
Anor Dan Masin

Part I


A cloud of dust rose in Lish's wake as she rode through the main gates of Retsek, the great walled capitol. All around her shopkeepers hawked their wares - fresh fruit, exotic spices, reed baskets, woven rugs... She ignored them all as she galloped through. She rode bareback, her chest flattened against the horse's back, absorbing its rhythmic movements. Her face was hidden in her hood, her cloak billowing behind her.

"No time!" She cursed to herself, "No time to plan this out!"

Up ahead she found what she was looking for - a procession heading towards the main square. There were as many as thirty soldiers accompanying it - fifteen in front, fifteen in back. They marched together in military step, their weapons and armor reflecting in the afternoon sun. A great slaver's wagon rolled between them; empty save for one elven female, bound and gagged and huddled in the corner against the thick iron bars. Kerry! Lish cried, kicking her horse onwards.

I must convince her she is innocent. Lish thought. The ceremony might fail if she believes she is innocent.

Townspeople began to gather as the procession slowly moved forward. Some screamed obscenities and spit at the girl in the slaver's wagon. "Elven whore! Orc lover!" Some chanted, "Anor Dan Masin! Anor Dan Masin!", though few knew what it truly meant.

Heedless, Lish galloped straight into the gathering crowd, plowing men over as she went. Her eyes were fixed on only one thing: the wagon and the row of soldiers that guarded it. Their armor is bulky, she thought, they will be too slow.

There was a cacophony of shouts as the soldiers saw the horse speeding towards them. They began barking orders and drawing their swords. The rear row of soldiers rushed to hem the charge, but they were too late. Lish pulled tightly on the reins as she barreled into them. Her horse leapt into the air, its front hooves beating down two men. With a shrill cry she sprung from her horse's back, drawing her knife as she sailed through the air. She landed lightly onto the iron cage of the slaver's wagon. In one fluid motion she flipped around to the front. Several arrows whistled by where she had been, she heard them clatter to the street. She found her target at the head of the wagon - Uzhegh, the military defense advisor. He seemed to be in shock. That moment of hesitation was all she needed to press her blade to his neck. He stiffened immediately, afraid even to swallow lest she cut him with the poisoned edge. Quickly she slipped behind him, using his body as a shield against further attack.

"Hold!' She hissed. "Tell your men to hold or you will feel this blade in your throat!"

A cold trickle of sweat formed on the man's forehead. It ran down his cheek and dissolved into the forest of stubble that grew there. But then, to Lish's great surprise, the man grinned. The skin on his face shifted oddly, as if it were only loosely attached to the muscles underneath.

"So!" he hissed, his voice cold and thin. "They sent a drow priestess to do their dirty work. Are they cowards too, these elves from Shenor, as well as criminals?"

Lish looked around her - the guards were closing in, muttering angrily. They were Uzhegh's personal guard, veteran soldiers - each man grim and lean. Several bows were drawn taut and trained on her, waiting for an opportunity to strike. She needed to think - one wrong move and it would all be over. She forced her chest to stop heaving and began to speak. She hoped her voice sounded strong enough�

"Don't waste your words with me, politician. I came here on my own to free my friend. You humans have it all mixed up - you cage the innocent and you let the criminals drive the wagon."

Uzhegh laughed. "You hold a knife to my neck and dare to call me a criminal? The drow truly have a dark sense of humor. I suppose a bloodsucker like you is fond of orcs as well. Perhaps you and your friend liked to share."

Lish pressed her knife harder against his neck. "Careful what you imply human."

"I imply nothing. Your friend was tried at the Retsek High Court and she was found guilty of betrayal. An entire company of men died because of her and her orc boyfriend."

"Now it is you who jest. Her trial was a joke. Your courts are�"

Uzhegh suddenly grew angry. His face flushed red and again Lish got a creepy sensation that his skin was not all together attached to his face. "Her trial was more than fair. Every courtesy was shown to your elven kin. We allow her to live - which is more than she deserves! Don't test our mercy."

"You call your ceremony mercy?" Lish spit, tightening her hold on the man. "Better to die than to live at your mercy!" Her heart sank - she had hoped to take Uzhegh as hostage and win Kerry's freedom, but the man clearly had more of a spine than she had anticipated. There really was no other option. She meant what she said - better to die than to live in a cage. She was going to draw her knife across his throat - and she would have done it too, had he not spoken those enigmatic words at that moment.

"Stra-tuk" he said.

