Zhyan's Cloud Of Abomination
For all your weirdness needs!

Welcome! This is a place where there are no boundaries, meaning this place has no specific point in life, kinda like me. Hey, nobody's perfect, ok? I didn't exactly know what to do with this place since there are so many things I love and hate, so I figured I'd throw everything together to form one colossal heaving mass of stuff! Well, ok, maybe it won't be heaving, but at least it'll have a place in this world of cyber freakishness...


Stories galore in this section, ranging from fan fiction to just weird stories. The different fan fiction will eventually be categorized, but I need to collect more before that happens!


Here's where all the different kinds of art will eventually reside; some will be drawn by my own fair hand, and others will be drawn by others. Any kind of art imaginable will be here, including fan art, and other stuff like that.


Yes, I, among many millions of others, am interested in the paranormal. This section is dedicated to all things weird and wonderful, and may even include the odd spoof here and there. Well, I can't be serious all the time, can I?


Yes, I do finally have an updates page. Now all I have to do is remember to update it.


A page of links to all the places I like, or places I feel I owe some credit to. Feel free to browse.

All About ME!

There was one thing this site was missing, aside from content, and that's a page about moi! Though even this is kind of sparse...


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