
The Ceremony


Kerry knelt in the cart as it lurched down the street. Her arms were tied behind her back so that each wrist was secured to the opposite elbow. She had been like that all morning and her arms ached. They had taken off her gag during Lish' ordeal but they had not bothered to put it back again, so at least there was that. She didn't scream or cry though; she knew it would be pointless anyway. Nothing was going to stop the ceremony - not even her friend Lish -especially not Lish.

She watched the city pass as her cart slowly made its way towards the central square. Buildings rose haphazardly and unevenly all along the road. The capitol was extremely overcrowded and new houses had been built everywhere. Most were made of wood. They had been painted brightly, all in different colors, probably to hide the poor craftsmanship. Boys leaned out from the windows and watched her as she rolled by. None of them even bothered to look away when their eyes met - she was a caged elf after all.

She began to think of her home city. It was so much nicer there. Elven cities were not crowded - they were hardly cities at all. Maybe elves made up for their smaller population by having longer, more fruitful lives. Only humans seemed to multiply so rapidly. Humans and orcs, she though bitterly. She longed to be home - she could recall every detail vividly - the finely wrought woodwork, the flowers and birds, the fountains spilling pure water, the small enchantments that gave everything a warm soothing glow, her brothers and sisters laughing and singing�

It all seemed so far away now. Time seemed to be moving beyond her control. Everything had become so warped. She was confused. First there was the attack that got her into this mess. She couldn't remember the details - it was like someone had cut out a section of her life and splayed the ends together again. She remembered meeting the human soldiers. She remembered camping with them. Then there was a sudden, startling blank in her memory. The next thing she remembered was being hauled off in chains by a different group of men. A great fight had been raging at that time between orcs and men, but nobody would let her fight. Instead they were treating her like the enemy. Some were even spitting at her and cursing her. They led her through the caves and out into the open. Only then did she realize that her hands were covered in blood.

After that there was the trials, the accusations, the talk of the ceremony. She had been swallowed up in the machinery of justice and it seemed that her life was no longer hers. Evidence of her betrayal kept coming up - honest-looking men swore that they had seen her kill their friends, widows grieved the loss of their husbands and cursed her, children cried when they were told that they were suddenly fatherless. The longer it went on the more she believed that she was guilty.

Sometimes images would flash into her mind - a raging battle at night, swords clanging over her head, something screaming� The images terrified her - something had happened to her that was too painful to remember.

A sudden lurch brought her attention back to the present. One of the guards was talking about Lish - it was the guard that had made her cum. He was already boasting - telling his friends about how it had felt to take her anally and what it was like when she had cum. "Sucked the sperm right out of my balls!" he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I tell you, these elves are sluts!"

The group of soldiers looked over at Kerry strangely. She got the impression that they expected her to suddenly bare her breasts and beg them to fuck her on the spot. She looked away, too disgusted to challenge them. Still she couldn't help but listen to them though; they had begun to talk about her.

"I heard Uzhegh is going to use some kind of a sex machine on her"

"Yeah. It suppose to break her like a tame puppy."

"I heard they are even supposed to give milk!"

"Get out! No way!"

Everything was about the ceremony. She couldn't get away from it. There were rumors everywhere, even in prison. Guards talked about it as they peaked into her cell, the townspeople talked about it as they watched her pass, even Lish spoke about it in her blind rush to save her. The problem was that she had no idea what it was all about. Everyone seemed to know something that she didn�t. Whatever it was though, it would happen to her soon enough and she knew that she would never be the same. It felt like she was falling from a cliff, time was flying faster and faster as she sped towards the bottom, only she hadn't quite hit yet. Every moment that remained seemed precious.

The only one to know for sure what was going to happen to her was Uzhegh and he wasn't saying. He was sitting at the head of the wagon, his back straight, his lips set in a line, totally ignoring her. He looked aristocratic and viscous. She loathed him. It seemed that she could hate nothing more than she hated him. She thought of how he had used Lish and hate seemed to boil in her stomach. It wasn't just that he had used her, it was the way he had done it - the way he had maliciously thrust himself into Lish's mouth, making her choke until he came and then just dumping her on street. Her eyes smoldered as she remembered it. Then, as if he knew she had been looking at him, he turned to face her. He regarded her for a moment, letting his eyes sweep over her body, and then he turned away. He explained nothing to her - he just smiled, a confident and smug smile. It was a smile that said he was in total control of the situation.

The crowd continued to build as they neared their destination. There were hundreds of them. People everywhere left what they were doing and began to follow the mob. The buildings grew larger and grander. There were estates with fenced in courtyards, government buildings where her trial had taken place, upscale shops selling magical reagents. Finally there was a great open square with a huge stone podium set in the center. The podium was normally used for giving speeches or for executions, but now it was to be used for something else entirely.

There was a large gray tapestry drooped over something tall and pointy. It rose like a lumpy spire in the center of the podium, maybe 12' tall. Two robed men busied themselves around it with preparations. There was smoke rising from a small silver cauldron off to one side. There was an ornate table with various colored bottles. Another table held small metal cages and wicker baskets. Kerry guessed that they were all components for the ceremony, her ceremony

The wagon came to a halt just in front of the podium. A soldier unlocked the door and beckoned for her to get out. Kerry didn't move; she wasn't ready to face whatever was in store for her. Several guards came in and grabbed her anyway. They pulled her towards the podium. The wagon began to roll away as soon as she was pulled out; the crowds surged to fill its space. With a rough shove they pushed her up the first two steps of the podium, but did not follow her up. Apparently they were forbidden to climb the podium themselves. For a moment Kerry was left stranded between the guards at the base of the podium and Uzhegh at the top. It was like the moment of relief that must come between leaving the frying pan and jumping into the fire. Hesitantly she began to climb the stone steps and look around.

