Soon to be an extensive collection of all kinds of different works, possibly even ranging to most of my fave shows, but hey, that's just me getting a little ambitious. I'll post some of my works, and if anyone submits anything (don't be shy!), I'll post that too! Anything will be accepted, well, unless it's something totally sick and gut wrenching, then it'll go in my personal selection... uh, I mean, will be deleted!! *Ahem*

All these stories so far are Thundercats fan fiction, though if I do post anything else, I'll say so in the little description.

Usual copyright thingies apply, and probably all these stories are only suitable for adults due to the violence content and weirdness value.

Works by me!
Archangel Anarchy

This story was written in 2001, in November I think, and I wrote it for a dear friend of mine, Tonati, though she also goes by the name of Spark. It's based in the world of Thundercats, and for anyone that doesn't know, Thundercats is a cheesy '80's cartoon that was barely shown here in England, and as far as I know, was never repeated on British television. So, it was only natural I have a little heart failure when I discover it had four seasons! Anyway, this story includes characters from the show, and also characters created by members of a Thundercats fan club I used to be moderator of called the TCATGR, but it's pretty much dead these days.

Thunder In The Bullrushes (part one)

Yet another story based in the Thundercats realm. I still need to decide on part two, but I'll get there eventually.

Zhyan's Living Nightmare

See what happens when you're bored? You write weird things! Yes, 'tis true! Contains huge pixies, a perverted Thundercat and a very injured archangel... dammit, I need sympathy!!

Kam To The Rescue?

Kamanchee is a virus that occupies a humanoid body, and he's also severely addicted to cake. Weird, huh? Well, I wrote this for his birthday, because I felt a little sorry for him always being the underdog in other people's stories, so I decided to be nice to him and make him a sort of hero! See? I can be nice from time to time...

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