A History of Arab Muslim "palestinian" Terrorism in Israel (since the 1920's)


All 4 Israel - Updates!

ABC of the Middle East "conflict" for Dummies


1) There was always a Jewish presence in Israel the Holy-Land.

Upon Holy Land inhabited by a mixed population, The Arab Population boom (immigration etc.) came after Jews started returning by larger numbers, coming to enjoy the Jews' development.

...Arabs immigrants from Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. These were not native "Palestinians" as they are called today, rather Arab migrant workers looking for a better standard of living.

2) Arabs started massacring native Jews in the holy-land (long before the "occupation" excuse was born) in the 1920's.
Hebron Massacre 1929 ,
Palestine Arab Riots 1929

3) Arab Leaders are Responsible for (Most) 'Palestinian' refugees,
1) Palestinian Refugees, invited to leave in 1948, 2) The Arab nations keep the Palestinians and their descendants in squalor. They are denied citizenship rights. They are denied work. They are denied property. They are denied their human rights because they are and always will be a political football in the Arab campaign against Israel.

4) 850,000 Jewish refugees are a result of Arab Leaders' Fascism.
1, 2.

5) 300,000 Lebanese Christian Victims as a result of 'Palestinian' 1 2 (in cooperation with Syria The MONSTER, Crimes and Massacres By the PLO and the Syrian army against the Lebanese people ) Crimes.

6) Most 'Palestinian' Dead were/are Combatants. Most Israeli Victims were/are Innocent NON Combatants. See Research

7) Behind every "innocent" 'stone thrower' picture the coward machine-gunners hiding behind...

8) The Biggest Victimizers on 'Palestinian' Kids are 'Palestinian' Parents, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as we ALL know it, even the (mostly) Bias Media admits it finally.

9) The Arab Muslim Goliath grip on the UN 1, 2 and (it's obsessed mostly bias resolution, by the same token blinding the bias actions of the) EU, is deeply powerful, starting from:
A) The oil control, B) Huge Arab Consuming Market, C) Psychological giving in for Terrorism - intimidation (including fear of masses of Arab Muslim rampage in the streets).

10) The reason why Arab Muslim militants are against Israel helping the "Palestinians," including a GIFT of (what they never had,) a State, is for their fear of losing the flag/excuse/cover for butchering -- in their Jihad Vs World atrocities -- all over. [never mind the guilty 'Palestinian' side, but those that are ignorant "buy" the notion that they're the real "victims" & not the aggressor].

11) Unlike the Arab Muslims States or "Palestinian" authority 1, 2, 3 , Israel does not incite to hate, murder & glorifying mass murder, as Arab States & the PA do on official media, state and religious.

12) The high tall that Israel pays in it's anti-terror operations is for their extra care on civilians (at the vicinity) in selective surgical shooting, including their extreme high risking door-to-door knocking on the search for weapon, the self-sacrificing (significant time pre-action) notification for residents nearby (that terrorists use as shields) to evacuate, they've developed special low impact-punctual missiles.

13) The "palestinian" terrorists have been known to INTENTIONALLY murder Arab kids and pin it on Israel, (like Muhammad Al Dura 1, 2, and in Rafah & more).


1) Most Zionists are Christians.

2) Most Ultra Orthodox Religious Jews do not serve in Israeli army but that does not stop Radical Arab "Palestinian" terrorists from targeting their babies!

3) Israel which is the only Democratic system in the entire middle east, has ramification of: A) Free press criticizng it constantly, B) Homicide/Genocide Bombers mingling in freely in it's open society, abusing it deadly

4) Israel never targets the innocent unarmed (as a general rule), would it really behave like it's counterparts, there wouldn't be one 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim surviving it's power.

5) Color? Ethiopians Israeli Jews are more black than Arabs, and (around) 50% of Israel consists (brown) of Jews out of Arab countries originis -- not white.

6) "Checkpoints," are for all Israelis, it has nothing to do with what you are, but rather WHERE you are at.

7) Arab Israelis have full righs in democratic Israel, and are even elected to high positions in Israeli parliament, so do Israeli Arab women vote, unlike in (most) Arab countries. 1 (- Why arabs Love Israel), 2 (- Facts) , actually they are even given preference in most Israeli court cases.

8) It's not tanks vs civilians, but Genocide bombers vs babies (and machine-gunners & rockets against Israeli civilans).

9) There's no more abuse at the IDF than in any other Western Democratic power (to say the least).

10) Most backers of settlements stem out of security (buffer zones) concerns.

11) Though Arab nations have treated 'palestinian' violence (see: Jordan -"Black September", and Syria - Hama 1 ,2), by massacring thousands of 'demonstrators' in the course of a few days [and 'successfully' kept it quiet ever since], but out of racism they shift it to demand rather from rstrained Israel, to blame the non Arab nation on a continuing basis.

The only reason for Arab leaders not letting Israel's constant atttepmts to improve in Arab made camps for 'Palestinians', is so that they could viciously play them for theit hate campaign and pointing fingers conveniently.

It is too difficult for neighbouring Islamo-Arab dictators-leaders to let go of the 'palestinian' conflict, as they use it so efficiently to divert their populous' attentions, and suffocate bitter complaints against their governments, towards the non-Arab-Muslim nation.

14) Researchers do not trace most "Palestinian" Arabs to any earlier date than the 1880's, as their majority emigrated later on.

15) It's never the 'facts' on the ground that 'boost' terrorists, but the brainwashing and FALSE 'interpretation' of things, by the same token: It's not what we "do", but what they're being TAUGHT to do.

InANutshell Palestine Facts Myths & Facts Continuous Jewish Presence Arab Main Argument Israel = GEM Facts on Conflict.

The 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim hijacking of 'Achille Lauro' & fascist murdering of a disabled American man who [/because] happened to be... a Jew

'Palestine' = racism, fascism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing

Re: Arabist Carter hateful anti Israel book "Palestine peace not apartheid".

Why don't we all call apartheid when it's really apartheid, racism where it is real racism and ethnic cleansing at it's actual happening?

What would you call Arabs' forcing Israel to "clear" Gaza out of Jews = i.e. non-Arabs? If this is not ethnic cleansing, What is?

How will Hamas Islamic militant agenda be exempt from the usual "Islamic apartheid"?

Especially at their long war on Christians like pogroms in Bethlehem, massacring Christians in Damour, killing Christians at the Pope's comment (2006), chasing out YMCA, and other incidents as part of chasing out the Arab Christians from the holyland.

Why can Israeli Arabs be equal part of Israel's beautiful democracy but no Jews alowed into "Judenrein - Palestine"? Is that not far worse than mere: "apartheid"?

What would you call "Palestinian" Arab racist war on Jews, by their masses (no, not a fringe minority) shouting "Itbach-Al-Yahood" slogan to "kill the Jews", the slogan that Genocide bombers use, or Arab killers of Jews in any other form, to "drive all the Jews into the sea"? If that is not racism, What is? When their war since the 1920's is actually about Arab racism on non Arabs and Islamofascism on non Muslims, i.e. Israeli Jews.

Or "Palestinian" racism against blacks like cartoons against blacks as monkeys (cartoon on C. Rice, 2006)?

['Palestinian' Arab racism even among its "moderates"] Canadian MP: Mahmoud Abbas Purveys Anti-Jewish Incitement Israel - ...He also met with PA officials and told them that "hate breeds hate." Saying that Hamas, with "their charter with its genocidal objective, anti-Semitic ...

The "Palestinians", The Self made "victims"

Enough is enough, Giving the prolong deception of this "creation" call "Palestinian victimhood".

Isn't it time we all expose the falsehood of it all, worse, the criminal history and present by the "Palestinian" leadership and masses to inflict themselves with, deaths and suffering?

Start by their beginning of this twisted chain from it's refusal to comply with UN's offer for a 2 state in 1948, followed by their adhering to Arab leaders to evacuate via spreading lies of "massacres" and arrogant racist promises to drive all the Jews to the sea.

Then, came al those years that their leaders refused to let Israel improve their condtions, as all Arab leaders, for not losing the "Palestinian" card -- 'oh, those poor Palestinians' -- in their anti-Zionist racist drive.

Of course we all know that their masses are just as guilty, and if anyone thought otherwise, came the swift overwhelming election - suuport of militant Hamas in 2005 - just as Israel made another sacrifice in Gaza, giving it away.

All those Arafat years of not standing up against his most evil form of child abuse, indoctrination of kids into the virus of extreme hatred, into the Satanic death cult, glorifying mass murder, suicide, homicide and genocide.

So is Arafat's continuing legacy of exploiting the young in the theater of war.
You almost want to scream when you see those little Arab children being put to hide adult shooters, "Where are your terrible parents"?
The other known term for the horrindeous self killing, self made massacres is of course: The "Intifadah".

The population's investment of all energy into hatred and terrorism, instead of rebuilding economy.

The very lergacy that is still on today, all in mind to continue to be the "victim".

Worshipping that sacred "image as a victim" to the cameras of the world, nothing is more important to them, next to massacring Jews.

Not one Arab nation wants them, Jordan is eager for a "settlement" because it does not want any more "Palestinians", Syria & Jordan just sloughteed them in the 1970, Lebanese are fed up with them, etc.

Instead of pointing fingers at humane Israel, that is the only country in the entire world that treats them with humanity, they better take a look in the mirror, for they have no better enemy than themselves.

Palestinian self-inflicted wounds http://www.aijac.org.au/updates/Aug-02/070802.html

Self-inflicted Catatsrophe, Self-inflicted 'Nakba' http://web.israelinsider.com/views/5585.htm

Fed up with their self-inflicted misery - Reader comments on article: To End the [Palestinian] ... Peaceful Palestinians threatened by their own http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/5895

The Palestinians became the sacrificial pawn of Arab politics, ... [Shi�a] and Hamas [Sunni]) have intensified the dynamic of self-inflicted suffering http://www.seconddraft.org/ess_palestinian_suffering.php

Were the Palestinians Expelled?-, The Israeli "narrative" of this episode sees the Palestinian tragedy as primarily self-inflicted, a direct result of the vehement Palestinian/Arab rejection http://www.netanyahu.org/werpalex.html

Nakba: Journalistic Catastrophe. Palestinians commemorate a 1948 catastrophe. From reading the news, you'd never know it was self-inflicted. http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/45884734/critiques/Nakba_Journalistic_Catastrophe.asp

The so called "palestine"

Historic & background clarity vs "palestinian" LIES

Arab Immigrants Settlers Invaders in Israel

Was "palestine" ever a country in history?
But there was an Israel earlier in history, long before the Arab immigrants came, mostly in the late 1800, after the Zionists started to cultivate the DESERTED land.
The major wave was after 1922, 7 years before
the Arabs massacred the Jews in Hebron.

The BIG "palestine" LIE.
Because Palestine is a region, not a country, England was able to carve out half of it and give it to the Arabs living on the other side of the Jordan River ...
THE ARABS IN THE HOLY LAND - NATIVES OR ALIENS? http://www.sullivan-county.com/x/natives.htm

Zionist Impact on Palestine, "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes ..." desolate and unlovely ... [Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad, 1867]. Remarkably, there are photographs dating to ...

