned redshirt was let down onto the floor. Her legs sprawled and she passed out. The abductor visibled himself as a Hardon in a rather unconventionally technological outfit. Four other Hardons emerged from the shadows.

"Good work, Tear'ass son of Big'ass. She'll do. The only copy of our new cloaking design works perfectly," said the biggest of the four in the usual Hardon roar. Ensign Prude's legs shook.

"It was an honour," replied Tear'ass stiffly.

"Another great task is about to be beset on you."

"I live to serve," uttered Tear as the standard reply.

"HMS Enterass, the flagship of the Federation scum, is docked on this insignificant border station."

"Yes, my liege."

"You will join the weaklings as they return from shore leave to their pathetic scrap of metal. Once on board, you will rape and dishonour them. You will then leave the laughable vessel behind and return to the great Hardon Empire."

"By Cuntful, the Federation whores shall know true fear!" oathed the cloak-possessing Hardon and left.

The big Hardon chuckled and picked up the whimpering Ensign Prude by one of her trembling legs. He slung her limp Andorian form over his shoulder and lumbered back to his own ship in wide strides.


"What happened?" asked the Captain as she came to.

"You, Lieutenant Stickov, and Comm Officer Assura collapsed of sexual exhaustion last night," replied the ever-vigilant Suck.

"Oh yeah. Those Nibbles are wonderful with the little details..." trailed off the Captain, shaking the fuzziness out of her mind.

"I would like to bring to your attention the fact that there are eight times as many of them now."

"Eh? Give them out to people or something. I need some real sleep," stated the Captain in a stupour from the turbolift that she had just entered. The doors closed.

Suck pondered this for a while and delegated the handing out of Nibbles to the morning crew. She flipped open her communicator.

"Suck to Doctor Boner. I need you on the bridge."


Lieutenant Sultry entered her quarters and collapsed on the sofa in quiet rage. The Captain had made her give head to that repellent KYgelian. The filthy trader certainly wasn't up to a Neanderthal's hygiene standards and hers were a bit higher to say the least. She loved and respected Jamie, but there are some things one shouldn't ask of one's loyal followers. Placing a disgusting KYgellian's dick into her mouth was one of them.

She massaged her forehead and, opening her eyes, lifted one of her long legs into the chilling cabin air. Sultry removed one of her boots and ran her hands along the leg back to her ass. Her other leg received the same treatment.

The sofa supported the weight of Sultry's tool belt and Nibble as Sultry herself departed for her doorless bathroom.

Once there, Sultry thumped down on her toilet teleporter and started it. It evacuated the fecal matter from her lower intestines and moved some fat about her body based on the "ideal body" profile she had made when she first moved in. The Lieutenant thought for a while and programmed the toilet to remove the semen that she swallowed. This would probably be noted in her medical records as bulimia and Doctor Boner could get unreasonable, but...

She switched her shower from sonic to water even though that took a huge bite out of one's energy rations and entered it. The water droplets, manipulated by subspace fields, bombarded her from all six sides.

Back in the main room, the doors opened. The gold-furred Nibble on Sultry's sofa growled at the empty space outside the doors. It quieted down after being flung across the room.

"FUCK!" swore Sultry back in the shower. She had forgotten to take off her tunic and it was completely soaked now. The unnecessary yellow garment clung to her skin and felt very heavy on her large breasts.

While Sultry was getting pissed in the shower stall, the invisible Hardon entered the bathroom. He spied the Lieutenant in the shower. Sultry's arms were resting on the opposing wall and her hair was soaked through and hanging over her face. Her body was being battered by multidirectional streams of water; her straight back, her still clothed above-average breasts, and her spread and well-muscled legs.

"What now?" asked Sultry when she heard the footsteps behind her and turned her head to watch.

Her liquid soap levitated off a shower shelf and was poured itself into her asscrack. An empty phallic shape appeared in the water droplets next to her ass to which it slowly drew itself. By the time this Hardon-sized penis reached her sphincter, an Hardon-sized body appeared in the water and two invisible hands grasped and pulled apart her small butt cheeks.

Tear'ass son of Big'ass roared a battlecry and pushed his ridged cock cm by cm into the Federation officer. It took almost thirty seconds for him push the phallus in its entirety into the inviolate ass of Lieutenant Sultry. Having accomplished this great task, he dug his hands into Sultry's buttocks and began making powerful thrusts into the Lieutenant. He drew it out and stretched his victim's ass before he finally came in large spurts into her clean orifice. Tear switched off the water as he pulled out and covered Sultry's back in cum with the last great spurt.