Lish eyes widened in shock. She stayed her blade. "What did you say, human meat?"

"You are drow, are you not? Sworn servant of the spider goddess and all her freakish customs." His voice dripped with contempt. "Don't you recognize a challenge when it is spoken?"

Lish fought to control her rage. "How do you know of the sacred rite?"

"Never mind how I know. I know a lot of things, elf bitch!" Again she felt the unnatural rippling of his skin. "I know that even a race as hateful and dishonest as yours has a code of honor. The rite of Stra-tuk - hand to hand combat." He pitched his voice towards the crowd, he was speaking more for their benefit than hers. "To reject this challenge is to reject the code of your goddess� I hear she does not take kindly to those who reject her codes�" he smiled. "Even in death�"

"You are a snake�" She said.

"No, not snake� But what matters now is that I have challenged you to Stra-tuk! Do you accept or will you face Llothe unclean?"

Lish's lips curled back in hatred, revealing sharp white teeth. "What stops your men from attacking me the moment I let you free?"

Uzhegh smiled, his oily grin spreading from ear to ear. "You have my word on it."

Lish's world seemed to be collapsing around her. She knew that the moment she let him free his men would cut her down, but she could see no other way. The challenge of Stra-tuk was sacred. What he said about Llothe was true - it was an ancient rite among the drow. It was a matter of honor - even beyond death. The Stra-tuk settled conflicts openly in a society where assassination and thievery were so refined. It was necessary for any semblance of order. The rules were simple - once the terms were agreed on it would begin. It was fought without weapons - one of the many ways they honed their battle prowess. The loser was the first to make a sound, any sound, and would be disgraced and punished.

"Dog, I would have killed you�" she hissed. Slowly she loosened her grip and let him slip free. She closed her eyes and waited for the arrow that was sure to come.

Instead she heard Uzhegh's voice. "Hold friends! Hold your vengeance for a moment! There is better sport yet to come!"

Lish stared in astonishment as he commanded his troops away. Here is a wondrous thing, she thought. He actually means to go through with it. She could hardly believe her eyes as he commanded his men to form a tight circle.

Uzhegh stepped off the wagon and into the ring of men. He turned, flexing his neck and cracking his knuckles. He wasn't a large man, but knotted muscles moved under his chain-mail armor. "What are your terms, drow-bitch?"

Lish hopped into the circle of men. New confidence rang in her voice. "Freedom for my friend - and safe passage out of the city."

Uzhegh laughed. "Your orc-loving friend has been tried and found guilty at an official Retsek high council - her freedom is not mine to give! But�" he began to chuckle, "my men might accidentally lose her for a while should you prevail. She might have a day or two of freedom before our bounty hunters track her down�"

"It is enough�. Have I your word on it?" She did nothing to check the sarcasm in her voice.

"You do."

"And your terms, human?"

Uzhegh laughed, his eyes narrowing, his lips stretching in a lewd grin. "I would have your obedience. Make a single sound during the Stra-tuk and I will have you on your knees - right here in this place - tame as a breed mare until I spill my seed in your womb." He grabbed at his codpiece for emphasis. His men burst into laughter, but he held his gaze on Lish, his eyes narrowing further. "Do you accept my terms?"

The back of Lish's neck tingled. Bastard, she thought. She would make him scream like a baby. Still, she didn't like his confidence. He was too sure of himself - something was wrong�but what choice did she have?

"I accept!" She said and immediately pressed the attack.

Lish's kick hurled towards its target - her boot flying swiftly between his legs. But in a blur of speed Uzhegh stepped aside. He caught her foot and lifted it higher, dumping Lish unceremoniously on her back. The crowd roared, but Lish didn't make a sound. She fought down her surprise as she flipped back up. I have never seen a human move so quickly, she thought I have to be more careful.

The two combatants circled each other. The crowd of soldiers and townspeople jeered her as she sidestepped, bent low in a crouch. Someone from the crowd called out "Elf bitch, stop staring between his legs! He will tame you with it soon enough."

The cobblestones on the street were slippery and uneven. The ring of men kept collapsing and reforming as people tried to push their way to the front to catch a glimpse of the battle. Some were chanting Uzhegh's name. He is becoming quite a hero she thought bitterly.

Someone threw a piece of fruit, distracting Lish. At that moment Uzhegh sprung forward, his gloved hand swinging in a wide arc as he backhanded her across the face. Lish's hair exploded as her head snapped to the right. She stumbled backward into the arms of one of the soldiers. He caught her around the chest, mauling her breasts for a moment before she pulled free. Still she made no sound.