The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 http://www.meforum.org/article/522

http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_maps.php Israel "palestine" Maps

http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~dhershkowitz/ First Photos of the Holy Land

The 1929 Hebron massacre by rracist Arabs upon innocent Jews in Hebron "palestine"-Israel (long before they came up with "occupation" excuses)

The "Palestinian" Contributions to Humanity

    1) Commit the crimes on your own kids (human bombs, human shields) and always blame the Zionist victim.

    2) How to united the Arab world, bring about "Dead Arab kids", Hezbollah picked up on that very fast.

    3) The bastion of (fake) excuse for Islamists' crimes against humanity.

    4) The phenomenon of "brown" Arabs Kissing up to "white" Hitler, Hitlerists, never mind what one wishes the other.

    5) Inventing big drama words, such as "apartheid", "racism" for those daring to stand up against Racist, Fascist terrorists.

    6) The lucky invention of the 1960's, One of the 21 century successful lies, such as "palestinian people"  (on the Arab group mostly grandkids of immigrants from surrounding countries).

    7) The 'creme de la creme' best "export" of "palestinian" industry, the human shields tactics of course (to Iraq's Al-Sadr, Talibans, Hhezbullah, etc.).

    8) The death cult that always finds somebody to kill, if not the Zionists, or their kids via tactics that the media might blame the IDF, they find each other  to practice it with (civil war).

    9) when simple lies don't work, edit videos to fit the propaganda, PALLYWOOD, "palestinian" fake Images industry. The Second Draft, YouTube - Pallywood

Typical "Palestinian" Behaviour

Targeting Children  Faces of the Victims  Casualties of War   Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism since September 2000

Major terrorist Attacks on Israel   Sbarro Massacre  Rest in Peace, Gal!  Some Photos  Some of "Palestinians" Heinous Crimes

Myths & Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Frequently Asked Questions About Israel
One Jerusalem
Enough is Enough!
Coalition against terrorism
Free Middle East
Think Israel
The truth about Israel
Israel's War Against 'Palestinian' Terror
Awsome Seminars
Arabs For Israel
Israeli-'Palestinian' Conflict
"palestinians" = LIES!
Amin Al Husseini - The Grand Mufti and father of today's jihad.
Are the Palestinians really victims???
MEMRI: Middle East Media Research Institute <-- translates Arabic columnists, leaders, etc., into English, very good. Used by our congress and others in government. You can subscribe (NO cost), and they will send you updates.

In a nutshell nutshell3 < basic clear presentations

* The Trojan Horse -The Trojan Horse - showing that the present conflict is not just about the "territories," but rather the Arabs' desire to destroy Israel. Yasser Arafat, for instance, is shown telling a massive outdoor rally that the Palestinian Arab struggle for Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is "only the first step" on the way to a state "from the river to the sea."

* Relentless - "www.honestreporting.com/relentless/new_version" - an hour-long documentary by HonestReporting.com, showing how Israel has been terrorized by the Oslo process.

* Israel in Danger - A Look From The Inside (Israel in Danger - A Look From The Inside)

* Holy Land: Christians in Peril (Holy Land: Christians in Peril ) - about the Palestinian terrorists' take-over and desecration of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and the wretched situation of Christians in the PA in general.

* Seeds of Hate - "www.cat2002.org/home1.html" - featuring a young PA teacher saying, "We are teaching the children that suicide bombs is the only thing that makes the Israelian people very frightful," and more of the same.

Possibly the latest entry (as of Jan-04) is a 40-minute documentary entitled "The Thin Small Voice." Produced by volunteers of the Mid East Education Team - M.E.E.T. - the film provides the perspective of ordinary people whose daily lives have been impacted by terrorism. Its promotional literature says it "exposes the pervasive hate campaign that infects the Arab world" and "explores the spiritual and historical importance of Eretz Yisrael to the Jews." As M.E.E.T. director Chaya Rivka Schiloni says, "We need many more films and videos about Israel out there." The Thin Small Voice can be previewed at www.meetnet.org".


The TRIAL  Re: Israel = Humanitarian

Israel David Vs. Goliath Arab:

The MAP: Geography and Population Basics

The MAP: The Strategic Threat

Twenty facts about Israel and the Middle East
Israeli Democracy Facts

A picture is worth a thousand words

Why I Cry For Israel

Some short presentations:

Solution to peace & who's against that & why

Which came first, Terrorism or 'occupation'? Arab terror!

Does giving land to the Arabs bring peace? No!

Palestinians' anti American campaign:
FACTS:Photos of Palestinians Dancing and Cheering<Sep. 11 2001
Article & photos
Palestinians Party on September 11
palestinians dance in the streets on 9 11
Palestinians surpressing it & threatening the journalists taped/reporting it
A link of a BBC audio report on the celebrations
And the attempts to lie about it Urban Legends Reference

Bin Laden souvenirs among seized PA shipment

9/11 Israel's memorial

Danny C. Levin, Israeli hero of 9/11, the first victim
Al Qaida planned to blow up bridges on Jordan to mark Millenium

American victims of mid-east terror >An unfortunate very long list

Excellent BASIC articles:
Why Israel Is The Victim And The Arabs Are The Aggressors
Myths of the Middle East
The world's collective amnesia
We have all been had!
The Big Lie
When Palestinians become oppressors
Palestinian people do not exist
What is a 'palestinian'?
The Cult of Death
Israel, the Scapegoat
Spiral of Equivalency
The Arab legacy of hate
Arabs Recognized Israel - 1919
Moslem Claim to Jerusalem Rests on Wobbly Verse
Democracy In The Middle east, Israel = 1 Arabs = 0
The Media's 'occupation' Myth
Genocide by any other name
Why Support Israel?
The sellout of Israel
The moral case of supporting Israel
Israel's Moral Right to its Life Middle east
''Palestine'' For Dummies
On Hating Israel,What we know but can�t say out loud
Israeli on Arab TV: Jerusalem Was Ours When Muslims [still] Worshipped Idols - 06/04/08 - Israeli on Arab TV: J'lem Was Ours When Moslems Worshipped Idols ... Jerusalem is our city forever and is not an issue for you, for Al Jazeera or for anyone ...Dr. Kedar: "Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran even once. You can't rewrite the Koran on air on Al Jazeera."
Israel 'occupies' no Arab territories Nov. 22, 2008
Support for Israel doesn't need a lobby

Selected articles:

myths palestine history of palestine myth history palestine palestinians
Is Zionism "racism"?
Who needs another police state?
Do the Arabs care about the Palestinians?
Why Israel Must Defend Itself
The Ongoing Humiliation of the Jews
Doing It the Arab Way
Give the Palestinians What They Dread
Islam�s Goals Credited to Jews
Palestinians Want To Murder Jewish Children
Get Syria out of Lebanon
The cycle of violence fallacy
Blinded by (the SO CALLED!) 'cycle of Violence'
What is a Palestinian?
Myths of the Middle East
Ray of Hope? The future for Palestinian reform.
Sharon's Hard Choice
Gaza's preschool of hate Islamic mosque teaches tots holy war, martyrdom
Arafat the Nazi
The attempt to bomb Israel's Soroka hospital
Vae Victis Rummy to Palestinians.
Palestinian Lies & Western Complicity A continuing story.
Arafat, Elected? The sham 1996 vote.
Who Needs the Arabs? We can win by being winners.
What can the Arabs do? Not much, Thankfully
Why I don't care about the Palestinians
Ditto for the The Wall St. Journal op-ed page
Why the Settlements must Stay
An agnostic writes to Palestinians
Dennis Ross interview on peace talks with Arafat


What makes a 'Palestinian' a 'Palestinian'?

In response to so many that are asking what is uniquely "Palestinian" (since Arabs are Arabs, and there was never a "Palestinian" separate people until their 1960's grouping)?

So What makes a 'Palestinian' a 'Palestinian'?

Here are a few of their exports & contribution to humanity:

* Using civilians from it's own population (and often own kids) as human shields to fire from behind.

* Being the aggressor and playing the "victim".

* Faking footage in order to get sympathy (like Muhammad Al Dura and others)

* The "art" of Genocide bombing in general.

* The "art" of Imams/sheikh & other "holy" men etc. Exploiting children/youth as human bombs.

* Cosmetic casualties, as in Jenin, fake funerals & adding bodies from graves to the conflict zones.

* Interpreting others' kindness & constant gestures as weakness (I. E. example of Gift of Gaza etc. You could almost say with certainty that whenever -- God forbid we hear a Genocide bomber strikes, that translates into an earlier gesture by Israelis).


Arab MK: 'Palestine Belongs to Arabs, Not Jews' -Tibi
� the construction worker was an Israeli-Arab who worked for an Israeli Arab. �He took the bulldozer, with which he fed his own wife and family, and used it to crush other families to death, simply for being Israeli Jews.�
Bulldozer attack raises fears of Arab '5th column'
Jul 3, 2008 ... Yesterday's bulldozer attack was claimed by an Israeli Arab group from ... brutal acts of violence against Israeli Jews in recent years. ...
[Arab racism against Jews even inside Israel] Fear of calling a terrorist a terrorist Ha�aretz, Israel - Jul 7, 2008 If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I�d like to know what is.
 Islamic Movement head charged with incitement to racism, violence �Jan 30, 2008
5 Israeli Arabs Are Charged With Aiding Hamas � Mr. Mahzomah, an Israeli Arab who was convicted of terrorism in Israel, was sent to Lebanon in a prisoner �
Growing Threat from Homegrown Israeli Arab Terrorism - Defense �Jul 13, 2008 � (IsraelNN.com) It was cleared for publication Sunday morning that four Israeli Arabs were arrested more than a month ago on charges of �
[May 2007] (Another Israeli Arab leader charged) Azmi Bishara, the Arab member of the Israeli Knesset who is about to be charged with espionage and treason for aiding Hizbullah in the Second Lebanon War �
Israel News - Three Israeli Arabs Planning To Kidnap & Murder �Jun 2, 2008 � Three Israeli Arabs from Lod were arrested by the Shin Bet and Israel � will be charged with conspiring to commit a crime and aiding the enemy�
2003 Terrorism Review The involvement of Israeli Arabs in terrorist attacks included: � the Green Line and had also received financial aid from a Lebanese Hizballah terrorist. �
Police: We exposed (ARAB) al-Qaida cell  (in Israel) | Jerusalem Post Jul 9, 2008 � them of membership in a terrorist organization, aiding the enemy � This is not the first time that Israeli-Arabs have been charged �

I AM "palestine"

The name 'Palestine' has never referred to a country, but was an area under British control from 1920 until 1948 that was mandated to them by the League of Nations and comprised the areas today known as Israel, the disputed areas west of the Jordan River (large parts of which are today referred to as the Palestinian Authority), and the Kingdom of Jordan. Even when these disputed areas were under Jordanian control from 1948-1967, it was never called or even referred to as 'Palestine'.

Here's for those who DARE say the TRUTH that there's no such thing as: "palestine".The Big lie

I'm  Arab "palestine"!

During WW2 Mufti Muslim Arab leader of "palestine" has cooperated with bloody Nazis Arab/Muslim Nazi connection

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Long before the state of Israel was reestablished, in 1929 massacred Jewish residents of the cities Hebron & Safad, men women & children.
Hebron massacre | Photos | Safad Massacre 1929

I'm Arab "palestine"!

In 1948 refused to UN's partition for an Arab (one more state) & a Jewish State and attacked that very new Jewish State with bloody murder.