Satisfied, Tear'Ass left Sultry lying on the heated floor of the shower stall and departed.

A minute later, the door chimed. Two male security officers entered Sultry's quarters.

"Lieutenant Sultry," cried out one of them, "You have used up inordinate amounts of water. Are you all right?"

A weak no sounded from the bathroom.

"Sultry's fucking hot," whispered the other one. "I'd love to get into her pants."

Naturally, these pants were metaphorical. The Slut Fleet uniform code was quite clear on the clothing that is required and pants were nowhere on its list. Neither were skirts, shorts, bikini bottoms, and - most importantly - panties. No clothing interfered with the security's getting into Sultry's pants when they found her whimpering on the bathroom floor.


Ensign Prude woke up on the Hardon bridge and lifted her head. A gas giant was on the viewscreen.

"She wakes!" a voice right behind her bellowed.

She turned her antennaed head and saw the face of the Hardon captain on whose crotch she was sitting.

"Welcome to the crew, Slut Fleet slut. Your new position is Captain's Fuck'Toy."

"Fuck'Toy? I warn you, Hardon, Federation won't stand for this," murmured Prude meekly.

"The Federation? The Federation will take anything we push up her ass and smile. They have no HONOUR," thundered the Captain. "Now, it's time to break you in, Fuck'Toy!"

With this, the Hardon flung aside his already unstrapped codpiece and grabbed the redshirt by her smooth blue thighs. He pushed her down onto his hard and impressive - even for a Hardon - cock and pushed into her sky-blue pussy. His ridged penis didn't fail to produced the desired effect and soon the Enterass crewmember was moaning with his every thrust.

She had been a virgin up to that point in her life, a very strange thing in a culture that took free love seriously and found tentacled monsters on every planet, and yet the horror of all of this was not making her afraid. It was not the certainty that Captain Jamie T. Clit would rescue her that filled her head with hope but rather the giddy exhilaration of being fucked by a strange alien on an unfriendly vessel and enjoying every minute of it.

Ensign Prude climaxed and her unusually tight pussy contracted on the Hardon's cock. "Tried to contract" would have been a better phrase, for humans had not had a chance to adapt to Hardon penises and the Captain was a giant among his kind. Her muscles tightened and spasmed and she rode out his ejaculation into post-coital bliss.

The cum of Big'One, as he was about to introduce himself, baptised Prude into Fuck'Toy; she swung from one extreme to another in a blink of a one-eyed-monster.

"This Fuck'Toy's loving this or my name is not Big'One son of Already'Done," boasted the Captain. "Cumwine Officer, tattoo her well!"

It was customary on Hardon ships to tattoo onto their Fuck'Toys the uniforms they were captured in. Naturally, this was easier with the skimpily dressed humans than with the fully covered Ribulons or the body-armoured Shaftassians.

Bulge, the Cumwine Officer, approached the former Ensign who was still impaled on the slowly shrinking Big'One. Resting one hand on her knee, he scanned her tunic into his tattooer, carefully moving one breast and then the other to get down all the details. He reached for Fuck'Toy's hemline, but she whipped her tunic off before he got the chance to touch it again and grinned maniacally. Raucous laughter resonated around the bridge as the redshirt got rid of the ponytail that no longer suited her personality.

While Fuck'Toy was still holding her arms in a convenient position, the Cumwine Officer applied the tattoo of Ensign Prude's uniform to Fuck'Toy's body. In the meantime, the Hardon Captain was getting into a mean mood. Enthusiasm was all well and good, but this was approaching insubordination.

He took out a ceremonial heated rapier out of a chair-mounted scabbard and set its temperature to maximum. Grabbing Fuck'Toy's breasts with one hand, he deftly punctured both of the redshirt's nipples with the red-hot blade. She didn't expect this.

With one strike, Big punctured Ensign Prude's bubble of elation and instantaneously crushed her back to the old personality. Her mouth turned to the o-shape of surprise and betrayal and she slumped in the chair. The Cumwine Officer completed his work by putting rings into Prude's agonized nipples, stringing a chain between them, and tattooing Fuck'Toy's title above her navel.

In Ensign Prude's mind, this always happened to her. She'd get comfortable with a something new and someone would ruin it. It happened back home on And/or, it happened back in the Academy, it happened on Enterass, and now it happened her. Every attempt she made of reaching out to other people got shot down.

The crushed woman slid onto the misty floor of the Hardon ship, her pussy letting go of the Captain's cock with an audible pop. The Captain held out a pair of chain-mail panties before her widened eyes.