Suddenly a voice boomed in her skull - Give up, bitch! It was as if it were coming from inside her head. She looked around, startled and unsure from where it came. Then she caught Uzhegh smiling and she knew it was him. He is not human, She thought. The knowledge frightened her. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and resumed her fighting stance. But then again neither am I!

She timed it perfectly, breaking the rhythm of their footsteps and raking her nails across his face with blurring speed. In one fluid motion she followed up, stepping behind him and stabbing her hand into his kidneys, short and hard. He doubled over sideways, but did not so much as squeak. She closed in, grabbing his finger as he turned and twisting it cruelly upwards and around. She heard a satisfying pop, but still he showed no pain. She glared at him in surprise and for a moment their eyes met. He smiled. Even as she held onto his finger she felt something squirming beneath - shifting, resetting.

Her eyes widened in shock. He's a monster, she thought. She almost said it aloud. But even in that moment his free hand came up and caught her around the throat, cutting off her air. She began to kick and struggle, but as the seconds ticked on her struggles grew increasingly more girlish. He had lifted her off her feet and her legs were kicking at the air frantically. He forced their eyes to meet again and suddenly his voice was in the back of her skull. You are no match for me elf. I am far, far your superior� And now you shall suffer�

Suddenly Lish felt pain like she had never known. It felt like a hot poker was being thrust into the soft folds of her brain. She began to tremble in his grasp. No matter how hard she struggled she couldn't break his gaze. The pain grew worse every second, spreading through her neck and spine, radiating out to her body in waves. She longed to scream, to thrash in pain, but the hand clamped on her neck prevented it.

Finally Uzhegh released his grip and she screamed. The shock of losing hit her even as she heard her own anguished cry. It made the pain all the more bitter. She crumpled at his feet. A cry like that was unheard of. It was humiliating.

"A baby would not have cried so loud." Uzhegh said, standing over her.

She didn't answer. She lay crumpled on the street before him, numb with shock. I lost� I lost� was all she could think. He bent over her and she felt him pull her knife free from her waist. He planted it in the street before her, wedging it between the cobblestones just within her reach.

"Get on your knees, whore." He growled, but she was too stunned to move. He jabbed her with his boot. "I said, get on your knees!" A wave of hatred washed over her. Her eyes focused on the knife.

He saw her gaze and began to taunt her. "Yes, elf� Your knife� It's so close. So tempting� Soon your friend will undergo the ceremony� You failed. You have even lost your holy competition. Take it now� Slit your throat with it. It would be so much easier. The poison would kill you quickly."

Bitter tears came to Lish's eyes. She so much wanted to take up her knife - kill him with it and as many of his guards as she was able. Death was of little concern to her, but the rite was sacred. All her life she had followed Llothe's teachings and she had agreed to the conditions - to betray that would be to betray everything�.

It was her hardest moment, but slowly she began to get up. Her legs shook, but even so she lifted herself to her hands and knees. The crowd erupted into cheers. She let her head hang obediently. All she could see around her were the legs and feet of the people standing around her. She felt numb with humiliation.

Uzhegh walked behind her and soon she felt his hands fumbling with her tunic. Her heart sank as the straps and belts came loose. He pulled roughly on her leather top and it burst open, letting her perfect obsidian breasts tumble into view. An awed hush went through the crowd as they gaped at her beauty. Her chest began heaving - lifting her full, smooth breasts with each breath. He yanked again and the belts slid free of their loops. One more yank and the whole garment came off, top to bottom. He dumped it on the street a few feet away. She was completely naked, kneeling besides her clothing in the middle of the crowd.

Lish tried to control her breathing, but everything began to spin. Sensations and sounds began to blur together: cobblestones digging into her knees, crowds laughing, sunlight on her bare skin, countless legs and feet all around her... She felt like she was going to pass out.

"Oh my, but our elf friend does look ready!" Uzhegh said as he cupped his hand over her pussy. She felt an electric jolt as his fingers slid over her exposed lips. He began to taunt her as he touched her, wiggling his fingers between her sparse hair and into the soft folds of her labia. "Her knife is right in front of her. Why doesn't she use it? Maybe she is dreaming of her spider goddess or maybe she just wants cock?" He plunged a finger inside her when he said cock and Lish squealed from the sudden intrusion. When he pulled his fingers away they were wet.

