Dedicated to Pandawoo for his artwork in general and Randy Alien 2 in particular

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Captain Jamie T. Clit leaned back in her luxurious captain's chair and waited as the scans of this star system were being done. She crossed and uncrossed her bare legs and pulled down on her shirt. The current Slut Fleet uniform was a casual one that specified a small sweater and nakedness from the midriff down save for a leather tool belt and a pair of boots.

"Captain," cried out Suck, her Vulvan First Officer, "The planet is an idyllic Earth-like planet, but the scans have not detected any intelligent life forms. However, we are reading some strange energy signatures in the crust."

"What do you recommend, Suck?"

"An away team would give us an accurate portrayal of these signatures from up close and would help in determining their exact nature."

"Sounds good. Suck, you are beaming down with me," said the Captain and, after tapping a key on her keyboard, "Doctor Boner, you will accompany us on the away team to the planet surface."


The away team materialised on the planet's surface with the early morning sun shining on their lithe bodies. A soothing bird cry rang out from a nearby glade.

"Captain, these..."

"Please call me Jamie, Suck." interrupted the Captain.

"Captain," First Officer Suck continued unperturbed, "these two in red uniforms are Ensign Spitz and Ensign Swa Lo. They are in Engineering and Chief Engineer Horny wishes that they obtain some real world experience."

"I can see that. Charmed," said the captain. Slut Fleet instilled discipline among its ensigns by requiring them to shave their pubic hair. This was more or less visible in the current uniform.

Jamie shook her head. Her short and curvy hair, being attached to her head, followed its movements up and down.

"We are going to split into three parties. Suck, you and Ensign Spitz will go on in that direction. It looks as if there is a lake there; that might help your scans.

Jamie T. Clit took a deep breath and looked around the green field once again. Thunder rolled somewhere even though the sky was cloudless and appeared especially clear.

"Boner, you and... Was it Wah Low?"

"Swa Lo, Captain," corrected the Ensign.

"Boner, you and Ensign Swa Lo will go in the opposite direction. Myself, I will survey this particular spot. We will all rendezvous here in two hours."

"Aye aye, Captain," the Ensign saluted sharply.

"And Boner?" said the Captain.


"At ease, man. Seriously."

Jamie pulled down on her sweater making her hemline almost reach down to her navel, but it pulled itself back up again. The three parties set out for their respective objectives.


"Have you been in Slut Fleet long, Doctor?" asked Ensign Swallow. She was in the vanguard, so she turned her pony tailed head to look at her superior officer.

Doctor Boner made no reply. He was focusing on Ensign Swallow's well-tanned ass and the way it swayed as she bounded forward in the strides of a redshirt on her first away mission.

"Doctor Boner?" repeated Swallow.

"Oh, yes. I've served for ten years on various ships. My first one was HMS Penetration captained by Stud Archer himself. I was only assigned to HMS Enterass last year," droned off Boner.

"Well, HMS Enterass is my first ship," said the redshirt excitedly. "I am, like, so intimidated. The ships I served on at the academy were much older and smaller than these. Anyways, these woods remind me of the ones around my grandfather's farm. I once went camping and was bitten by these mosquitoes and, like, totally swelled up. I am, like, so allergic to their bites."

"Hmm? Indeed," said the still preoccupied Doctor.

"I sure am glad there are no mosquitoes here. I can just imagine how horrible I'd look the next time I show up for duty if I got bitten," prattled off Swallow as an ominous buzz arose around them.

A black insectoid cloud converged on Swallow and ignored her best efforts to push it away with her hands. The bugs stung her long legs, her flat stomach, her smooth back, and her rounded ass. The tunic offered some protection, but a few of the mosquitoes managed to get past it. Boner tried his best to help the redshirt, but his slaps on her ass did nothing but redden it further. A mosquito flew up Swillow's nose and she began sneezing like crazy.