The square was a sea of people as far as she could see. A great rumbling roar swept through them as they booed her all at once. She could never have imagined she would be the focus of such a huge gathering. And everyone had come to see her punished�

Kerry was wearing a course white gown made of wool that loosely hung from her shoulders. It was sleeveless and formless, like a giant pillowcase with armholes cut out. It was so long that it gathered at her feet as she walked, forcing her to shuffle awkwardly. Early that morning her hair had been tied back into a severe knot that made the roots of her scalp hurt.

Uzhegh stood before her silently, staring at her as if she was a bug he would like to squash. She knew he was only acting - he chose his expressions to fit the occasion. For this occasion he wanted to seem commanding and untouchable - and the crowd bought it. He lifted his arms and they grew silent. It was weird for so many people to be so quite. A wave of goosebumps rushed over her skin - it was about to begin.

Uzhegh's voice boomed across the square.

"This is an elf that stands before you� But do not be fooled by her fair appearance - she is a vicious animal! If she had the chance she would see you dead. She would rip your heart out and eat it. She would slit your throat and drink your blood."

"Maybe you think I am joking. Maybe some of you feel pity for her. Poor girl, all alone in front of the crowd� It is natural to pity her. It is natural to feel love for her. How else do your think this woman was capable of earning our trust? She did it with kindness. She did it in the guise of friendship. Look at her and imagine it. A battalion of men away from home, away from their women - and only this pretty young elf to keep them company� Can you picture how they must have smiled at her, flirted with her, let their guards down - trusted her. She won their hearts with her soft skin and her innocent smile and then she murdered them! She crept among them while they slept and cut their throats!"

Suddenly Uzhegh pulled out a long sharp knife and advanced on Kerry. Kerry stumbled backward, but her arms were still tied behind her and she could not escape. He grabbed her by her hair and brought his knife abruptly to her neck. The crowd was shocked at this unexpected turn, but they grew silent again when he spoke.

"Do you deny that you betrayed and killed innocent men?!" He shouted at her, red in the face.

Kerry was unable to speak - she just didn't know.

"Answer me!" He shouted. "Do you deny it?!"

Kerry was suddenly overcome with emotion. Her heart began to pound in her chest. She could hear the people beginning to shout. How could she deny it if she just didn't know? But there was no time to think. Finally she shook her head and mumbled "No." Tears blinded her eyes. She couldn't deny it but she couldn't affirm it either. She tried to explain. "But I�"

"Silence!" He shouted, cutting her off. In Uzhegh's hands her words were twisted until they became a vindication of everything he had said. The crowd roared. They wanted her blood. He turned her around to face the machine hidden under the tapestry and pushed her to her knees. His knife was still at her throat. "Will you submit to the ceremony?"

The spire rose more than twice her height. She looked up at it and felt a cold rock form in the pit of her stomach. What choice did she have? Nothing mattered anymore. Finally she nodded - she would accept their ceremony as she had promised.

Uzhegh began to laugh. He signaled to one of the guards and a horse began to trot away, pulling off the covering to the machine. As the cloth came off Kerry could see a spidery, gnarled structure revealed underneath.

The tapestry finally slid all the way off and the crowd hushed in awed silence. Before them stood a singularly weird sculpture. It was like the desiccated skeleton of a giant moth or ancient bat with its wings folded in. It was made of warped wood and bone - it looked more ancient than anything in the city, older even than the ruined temples on the outskirts of the capitol. There was nothing glamorous about it, no gold trimming or jewels encrusted on its border, but perhaps that made it seem all the more powerful. It radiated a kind of supernatural force that made many of the crowd avert their eyes. Instinctively some said a quick prayer. A few even began to question Uzhegh's motives in bringing something so clearly evil into their city, but there was no time left for dissent.

Kerry stared up at it and tried to fight down her growing alarm. Death she could face - of course she did not want to die, but at least she understood death. This was something different however. She looked up at the complicated network of stick-like bones and could not fathom their use. Uzhegh, however, was clearly pleased with it. He looked down at her and smiled. His smile could almost be described as warm if he didn�t have such a reptilian gleam in his eyes.

"You are right to be afraid," He said, drawing in a full breath as if he were savoring the aroma of the machine. Kerry couldn't smell anything but the stink of unwashed bodies and the slightly musky odor of the ancient bones. He moved his knife around behind her and slipped it under the collar of her gown. With a strong tug he began to cut it in two.

Kerry closed her eyes as she heard her gown ripping. She was being exposed in front of the whole square. Her body rocked slightly as the knife tugged on the fabric. He reached her arms tied behind her and began to cut at the ropes that bound them. That was the only good thing that happened to her all day. Her wrists came loose from where they were tied to her elbows and she straitened her arms. It was such a relief to feel blood rushing back.

He cut a few more inches down her gown - right to the base of her ass, and then stepped back.

"Get up." He ordered.

She looked around her - thousands of people were watching. But it was no use stalling. She took a deep breath and slowly she stood up. Her gown slipped from her shoulders and crumpled at her feet as she rose.

An awed murmur swept the crowd. The shapeless gown had hid her body, but now everything was bare to see. She was stunningly beautiful. Her muscles were long and taut and firm from years of training. Her stomach was flat. Her breasts were small, but gorgeous, sloping outwards from her body. Her nipples were rigid, pointing upwards at an angle. A flush covered her pale skin, but if she was embarrassed she did not show it. She stood with her legs slightly apart; her eyes set with determination, staring straight ahead at the great instrument before her. Her hips curved out from her thin waist. Her ass was tight and high� She looked beautiful from every angle - even her chin was graceful. It was like she were a statue carved for the occasion. It made you want to walk around her and admire her. People from the far ends of the square began to surge forward to get a better view. Soon even the guards were crushed against the podium. It was like if the mass of people had formed one huge organism that had blanketed the square.