I'm Arab "palestine"!
In 1948 Arab coward "leaders" (through false reporting about "massacres", caused &) called Arabs to flee Palestinian Refugees, invited (By Arabs) to leave in 1948 when defeated by Israelis defending themselves from Arab attackers.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

During 50+ years repeatedly attacked innocent civilian Israelis, men women & children.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Have started ALL the wars with Israel in combined efforts of Goliath Arab neighbors & lost.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Teach children to kill other children & get killed, glorifying murderers, (and lying to the world that it's out of "desperation").

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Receive MONEY for massacring via HOMICIDE BOMBING.

I'm Arab  "palestine"!

Made a bloobath out of Lebanon including "special" murder of Christian Lebanese Damour & when retaliated by Arab Christians "blamed" Israel for that Sabra & Shatila Witnesses Arab on Arab murder.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Tried to make a bloodbath out of Jordan a as well ... but stopped by Arab Jordanians killing "palestinians" BLACK SEPTEMBER

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Lying to the world that Israel is undemocratic when in fact Israel has even Arabs serving in it's parliament.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Lying to the world that we are not responsible for terrorists when in fact "palestinians" teach & back terrorists' attacks on civilians, including Arafat's DIRECT involvement.

I'm Arab "palestine"!

Lying to the world in that Muhammad Al Dura, when in fact he was killed by OWN BROTHERS "palestinian" ARABS

Lying to the world about "Jenin" as well. TheBigJeninLie | LIES

Arab "Palestinian" Christians have been suffering and STILL suffer from Arab "Palestinian" Muslim majority.

91% of palestinian are Arab MUSLIM, the rest are Christians, suffering under their brothers... living in fear and forced to act violenlty against Israel.
I love it when Islamists talk as if they care about Arab-Christians, anyway here is about the "Christian" bubble in racist "palestine".

Arab "Palestinian" Muslims' Persecution of Christians  

Just like the Arab Christian Lebanese in "Damour" (Yasir Arafat�s Planned Christian Genocide http://www.chretiens-et-juifs.org/article.php?voir%5B%5D=594&voir%5B%5D=3532, Hobeika - Damour http://www.free-lebanon.com/LFPNews/hobeika_damour/hobeika_damour.html ), where "Palestinian" Muslims massacred Christians senselessly, which brought the reprisal by Arab Christians upon Arab "Palestinian" Muslims in Sabra & shatila.

The "Palestinian" Christians are forced to join the senseless criminal violence against Israeli victims, otherwise they are threatened.

Some Arab "Palestinians" that might be Christian won't admit the awful truth openly, that scared they are!

But some find courage to break the ranks like: http://shoebat.com/, a "Palestinian" Arab (former terrorist) who converted from Islam, terrorism, hatred & bloodshed to Christianity.Which is why he advocates now for Israel the real victim, exposes the lies and incitement he was exposed to while being Muslim.
Also see: http://arabsforisrael.com/


http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=31285 The truth about Christians in 'Palestine'

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30299 Christian persecution by Arafat

http://www.science.co.il/arab-israeli-conflict/articles/Imra-1997-10-30.asp Palestinian Authority's Treatment of Christians

http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=51909 Palestinians burn West Bank YMCA Follows Muslim warnings for Christian group


World silent after Muslim gang attacks �Palestinian� Christian village ... "And if it's not the members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=32560  Persecution in 'Palestine'- Get the video documentary that exposes the anti-Christian persecution within the Palestinian Authority, "Holy Land: Christians in Peril," available ...

http://www.honestreporting.com/articles/reports/Denial_of_Religious_Rights_by_the_Palestinian_Author ity.asp> Denial of Religious Rights by the Palestinian Authority Not just Jews, but Christians have also been victimized by Islamic intolerance for 'infidel' holy sites.

http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/010061.php Dhimmi Watch: Fitzgerald: IslamoChristians and Bethlehem

http://bethg2.envy.nu/ Islamization of Bethlehem - DRIVE THE INFIDELS OUT & TAKE THEIR LAND AND PROPERTY

http://www.ourjerusalem.com/press/story/press20051017.html The Pogrom on Christians

http://ww.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=19453 Anti Christian

http://www.acpr.org.il/cloakrm/clk117.html The Islamization of Bethlehem by Yassir Arafat

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50109 YMCA warned to vacate Hamas town

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=20583 Persecuting the Holy Land's Christians ...

http://www.christiannewstoday.com/CWN_855.html "Palestinians" burn Christian village (Published - 2005)

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/09/wmid09.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/09/ 09/ixworld.html  'Islamic mafia' accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians (09, 2005)

Persecuted Countries: Palestine - Persecution.org - International

The variegated nature of Christian persecution is widespread. ... all harm and persecution in the hands of the Hamas and the Palestinian Security Forces.

September, 2006

Muslim Palestinians attack Churches & News agency
Catholic Palestinians downplay Muslim attacks on Christian ... http://www.catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=21317 Catholic Online, CA - JERUSALEM (CNS) � Christian Palestinians tried to downplay the significance of Muslim attacks on seven Christian churches in the West Bank and Gaza in ...

Palestinians attack more West Bank churches Reuters AlertNet http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L1761770.htm

Masked Palestinians Attack News AgencyAll Headline News - http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7004911064 Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) - Masked Palestinians Tuesday stormed the central Gaza offices of the official Palestinian Authority news agency, WAFA, destroying all ...


http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53574 January 2007, Nazareth Muslims: 'Islam will dominate the world', March through town described in New Testament as Jesus� childhood home 'meant to intimidate Christians'


FOXNews.com - Timeline: Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig's Ordeal, "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni later tells FOX. August 26, 2006: With 72-hour deadline approaching, a senior Palestinian ...

Muslims believed behind bombing of Gaza Christian bookstore


The mass Kidnapping, Intimidation of the death cult "palestine"

http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=24825&only&rss Ironic Palestinian Kidnapping Watch

http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2007/04/01/the-politics-of-intimidation-kidnapping-and-the-news-you-get/ The Politics of Intimidation: Kidnapping... (2007)

http://www.newswatch.in/?p=6976 Gaza area has seen 15 journalists abducted since 2004: CPJ research (April 2007)

http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/kidnapped-bbc-journalist-feared-dead/2007/04/16/1176575717837.html Kidnapped BBC journalist feared dead (April 2007)

http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/03/16/news/mideast.php UN aide attacked in Gaza (March 16 2007)

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/821832.html IDF warns against hitchhiking, citing terror kidnapping alerts ... (April 2007)

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3347997,00.html Gaza infighting: 5 killed, 10 kidnapped (January 2007)

http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7006984267 Palestinians Kidnap Israeli-Arab in Gaza April 8, 2007

http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1173700683851&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Palestinians kidnap BBC reporter Jerusalem Post (April 2007)

http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/002543.php Palestinian Gunmen Kidnap French Civilians in Gaza GAZA (Reuters) - Masked Palestinian gunmen kidnapped three French civilians in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis Friday (July 16 2004)

http://news.netscape.com/story/2006/08/14/-palestinians-kidnap-two-fox-news-reporters-reuters-spins-it/ Palestinians Kidnap two Fox News Reporters: Reuters Spins It ... (2006)

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=46261 Palestinians kidnap Italian journalist in Gaza (Sep, 2005)

http://www.hannity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-47391.html Palestinians kidnap UK Human Rights Workers [Archive] (Dec. 2005)

http://hotair.com/archives/2006/08/14/palestinians-kidnap-steve-centanni-from-fox-news/ Palestinians kidnap Steve Centanni(2006) http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/08/14/D8JGC6V80.html Fox News Journalists Kidnapped in Gaza http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,210645,00.html Captors Release Two FOX News Journalists Kidnapped ... Olaf Wiig and Steve Centanni were released Sunday, after nearly two weeks ... "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told FOX News

http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article1842695.ece Palestinian gunmen release US student after 24 hours - Independent (2006)

http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20061025/ai_n16802192 GAZA, Palestinian gunmen kidnapped a Spanish photographer working for the Associated Press in Gaza, keeping him captive nearly 13 hours before pressure from Palestinian officials secured his release. Emilio Morenatti, 37, was grabbed by four (October 2006)http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7005350482 Update: Kidnapped Spanish Aid Worker Released In Gaza (October 30, 2006)

http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=56136 PALESTINE: News photographer kidnapped in Gaza City

http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L01887004.htm Reuters AlertNet - Photographer, Palestinian gunmen abducted in Gaza... held a Spanish aid worker and a photographer working for the Associated Press ...

http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/773180.html Palestinian militants release U.S. hostage abducted in NablusPalestinian militants release U.S. hostage abducted in Nablus [Michael Philips] abducted in Nablus (2006)

http://www.newssafety.com/hotspots/countries/gaza/afp/gaza100206.htm Hunt for kidnapped Egyptian diplomat [by Palestinians] (Feb 2006)

http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/15/158245 Following the raid, armed Palestinians kidnapped at least nine foreigners in the West Bank and Gaza. (March 15 2006)

http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Security/8967.htm Israeli physician kidnapped, murdered ... (July 2006)

http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70F1FF73D540C718CDDA80894DF404482&n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fOrganizations%2fP%2fPalestinian%20Authority Peruvian Journalist [Peruvian photographer Jaime Razuri] Is Seized in Gaza (January 2 2007)

Lebanon: 2 Palestinians suspected of bombing UN mission [August 2007] http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1187779144426&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

Four killed in deadliest Gaza infighting under Hamas [October 18, 2007]

Clashes between "Palestinians" factions kills three in Gaza


Posted by Palestinian Facts Org, August 29, 2006.
Arabs [propagandists] claim that (some of?) today's Jews aren't really descendants of ancient Israelites and are really converts WITHOUT EVER SHOWING ANY PROOF.

Here's GENETIC PROOF that not only are Jews descendants of the Jews who were exiled from Israel by Romans, but Jews of today have more Israelite genes than Arabs have genes of ancient Arabs. Furthermore, SO-CALLED "palestinians" are originally from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Go back wherever the hell you came from!

University of Baltimore Study: Jews are originally from northern Middle East (where Israel is located), while SO-CALLED "palestinians" are originally from Saudi Arabia.

The study also says that while Jews are partially the product of mixed-marriages and converts, Jews have about 70% to 80% blood of ancient Israelites, while Arabs have only 50% blood of ancient Arabs. (http://www.ubalt.edu/kulanu/jewishdna.html), National Academy of Sciences: Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Diaspora Jews from Europe, Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they resemble their non-Jewish neighbors.

Second, despite their high degree of geographic dispersion, Jewish populations from Europe, North Africa, and the Near East were less diverged genetically from each other than any other group of populations in this study (meaning that Jews have more Israelite genes than Arabs have genes of ancient Arabs). Our results indicated a relatively minor contribution of European Y chromosomes to the Ashkenazim. If we assume 80 generations since the founding of the Ashkenazi population, then the rate of admixture would be <0.5% per generation.

Stanford University: If you made a genetic map of Europe and the Middle East and you put Ashkenazi Jews on it, they would not end up in Turkey or in the middle of Europe, but in the Mediterranean.

University of Arizona: We saw such a strong signal of a Middle-Eastern origin in Jews. Jews really are a single ethnic group coming from the Middle East. Even if you look like another European with blue eyes and light skin, your genes are telling that you're from the Middle East.