The doctor kind-heartedly circled her trying to clear the bugs from both her ass and her pubic region when Swa Lo sneezed on him. The cloud withdrew as quickly as it came, leaving the poor ensign sneezing and covered in a milliard of tingling bites. Boner brushed off some mucus off his shirt.

Suddenly, a giant translucent monster akin to an amoeba materialised before the perplexed pair. It extended its pseudopods and approached at an unexpectedly brisk pace. Boner managed to run a couple metres to the side, but the still-dazed ensign was engulfed by the now transparent bacterium. He watched in horror as the equally surprised creature tried to osmose Ensign Swa Lo.

The Ensign was engulfed up to her breasts in the rubbery skin of the amoeba when it began extending tendrils into her orifices. It pushed hard into her pussy, her ass, and even made a lacklustre attempt to penetrate her in the navel.

A few moans escaped Swa Lo's lips as the walls of the tendrils began to vibrate in a desperate attempt to absorb her, the seemingly indigestible object. Swa Lo began panting and not just because the creature was obstructing her breathing. The shaking tendrils in her pussy brought her to a climax just as Boner shook the blank expression from his face and unclipped a hazer from his tool belt.

He shot the creature not a moment too soon - it was about to cover Swallow's face. Fifteen seconds of continuous fire made its cellular walls disintegrate and the cytoplasm followed the laws of gravity to the ground with an enormous splash. With the amoeba - its own shock unknown to the two humans - sent to peaceful oblivion, all seemed almost well.

"Damn! This monster goo has made my tunic transparent. I hope nothing happens to my hair..." swore the Ensign and tried to dry herself doggy style. Boner walked up and helped her dry her back. Out of curiosity, he gathered some of the goo onto his finger and tasted it.

"By Jim! This tastes very good," he exclaimed. "Taste it," he then said, unintentionally phrasing it as order.

Boner gathered some more of the goo from her back with his hand and moved it towards the Ensigns mouth. Instead of taking it off his hand, Swillow licked it off and looked at him expectantly. The Ensign slurped up the next load all up and smiled.

"Drying isn't the only thing one can do doggy style," said the doctor in an unneeded attempt to be witty and licked off goo all the way down her backbone. When he reached her butt crack, he straightened and pushed his proverbial boner into her welcoming cunt as she arched her back and began moaning once again.


Jamie Clit thought idly about the rendezvous scans and made intermittent follow-up scans of the area. Nothing interesting showed up, so she let her thoughts wonder elsewhere. The particular place to which her thoughts were drawn was the current conflict between the United Federation of Orgies and the Hardon Empire.

Having nothing to do, her limbs unconsciously practised the defensive manoeuvres taught at the Slut Fleet Academy. About to make another scan, she became aware of this and consciously stopped the waste of energy. A serious of grunts and boasts in Hardon issued from the bushes to her left.

A Hardon warrior in full battle armour walked out of the bushes in front of her. Another one joined his comrade in the clearing behind her.

"Q'apla, Federation bitch. I am Bash'tard son of Big'tard!" hollerred the one in front. "There is no challenge in killing you. You force us to fuck you beforehand in order to derive just a little pleasure from this!"

Bash'tard strode up to Jamie as her hands assumed a defensive position and were directed with great force at his chin. The Hardon behind her swung the balance back in their favour by pinning her arms and only grinned more when she swung the back of her skull against the rippled front of his.

"You will pay for that, Federation bitch," he said and twisted Jamie's nipples through the uniform. "Bah, your nipples aren't even pierced. No self-respecting Hardon has unpierced nipples past the age of twelve," ranted Bash'tard while the captain winced.

With his comrade holding Jamie by the waist and pinning her arms, Bash ripped off her weaponry belt. He then grabbed her knees and spread her legs. After unstrapping his codpiece, he pulled out and stroked his nine-inch Hardon cock.

Being satisfied that the "Federation bitch" was duly impressed and/or horrified, he rammed it in. Jamie's pussy walls were over-stimulated by Bash's penis ridges and her face went through a thousand expressions in a blink of an eye.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaoh," cried Jamie.