He waved them around to the crowd in triumph, walking in a circle showing the wetness to everyone. He had turned his back to her - carelessly leaving her to stare at her poisoned knife. Her hand twitched as she longed to grab it. Worse, she knew that Kerry was watching her humiliation, gagged and caged only meters away.

She steeled herself with the knowledge that she would soon be free to kill and to die - it would be over the moment he finished inside her. In truth she considered herself already dead. There was no way out of her situation - all that was left was revenge and honor. She knew that the moment he came she would snatch up her knife and plunge it into his neck. She consoled herself with that dark thought, but her heart sank as he took even that away from her. He did not fuck her immediately, as she had expected; instead he called one of his guards forward and gave him the honor of 'taming her'.

Panicked, Lish looked up. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she watched him single the man out and command him to tame her. He looked like the most ordinary fellow in the planet as he stepped out of the crowd. He was a little plump and not particularly tall, but he was gloating and holding his hands up like a conquering champion. His buddies cheered him and egged him on as he walked up behind her. For a moment he fumbled with his belt, then from between her legs she could see his pants gather at his boots. Long wiry black hairs stood out against the white skin of his legs. He knelt down behind her, his knobby knees contacting her calves briefly, and for a moment she had the almost irresistible urge to flee. She wanted to bolt like a rabbit, as naked as she was, straight through the crowd and struggle for freedom. But she forced herself to remain still.

She felt his left hand rest on her ass as he positioned himself behind her. She closed her eyes. She wished she could just disappear - wake up from a bad dream - but it was so real. A moment later she felt his cockhead brush against her bare pussy. A chill ran up her spine - she was about to get fucked right in the middle of street. The world started to spin faster and faster during those final few seconds. Then, suddenly, she felt him push. She tried to hold him out, squirming to throw him off, but he easily matched her movements. Her lips spread and his dick began to slide in with tantalizing slowness - opening her as it went. A shock passed through her like electricity as she felt his cockhead slipping into her.

The crowds were cheering wildly as he began to sink his length into her. He held her ass with both hands now, using them to pull her back into him. Everyone could see the effort she was making to resist and they loved it. They cheered louder with every inch he gained. Soon hardly an inch remained outside of her. She could feel him buried inside her, connected to her most intimate areas. Her insides sizzled as she awaited his next thrust, the one that would bury him to the hilt. But instead he pulled himself almost all the way out, pausing for a moment in agonizing anticipation, with only the tip resting inside her. Then he leaned over her and slowly pressed himself downwards, using his hands to tilt her hips back and up and spreading her ass cheeks with his thumbs. In one long plunge their bodies drew closer and closer until she felt her ass flattened against his hips. Then he groaned loudly and she knew he was all the way inside. Every muscle in her body contracted to deny this thing that was happening to her.

He held her body against his like that for a long time - relishing her tightness. Then he began to rock her hips against his, slowly at first, but getting steadily faster. He moved her hips with his splayed hands, sawing her ass up and down while he held himself embedded at the deepest point in her body. Her breasts swayed under her as she moved. Every time he pressed into her she had to clutch the cobblestones to keep from toppling forward.

She could feel him moving inside, curving up and deep into her, pressing against her most sensitive parts. She tried to squeeze herself off against him, but slowly she felt her tightness begin to loosen. She felt her body grow wetter and more open. Alarm bells rang in her head. She tried to shut her mind off from the pleasure that threatened to peak up through her defenses. She focused her mind on revenge - but she felt her body accepting him, opening so that every plunge was met with a wet tremor. Luckily her face was hidden in her hair or the crowd would have seen it flush.

Through her hair she saw her knife. Every thrust pushed her face closer to it, dragging her knees against the cobblestones until her head was inches away from the blade. Her body was rocking with his rhythmic thrusts. The crowds were roaring, but she could no longer hear them. Her mind was screaming for revenge - every inch she moved fanning the flame until it became a sharp white light burning in the center of her brain. But another thing was happening too - every thrust brought with it a tingling splash of pleasure the washed against some immeasurable secret spot inside her and then slowly evaporated into nothingness. Lish felt like she was separating into two parts: her lower body that tingled with unearthly pleasure and her soul that shrieked for control.