NY Times: The analysis provides genetic witness that these communities have, to a remarkable extent, retained their biological identity separate from their host populations, evidence of relatively little intermarriage or conversion into Judaism over the centuries.

Reuters (on Yahoo web site): A study shows that Jews suffer from the same illnesses. If Jews were mere French, Polish, etc. converts, they would not share the same genetic makeup with each other.

ABC News: "Jews have preserved their Middle Eastern genetic roots over 4,000 years. Very few non-Jewish European genes have gotten into the Ashkenazi (European and American) Jewish populations. The comparison, published Monday, of groups of Semites also shows that Jews have successfully resisted having their gene pool diluted, despite having lived among non-Jews for thousands of years in what is commonly known as the Diaspora
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/ DailyNews/geneticbrothers000509.html

Hebrew University: Jews are from Middle East.

BBC on another genetic study proving that Jews descended from Israel.

Quiz yourself on the Arab ["Palestinian"] Israeli conflict

1) When was the Arab immigration to [the historic Jewish land of] Israel -"Palestine" boosted?
A When they wanted to see Jewish holy sites.
B When [anti French and anti British] Arab nationalism spread across the middle east.
C When the Zionists Jews came and cultivated the deserted land. * * *
2) What's [Arab "Palestinian" highest "national" icon] Yasser Arafat's country of origin?
A Israel ["Palestine"].
B Jordan.
C Egypt.
3) Why were there --initially-- more Arab immigrants ["residents"] than Jewish immigrants (Arab majority)?
A Because Jews didn't attempt to enter.
B Arabs were 'invited" to come.
C Because the British restricted only Jewish immigration, to appease the Arabs *  .
4) Why did (some) Arabs leave "Palestine" Israel in 1948?
A Because the Zionists "told" them to.
B Because the UN told them to.
C Because the Arab leaders ordered them to evacuate   *. *   [their reasoning: to facilitate annihilation plans] while they attempt to 'throw the Jews in the sea'.
5) What has been the term "Palestine" always referred to?
A a country.
B a flag.
C an area, always known to be historical Israel *.
6) What was Arabs' reaction to UN's partition plan for a two state solution and have their conduct since then ever been legal?
A they embraced the UN.
B they ignored and didn't react at all.
C they refused, objected to the plan and illegally started attacking the newly reinstated state of Israel.
7) How many Jewish refugees were chased out from Arab Muslim countries after Israel was re-established?
A 300,000
B 500,000
C Between 800,000 & 900,000 *
8) When did Arabs, Muslims start attacking Jews in the holy land?
A In the 1940's
B In the 1930's
C In the 1920's *.
9) Why did Arabs attack Jews so many years [even] prior to the re-establishment of Jews' homeland?
A Because of losing sports games to the Jews.
B Because of the "occupation" by... the British...
C Because they were led by such racist leaders like Haj Amin Al-Husseini the Mufti, that so shamelessly kissed Adolf Hitler's ass (while Hitler played the Arabs to his anti Jewish agenda)    *  *
10) What is synonymous with the Arab Muslim leader the Mufti?
A Spirituality.
B Peaceful religion.
C [Christian] Armenian genocide 1915, Hebron massacre 1929, pact with Adolf Hitler, Farhud massacre in Baghdad 1941, SS Bosnian Muslim brigade's crimes on Serb Christians 1943 * .
11) What did/do Arabs call to any lost [armed] battle to the Zionists?
A Loss.
B Mistake
C A "massacre" * * * * * * .
12) When did that so called "occupation" occur and why?
A In the 1948, during the war of independence.
B In the 1950's, as part of an "expansion".
C In the 1967 war when Israel decided it 'had enough' of constant Arab unprovoked attacks on its innocent citizens, the Goliath combined nations of Arabs, as always, lost the war to little tiny Israel - "David", by all legal means it was not a "theft".
13) Why did/does Israel continue to 'hold' the territories captured in 1967?
A Power hungry.
B "oil"...
C 1) Historic rights, it was always pertaining to the Jews. 2) Because of security, buffer zone.
14) What has been Israelis' experience in giving gestures to the Arabs so far?
A Arabs behave better.
B No change.
C Arabs, Muslims become more radical, more violent [example: Hamas rose right after the Gaza give away] as they see Israel's kindness as weakness.
15) When did these Arabs, (mostly) sons and grandsons of immigrants start to call themselves as "Palestinians"?
A In the 1940's.
B In the 1950's.
C In the 1960's.
16) What did/do all Arab-Muslim leaders & "fighters" openly plan to do to the Jews in their many wars?
A To occupy them.
B To oppress them.
C [To "throw them all into the sea". or a modern version of:"wiping off map", or "drinking the blood of the Jews" - aka] Genocide.
* * * *
17) Who started to give equality for minorities, including voting rights for [Arab] women in the middle east?
A Jordan.
C Israel.
18) Where in the middle east, does it exist a 100% complete freedom of speech, freedom of the press?
A "Palestinian" authority.
B Egypt.
C Israel.
19) Do Arabs, Muslims participate in Israel's pluralistic democracy, Are there Arabs in the Israeli democratic government?
A No, there is "apartheid".
B No non-Zionists allowed.
C Yes, in fact Arabs, Muslims are elected to high offices in the Israeli government.
* * * * * *
20) In disputes between Arabs & Jews, Who does Israeli democratic court favor?
A The Israeli Jews.
B No preference.
C They overwhelmingly favor the Arabs, especially in land issues * * * * * * * [Arabs, Muslims are often first class citizens].
21) At any tense time, who is barred from the Temple mount by the Israeli government?
A The Muslims.
B Both, the Jews and the Muslims.
C Only Jews are barred   *  * [Arabs, Muslims are often first class citizens].
22) What's the "race" or "skin tone" of Israeli society?
A White.
B Black.
C Cosmopolitan, multi-racial, Israel has all shades, races and colors, from the whitest of "white", to the darkest of "black" and anything in between [including Vietnamese refugees and refugees of the genocide in Sudan by cruel racist Arab Janjaveeds].
23) What's the nature of the state of Israel?
A Religious.
B Moderate religious.
C Secular democracy.
24) How many faiths, religions are active in Israel?
A Judaism only.
B Judaism & Christianity only.
C Cosmopolitan, there are 15 faiths being practiced in Israel's democracy, including majority - Judaism, Christianity, 20% Islam, Bahai, etc. *
25) Are there any Jews, or Jews allowed to reside in "Palestinian" controlled "Palestine"?
A yes.
B yes, but in limited numbers.
C not at all, its what is called racist "Judenrein - Palestine", AKA ethnic cleansed, only Arabs allowed. *
26) What's the status of [the minority] Arab Christians' rights and lives under "Palestinian" rule?
A Better than ever.
B No change.
C Always deteriorating [Islamic 'Palestinian' Apartheid] * * * * * * .
27) Who is being treated in Israeli hospitals & at Israeli medical facilities?
A Jews and Arabs.
B Jews and Arabs & visitors.
C Jews and Arabs, including "Palestinian" Arabs, and international patients especially humanitarian treatment for some of underdeveloped countries.
28) Is [Israel's army:] IDF's work only protecting Israeli lives?
A it's all about "occupation".
B Protection but also "occupation".
C mainly defending Israelis' lives, but also providing humanitarian aid all over the world [includes Muslim countries that had natural disasters] *.
29) What are Islamic "Palestinians" plans with radical liberal westerners that act for their behalf or [at least] apologetic to their [so called] "cause"?
A Hugs & kisses.
B Gift cards.
C a reminder: pacifist Daniel Pearl beheading * in Pakistan, killing of activist Tom Fox   in Iraq, lefty Kibbutz "Netzer" slaughter by Fatah.
30) Do [most] ultra orthodox religious Jews serve in Israeli army, and are their children also targets by "Palestinian" Muslim genocide bombings & other attacks?
A they are on the frontline of combat units.
B they serve in the army and bear arms like everybody else.
C they do NOT serve in the IDF, Yet, their children are as much a target by 'Palestinian' terrorists * .
31) When "Palestinians" talk about "occupation" what do they mean?
A Territories captured in the 1967 war.
B The arrests of terrorists.
C Israel 'proper' - Tel Aviv, Haifa, etc. *
32) What areas have been rattled by "Palestinian" Arabs violence?
A only "Palestinian" held areas.
B only Israeli areas.
C Israel, "Palestinian" held areas, Jordan ("Black September" * * ), Lebanon (past & present).
33) Is the Jewish capital, biblical holy city of Jerusalem mentioned in the Muslim Quran?
A sure, as many times as it is mentioned in the Jewish/Christian Bible.
B at least once...
C not at all, the only reference the Islamic religion has of it is Muhammad said he had a dream of it... * * *
34) What's the common denominator with oppressing, massacring Kurds, oppressing the Berbers, slavery, oppression and genocide in Sudan, Chad, Mauritania, Saddam's war on the Persians, etc. and the Arab war on Israel?
A Arab unity.
B unrelated stories.
C Arab [supremacy, Arabization and Arab] racism * * * * * * *.
35) What's the common denominator with bombings in New York, Bali Indonesia, Madrid Spain, London UK, Israel, India, Thailand, Paris France, Lebanon etc.?
A "Freedom fighting".
B Unrelated stories.
C Islamic Jihad - intolerance for non Muslims. * 
36) What's the common denominator with oppressing minorities - dhimmis in the Islamic world, persecuting Christians [including by Islamic "Palestinians"], and other non Muslim minorities in the Islamic world, and radicals' war on all non-Muslims or even on those 'not Muslims enough' [terror bombings on their own people like: in Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.]?
A Muslim "victim-hood".
B Unrelated stories.
C Islamic Fascism * * * * .
37) Why did/do Arab Muslim leaders prevent Arab "Palestinians" advancing in life?
A Arab unity.
B Unrelated stories.
C It serves them as a "good" unifying [as there's never really positive-unity in the Arab world] card & and a fabulous diversion whenever their population tries to cry out against the terrible oppression and crimes in the entire Arab Muslim world on their own people.
38) Why do Arab Muslim ["Palestinian" & Hezbollah] terrorists use their own women and children as human shields when carrying out shootings, and terror attacks?
A their children ask for it.
B They are "warrior heroes".
C 1) (Cowardice) they know Israel is humane and is prevented from acting. 2) they hate their children in 'Jihadi love'. 3) Because [it's only] they [who] seek Arab women/children's deaths to demonetize Israel *.
39) What are the statistic characteristics of casualties of the Arab Islamic Intifadas?
A both sides have lost mainly unarmed civilians
B most Arab deaths are non terrorists.
C Most of the casualties on the Israeli side are innocent unarmed civilians, whereas on the Arab "Palestinian" side most are armed [or assisting to] combatants.
40) What are checkpoints, and for what purpose do they exist?
A "Brutal Occupation"
B a garage that checks up your car.
C Security checking points that reviews passers by [a checkpoint in the airport should give you an idea], especially in areas known to be terror hubs.
41) Should some ambulances and some of those women that appear to be "pregnant" be checked up in known dangerous terror areas as well, and why?
A no, they are all "innocent Palestinians".
B just ask them if they are terrorists...
C "Palestinian" Islamists have been known to use ambulances, kids, women truly or falsely pregnant, to carry explosives and other assisting terror activities * * * .
42) Why did Arab Christians massacre Muslim "Palestinians" in Sabra Shatila in 1982?
A because they felt like it.
B because of  Reagan, Sharon, the weather...
C as a result of Syrian occupiers & Muslim "Palestinians" massacring Arab Christians in Damour Lebanon 1976. * * * * *
43) Was there ever [in history] such a state called "Palestine", or Was there ever an Arab sovereign State in Israel/Palestine?
A Yes, sure, under the Ottoman empire.
B Yes, sure, under the British empire.
C No, Never!
44) Who has changed the Jewish area of Israel into "Palestine"?
A The Greeks.
B When the Dutch brutally enslaved the people of Congo.
C The Romans.
45) How many Arab states are there [already]?
A 10.
B 20.
C 22.
46) Is there any difference between a Jordanian Arab, a "Palestinian" Arab and an Israeli Arab [both residents of different sides of the defense barrier-wall]?
A Sure, in the skin tone.
B Sure, in the [so called] "culture".
C Not at all.
47) Are the Arabs, the "native indigenous" people of the countries such as: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, etc.?
A Yes, they were there for thousands of years...
B Most of them are indigenous.
C No, the indigenous are the Berbers in N. Africa, and the Nubians in Egypt...
48) Who's famously quoted as saying: "Next to the Jews we hate the [Arab-] Palestinians the most"?
A Hitler.
B KKK leader.
C most powerful Arab, king Fahd.
49) Does the Islamic [Hitler] Ahmadinejad of Iran have any "borders and territorial" issues with Israel & Is he genuinely confused about the Holocaust [though Iranians know all too well the massive influx of survivors that have escaped it and entered seeking asylum in Iran]?
A sure, Iran borders with Israel...
B he "aches' for the Arab "Palestinians", though he oppresses, persecutes [all the minorities in Iran, Azeris, Kurds, Turkomans, Baluchis, Baha'i, and kills Ahwazi] Arabs.
C he is an example of pure Islamic bigotry.
50) A word, an image a story out of a "Palestinian" source is...?
A credible.
B like any other source.
C never credible, very possibly to be turned out to be another edited image [Pallywod] *.
51) Is there ever a balanced report in [any of] the Arab media as in Israeli media that shows always a variety of opinions?
A there's always Israel's view presented as well.
B both sides are presented equally.
C nothing but the Arab view exclusively is presented, always.
52) The Arab street gets angered by...?
A what Israel does.
B what Israel does not.
C what and how the Arab media reports, it incites, inflates emotions, often via graphic photos of dead Arabs, without explaining that it is for the most part due to terrorists' cynical tactics.
53) When you see the US, white house foreign policy so pro "Palestinian" by Bush, like pushing only the Israeli side to give concessions of their own vital land for security, and releasing more dangerous terrorists, What goes through your mind?
A "Zionist lobby".
B Chinese lobby.
C Appeasing the giant [Arab lobby] Islamic: Saudi, Gulf states, Arabian oil tycoons.
54) When you see the past & present constant obsession by the UN with all kind of [obscure and] bigoted heavy-handed "resolutions" on Israel, Israel being so horrifically demonetize in the international press, the racist boycotting campaigns, etc. What goes through your mind?
A "Israeli lobby".
B Pharmaceutical lobby.
C The Goliath Islamo Arab [lobby mafia] power, control, grip on the world, via intimidations, and terrorizing international organizations and country leaders, the factor of 'angry violent Arab street' in Europe, using Arab world's market, and oil as 'weapons' as well.
55) Who pulls the strings in major US' foreign policy like on: Iraq, and on [Islamic oppressive republic of] Iran?
A "Christian lobby".
B "Kurdish lobby".
C Arab Gulf States.
56) Are there any Arabs, Muslims countries recipients of US foreign aid?
A no, only Israel gets aid
B everyone gets aid.
C Islamic Pakistan, Arab Egypt and Arab Jordan receive billions of dollars in aids, recently, the Arab "Palestinians" get aid as well.
57) What was the first things "Palestinian" Islamic Hamas & its supporters did when winning Gaza [after super kind Israel gave the violent "Palestinians" the gift of Gaza land]?
A offering an olive branch.
B changed its fascist charter.
C reiterating its goal to eliminate [all of] Israel, terrorizing Christians, forcing them to convert to Islam, attacking their schools, organizations [like YMCA] & media * * * * * *.
58) What do Hamas & Hezbollah want/seek?
A nice villa with a view of the ocean.
B sports cars.
C ethnic cleansing of Jews, suppressing or eliminating all non-Muslims [especially Christians], establishing an Islamic oppressive theocracy, ultimately Hamas' goal is: Global Domination - Islamic repressive Caliphate. *
59) What portion of the 'Palestinian' population in Gaza is behind the genocidal Hamas?
A a third.
B a half.
C an overwhelming majority.
60) Is the support for massacres, racism of denying Israel's right to exist & genocide bombings only by a minority among 'Palestinian" Arabs?
A by a tiny fringy minority, (most "Palestinians" are "innocent").
B by a considerable minority.
C by its [guilty] mainstream * *.
61) Is "Palestinian" leadership of "moderate" Fatah free of extremism, terrorism?
A it's truly moderate.
B it's somehow moderate.
C PA official media & education network is still glorifying mass murder as "martyrs heroes", encourages ethnic cleansing, Abass [Abu Mazen] is a racist Holocaust "denier", Fatah still has the murderous 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade' terror group under its wings
62) Who's at fault for Arab "Palestinian" misery?
A the "Zionists".
B the west.
C 1) Their mainstream that has always selected self destructive choices, terrible corruptive leaders over change, war over peace, more extremism over positive respond to Israel's peaceful gestures, "indulgence" in the Jihad death cult over advancement, and twisted around teachings over real education. 2) The Arab leaders that have been preventing any improvement, to continue to use them as a football against Israel.
63) What is the average "Palestinian" Muslim child being taught to aspire to be?
A a doctor.
B an actor.
C a mass murderer "martyr".
64) How loving are [so many] "Palestinian" mothers for their children?
A just like any other mother in the world.
B more than any other mother.
C instilling venomous hate into their children, pushing them to the suicidal cult, to be used as human bombs & willing to sell them to the devil of Islamic Jihadi martyrdom [often for monetary payment from oil rich Arabs], "Peace will come when the Arabs start loving their children more than they hate us", Golda Meir.
65) Who indoctrinates its children to fascist hatred and to view others as animals [apes & pigs]?
A the Quakers.
B the Amish.
C the "Palestinians" & other Islamic clerics.
66) What's Israel's fighting for?
A just land.
B "power".
C survival against Genocide!