"Aooooooooooow," was what she followed up with when Bash's Hardon companion penetrated her ass with a ridged hard-on comparable to Bash's in size.

The pain subsided and pleasure took over Jamie's neural impulses as the two Hardons pounded her ass and pussy. She began enjoying the ride when both Hardons shot their loads of hot cum from points nine inches inside her.

Pissed, Jamie took advantage of their slackened holds and, grabbing a dagger out of Bash's belt, cut his throat. As his knees gave in and he slumped to the ground, she turned around and stabbed Bash's comrade in his heart.

They dissolved into nothingness as suddenly as they had come, leaving the noticeably acidic jism deep inside Jamie as the only proof that they had ever existed. Jamie fell on her sore ass. She picked up her belt, stood up, and went looking for Boner in something close to the wrong direction.


First Officer Suck was leading the way and making scans every 5.3 metres. Ensign Spitz was following her and giggling every 5.3 metres. After they walked half a klick or so, Suck turned to face the bare-pussied recruit and inquired if something was the matter. Not asked. Inquired.

"Nothing," mumbled Spitz and looked down.

"Are you sure, Ensign?" asked Suck as she stared past Spitz's shoulder at the shadow that seemed to have been following them for quite some time.

The rocky patch they were in yielded no answers, but it seemed that the planet just turned a lot colder. Or so thought Suck's already-pointed Vulvan nipples. Ominous cumulonimbus clouds gathered in the distance.

They walked to the next scanning point and Spitz, unperturbed by the clouds, giggled again.

"Are you sure nothing's the matter, Ensign?"

"Nothing at all, First Officer," answered Spitz deferentially.

"M'am? What's wrong?" she asked a moment later.

A rush of air against her back was the only answer. Spitz turned around with the enthusiastic curiosity unique to redshirts. A nebulous grey shape was bearing down on her at an unbelievable speed. It seemed surreally detached from the world temporally, dimensionally, or in a yet to be named manner..

When the entity impacted Ensign Spitz, its brownish tentacle was not as much pushed into her cunt as she was impaled on it due to the sheer difference in momentums. The infinitesimally small amount of time it took for the collision to occur gave First Officer Suck enough time to turn, so the unrounded tentacle that she was fated to feel writhing inside her bored up her ass.

The scene froze for the duration of an eye blink and the two hapless Slut Fleet crewmembers hung in space. The creature rearranged the cartilaginous internal structure of its tentacles, eliciting a gasp from Spitz, and began to mercilessly pound Spitz's cunt and Suck's ass.

It fucked the pair as though it was the personification of raw sexual energy trapped in the brains of all sexual mammals. Spitz and Suck could not help but be aroused as the being masterfully rubbed the erogenous zones they new nothing about. The very nature of space seemed to change around the all-penetrating tentacles to create a sensation of such sexual gratification that the two became entranced as the cummed over and over and craved to be pounded eternally by the mysterious entity.

Illusionary hours after the sodomy of Suck and the fucking of Spitz began, the tentacles began discharging litres of a viscous liquid. The fluid dynamics of it were such that each wave of it triggered a simultaneous climax in both.

By the time that Spitz's and Suck's insides were nearing bursting point, their three companions arrived to the scene simultaneously and unholstered their hazers. Three maximum-intensity hazer beams finished and annihilated the creature. The destruction of their uninvited sexual benefactor filled the victims' heads with thoughts of bloody revenge, but they were too exhausted to carry through on them. Jamie flipped open her Communicator.

"Enterass, stand by to beam up five people on my word. Is everyone all right?" checked the Captain.

Affirmative groans issued from everyone in the group. Jamie brought the communicator up to her lips and was about to complete her order when the landscape changed again. A shimmering golden quality permeated the environs and a translucent hologram of a humanoid female appeared.

One could describe her as nude or naked, but the way she carried herself suggested that clothes would look as out of place on her as hydrogen ice on a star. Her long white hair, both pubic and otherwise, billowed in the breeze. Keeping her arms well away from her smooth dark body, she spoke with an icy and all-penetrating voice.