"There is a rod at the base of the Gkar-vok. Go and remove it." He said.

So that's why they need me to do this willingly� she thought. She considered refusing. What would happen? Would they kill her? Would they torture her? The entire city seemed to have gathered to see her abused by this machine - this Gkar-vok, but what if she refused? She looked at the sculpture and was repulsed. The elven elders had truly been afraid of it, but what were they so afraid of. What evil would she be releasing if she removed the rod as Uzhegh had commanded? Even as she thought these things she knew she was going to do it - partly out of pure curiosity. But also she had made a promise - and once she had agreed to a thing she had to see it through to the end. It was part of her personality. She thought of the things that they accused her of - they were so horrible that even if she had been tricked or somehow magically controlled it didn�t make it right. She stepped forward, leaving her gown crumpled on the floor of the podium.

She walked up to the base of the machine. The air around it seemed somehow different, colder and staler. Suddenly she noticed an unnatural quiet, as if she had stepped into a bubble of silence. She looked around, but the crowds were screaming and buzzing as they had been, but the sound was muted, as if she were underwater.

She looked down and saw what she was sent to remove. It was a golden pin - small and glistening against the old gray bones of the machine. It pinned together the two great wings - if you could call them wings. It had obviously been put there for a reason - all over the sculpture sear marks scarred the ancient bones as if it had been subjected to incredible magic, but nothing seemed to have harmed it. The pin seemed to have been the last resort. She could sense the machine straining to free itself from the pin like a spring wound up.

She reached down to touch it and her eyes caught another detail: a round gem embedded at the end of one of the bones sticking up in the middle of the machine. It was three inches in diameter and jet black. For no reason at all it terrified her more than anything else in the entire sculpture did. As she stared at it, face inches away, a sudden image flashed through her mind - a gorgeous woman screaming. The image blinked out of her mind almost as soon as it had appeared, but it shook her deeply. The woman was glorious - someone from another time. It was an elf. She had been screaming in ecstasy. But the scream also filled her with sadness. It was like if she had heard an echo - lonely and empty. The emotion just welled up inside her. It was so strong that for a moment she forgot where she was - she almost began to cry for the woman, whomever she was.

She had to force herself to move her eyes away from the gem. She focused them instead on the golden pin. It was so small that it almost looked harmless - but she knew that the most powerful magic was often disguised in the smallest and plainest things. Slowly she reached out to grasp it. Even as she was doing it she knew it was the stupidest thing she had ever done, but she reached out and touched it anyway. The second her fingers contacted the pin it lost its golden hue. The color simply drained out of it until it was as dry and desiccated as the bones around her, then it cracked with a chilling crunch.

A sudden shock bolted through her system and she was knocked backwards. She tumbled onto her ass, falling out of the bubble of silence, and suddenly her ears were filled with the shouting of the crowds. Before her the great machine lurched to life. The bat like wings unfolded, spreading their skeletal bones upwards and outwards. More bones began to unfurl from the center like insect legs squirming to life. There was a high-pitched whining, a screech as the desiccated bones rubbed together. Even the sky seemed to darken for a moment. Behind her Uzhegh laughed - a deep joyous laugh, like someone who had just gotten his long awaited revenge. Kerry's heart sank; there really was no going back now.

She half expected the giant thing to spring on her and devour her like some living beast, but nothing happened. The machine simply opened up and waited. It was not alive in the normal sense, that much was clear. It was a machine - an instrument of some kind - but it did not seem like any kind of technology that anyone had ever seen. It was neither living nor dead, just incredibly powerful. She looked at it now, unfurled and ready, and her determination broke. It was far more evil than she had imagined. Suddenly she did not want to go through with it at all. She would rather have died - guilt or no guilt. She wheeled around to face Uzhegh, but he had put his knife away. He would not kill her as she hoped. Her heart began to pound in her chest like a frightened animal. Somehow she had to get away. The certainty of that conviction almost brought her to tears. He took one step towards her and she lunged into the crowd. She had to escape!

It was almost laughable. She dived into the crowd and began to elbow her way through the mass of people. One naked elf versus a horde of humans. The guards laughed as they caught her, dragging her back to the podium. Finally Uzhegh grabbed her by the hair and dragged her roughly towards the machine. She stumbled and fell towards it, but before she hit the ground its bony arms swept down and clutched her. In an instant she felt the mechanical appendages on her body.

They were efficient as spider legs. In a moment they spun her around to face Uzhegh, her back to the machine. Then, suddenly, the lifeless appendages clamped her tightly against the central spire. Long bony rods slipped around the nooks of her elbows from behind and tightened back, stapling her arms out and behind her. Similarly, rods slipped between her legs, down low at her knees, and pinned them out and back, spreading her legs and pushing them back. The central spire was thin, so her knees bent back behind her and her back arched. This position pressed her ass and pussy tightly against the central spire. It rose up between her ass cheeks, towering over her head like some twisted flagpole.

Locked in this position she was free to kick her legs or twist her shoulders or flop her arms, but she were pinned tight at her joints. Something pressed down between her shoulder blades, pushing her chest out and tipping her forward. It worked against the staples on her knees and elbows, straining her arms as they were pulled behind her. In the end she looked like she were making a dramatic leap from a cliff, only she was frozen in air and the sea below her was a crowd of faces.

The machine creaked as it pushed harder on her shoulder blades, opening her further and testing the limits of her body. Her pussy tightened against the rod behind her, so much so that the edge began to dig between her lips, the curve disappearing slightly into the softness there. Kerry cried in pain, her legs flopping and her toes curling, but finally the pressure let up slightly - it had found her range and set into place.

She opened her eyes when the pain stopped and found that she was suspended in front of Uzhegh - her breasts jutting forward at him like some kind of an offering. He stepped up to her, smiling smugly, and now she knew she had nothing to lose. She spit at his face.