If your answers were not 'C', please start over again...


In the beginning...

Israel has always faced genocide, from the moment the Islamo Arab fascist leader, the infamous [later on exposed as Hitler's buddy] Mufti Haj Amin Al Husseini has called, incited, led to "kill the Jews" in the 1920s.

The Mufti, that prior to inciting to "kill the Yahud [Jews]" & leading massacres such as Hebron 1929 and the Farhud in 1941, has participated in the massacres and genocide of Christians, the Armenian Genocide that is [http://Armenian-Genocide.org], where 1.5 Million Christians were brutally murdered.
An ally of the Nazi "Fuhrer": Adolph Hitler, and led the Bosnian Muslim SS to commit crimes against Serb Christians in 1941.

They are milestones in the beginning of the attempt of genocide, the massacres of the 1920s, like more notorious the Jerusalem pogroms 1920-21, Hebron massacre 1929.

So were, time and time again, the open declarations by the Arab wolf-nations that tried again and again to swallow the little Israel lamb, or in their words: to throw the Jews into the sea".

Their self destructive critical rejection of the UN's partition plan in 1948 to have both, a Jewish state alongside an Arab state, was the same ethnic cleansing message, as they were never about being "for their [Arab] people", but rather against the Jews, not to support anything for Palestinian Arabs, but to eradicate any Jewish presence, which is why the Arab world chose so viciously to attack immediately the little re-instated reborn state in it's historic place.

So was their real motivation for adherence to Arab leaders' call at that time: to abandon their homes, only for a "short while" so that the Arab armies could defeat the Jews into the sea.

Bombers Target - Mass Crowds

The term 'Genocide bombers' referring to suicide/homicide bombers, the plague-phenomenon that was pushed mainly by that butcher Egyptian born "Palestinian-made-icon" Yasser Arafat, a well suited term, as the open and clear attempt is "to kill as many unarmed people as possible", that is the clear plan of a "suicide" bomber, packed with explosives, with metal particles/nails etc., their plan: to be detonated in the most crowded of places on unarmed innocent civilians [bus stops, shopping malls, eating places, etc., where the crowds are], the bigger the crowed the "better"� preferably kids.

What they lie to the world about a "struggle"

No matter how hard the international Goliath propaganda, greased by Arab Muslim giants oil, based in the entity called "Palestine" or Pallywood, that it's so called "struggle" is for something supposedly "human" demands, [to which "struggle" in it of itself is already a pure propaganda term, it's intended to make sure you "get it", that it's the weak against the powerful - presumably, when the truth is that the powerful is the "Palestinian" attacker rather, that couldn't care less about his own children that he uses for shields and for human bombs, whereas the real weak is moral Israel, that is the ONLY entity in the middle east, that does care so much for non terrorists Arab deaths,] is null and void in face of the past and present reality of the real danger Israel faces and is up against, a "people" that is supporting parties, ideologies & actions of total crimes against humanity (the real ones, not the propaganda term by the Arab hijacked UN when tarnishing Israel's self defense actions), genocide (Fatah is no "moderate", http://pmw.org.il has been documenting their mainstream education & official PA media of de-legitimization of Israel, hatred of Jews, glorifying mass murder, etc., it's just that Hamas is more extreme), has no legitimacy to lie to the west that it really wants something "human", so it can be closer to it's ultimate desired 'ethnic cleansing' goal.

Such a group of people is overwhelmingly wrong morally and is the only culprit in it's children's plight, in giving them instead of life, a death cult of Jihad, "martyrdom" and instilling racial hatred.

Death Cult upon its own people too [fake "victims"]

Such a group that is willing to kill (via their tactics or directly as in the 'Muhammad Al Dura' affair and more) it's own children for the sake to appear as victims, just how much of "victims", can the Arab 'Palestinians' still be called?

Their [Hamas backed by much of their mainstream] final goal of global domination by radical -Islam

Who guarantees that a [never before in history, a first!] "Palestinian" state given to these Arabs will diminish their desire for global domination and not be another convenient tool towards it?
Or are we to continue to ignore the thousands marching in Gaza for a Caliphate?

What "land"?

Nor is it really all about "land":
1) what "land" did the Arab Muslim attackers/murderers seek to "liberate" before 1948?
3) why don't we pay attention to what they say?
2) the Iranian Islamic Hitler that tries to deny the Holocaust in order to prepare for a new one, has no "borders issues with Israel, still it declares openly to "wipe it off map", if this is not [Islamic] fascism, what is?


Even [anti Israel propagandist paid by Arab, Islamic lobby] Jimmy Carter admits:
"I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis."

No, they're talking about ethnic cleansing, making "Palestine" Judenrein, free of Jews. And a state born in such sin will never redeem itself. ...