"Welcome to the Pleasure Planet, visitors. I am DeepThought, Eternal Guardian. Our user interface synthesises manifestations of thoughts that enter your conscious minds and can be easily controlled. Unfortunately, your party seems to have been unable to keep your thoughts in check and has placed itself into unnecessary perils. That is all I have to say and it's far more than I usually say. Adieu."

DeepThought dissolved into nothingness. Jamie T. Clit brought the communicator up to her lips again.

"Enterass, belay that order. Send the crew down for shore leave with the following instructions...


The Captain sat in her ready room with an ice bag on her aching pussy and her legs on the table. The door chimed.

"Enter," said Jamie and watched Suck do the dictionary definition of the word.


"Report, Suck," said Jamie tiredly.

"Yes, Captain. Ensign Swa Lo has recovered with the ministrations of Doctor Boner in the sick bay." Ensign Spitz has been impregnated by the entity that she and I encountered. Section 69 of Slut Fleet Intelligence has requested that no abortion be performed and will pick up any progeny that results shortly after we arrive on Earth. My own injuries are insignificant. No critical situations occurred during the general shore leave," droned off Suck in a rapid succession.

"I see. Thank you, Suck. Actually, I still don't understand one thing."


"Ensign Swa Lo was ravaged by insects because she speculated about that happenning. The giant amoeba materialised because of Doctor Boner's well-hidden fear of germs. I was, uhm, accosted by Hardons because I was contemplating Hardon-Federation relations. What, in Murphy's name, was it that sodomised you and Spitz?"

"I believe that I know the answer, Captain," said Suck thoughtfully.


"As you and everyone in the Quadrant know, Vulvans become obsessed with mating every seven days. However, that is not the whole truth. When Vulvans enter puberty, they become obsessed with sex on a continuous basis and with far greater instensity than most species."

Suck breathed deeply, her magnificent breasts heaving upwards, and continued.

"Our civilisation didn't develop until we learned to sublimate our sex drive into superrational thought because before that we spent every waking moment fucking. Fucking each other, fucking our predators, fucking our slain prey, fucking plants, etc. However, this sublimation is a long and arduous process and takes many years to complete. A Vulvan is not considered an adult until they have crystal clear minds six days of the week and are in a mating frenzy on the seventh day exclusively."

Suck paused again.

"The price of such sexual repression is that Vulvans develop a state inbetween what other species term the Conscious and the Subconscious. This Intraconscious contains all our sexual desires and fetishes wrapped up in one cloud that is dark and impenetrable six days out of seven. I am guessing that the UI of the Pleasure Planet mistook mine for Conscious thought and created a manifestation of it."

"Ah. Was the molesting creature technically raping you?" analysed the tired Jamie.

"It was rape in Spitz's case, Captain. As for mine, the answer depends on several fuzzy definitions."

"Thank you, Suck. You may go."

"Captain, may I speak freely?" asked Suck and peered intently at Captain's ice bag.

"Yes, of course, Suck."

"We, Vulvans, experience a lot of very rough sex in our youth and have learned nonpareil techniques for healing sexual injuries. I may be able to apply them to you, Jamie."

"No, thanks, I can manage. Wait... Jamie, eh? Be my guest," said the Captain and removed the icebag from her swollen pussy.

Suck dropped to her knees before the spread legs of Jamie T. Clit and pinched her thighs.

"Damn, Suck, the fucking pain is gone," said the surprised Captain.

Suck silently mouthed an ice cube and licked Jamie's pussy lips. The Captain gasped and Suck pushed her tongue past her labia. She applied her cooling tongue to the blistering walls and calmed down the jangled nerve endings. After a minute or so of Suck's medicinal licking, Jamie's cunt was in perfect health.

"With your permission, I will ease the pain in your ass next."

"Yes, definitely yes."

"The seventh day has begun an hour ago, Jamie, so we could swell them up again if you know what I mean," continued the First Officer.

"Oh, Suck..."
Next 1