His thrusts began to quicken and the splashes of pleasure began to pile one on top of the other. The screaming of the crowds and the taunting blended into one sound that melded with her ragged breathing. Blood began to rush to her face. Her arms began to tremble - either she was going to fall on her knife or she was going to cum - and she would never allow herself to do that�

It was with utter relief when she felt him twitch awkwardly, breaking his rhythm and slamming his hips forward. He came. The final jolt of pleasure was almost enough to bring her over the edge - but then he stopped his rhythmic thrusting. She felt a ticklish trickle of warmth growing inside her and she knew it was his sperm gathering in her womb.

The man held himself there for a few moments, luxuriating in the feel of his triumph. Then he quickly pulled away. His sudden absence came as a shock to her. It made her realize all the more how close she had been to cumming. She felt a sudden coolness against her pussy as outside air touched her wet, hot lips� She had been very, very close. But as the throbbing died down her mind began to unfog.

Uzhegh's voice boomed over her again. He was calling forth another of his guards to fuck her. It was only then that true despair began to sink in - she was bound by oath to remain on her knees in the crowd until he spilled his seed into her - and she realized that he was never going to do that. He was just going to continue to torment her again and again until he got bored - then he was going to leave her in the street�.

The first guard pulled his pants up and moved back into the crowd - she could feel his sperm starting to slip out of her. She could imagine what she looked like on her knees in the middle of the street with her ass in the air and her pussy lips swollen and wet. A new guard took his position behind her - she tried to catch his face. He was thick and meaty with bristling facial hair. He was gloating just like the previous one, but when he let his pants drop there was a sudden gasp from the audience. Several of the townswomen eyes widened in surprise. Lish hardly registered why until she felt him press against her. That instant she found her answer - this new guard was HUGE.

His meaty hands grabbed her around the waist as he thrust forward firmly. Her lips strained wide as they were forced to accommodate him. Lish had to bite her lip to subdue the sensation that rushed up her spine. He began to stuff himself inside her roughly, hardly allowing her time to catch her breath. The second thrust came right after the first - and then the third. In a short moment he had managed to cram a tremendous length into her.

Lish began to panic - he was hitting exactly the right spot� and he was so much thicker than the last guard was� Every thrust stretched her wider and wider and left her with moments of pain that immediately dissolved into radiating bursts of pleasure. The more he pushed the wider her lips stretched until it felt like there was nothing more that she could possibly fit. But still he managed to feed more and more inside her. He began pulling at her hips to force their bodies to meet. The movement dragged her away from her knife. As she saw it receding, inch by inch, she felt herself losing control - it was as if the two were one and the same.

Then there came a moment when she knew that there was no more resisting. As much as she fought down the feeling, she felt her pussy open wide and beginning to flutter on the edge of cumming. Her mind screamed desperately for reason, her throat tightening for the oncoming rush. She had to bite her lip hard to stop herself. Thank Llothe for the hair in front of my face� she thought.

He began to sink deeper into her - he had passed by far the length of the previous man. The fluttering got deeper - until it was almost a rumbling. Her pussy started contracting in waves that she could not stop. Her hand trembled as she began to reach for her knife - she would end it before she let herself cum. But his weight was on her and instead she toppled over onto one shoulder as he abruptly thrust forward, her cheek pressed against the cobblestone.

She was so close to cumming now that her head began to swim. She was riding in that anguished point before total eruption. She opened her eyes and stared from her weird angle at the street and the rows of feet around her. It felt like she was floating in ether, except for the rhythmic pounding she was getting from behind. She closed her eyes again as the blood rushed to her head. It was going to be a monstrous orgasm.

"Shit� she is tight�." The man gasped.

Her mind raced in desperation - her hand began flopping to grab her knife - she was going to explode. But instead she felt a cold boot on the back of her hand - Uzhegh had put his foot on her hand, keeping it from her knife. She fought desperately to free it. Her other hand gripped the cobblestones until it was white.

"Shit�" The man gasped again as he felt her pussy milking him in rapid, silky contractions.

He pushed his length deep into her, stretching her wildly. Her entire body was betraying her - sweat sprung from every pore as he rocked against her. She began shivering as she fought with her last effort, blood welling lightly from where she bit her lip.

"Boss� It's hard� to hold on. Her body is� milking me." The man began shaking - he could hardly hold the rhythm. He was going to cum too. The thought blasted into her addled mind - It was her only chance.

"Put it in her ass!" Uzhegh commanded.