Some vital Background info

Arab immgrants, not "natives" - the core of today's group who calls itself since the 1960's as "Palestinians"

The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 ...Source: F. Gottheil, "Arab Immigration into Pre-State Israel: 1922-1931," .... as part of 1948 Israel, identified not only the direction of Arab Palestinian ...

British Restrictions on Jewish Immigration, Between August 1945 and the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948, ... The Emergence of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement, ...

The Arabs in PalestineIn fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and ... 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel � by Arabs who ...

British Opposition to Jewish Immigration to Palestine, Palestine Facts is a review of the historical, political and military facts behind the State of Israel and the Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict.

The History of the Words "Palestine" and "Palestinians"
The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. The name "Falastin" that Arabs today use for "Palestine" is not an Arabic name. It is the Arab pronunciation of the Greco-Roman "Palastina"; which is derived from the Plesheth, (root palash) was a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the Philistine's invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea.
The use of the term "Palestinian" for an Arab ethnic group is a modern political creation which has no basis in fact - and had never had any international or academic credibility before 1967.


A History of Terrorism in Israel from the 1920s... Eighty years later, the death toll from arab terrorism in Israel continues to grow. In September of 2002, I began the preparation of a listing....

Arab pogroms were launched against Jews in 1920, 1921,1929 and 1936-1939. ..... the bloody Arab pogrom against the Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1920 ...

February 1920, the pogroms by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem orchestrated by two young Arab Muslim supremacists, Hag' Amin [who later on became the Mufti] at that time served in the British army's intelligence (imagine that!) & Aref al-Aref.
A Hebron Muslim Sheik shouted: "Whoever has a stick, a gun' a knife or stone, shall go & exterminate the Jews, And in ecstasy screamed: "Adbachu Al Yahud" ['Kill the Jews!'].
The 'Nabi Musa' parade that started the pogrom.
Again in November 2, 1921 pogroms in Jerusalem.
From: "Korot" April 1920.

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 1920 to 1966, Arab terrorists murdered 1513 Jewish residents of British Mandatory Palestine ...

What Really Happened in the Middle East... a war on the jews for 60 years but it really has been 80 years at least-the 1929 massacre in chevron [Hebron] where over 60 jews were murdered b y a mob of arabs ...
http://www.aish.com/rss/rssRe directToArticle.asp?an=9076&vid=19951

THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM, ISLAMONAZIFASCISM AND ECCLESIASTES 1:9 In 1929 the grand mufti of Jerusalem...  organized the massacre of Palestinian Jews in Hebron ...
http://www.shalomjerusalem.com/m ohammedism/mohammedism6.html

August 2007 - The ...... to live in Hebron, gave us an accurate history of the 1929 massacre, .... �Ethnic cleansing�...
http://www.israelforum.com/blog_article.php ?aid=906135

Pakistan Today: Front Page 192004... but from the early 1900s, the Arabs carried out a policy of ethnic cleansing that included the massacre and pogroms in 1929 and 1936 in Hebron. ...

Judenrein Palestine? massacre and pogroms in 1929 and 1936 in Hebron. Both the spirit and practice of ethnic cleansing are being continued in the current conflict...
http://www.internationalwallofprayer.org/A -248-Judenrein-Palestine.html

[The Mufti] Amin Al-Husseini. Born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule
Husseini�s First Taste of Jihad
Allegiance to Ottoman Empire .
Amin Al Husseini: Ottoman Empire Officer. Amin Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide .
He is an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army. Allegiance to Ottoman Empire and Islamic world take-over will be echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration

The Father of Islamists, Amin Al Husseini, the man who officialized Islamic hate, declared Holy War on the West and the Jews. Before Amin Al Husseini, there was no hatred between the Jews and the Arabs. Before Al Husseini, there was no Pan-Islamic Jihad against the West and non-Muslims. Bin Ladin and many other terror chiefs are believers in Al Husseini and have dedicated their life to his ideology.
Amin Al-Husseini, was born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule. Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide. He was an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army. Allegiance to Ottoman Empire and Islamic world take-over will be echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration.
1917 Amin Al-Husseini returns to Palestine. He brings with him lessons of genocide and the vision of leading a Pan-Islamic empire, where Jews and Christians are not acceptable. 1920/1921 Amin Al-Husseini becomes lead figure in organizing riots against locals. Al-Husseini begins life-long campaign of inciting hate between Jews and Muslims under British Mandate of Palestine. He begins rule of terror over local Muslim leaders, who denounce him as an ignorant thug.

From Al Husseini to Hitler :Radical Islam and the Nazi connection ...Random murdering of Hebron Jews begins. Hebron Jewish community was over 2000 years old. ... Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini...

(Arab Muslim leader the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Hussein [of 'Palestine'] heads the infamous Nazi brutal brigade the SS in Yugoslavia, compiled of Muslim Bosnians and carries out atrocities against Serb Christians & against Jews).
Bosnian Moslems recruited the Nazi SS by Yasser Arafat's 'Uncle' To show gratitude towards his hosts, in 1943 the Mufti travelled several times to Bosnia, where on orders of the SS...


The Farhud, the Mufti inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq, 1941, The Farhud took place Sunday and Monday, June 1st and 2nd 1941 ...

Farhud - Historical background, Farhud - The Golden Square coup, Farhud - June 1-2 1941, Farhud - Aftermath. Read more here: � Farhud: Enncyclopedia ...
http: //www.experiencefestival.com/babylonian_talmud

FARHUD - Sephardic Holocaust Project, That day in 1941, on the Jewish festival of Shavuot, the sight of Jews ... The Farhud was the beginning of the end of 2600 years of Jewish life in Iraq. ...

Point of no return: US Holocaust Museum admits Nazi-Arab axis The Farhud (Arabic for violent dispossession), took place in 1941 when Arabs attacked Jews in several Iraqi cities, burning, raping, torturing and murdering ...


Between 1922 and 1948, the Arabs were given 90% of the Palestine Mandate -- a territory in which no country existed and which had been promised by its British rulers to the Jews. The Jews were forbidden to live in the Arab portions of the mandate -- a concession by the British to Arab racism. At the same time, because the Jews were a tolerant and democratic people, nearly a million Arabs were assimilated into the portion the Jews controlled where they were given more rights than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East. The Arab response to this compromise was a seven-nation military assault on this new state, which was called "Israel," and was a state largely composed of recent survivors of the worst genocide in human history. From the outset, then, the Middle East conflict was a war of xenophobic backwardness and ethnic barbarism waged against a persecuted people who intended no harm to their neighbors and sought only peace.
For the next fifty years until this very day, the Arab states have waged continuous warfare against the Jews with the intent of exterminating them or at the very least driving them into the sea. The current American "peace movement" is filled with voices calling for the "liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea," i.e., demanding that the West Bank and Israel be Judenrein -- free of the Jewish state.
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.asp x?GUID={AA8C951E-340A-4DD4-A83E- 4051A3400811

Geography of Israel-Palestine. Maps Don't Lie! Easy-to-understand maps of Israel-Palestine from the British Mandatory ... The surrounding 22 Arab countries are 640 times larger than tiny Israel...

Arab-Israeli conflict - Basic facts, Arab countries versus Israel. Map of Arab Countries vs. Israel ... Also see maps comparing size of Israel with those of Arab countries. ...

Arab Countries Reaction to the State of Israel:
The invasion was hardly surprising. Mufti el-Husseini, one of the worst Nazi collaborators, called for Jihad against Jews in a 1943 broadcast from Radio Berlin during the height of the Holocaust:
Kill the Jews wherever you find them, this is pleasing to Allah. Prior to the 1948 war against Israel, the Iraqi Prime Minister said all the Arabs would need would be "a few brooms" to drive the Jews into the sea. All they were waiting for was the British and said, "once we get the green light from the British we can easily throw out the Jews." [Quote from Sir Geoffrey Furlonge, "Palestine Is My Country: The Story of Musa Alami (Praeger Press, 1969)]
On the day that Israel declared its independence (May 15, 1948), Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, at Cairo press conference, (reported in the New York Times, May 16, 1948) declared "jihad", a holy war. He said that the Arab states rejected partition and intended to set up a "United State of Palestine." He then stated:
This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades".

Arab Leaders Encourage Palestinians to Flee in 1948

In 1967, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the UN peacekeepers out of Sinai. Then, he created a naval blockade of Eilat, the only Israeli port on the Red Sea. In International Law, such a blockade is considered an act of war. At the same time, Arab leaders were repeatedly calling for "throwing the Jews into the sea".

And Israel�s enemies have indeed referred to driving Jews into the sea.

[Arab] Leaders command Arabs to leave


That "occupation" criminal excuse

Is "Occupation" an Excuse for Terrorism?
No reasonable person can doubt that Palestinian extremists have been committing terrorist acts against the Israeli civilian population on a very wide scale. Call it what you will, under the banners of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aksa Martyrs' Brigades and others, these terrorists have intentionally targeted the most defenseless Israelis, including infants, children, and the elderly. They say they must do it to fight the "Israeli occupation." They say they have no alternative.
The word "occupation" is indeed the most powerful weapon in the Palestinians' propaganda arsenal. It is a serious charge. Therefore we must examine the questions: Just what is this "occupation," and is it a legitimate excuse for violence against innocent people?
The claim that "occupation" excuses terrorism has made Palestinian extremists seem credible and has made gratuitous violence look legitimate. Aside from the very obvious moral weakness of any attempt to excuse intentional violence against civilians, the claim is false for at least two basic reasons:
1) Arabs committed terrorist atrocities against Jewish civilians years before the existence of what is now called the "occupation."
2) The Palestinians refused even to negotiate a genuine peace offer that could soon have ended the so-called "occupation." There was never any need to resort to violence.
These two facts are enough to invalidate any attempt to use "occupation" to justify terrorism. The "occupation" excuse for terrorism has persisted nevertheless, and so deserves a full examination.
The word "occupation" in this discussion refers to the presence of Israelis in the West Bank and in Gaza. What is its origin?
Before 1967, the West Bank was part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt, and Israel had nothing to do with them. Then came the Six Day War.
In the spring of 1967 the Arab states were preparing for war. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force to leave the Sinai. Egyptian and Syrian troops massed along the Israeli border. Egypt closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping and blockaded the port of Eilat. This itself was an act of war. Cutting off a major supply route placed Israel in a stranglehold.
The Arabs made their intentions clear. An official radio broadcast proclaimed:
As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.
Israel, knowing its existence was threatened, launched a preemptive strike against the Egyptian air force. The result was an Israeli victory in a surprisingly short period of time. Afterwards Israel found itself in control of pieces of Arab territory in the front-line states that had attacked it: Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

...Biased Terminology Use of biased terminology - constant use of terms of Arab propaganda such as "the occupation", "the occupied territories", "assassination", and terms carrying an opinion such as "ferocious response", "hardliners", and misnomers such as "militants", "gunmen", and "activists" - one gets the sense the LA Times justifies every atrocity of the PLO because of "the occupation". The term "occupation" as used by the Arabs is short for "occupied Arab lands" and anyone who uses it has already labeled themselves a supporter of Arab claims and is therefore biased. There is little recognition of, or respect for, the Jewish claim to what is, our 3,700 year old heritage.