With one hand Uzhegh wiped the spittle from his eyebrow. Then he reached forward to caress her breast. She felt her saliva on his fingers as he brushed across a nipple. It hardened involuntarily - it wasn't something she could control. She felt the central rod of the machine pressed between her lower lips. Her ass was squeezed around it like it was some over tight G-string. It felt cool and unnatural against her body. But something was happening down there - something was rubbing - it sent an uncomfortable tingle through her body.

She expected him to gloat or say something nasty, but he simply stared at her, one hand resting lightly in her breast as if waiting for something. Soon she felt it - a slow grinding between her legs. At first it felt like the pole was turning on its axis, but then she realized it wasn't the pole that was turning - it was her. She was slowly being pulled around the pole. Her body shifted slowly and steadily to her right. His hand never moved, but her breast did. It shifted along with the rest of her body until her nipple slipped out of his fingers with a slight jiggle.

She was being turned up and around like a corkscrew. Her pussy was being ground hard against the core of the machine. It felt warm, like pins and needles were tingling through her loins. Soon she had spun around 180 degrees. Her back was to Uzhegh and she could almost see him looking at her from behind, laughing at the way the pole was squeezed between her ass cheeks like a giant wedge. She felt humiliated to be in such an awkward position, bent backwards, breasts jutting forwards, the soles of her feet pointing up towards the sky. She was completely on display - like one of those mermaids carved on the fronts of ships.

She made one complete loop around - three hundred and sixty degrees - at the end of which she was about a foot higher than she had been. The tingling between her legs had changed. It no longer felt as rough as before. In fact it had begun to feel slippery. She had gotten wet down there. She convinced herself this was natural, under the circumstances.

She looked down now at Uzhegh. He was standing before her, smiling with his usual smirk that said, "you are a piece of property to me." He seemed to be intently interested in her face, like he was studying it for clues on how she was feeling. She kept turning�

Hundreds of people looked on, but nobody saw her - the true her - they only saw what Uzhegh had painted for them - an elf/murderer. And they all wanted the same thing - for the machine to do its work. She had never felt more naked or more alone.

The tingling in her loins grew. It began to feel more like a wet slippery heat that radiated from between her legs. As she turned, twice, three times around, the wet heat grew. She began to leave a trail of wetness like a slug. She could feel it against her thighs; she could even hear it as she turned - a squishing sound like a wet sponge being wrung out.

Uzhegh was going about the ritual. His robed partners were chanting in a low nasal hum, but their words were lost in the general chaos of the crowd. Everyone wanted a look at her as she turned. Uzhegh was preaching to the crowd as he gathered strange spell components together. He dumped various powders into a golden bowl - his voice growing increasingly agitated as he worked. As Kerry turned to face him she looked at the ingredients in the bowl. There was a swirl of colors - white powders mixed with brilliant violet crystals mixed with deep red dust. Uzhegh reached inside a metal cage and pulled out a huge black spider. He threw it into the bowl. It looked completely out of place against the swirl of strange powders. From another cage her removed a brilliant white spider and threw it into the bowl with it. They crawled on top of each other, extending their long legs the way spiders do. Then he took up a wooden pestle and slammed it on top of them, crushing the two spiders together violently and mixing their blood until the powders caked together in wet lumps.

Immediately Kerry began to feel sick. She knew he was defiling her body in some way, but she didn't know how. The machine seemed to lurch to life all the more, and soon the bony appendages spread out in all directions, pointing like feelers into the crowd. Her body began to feel stuffed up - her ears clogged, her nose stuffed, her chest full of something. It was as if the machine was channeling something inside her At the same time she felt light as air - like her skin was a flimsy onion shell clinging to a vast emptiness inside her. It was then that she noticed the rushing in her ears, like the roar of a river, or the howling of the wind. She couldn't hear a thing besides that rushing.

She looked at the crowds - every face was riveted on her. She could feel their lust growing, gathering up and being fed to her. Slowly she realized what the machine was all about - it was some kind of an antenna. It was feeding from them and channeling their lust into her. She felt as if she were at the center of a giant vortex. The faster she spun the deeper the center got, until all their lust was pouring down the funnel, straight into her body.

Every time she passed a man she would feel something strange. She would face him directly for half an instant, her naked body spread before him, and he would begin to burn with lust. It was like a bulb went off in his brain. She felt that ignition as if it were in her own body, like a little pop inside her chest. There were countless people in the crowd, each with their own pop. The lust began to fill in her chest like an alien presence - a lump of knotted wires with their ends frayed. It felt like those wires were wrapping around her heart, crushing down on it so that each fiber squeezed into the soft muscle and made it harder and harder to pump. Soon she could hardly breathe. She closed her eyes, trying to regain balance.

Then she heard a grinding sound from below her. She opened her eyes and saw something long and hard raising up towards her. It was the black gem she had seen. It was mounted at the end of a thick phallus of bone. It was sliding up towards her body. Its purpose was exceedingly clear. She thought of the elven woman that she had seen when she looked at the gem. She remembered her echoing moans - the thought filled her with dread.

Uzhegh began talking then. She couldn't stand to hear his voice. She tried to ignore him, but couldn't.

"Observe her friends! Look at her! I can almost hear your thinking, 'What I would give to have her!' What indeed?! But it is not what you are willing to give; it is what you are willing to take! This elf is beautiful, but in the end she is just an elf� There of plenty like her - a whole city of them to the northeast - every one as beautiful as she. Ask yourself - Why do we waste our time fighting ourselves, fighting orcs, fighting all the endless creatures that pour from caves and threaten our peace, while they play in the sunshine and sing their songs?