She heard the words and it cut through her like a knife. Her head shot up in alarm. She gave him a pleading look - more desperate than she had ever been before. She hardly even knew where she was. But the man pulled out just the same - his dick was throbbing in strong pulses. He had been at the very verge of cumming. Lish cried out - her pussy fluttered over the emptiness - it was too much for her. The man desperately shifted his position and she felt his cockhead press at the opening to her ass. She squirmed violently trying to wrench herself away, but the man caught her hips firmly and pressed forward hard, right against the center of her asshole. His dick compressed for a moment, its girth too wide for the hole, but then her resistance gave way and the wet head popped inside -he pushed it a full three inches in one slow thrust.

He began cumming almost immediately - even as he pushed into her ass. It was way too much for her - way, way too much. Her hand jerked once under Uzhegh's boot as she made for her knife, but it was too late. The man rammed it into her ass and brought her tumbling over the edge. The feeling seemed to zap her all over her body at once. She buried her head in her chest to keep the crowds from seeing her expression, but Uzhegh grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, showing her face to the crowd as she exploded. Her face twisted in a weird contortion between pain and pleasure and utter humiliation - then she let it all go.




She let out a piercing scream like never before. It was total release - she came in utter ecstasy and defeat. Even as she came, hardly four inches buried in her ass, she could see Uzhegh standing over her, holding a fist full of her hair. She could see the crowds rippling in shock as they registered a cry that could be none other than ecstasy. She could see Kerry in her cage, staring at her with true pity in her eyes. It didn�t matter - nothing mattered but that thunderous moment.

The man behind her groaned, unable to stand the crushing sensation of her ass clamping around him. Lish felt the warm splash inside her, wetting the way so that he could slide deeper. He pushed hard, cumming mindlessly as he thrust. It was like a black haze had descended over Lish's mind. She began convulsing in pleasure. She was moaning like a slut. Then, all at once, he pulled out of her. It was as sudden as when he had entered her. Lish began humping back at his absence even as he sent the rest of his sperm arching into the air over her back. The crowds laughed, but heedlessly she rutted in the air, moaning as the firestorm consumed her - her puffy pussy lips leaking juice as her ass bucked back and forth

When the pleasure dissolved, the shame rushed back to fill the void. Uzhegh let go of her hair and she collapsed in a naked heap in front of him. Every cell suddenly rejected what had just happened. She began to sob - horrible broken sobs. She felt so weak that she could hardly move - not even to take up her knife and kill herself. She just lay there - her breasts pressed flat against the cobblestone, cum leaking from her pussy and splattered on her back, as she listened to the guards debate who would be next. She heard somebody call her a slut�

Uzhegh's voice commanded over everyone. He was using his preacher's voice. She heard him talking about something, but she blocked out the words. He was boasting, joking�

"Maybe we should mate her with a dog." He said.

She believed him. He was going to mate her with a dog and she felt that there was nothing she could do about it. She felt too weak to resist. There were plenty of dogs in the city� One of them would fuck her and she would cum. She would be its bitch. Then she heard her friend's voice in it all. Slowly she lifted her head and saw that they had taken off Kerry's gag. She was talking to Uzhegh, bargaining, nodding her head and agreeing to something. She is agreeing to the ceremony� Lish thought� She is buying my freedom. She is going to go into it willingly�

It was her final failure.

Uzhegh signaled to his guards and they lifted Lish by the armpits and dragged her in front of him. Her knife was left behind, embedded in the cobblestones - the crowd closed around them. Uzhegh was leaning back against cage where Kerry knelt in chains. She heard his voice through a cloud as he undid his pants.

"Your friend has bought your freedom�," He said. "I will allow you to earn my seed�"

With one hand he pushed his armor out of the way. He took a handful of her hair and guided Lish's face between his legs. His intention was clear. Only one thing drew into focus - a rigid penis stood erect just in front of her nose.

She was too humiliated to move. She knelt naked in front of him - staring at his dick. Guards began to laugh - pushing her roughly towards him.

"Lish, please�" Kerry pleaded, "just do it�" Her friend was pleading for her� Her voice seemed to cut through the cloud in her brain. Pain and shame seemed to drain from her body as she made her decision. It will be over soon� she thought. Her hands trembled as she grasped his member lightly at the base. Slowly she opened her mouth. Even as she sobbed he pushed it inside.

The first thrust plunged to the back of her throat and made her gag reflexively. He laughed, pulling it out slowly, dragging his glands across her tongue as she fought against the reflex. He held her head with both hands now, tipping her face up towards him. Then he thrust forward again abruptly, fucking her face right in front of Kerry. His second thrust went so deep that she had to flatten her hands against his hips to try to keep him from going any further. She choked, but he seemed to enjoy the way she resisted.