When the Palestinians speak among themselves about occupation, they speak about Israel occupying Tel Aviv and Haifa, not Judea and Samaria

Hezbollah likes to claim that they are "resistance" to "occupation" This is disputed even by the UN, who certified that Israel was no longer operating on any part of Lebanese territory as determined by the UN demarcated ?blue line? setting Israel?s northern border. Furthermore, the UN called for Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah in UN Security Resolution 1559 ? a step the Lebanese government has refused to take.

When the Palestinians say "End the occupation", What do they mean?... Now, when you hear the Palestinians say "End of Occupation" do they mean �A Palestinian State alongside Israel�, or �In place of Israel?�
The "Palestinians" really mean the 'END of ISRAEL!'

What do Arabs want?

What Occupation? Few subjects have been falsified so thoroughly as the recent history of the West Bank and Gaza.

What "occupation"?



1) Israel is ONLY about survival against the Goliath Arab Muslim that wants to eradicate it.

2) There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that isn�t Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection. http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7268

3) The big lie as IF the Arabs (that since the 1960s decided to call themselves as) "Palestinians" are "natives" in the holy land, the historic land of the Jews, nothing could be further from the truth, as the flow of Arab immigration in the late 1800s early 1900s was growing with the limitation on Jewish immigration. [ http://www.think-israel.org/gottheil.arabimmigration.html ]

4) What do [radical and supported by their mainstream] Arab-Muslim / "Palestinians" want?

Annihilation, Genocide!



The Hebron Massacre of 1929... Thousands of Arabs descended from Har Hebron, shouting "Kill the Jews!" in Arabic. ...

The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, the Mufti and Hitler, Nazism and ...In his last public appearance in a speech before a World Islamic Conference in 1962, the Mufti called for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews...


ISRAEL HAS ALWAYS FACED ARAB GENOCIDE. by Louis Rene Beres - [September 2, 2003] To fully understand current conflicts in the Middle East, history must be...

Israel - Radical Islamism = Racism = Genocide. Jihad-Islamism ...

Hamas promotes Islamic supremacy over the world ..."The Hamas Ideology of Hatred and Genocide: Islamic supremacy over the world, destroying Israel and Jews, promoting terror and violence,"

The Islamic Genocide Plan... .Al Jazeera television broadcast a videotape on July 27, 2006, which showed Al-Zawahiri exhorting Muslims to wage jihad against Israel...

Palestinians Encouraging Genocide

"The Arab war against Israel is a jihad," ... "In Hebron and in our village, even before World War II, jihad was genocide," Shoebat notes. ...

History of Jihad and Intifada against the Israel (1948 - ongoing) Israel stands in the way of the march of the Islamic Jihad towards the Western ... in the form of suicide (genocide) bombers who blow school kids to bits, ...

Genocide of Jews remains Hamas goal - March 30, 2007 ... and bring victory to your Jihad-fighting worshipers, in Palestine and everywhere� .

Support for Hezbollah in Egypt Threatens Mubarak's Stability... calling on Muslims to kill all Jewish Israelis with firearms, knives and poison. ... The mufti praised Hezbollah...

[1967] The Six-Day War... Gamal Nasser tells cheering Egyptians he intends to throw the Jews into the sea. Egypt and Syria are mobilized for war with Soviet arms. ...

We�ll Throw Them into the Sea,"

Top Hamas official: Kill all Americans | Jerusalem Post, The Hamas spokesperson concluded with a prayer, saying: "Oh Allah, vanquish the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them all, ...

Palestinian TV: Kill All The Jews, Palestinian TV: Kill All The Jews The Palestinian Authority is inciting the current wave of violence through its official media. against the Jews and the Americans

Hamas Mickey: Let's kill Jews ... Hamas - the terrorist group with a majority in the Palestinian Authority - is using a Mickey-Mouse-like character to [incite for genocide]...


Hamas vows to 'drink' Jewish blood, See terrorist group's video with messages ... group would drink the blood of Jews until they "leave the Muslim countries. ...

Hamas Video: "We Are A Nation That Drinks Jewish Blood," Promises To Kill Jews "Until We Have Quenched Our Thirst With Your Blood". February 24, 2006 ...


YouTube - Hamas Video- We will Drink the Blood of the Jews,Half a month after its electoral victory, a Hamas website presented the parting video messages of two Hamas suicide terrorists.

Palestinians Hamas: "The Final Goal of the Resistance is to Wipe This Entity Off the Face of the Earth"
"We are making the preparations for a confrontation. This is not because we need to be prepared for an Israeli act of aggression - after all, aggression is intrinsic to this entity - but because the final goal of the resistance is to wipe this entity off the face of the Earth. This goal necessitates the development of the capabilities of the resistance, until this entity is wiped out."

Iran: President Says Israel Should Be 'Wiped Off Map' - RADIO FREE ...Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's call for Israel to be "wiped off the map" has triggered a sharp international response and widespread condemnation. ...

Iran's President Says Israel Must Be 'Wiped Off the Map' - New ...Iran's President Says Israel Must Be 'Wiped Off the Map' ... "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury,"

Hassan Nasrallah: In His Own Words...
Nasrallah and Jews
Within a month of Nasrallah's taking over as leader, Hezbollah (with the help of Iranian intelligence) bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring over 200. The next attack perpetrated by Hezbollah�again with Iranian help�was the bombing of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killing 86 and injuring over 200.
The widening arena of Hezbollah's attacks stemmed from Nasrallah's perception that Jews anywhere are legitimate targets. In fact, Nasarallah has said:
If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002)
Shiite scholar Amal Saad-Ghorayeb analyzed the anti-Jewish roots of Hezbollah ideology in her book Hezbollah: Politics & Religion. In it, she quotes Hassan Nasrallah describing his antipathy toward Jews...
Nasrallah also incoroporates anti-Semitic rhetoric in speeches. For example, he has characterized Jews as the "grandsons of apes and pigs" and "Allah's most cowardly and greedy creatures." (MEMRI: Al- Manar, Feb. 3, 2006) ...
Nasrallah's anti-American sentiments are continuously on display. He fuels anti-American attitudes in the Middle East with charges such as his statement that Americans "have outdone Hitler." (AP, Oct. 2, 2001) During one TV broadcast, Narallah accused the US of many "sponsored plans for extermination, eradication and genocide" against the people in the Middle East. (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Feb. 8, 2002)
A 2002 appearance on Al-Manar illustrates his deep hostility toward the United States:
Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute ...
I conclude my speech with the slogan that will continue to reverberate on all occasions so that nobody will think that we have weakened. Regardless of how the world has changed after 11 September, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America. (BBC Monitoring: Al-Manar, Sep. 27, 2002)

Nasrallah boasts about Hezbollah's designation as a terrorist group by America:
It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy that should be listed in the terrorism list...I say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. view it. (United Press International, Nov. 4, 2001)
At a rally in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, Nasrallah encouraged worldwide suicide bombing against the West:
Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it. (Washington Times, Dec. 6, 2002)

Ahmadinejad must believe that he can get away with a plan for genocide because his remarks about wiping Israel off the map have been largely disregarded by the world community. He is trying to delegitimize the State of Israel by denying the Holocaust and has supported and financed Hizballah's leader Sheikh Nasrallah. Nasrallah has been calling for more Jews to immigrate to Israel - only so that it will make it easier to destroy them all if they are gathered in one location

A senior Hamas leader in Gaza declared that it was signed and sealed within his party that Israel would be wiped off the map and replaced by a Palestinian ...

Teach Kids Peace � Seeking a Martyr's Death: Video & Report, The regular PA TV programming includes song and dance accompanying scenes of violence and words glorifying willingness to die for Allah. ...

Child Abuse: The New Islamic Cult of Martyrdom - Justus Reid Weiner The message is clear: it should be the goal of every Palestinian child to die ... "Fatah Tries to Use (another) Boy as Human Bomb," ...
Child Abuse in the Palestinian Authority ... proudly remind the world that the Palestinian cause is armed with "human bombs." ...

Blatant child abuse of this kind, and efforts to cover it up, ...


'Palestinian' most inhumane tactics to bring about its children's deaths

Hamas Murders Children in Palestine, Blames Israel

The Root of Palestinian misery
If Israel really were as sadistic as its critics claim, it wouldn't have called off yesterday's bombing run. Just the opposite: It would have jumped at the chance to kill so many Palestinians at one go. Just imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, and hundreds of Israeli "human shields" positioned themselves in an unguarded cafe in the West Bank. Palestinian suicide bombers would be stepping over each other in an effort to attack the target. "Human shields" work only when your enemy fights like a human.

Arab Terrorist�s Wife Used Baby to Hide Grenade

Israeli Soldiers Thwart a Boy's Suicide Bombing Attempt

Pushing children and teenagers into the front ranks of violent demonstrations is hardly a new Palestinian tactic. During the height of the intifada in the ...

Palestinian Terrorism
...as a "human bomb" by Palestinian terrorists. Photo: AP .... children, Palestinian youth, Palestinian women, and Palestinian men die, we will not surrender! ...

Child Murder Glorified Palestinian society is programming these children to die in order to keep hatred going, ... "Fatah Tries to Use 11-Year-Old Boy as Human Bomb. ...

Why Palestinian children die...Om Mohammed helps her twelve-year-old son Abu Ali with a toy suicide bomber belt he fashioned on his own.
"I hope to be a Martyr...I hope when I get 14 or 15 to explode myself." His mother is proud of her son: "God gave him to me to...



When Pictures Lie

Encyclopedia of Famous Palestinian Lies

The Al-Dura Cover-up As images unfolded of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura.....
http://www.camera.org/index.asp? x_article=856&x_context=3

WHO KILLED MUHAMMAD AL-DURA? BLOOD LIBEL - MODEL 2000 ... journalists and the UN, arranged a well-staged production.
http://www.spme.net/cgi-bin/facultyforum.cgi? ID=400

al Durah Affair (Bin Laden narrating his recruiting video in which Muhammad al Durah appears ...... much less accepting the �staged� hypothesis, see Al Durah as Staged
http://www.theaugeanstables.com/category/al-durah -affair


Hamas with it's massive support among mainstream 'Palestinians', goal of global domination by radical -Islam

Over 10,000 Palestinians Attend West Bank Rally to Restore Islamic Caliphate:

Islamo-Fascism Denial...
Hamas: The Hamas Charter sets out its Islamic mission as global: "Its spatial dimension extends wherever on earth there are Muslims, who adopt Islam as their way of life; thus, it penetrates to the deepest reaches of the land and to the highest spheres of Heavens. . . .
By virtue of the distribution of Muslims, who pursue the cause of the Hamas, all over the globe, and strive for its victory, for the reinforcement of its positions and for the encouragement of its Jihad, the Movement is a universal one." Universal in what way? The Palestinian Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi exhorted believers in 2002 "Oh beloved, look to the East of the earth, find Japan and the ocean; look to the West of the earth, find [some] country and the ocean. Be assured that these will be owned by the Muslim nation, as the Hadith says . . .
'from the ocean to the ocean.'"

Palestinians back caliphate over politics - Telegraph

Hamas reiterates goal of world domination by Islam - annihilation ...The PA sources further asserted that senior Fatah and Hamas terrorist leaders, as well as senior security officials from Egypt and Israel, know many details ...

["Palestinians":] Wanted: a caliphate - Haaretz

The official said Hamas seeks to create an "Islamic caliphate" in Gaza and ...