"This is my way of ensuring that I am the only one who fucks my Fuck'Toy," said he, pulling the redshirt back up.

"Now go and feed on my men's cum, Fuck'Toy, as is proper. That's the only nourishment you are going to get from now on, so you better feed well," said the Hardon Captain as he locked the cold metal underwear into position.

He pushed the Fuck'Toy towards a corridor towards the mess hall and resumed his Captaining, a task consisting mostly of exchanging insults with the female crewmembers and browbeating his officers into submission.


Crew rotation resulted in that morning's bridge shift consisting entirely of female redshirts. Ensign Swa Lo had just been decorated with Zero of Starfleet award and was in command of Ensigns Thai't and Beri Whet at the helm and Ensign Licker at the communications console. First Officer Suck and Doctor Boner were whispering by the turbolifts while Nibbles were entertaining the morning shift.

"You were right to call me Suck," said the smirking Doctor. "This looks like a fun party to join."

"That's not why I called you here, Boner," replied the perpetually calm Suck. "If you would care to notice, there are over a hundred Nibbles on the bridge. We brought five on board. At this rate, the Enterass will become stuffed with them in two days."

"Suck, that problem's as easy as Lieutenant Sultry. A critter as simple as one that takes in bodily fluids and spits out copies of itself can be safely sterilised with radiation. Is that all?"

"Yes, Doctor Boner, thank you," answered Suck and was lost in thought.

"Good," snapped back the Doctor testily and descended towards Swa Lo. She was leaning back in the Captain's chair, her mouth open and her eyes closed, kneading her red uniform. The little furball that was wrapped around her pelvis was sucking her wet pussy dry.

The Doctor stroked his erection and, seeing her lack of interest, picked up a Nibble of his own and retired to his quarters.

Suck's communicator chimed back in her corner of the bridge.

"This is security. We've found Lieutenant Sultry raped in her quarters. She claims it felt like a Hardon."

"This is Suck," the First Officer messaged back. "Keep me posted."


Hardon philosophy saw no need to go beyond the eating, drinking, and being merry approach for tomorrow was always a good day to die. The mess hall was crowded with Hardons trying their best to prepare for tomorrow.

Fuck'Toy was bumped into by unfriendly bodies. She was pushed and showed this way and that. Her breasts were felt up by rough hands. Her nipple chain was jerked. Loose weapons scratched her skin in a myriad places, temporarily overwhelming her enhanced 23rd century healing rate. The redshirt sought refuge underneath one of the less occupied grimy tables.

Brownian motion of the drunken Hardons soon resulted in a party of them sitting down on benches on both sides of Ensign Prude. A broad-sweeping leg found the treasure cowering underneath the table and an arm belonging to the leg's owner pulled her sideways.

"Ach, I f'nd th' new F'ck'Toy," the Hardon bellowed and plunged his cock into the Federation citizen's throat. Its size was somewhat diluted by the amount of cumwine he had consumed and Prude managed to take the deep throating with the minimum of gagging.

Her options being somewhat limited, she applied her tongue to the ridged Hardon member with the best of her intuition. Fortunately, it didn't take much and a searing load of Hardon jizz soon slid down Ensign Prude's throat.

The Hardon's sigh of relief made his cumming public knowledge and one of his companions reached for the Toy. By grabbing her nipple chain, he encouraged her to let go of his comrade's cock, to crawl into the cumwine puddle between his legs, and to suck him off in turn.


Having returned from shore leave on KYgel 7 the day before, Ensign Ho Twat was sleeping soundly in her quarters. Even parochial outposts knew how to party in the 23rd century.

She was sleeping face down on her enveloping Squornshellous Zeta mattress. A soothing climate control breeze blew across her bare back. A shadow failed to fall on her goose bumped posterior when an invisible shape stepped silently into her door less bedroom.

Ho murmured under her breath and shifted her position slightly. A moment later, her sleepy eyes opened wide and her naked form flew backwards onto an empty space a metre behind her former position. Her velocity dropped quickly to zero as the ridges of the erect Hardon cock braked against the walls of the human snatch that it had already stretched to an unbelievable degree.

"Oomph," mouthed Ensign Twat once the dick found its way inside her in its entirety. She didn't get to mouth a lot more for a while, for the cloaked Hardon began fucking her in earnest. She was moved horizontally in space nearly a foot in one direction and the same distance in the other; her pussy lips were shaking hither and yon from being hit by invisible ridges. Her thighs were reddening around finger depressions visible in them.

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