He began slowly - rhythmically fucking her face back and forth across his tool. Lish was defeated. Her limp body followed her head as he twisted it back and forth at will, plunging himself deeper and deeper into her throat. She could hardly keep from choking on each thrust. Her teeth rasped sometimes against his penis as it slid into her, but he didn't seem to mind. This was a truly evil man.

As his thrusts got faster a new terror began to grip her, something deep and primal. As a drow elf she had developed a natural resistance to poisons. As he defiled her mouth she began to feel that resistance kick in - it was a dull throbbing in her veins as they tried to detoxify any agent inside them. She already knew that Uzhegh was not human - he was an evil thing that somehow masqueraded as a human, but as he thrust into her that evil seemed to concentrate. She felt that his cock was a conduit to that tremendous evil - it was like she had the door to all the hells of the world thrusting in and out of her mouth.

Thrust after thrust her feeling of dread grew, turning her stomach. Blindly she saw his hips approach her as he buried his length in her mouth. She felt it poke against her throat - then she felt him slid slowly away. Precum leaked against her tongue - one drop sent her reeling in nausea. His seed was the most concentrated toxin that she had ever imagined, and nobody knew it but her. For all the world he was the town hero and she was a slut giving him a blowjob. At first she had been trying to make him cum, just to get it over with quickly, but now she did everything she could to delay that moment.

She didn't even care anymore about Llothe and all her customs. She would bite his dick off. But even as she thought it she realized that she could not close her mouth. She felt her jaw somehow locked open in a perfectly inviting "O". Her mouth simply refused to move.

Yes� Now you are beginning to understand Drow� It was his voice in her head again, seething with lust. You are mine to use� you and your friend.

No matter how hard she tried she could not close her mouth. It remained open and slack as he sloshed in and out of it. He grew closer and she grew more frantic. She began pushing against his hips with her splayed hands, beating and clutching his skin. If nothing else she hoped that maybe she could push him off when he came - she hoped she could twist her head at the critical moment. Her entire body started throbbing as his thrust got faster. His dick bounced against her throat and she began to gag harder. Then his thrusting reached a crescendo - the crowds egged him on like he was a hero about to slay the beast. The feeling of evil began to build until she could almost sense it pulsing from just behind his abdomen as her face rushed towards it. He fucked himself forward violently on the last few thrusts. He was holding on to her face with both hands. There was no way she would be able to twist out of the way. Her mind screamed "NO!" but the only sound to come from her throat was a gurgled cry. On the final thrust her hands beat against his stomach and hips in a wild frenzy, but he buried himself all the way in her throat and groaned.

Jets of sperm exploded into her throat - she gagged and choked, but swallowed because she had no choice. Waves of nausea swept through her like nothing she had ever known. She was being drugged and poisoned. Her nerves sizzled as her body worked to clean her system. He held himself in her throat as he pumped his sperm into her with powerful spurts. She felt the loathsome stuff burn her throat and collect in a burning pool in her stomach. It was as if she had swallowed a stiff shot of vodka. It began to radiate inside her, pulsing through her blood. Still he came - sending long spurts directly down her throat now. Her mind began to cloud over and spin. So much was going into her. It grew hard to breathe.

Finally he pulled out and let her drop. She crumpled at his feet. Her eyes were wide as she clutched her throat. Gone were thoughts of revenge - or even shame - her entire consciousness was focused inwards as her world flipped upside down. She could sense the vile stuff in her stomach, dissolving, diffusing through her system.

They left her there naked; lying by the wheel of the slaver's caravan as it started to move away. Kerry stared at her through the bars of the wagon as it lurched on the cobblestones. Guards laughed as they stepped over her - they still wanted their turn, but Uzhegh had promised them even greater entertainment during the upcoming ceremony. Everyone was talking about it - Uzhegh had an ancient instrument that the elves feared, but the rumor was that it worked on sexual energy. One look at the beautiful elf in the cage was enough to know that it would be a spectacle not to be missed.

When the guards left the crowds gathered around Lish. In her delirium she felt someone scoop her up and carry her towards an inn. She tried to focus her eyes on her saviors, but through hazy eyes she realized it was just some of the men that had been jeering in the crowd. They were going to get their turn, each and every one. Next 1