Who is the true enemy? Who basks in glory while we slave and spill our blood to defend our families? They distract us from our true glory while they rob us blind. The truth is that they are afraid of us. They are afraid of us with good reason! We are the more powerful by far! We have grown strong in our labors. We have grown very, very strong. They know this. That is why they betray and kill our soldiers. They are afraid. They are afraid of us. They are afraid of their true masters. Many of you don't believe me, but I will show you. I will show you how an elf can be broken. I will show you how to cleanse the corruption from their bodies. I will show you how they can be made to serve us willingly! It is all before you. It is the ceremony of Anor Dan Masin!"

As he said the words Kerry stopped turning. She was at the top of her ascent, suspended high over the crowds. She pole seemed to split into a long "V": the two stems spreading her further apart, leaving her pussy wide open. The long phallus rose up high behind her. The swirling vortex of lust seemed to have become a tornado in her mind. It reached a crescendo as the machine arranged itself, and then suddenly it plunged forward into the center of her pussy - into the center of that tornado. The smooth gem crushed against her, spreading her lips around it and dispelling the vortex in all directions.

She tried to stay completely quiet, but she couldn't. As it pushed in deeper the gem spread her lips farther and farther apart, until they were straining to accept it. Then all at once it slipped through. The smooth head became completely enveloped in her soft folds. At that moment her mouth fell open and she moaned. She felt like she had been pried open at both ends. She just couldn't hold it back. Her body was jerked back against the core and then the phallus was thrust deeply into her belly. She moaned as it opened her. Then it pulled back abruptly to the exact same spot it had been, the large gem completely out of her pussy. She was being fucked by a machine. Its movements were mechanical, precise, and irresistible. It plunged forward again with the same force and she felt her lips strain to accept it.

Her moan evaporated into the cacophony the crowds, but as the phallus continued to thrust forward the crowds grew more and more silent until no one made so much as a whisper. Then the only sound in the vast space was Kerry's weak cries, drawn out by piston driving between her legs. The soft feminine sound carried in the summer air so that those farthest from the center could still hear a whispery squishing as the phallus plunged into Kerry's wet depths, and then an even weaker moan as her body responded.

It started as a simple click - the staples on her arms and legs drew her back one notch, bending her even more. Her body was almost bent double. It felt like her knees and elbows were going to touch behind her. Her breasts strained outwards. Then, from that weird angle, the phallus drove forward again. She had no idea how thick it was, but her body spread to make room - and then it pushed against something incredibly sensitive deep inside her. It was a spot that even Kerry had never known about. The jolt of sensation from that brief contact made her flop involuntarily. The piston drew back and then pressed forward again. The same jolt of pleasure shot across her body like a bolt of lightening had just gone of in her body. Her soft and feminine moan suddenly changed pitch. But the machine pistoned forward again with the same ruthless regularity.

"Oh God!!!" She cried. Her eyes were closed, her consciousness focused deep within her - she didn't even know she had mouthed the words.

"Oh GOD! UUUUUhhhhhh!!!!"

The piston drew back and she felt her mind settling - it was only then that she realized that everything had been spinning.

It thrust forward again; building incredible pressure inside her until it hit that spot. Then the jolt came, tumbling through her like that aftershock of a huge blast. She moaned again, crying out louder than before.


Her mind was wheeling, the vortex had resumed its spinning.

As it pulled out again she felt a light tap on her abdomen. She opened her eyes, straining to look over her breasts. A long bony rod had flipped around like a long finger and curled to a spot just below her pubic hair, centering on her clitoris. She closed her eyes, unable to bear her next torment. Then, as the piston thrust forward, she felt it - a low zapping spark against her clit like the piercing hum of electricity. Her body began to shake. Not a voluntary, natural kind of shake, but a deep epileptic shake that vibrated in her very bones.

It was the electricity on her clit. It made her entire body convulse as the phallus pushed its way deep inside her. Her toes curled back and her hands clenched as she was rocked with the deepest spasm of her life. She thought she couldn't take anymore - that she was at the limit of her tolerance - until the gem pressed hard against that spot inside her. Then she moaned louder and harder than she ever had - a gurgled tortured kind of moan that bubbled in the back of her throat. She was going crazy. Nothing she had ever dreamed about could have prepared her for what she was experiencing. She realized that it was pure intense pleasure. A pleasure that threatened to completely overwhelm her.

The pistoning grew faster and deeper - if that was even possible. The long crackling sparks of electricity concentrated on her clit lit her abdomen with an orange glow. Every thrust was the same - Kerry's beautiful body convulsed as the piston made its intrusion inside. Her gurgling moan filled the square until the phallus hit that spot, then her body would light on fire, and the convulsions would grow violent as she thrashed in ecstasy.

The crowds around her began to loose themselves in the spectacle. Her carnal moans were lighting every else on fire - men and women both. The angle was just right - everyone could see it. Every thrust inside her was incredible. The sparks of orange energy that flew from her clitoris were clearly doing something amazing. The more they stared at her, the more their lust grew, until it was radiating off of them like heat waves. All that lust was gathered by the strange ancient machine and channeled directly into Kerry's soul. She felt the whirling vortex grow more and more intense.

She found that she could not even open her eyes. They were clenched together as tightly as her fists. She was beet red, she knew that. Heat radiated off her body like she was a glowing coal. Still the phallus pistoned into her bent body, pushing open her swollen lips and plunging into her depths.

Somewhere in the audience a man could not wait any longer. He was crushed against a woman whom he didn�t even know. It was too much for him, but he couldn't help it; everyone was pressed together in a giant crush of bodies as they moved closer to the machine. As he watched the elven woman being fucked high above him he squeezed his hands down between his body and the woman in front of him. He began to lift her skirt. The woman felt his presence. She felt his hands on her skirt, lifting it, but she was too worked up to resist. She felt him pull it over her hips. She felt him roll her panties halfway down her thighs. She looked over at her husband, but his eyes were fixed on the elven girl. She didn't say a word as she felt the smooth head of the stranger's penis press into her. She bit her lip as she felt the sharp melting sensation of it plunging into her depths. In the undulating masses she pushed her ass back at the stranger behind her, too far gone in pleasure to notice how one of the machine's bony feelers was pointed directly at her, sucking off her lust like a great siphon.

