As the Hardon neared release, Tear'Ass' riding of the redshirt became faster and jerkier. Her perky breasts acquired their own ideas of where they should be going and shook in directions opposite to the rest of the Ensign's body. Finally, the soft human skin under his grip whitened from pressure and his derrick shot its mother lode. Tear'Ass' cum machine-gunned itself into Ho Twat and pushed its way into the depth of her womb.

Having thus "dishonoured the Federation whore", Tear'Ass dropped Ho onto her Squornshellous Beta bed and stealthily departed.

Ho Twat rested for five minutes and collected her thoughts. She was in no shape to argue with horny security officers, but she didn't particularly feel like letting her screw her as they customarily screwed anyone who summoned them. At long last and with great reluctance, she tapped her communicator.


Suck's communicator chimed. She answered it.

"This is security. We have found yet another female staff member raped in her quarters. It was Ensign Ho Twat."

"Curious," the First Officer replied. "Keep me updated."

Another curious thing happened at that moment. The doors of a bridge turbolift opened and revealed empty space. Turbolifts being one of the few bug-free Federation of Orgies technologies, this was extremely curious. Even more curious was the fact that the Nibbles closest to the turbolift began growling.

The epicentre of the growling moved in powerful strides towards the command bay. The personnel on duty included Comm Officer Assura, Lieutenant Sultry whose depression had been swept away by the tongue of a Nibble, and a formerly refreshed Captain Jamie T. Clit.

Just as the Captain bucked with another orgasm coupled with a discharge of juices into the Nibble's sponge-like tongue, she was hurled unto the grey-carpeted floor. Suck lifted one of her eyebrows - the left one for variety's sake; no one else thought it more important than the Nibbles between their legs.

The dumfounded Captain began pushing herself up only to be slammed down by the meteoric entry of 200 kilograms of Hardon manhood into her gaping butt hole.

Seeing Jamie's bosom thus squished against the floor, Suck quietly summoned security from her observation post in the corner.

Tear'Ass, the cloaked Hardon, faithfully continued his "humiliation" of the highest ranking officer on HMS Enterass. Mercilessly pounding Jamie's ass, he scratched symbols of Cuntful, the founder of the Hardon Empire, in her sides. Little encumbered by the weight of his equipment, he raped Jamie's rear to a depth yet unmatched in her years of loyal service in the Slut Fleet of the United Federation of Orgies.

Minutes later, Tear let out a great howl - a howl that awoke for a brief instant the minds of the rest of the bridge crew - and sowed his seeds into the untouched realms in her bowels. He withdrew from the worn out asshole of Captain Jamie T. Clit and ritualistically spit on her prostrated back.

This final act of desecration was his undoing. Security officers in both bridge turbolifts fired their hazers at the saliva's point of origin. Luckily for Tear'Ass' life, their beams melted down and disabled his one-of-a-kind cloaking equipment.

Defeated, the Hardon warrior dropped to his knees. With the stoic resolution of a noble soul, he utterred a prayer to the Cuntful and unsheathed his dagger. Solemnly, he plunged it into his heart and fell face down onto the carpet by the violated body of the Federation Captain.

Suck took note of this conclusion to one of the problems on her mind and turned her sights back towards her scanning equipment. Conveniently for the narrative, she spotted the Hardon ship over the magnetically-active north pole of the KYgel XIII gas giant.

The First Officer approached the comm station - Assura was in no condition for this - and hailed the hostile vessel.

"This is First Officer Suck of the Federation Slutship Enterass. Please identify yourself."

"Hail, Federation bitch," boomed Big'One from the viewscreen. "Behold your crewmate and fear the Hardon Empire."

With this greeting, he pulled the Andorrian redshirt up by her hair into Suck's field of view. Ensign Prude's blue antennae hung limply by her ears.

"Behold yours," replied Suck after a moment's thought.

"Hmm? FUCKDAMMIT!" roared the Hardon Captain when he spotted the bloody form on the floor.

"How does an exchange sound?" inquired the Vulvan First Officer.

"Acceptable," spit back the furious Big. Some unlucky Hardon in his brig would have a very rough night.

"We'd prefer ours alive," noted Suck - Ensign Prude's eyes opened wide.

"Whatever," cursed Big'One and left his bridge.


Fuck'Toy sat merrily on the Sick Bay bank and swung her legs in the buff.

"Hello, Ensign Prude," said Doctor Boner.

"Hi, Doctor Boner," she waved back.

"Okay. What Hardon alterations do you want removed?"

The tattooed redshirt grabbed his index finger and dragged it on her breasts.

"Could you, like, get rid of this shirt tattoo? It's useless," bantered Ensign Prude and dragged Boner's fingers onto a nipple. "And could you like, you know, remove the piercings."

She slid his unresisting finger towards her bellybutton.

"I think I'll keep the 'Fuck'Toy' inscription."

"Ah," said the Doctor, his schedule for the day much clarified.


Captain Jamie T. Clit was lying on her desk in the ready room with an ice bag clenched between her asscheeks. The First Officer entered the room.

"At ease. Report, Suck," she ordered.

"Thank you, Jamie. No further crew members have been assaulted sexually since the capture and death of the cloaked Hardon. The exchange for Ensign Prude was not mishandled by either side. Nibble numbers have been brought under control. Finally, if I may suggest something, Nibbles could be an excellent way to counteract all the morale problems caused by the gender imbalance on our slutships."

"Yes, Suck, that's a damn good idea. We just can't get the males to enlist. I'll bring it up in Slut Fleet command when we get back," responded the throught-provoked Captain.



"I believe I can heal your egestion orifice again."

"Do proceed," playfully ordered the grinning captain.

Suck bent over the table with Jamie's legs hanging off by the sides of her head. She sensually slid out the ice bag and used her tongue to apply ancient Vulvan healing techniques to the Captain's bruised rectum.