Similar scenes happened everywhere - men and women unable to bear the sexual tension clung to each other like animals. The bony feelers swung from here to there pointing like some kind of an octopus. The mass of humanity began to undulate and in the center Kerry moaned and thrashed as it was all pumped into her. And there too stood Uzhegh, at the center of the storm, preaching in a maddened voice, poisoning the minds of all those gathered until even the gentlest of souls was filled with the intense desire to own an elf.

In that giant conflagration inside Kerry's body, there was something eternal that clung to sanity. It was like some great and central thing that had never before been revealed to her. Through all of her screams and moans it guarded entrance to her most vital essence. A great storm raged outside her soul, but in some vital space inside there was absolute peace - the heart of her being. But now the borders of Kerry' s mind seemed to be collapsing. It was like if she were being tugged free of her body.

Throughout this whole time she had not cum. The stimulation had been overwhelming, but the fear and the hatred had kept her in control. But now, as the rhythmic thrusting continued she felt a deep shudder in her womb - a ripple that coursed along her insides like a wave. The wave was not in her body, but in her soul. It felt like her foundations had shifted. She screamed as she tried to regain balance - it had been the most frightening thing in her life - as if that eternal sentry to her soul had begun to topple.

The phallus thrust forward again - deep into her belly until it contacted that special spot. She lurched as her womb tightened. She screamed without any restraint. It thrust again and her entire body racked with the intensity of her contraction. She felt the black gem deep inside her. It was smooth and hard and as cool as the moment it had entered her. Then there was an eerie hum as she felt it switch on. She felt a tug deep inside her. It was like the gem was a giant void that was sucking at her soul. The phallus pulled back and thrust forward again.

To all the onlookers a new glow seemed to radiate from the depths of Kerry's womb. It grew deeper with every thrust, shining with a brilliant intensity like a great fire that had been concentrated into a point. The electric orange of the sparks on the girl's clit was nothing compared to the richness that radiated from inside her womb.

It seemed like she was going crazy. Her convulsions grew so wild that they were shaking the machine on its podium. Then the phallus pulled out so far that the black gem at the end partially came out of her pussy. It was half covered by her straining pussy lips, but even so everyone could see the bottomless swirl of energy that was contained in it. Then it thrust forward again - quick and deep - with utter finality. It disappeared inside.

Suddenly it stopped moving.

Kerry didn't. She thrashed like never before - a deep epileptic seizure. It plunged directly into her most vital spot and it stayed there. Her womb contracted so tight that it sent all the air from her body. She realized that she was supposed to be cumming, every millimeter of her body wanted to cum, but she couldn't. Her insides were wound up too tight. To cum she needed to relax - to flutter, but she couldn't flutter - she couldn't even move.

In those electrifying moments she felt herself coming undone. The holy sentry that guarded her gates was being torn loose like a flimsy doll. It was like her very being was being pulled from her - she remembered the harrowing cry of that ancient elven lady and she knew that she was at that moment. She knew she should try to hold on, but she couldn�t. The immense pressure of her contraction was squeezing it from its position at the center of her soul. She felt everything draining from that center - pouring out of her until there was nothing left but the mindless lust inside her. It was the most horrible thing in the world - she knew that she shouldn't let it happen, but she had no choice. She squeezed tighter and tighter, thrashing on the pole high above the crowds until her entire consciousness became one orange dot.

She felt like she was completely empty - a hollow space with no thought, no will of her own. Then the tip of the phallus seemed to push a little further. That moment was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to her. She surrendered. All the lust, all the torment, everything that had happened to her simply burst. It was the most glorious moment of her life. It was like a sunrise inside her womb. Every cell was bathed in its light.

Then the contractions came and she screamed. Her womb loosened for a moment and then pulsed. She screamed with every fiber in her body. She screamed in absolute relief - in absolute joy. Nothing could have ever felt better. Deep in her soul she was thankful. She was immensely and blindly thankful for every moment that had been given to her.

The contractions hit her head on. Such orgasmic screams had not been heard by humans for millennia. Many in the crowd came just from the sound. It needed no explanation - it was something almost genetic. That was the moment the capitol of Retsek truly turned on the elves. Every man and woman in the crowd needed to hear that sound again. It was a mad lust that seemed to boil in their very souls. The man in the crowd who had been fucking the stranger came deeply inside her. She clutched her husband's hand as she accepted it - he would never know a thing.

It was over then. Any doubt, any misgivings were gone. The light in Kerry's womb went out. Her moans stopped, but the phallus remained deeply embedded inside her. The bonds on her elbows loosened somewhat and her upper body flopped forward slightly. Her hair had come undone; the tight knot had loosened in her struggles and now wet strands were plastered to her face. Slowly the machine lowered her. She came down straight - the phallus still embedded in her pussy.

She was lowered directly in front of Uzhegh. Her head wobbled a little on her shoulders like if she were drunk. She tried to focus on him, but her mind was still swimming in the pleasure that he had given her. She still felt all that lust swirling inside her - somewhere deep in her core.

Her breasts ached. They felt more full than ever before. She wanted to touch them, see why they ached so, but her arms were still pinned behind her. Then Uzhegh caressed one of them. His hand slipped under it and lifted it slightly. Pleasure rang through her skull. He leaned forward and took her nipple in his mouth. He began to suck lightly. It was glorious.

She heard someone in the audience gasped, "Her breasts give milk!" She looked down and saw that it was true. She felt it coursing through her nipple as Uzhegh sucked. The other nipple was wet too, a wet stream that flowed down her chest. She had never before felt this way. Dimly she understood what had happened. The pleasure she had experienced had tricked her body. It had opened everything - every gate, every sexual function. There was a click behind her and suddenly her arms came free. Slowly she extended them forward and wrapped them around his head, cradling it gently. She moved his head to the other breast and felt the milk flow. She never had felt so fertile. Her whole body hummed with pleasure. Above all she knew she had to please this man. She would simply give him anything.

The phallus inside her withdrew. Its absence was like a void in her body. The gem felt warm now. She knew that something vital to her was locked inside it, but it didn't matter anymore. The locks on her knees came loose too. Uzhegh caught her as she fell forward. He steadied her on her feet. She didn�t think she could stand, she felt like she was balancing on two sticks, but somehow her legs held her up. She tried to look around at the crowd of people, but her head spun if she moved too fast.

She felt something slide over her shoulders. Someone was clasping a broach around her neck. In a daze she looked at her new gown. It was a flowing, semi-transparent robe that did nothing to hide her nakedness. Uzhegh took her face in his hands. He was looking at her with the same sneer of ownership as he always had. This time he was right though - she did belong to him - body and soul. She wanted to prove it to him. She pressed her body against his compliantly and kissed him on the lips. Uzhegh broke the kiss and stepped back, smiling.

He pointed to her, speaking to the crowds. "It is as I told you! The taint of corruption has been cleaned from this elf. She serves her proper masters now..." The crowds laughed as Kerry fell into his arms.


Lish came yet again. She had long since lost control of her body. The poison that Uzhegh had pumped into her had coursed through her veins and had robbed her of her will to resist. She was slumped over a chair somewhere, on her hands and knees. There was a man behind her. He was sodimizing her slowly, pushing his erection deep into her ass. His fingers cupped her pussy and were languidly playing with her clit. He had only just started, but there had been several men before him. Some had taken her in her pussy, but soon they had discovered that she responded better to anal sex. At first they had been in a big hurry - afraid that any moment the guards were going to come in and end their fun, but as time went by they had realized that everyone had gone to the ceremony in the square. They knew then that they had plenty of time, and they had the most beautiful woman they had ever seen, so they set out to enjoy her thoroughly.

Lish had been covered with bodies, in slow pumping and stroking and touching. At first she had tried to fight the cloud that had gathered in her mind, but then slowly she gave in. Her body became pliant - like soft moldable clay in their hands. She really didn�t know how many of them there were. Hands had lifted her from here to there, bent her in various positions. She had felt two penises enter her at once. She had had several in her mouth. She knew she had had sex with a very fat man, but it had all blended into one sensual sensation.

The orgasms had started coming after the first half an hour. She couldn't be sure what had done it. It was no particular thing. She had been on her hands and knees. Someone was fucking her slowly in her ass, flickering her clitoris languidly, and she had felt herself melt. It was not a screaming thrashing kind of orgasm, but a silky tickle that crawled along her spine. The first orgasm was hardly over when the next had crept in to take its place. She had begun to shake, deep and slow. The men took immediate notice. Her ass had clamped tightly around the invading member and she had moaned long and low. It had been the first sound she had made since they had brought her there. The man fucking her had increased his tempo, trying to stretch it out, but that had the opposite effect, ending it as quickly as it had started. It was then that the men had found her proper tempo.

They had worked her over, experimenting with position and tempo, until they got that low guttural moan again, until they knew she was cumming. Then they had held it as long as they could, continuing the same slow tempo and the same languid flicks at her clit. Hands rubbed all over her. It was a slow torture for her. Her head was spinning - it felt like her mind had long since oozed out of her ears. Every time an orgasm hit her she would thrust her hips back sharply at the man impaling her, but he would not allow her to change her tempo. They kept her simmer at the boiling point, consciousness locked deep inside her, aware of nothing but the waves of pleasure drowning her body.

They had lost count of how many times she had cum. At first it had been easy to tell the difference - she would moan, her skin would flush with blood, her ass would begin to contract, and she would buck backwards. But after a while the orgasms started to blend together. The contractions of her body became an almost constant fluttering. The slow motion was not ordinarily enough to bring a man over the edge, but when her body began those deep, sputtering contractions it almost certainly brought the man to his climax. He would hold on to her hips or ass as her insides fluttered around him and then he would cum. It was one of the most gently orgasms a man could ever have. Her submissive languor had settled on all the men in the room. They were all locked in a cycle - nobody was willing to give up such pleasure. They all knew that the same moment would never come again for any of them.

Almost everyone had had their turn. The man that was fucking her now was on his third go - nothing he had ever experienced compared to Lish's stunning body in such a submissive state of rapture. He almost felt a deep communion with her as he pummeled her depths, stroking her just right, and watching the amazing affect it was having on her. There was another man just to her right. He was gently guiding her head between his legs - relishing the feeling of her wet mouth on him. The two men's rhythms were almost perfectly matched. Again her body began to contract and as if on cue the man holding her head released her. Lish lifted her head and moaned, deep and guttural in the back of her throat. Her hips squashed against the man behind her, her soft cheeks flattening against his stomach. Amazed they watched a thin line of drool spill from her lips. She had cum again.

Soon after that, from somewhere far away, they heard a loud feminine moan. It was like nothing they had ever heard before. Deep and sexual - something that chilled them to the bone. The man who had been using Lish's mouth got up and went to the window. "It came from the square," he said.

"The girl in the cage probably." Somebody else said.

"So the others are having some fun too, I reckon�" the first man answered, and then he came back to Lish. He took her chin in his hands and tipped her face towards him. Her eyes were clouded over completely. Her body still rocked gently from the motions of the man behind her. She looked like she was in utter ecstasy. Clearly she hadn't even heard Kerry's climactic burst. She was totally oblivious to anything that was going on around her. He shrugged and guided her lips around his member again, thrusting forward. He felt her soft tongue work around his length, enveloping it as if it were the most natural thing to do. Slowly he brought himself off and came. Lost in her own world Lish swallowed the sperm that was pumped into her mouth.




Lish slowly opened her eyes� Or were they already open? Something was moving - it felt like she was riding a horse. There was something against her back too - cold and hard. There was something between her legs - some kind of a wonderful pulsing. She was being rocked slowly. Her mind felt like warm candle wax. It was so hard to think clearly. But slowly the details began to filter in. She was pressed against the wall. She was in some kind of a jail cell. The iron door was open. There was a guard resting on a wooden bench inside the cell. Another guard was standing between her legs. He had his pants around his ankles and he was fucking her slowly. Her legs were wrapped around him. She could hear moaning - dry, cracked moaning. Her throat hurt. She realized the moaning was coming from her.

Slowly some of the details began to filter in.

She had been in a room with half a dozen men. They had used her. She couldn't remember how many times. She had slipped into a weird state - something between euphoria and sleep. It was filled with the same pulsing that gushed even now between her legs. Even as she thought of it she slowly started to slip back into that mindless euphoria. It was like one constant cum� It had been so good� The guard was pumping into her steadily. She felt his bristle against her neck. She was covered from head to toe in the musky odor of sex and men. She felt infused to the core. Somehow she had to find a way to clear her head.

The men in the room had used her endlessly. But then there had been a commotion. More men - men in uniform had come in and demanded her. They were town guards. They had brought her to the jail. Her head had just been beginning to clear when they had started on her. They had begun to fuck her just like the other men had. It had quickly muddled her senses, brought her back to that state of euphoria, but now the spell finally seemed to be wearing off. The other guard was resting on the bench. He looked tired, satiated. He had already used her.

The rhythmic pounding began to speed up. Lish felt the fluttering in her womb rising to match it. Her head started to swim again. It was so hard to keep control. She heard her moans as if from a distance. She sounded like she was going to cum. Could that be me? She thought.

Her hands rose up to the guard's head, her fingers splaying around his face. One finger curled into his ear. Her body rose and lowered rhythmically as he pressed her against the wall, his face buried between her breasts. She didn't know if she had the strength left to do what she needed to do. The fluttering in her womb grew more spastic until once again she felt the incredible gush of her own orgasm. It feels sooo good to cum� she thought. The guard's hips bucked as he began to tumble down the same path. Her breath caught in her throat. She felt that familiar melting in her brain. Her mind fell into blackness as she came. She rode the wave, redirected that energy to her arms, twisting sharply. She could hardly think about what she was doing. Her sweaty fingers slipped on his face, but she regained her grip and twisted mindlessly as he pumped her harder. She was cumming, losing the strength in her arms as she succumbed, but in the last second the bones of his neck popped and the man's body went suddenly rigid. He pumped forward one last time, his neck bent unnaturally to the side and let out a gurgled moan. She clutched his face in her chest to block the noise, holding him there as he had his final death spasms. Her chest heaved as she regained control.

His knees buckled forward, hitting the wall and sliding down; Lish's toes slowly touched back to the floor. His body was shaking. She held him tightly, lest the other guard discover what happened too soon. She felt wetness growing in her womb and suddenly she realized that the dead man was cumming inside her. She could feel it filling her even as she held his face against her breast. It was obvious that snapping his neck had removed all normal restraint - the sperm literally seemed to gush into her in without stop. It was a sick sensation - a dead man cumming inside her. She tried to control her revulsion, keeping perfectly still as he finished. Finally it was over. She released him and he toppled backwards, his penis pulling out of her with a pop. A flood a sperm followed.

Lish had no time to think however. The other guard stood up, suddenly aware that something was wrong. His friend had toppled over backwards with his face turned around the wrong way. He was in such shock that he didn't know to scream. Lish took the moment to stumble across the room. Her legs were not used to being together, and she felt incredibly weak, but she managed to fall in his arms. The guard caught her almost reflexively, still unsure of what had just happened. Lish found his knife strapped to his waist and drew it out. Almost with the last of her strength she slid it across his throat.

The guard was young, with a rather handsome face. His eyes widened as he felt the knife slice through his skin and arteries. He was dead - he knew that for sure - but his body simply hadn't realized that yet. He wanted to scream but Lish's hand was over his mouth and the air from his lungs seemed to push out of a space in his throat instead of his mouth. His energy faded and he started to slide to the floor. He stared in shock at his killer and she shushed him as she guided him gently down. His blood was smeared on her beautifully dark skin. Only moments before he had felt that same supple skin press against him in the throes of passion - his second girl ever. Now he felt his own skin growing colder. Soon his eyes didn't move at all. Lish rose up and slipped quietly out the door.

It was probably the most difficult thing she had ever done, yet she managed to escape the jailhouse without being caught. Her legs hurt. Her muscles were cramped. The space between her legs from pussy to asshole hurt. Everything was sore. Even her mind was sore. Worst of all was her pride. She had failed her friend and she had failed herself. She had never been in such a state as what she had just experienced. Hours of cumming. It had been mindless. It had been a complete betrayal of her body. It had been exquisitely beautiful - the only thing to ruin it was the deep sense of shame that came after the fact. By definition no orgasm could be considered painful - and she had had countless numbers of them. Her pussy still throbbed as if it were just settling down from a tremendous cum.

Despite all that she had willed her legs to move. She had willed her mind to function. She had used her skills as a drow priestess to break out of the jailhouse. She did it with stealth, patience, and almost unnatural dexterity. She also did it with complete single mindedness, making her decisions on the spot without so much as a second thought. Looking back it was one of her proudest moments.

Once she was free she knew exactly what she had to do. She had to go and save Kerry from the evil bastard's clutches. And she had to see his blood dripping from the end of her dagger. Next 1