[Hamas' war on Spain too] HAMAS� children magazine, Al Fateh�s call to return Seville �to the hands of ... their targets to include the rest of the Caliphate � beginning with Spain. ...

Gaza Not Enough; Hamas Demands Return of Seville, Hamas demands return of Seville in internet children's magazine ... Not only Spain. The Caliphate of 750 encompased parts of North Africa, Greece, Italy, ...

Spain is a prime target for the jihad because Andalus was an important part of the medieval Islamic caliphate. Even a children�s magazine published by Hamas ...

Fake "Palestinians" - Fake victims

Written 2007


Can you feel for those that choose to stay in misery out of blind hate, an evil choice of having hate for the other [non Arab-Muslim entity in the middle east, though on it's historic land].

A choice that would prefer schools for DEATH, [indoctrination of "martyrdom"] suicide, homicide and genocide, over any improvement in its life education of LIFE.

The vast investment of human energy, national and individual, towards Jihadism, racism and Islamic-fascism replacing any natural growth of any group of people.


If you thought that the infamous 'Pallywood' (http://www.seconddraft.org/movies.php), of notorious 'Palestinian' talent in producing false images, photos and videos, to dramatize the so called 'palestinian plight', is a new phenomenon?

Truth must be told that it's in the core of 'Palestinian-ism', ever since this group of mostly Arab immigrants into the land of the Jews have decided to rewrite history [in order to "legitimize" their ethnic cleansing of the Jews] as if they're "natives" in the Jewish land, it has been their "culture" ever since.

At the 1948 initiated Arab war on Israel [with the specific goal of annihilation, or in their words "to throw them all into the sea"], the Arabs in Israel/palestine had a routine of calling every battle they lost to the 'Zionists' as "massacre".

There was not one accord that the 'palestinians' ever complied with, time and time again, Camp David, Oslo accords and the like, were all ceremonies of shaking hands and the infamous butcher thief, the Egyptian born 'palestinian icon: Yasser Arafat, never ever honored a word he uttered.
All those promises of stopping terror - massacres, the hatred on official TV, and mainstream education headed by the PA, were stopped at just that, promises.

Nor is the current so called "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas any good in honoring agreements, there's not really a change in 'Palestinian' official media and schools curriculum of glorifying mass murder and hating the non-Arab non-Muslim entity in the holy land [see updated documentation at: http://PMW.org.il].

Abbas - Fatah (including its terror wing the: 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade') is not really "moderate", it's still Islamo Arab militant evil, it's just that Hamas which is all out in the open about genocide of the Jews, and in their vouched destruction of Israel in their charter, in its current proclamation, (or in their word, "Drinking the blood of the Jews"), is far worse.


We eagerly await a [a light at the end of the 'biased media' tunnel] total exposure on this unspeakable crimes of these parents, teachers and leaders in bringing about their kids' deaths (by pushing them in the frontline, covering for terrorists with machine guns and other despicable tactics), all while the Arab world has been rejoicing and having a 'good time', as they're being [unjustifiably] looked upon as the "victim".

Foreign policy - exposing the lie that they hate us because of leaning against "Palestinians"

Foreign policy - exposing the lie that they hate us because of leaning against "Palestinians"

But we were told that the Arabs hate us because of supposedly being biased against Arab "Palestinians"...



Wild Arabist writers/"activists" have been flooding us for years with brainwashing nonsense as if the Arab Muslim world is "enraged" mainly by the "Palestinian" Israeli conflict.

If only... -- this is what they have been selling us for so many years -- if only we'd be on the side of the "palestinian" Arabs, all would be singing kumbaya, the "peace loving" Arab world would just come rushing to embrace us.


Never mind the blatant daring hypocrisy of that Arab world, that never really cared about the Arab "Palestinian" brothers, on the contrary, it never allowed any improvement in their status, for fear of losing that anti-west card, (shoved at the westerners ever so often) of: "look at the poor 'Palestinians'".

The Arab nations keep the 'Palestinians' and their descendants in squalor. They are denied citizenship rights. They are denied work. They are denied property. They are denied their human rights because they are and always will be a political football in the Arab campaign against Israel.

The same vicious historic crimes, the Arab world leaders have been committing with this group of Arabs who call themselves (recently as) "Palestinians", as in 1948, chasing them out with bragging promises of [ethnic cleansing and genocide] "throwing all the Jews into the sea".

Even Jew haters "aryans-supremacists" have jumped the bashing-Israel wagon, oh no, not that they ever like the Arab BROWN "inferior" people, of course not! they'd like to get "rid" of them... as soon as possible, But for the time being, it can be used against the people they are so bitter jealous and hate so blindly, the Jews.


So the US has already helped in Israel's giving away Gaza to the Arab "Palestinians" [2005], an enormous sacrifice, uprooting entire families, communities, exposing and diminishing the little borderline with an enemy that is bent on eliminating Israel 24/7, when the only thing Israel got back is more support among their mainstream for Hamas type of advocating Genocide, still militants firing rockets into Israeli residential homes, still attempts of 'genocide bombings'.
Where do Arabs stand in its anti-west, as well as in its use of the "Palestinian" propaganda card? Is it the same, better or worse?

So Israel has released hundreds of dangerous "Palestinian" terrorists, out of good will, how do "Palestinians" react? More demands, Qassam missiles aimed at Israeli kindergartens are still on, why not?
Where do Arabs stand in its anti-west, as well as in its use of the 'Palestinian' propaganda card? Is it the same, better or worse?

Annapolis 2007: President George W. Bush and Sec. Condoleeza Rice are pushing hard on Israel to give even more to Arabs that never manage to make one iota of investing in peace, not even reducing its media's demon-ization of Israel.
Where do Arabs stand in its anti-west, as well as in its use of the 'Palestinian' propaganda card? Is it the same, better or worse?

IDF Concerned Hamas May Detonate Tunnels to Derail Summit

And what if... Bush succeeds in a big historic push for Arab "Palestinians" sake/favor (a group of people that never wanted to be improved, that has chosen death cult over life at any given opportunity by kind Israelis)? But we were told that the Arabs hate us because of supposedly being biased against Arab "Palestinians"...

Try this:
How many Arabists will welcome any improvement in relations among Arabs & Israel?


But don't bet on Arabists ever to bother using real logical questions, the REAL ISSUES to be brought up, like, Are the Arabs, Muslims ready yet for democracy & free societies, have tnheir mainstream education in mosques & madsassas really strat to change? Is all of their media began to be less hateful of the "other"?

As you won't expect any true points, matters that matter to be discussed, as they don't sit well with their propaganda.

Even though it will answer all above points, plus: Iraq war, Lebanon, and other Arab on Arab, Muslim on Muslim violence.

January 22, 2008
No one has been talking in the mainstream media about the daily "Palestinian" barrage of missiles aimed specifically at Israeli kids, the southern Israel under siege of "Palestinian" occupation, the trembling fear of Israeli women for their children's safety in Sderot ( Fear and trauma as rockets impact Israeli town), but everyone is up in arms if Israel acts.
No one has been talking in mainstream media as Israel has been successfully eliminating terrorists [with unimaginable efforts in carrying it out] without any damage upon civilians in hundreds of operations, but I bet you, you'll hear them loud and clear, if its humane precision-tactics fails just once.
Just as no one in the mainstream media talks about the constant Israel vs Arab, as humanitarian vs un-humanitarian war, "Palestinian" and Hezbollah Arabs always try to draw Israel into responding in operations, awaiting cheerfully such responds to play the fake "victim" card, Israel - however - is never happy to carry out any anti terror activities, and when reluctantly it has to go ahead with it, it puts immense efforts to fail Arabs' desire for mass casualties among its civilians, Israel's struggle against Arab cruelty on its population is relentless, but never appreciated.
Why is humanitarian Israel still (January 2008) supplying two thirds of fuel supply to un-humanitarian "Palestinians"?
I mean, What would one expect from a self hating sickening hypocritical typical whining of the NPR reporting about a "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza? (Jan. 2008 at the height of Arab attacking rockets) What's "humanitarian" about Hamas-tan? [as twisted NPR is, it first reports of what Hamas "says" that all fuel supply is shut down, only thereafter is quotes Israel's declaration and harsh accusation that the "Palestinians" simply LIE, and that two thirds are still supplied, as if the world hasn't seen enough of the minus zero credibility of "what Palestinian Pallywood says"], the cruel terrorist militant Islamic totalitarian regime? The oppression of non Muslims (Christians per se)? The investments of its limited resources into deadly Jihad, or the criminal use of its civilians to attack Israeli civilians via rockets and other cowardice methods?
Try and make a survey, a poll on how many are really aware of the targets by the Arabs, kids! how they fire exactly when and where the children go to kindergarten (Barrage of rockets hits Sderot as kids go to school), the fact that with God's grace the damage is low is of course totally irrelevant to Arabs' [usual] genocide attempts.
As it is rare for the NPR, it shockingly did interview some Israelis about the Hamas attack of Israeli civilians and how Israel should respond to it, as one Israeli has put it very real: "We Israelis have been setting us up in high moral standards we have a huge dilemma on how to respond".
Yet, it is rather the Arab Palestinian "victimhood" that still manages to generate fans.
Amazing how the terrible unromantic cult of destruction is still not seen by some as what it is, a self inflicted cult, and that no one else can ever be blamed on whatever is going on there.
And just as you thought that the Fatah is much better, you hear that the "moderate" Abbas regime decided to allocate 40% of the billions of dollars in aid [the Europeans have pledged to give] to the Hamas terror "government".
I have got news for the fake "humanitarian" singers - reporters in biased media: There's nothing humanitarian about pointing fingers anywhere outside the "Palestinian" cruel leadership and those that elect them.

"Palestinian" Muslims' Special Crimes on Children (of both sides)
January 2008
When the typical "Palestinian" suicide/genocide bomber at the Sbarro pizzeria programmed himself to be blown up exactly when the place is crowded with little children, toddlers, when the suicide/genocide bomber woman ate slowly in the Haifa restaurant, and carefully with cold blood (nothing of that "desperate" crap they have been telling you all along) positioned herself next to the table of kids, to perform her highest deed [as a (radical) Muslim woman] on earth in the 'holy-Islamic-Jihad' hellish "call", these examples are to teach us who they are up against.
It's useless to argue with those that are helplessly brainwashed in the Arabist Goliath campaign as if the Islamic "Palestinian" has any "struggle", the real "fight" they have is of course the innocent, the younger the better.
Nor is there any point in debating the Islamists, Arabists who try to make a point of "who has more casualties", the fact that they fail in their attacks, thank God and due to relentless Israel's army of defense, is totally irrelevant to the fact that their attempts are always to cause more and more of the unarmed civilian Israelis to be murdered in cold blood, or injured painfully, take for example those  cruel and inhumane tactics of nail bombs with its multiple shrapnel that penetrate into the bones of the human body and cause unimaginable pain and suffering -- exactly the intent, just another "freedom fighting" act of course.
The recent (2007 - 2008) Arab terror barrage of thousands of Qassam missiles on Israel's unarmed innocent residents, is specifically aimed at children, it is done in a specific time and place, when the little kids go to kindergarten.
Then again, What can you expect from a death - cult that aims at its own kids, that uses its children as cannon fodders, that would do anything to bring about their deaths in order to play the "victim" on international cameras.
Because no one talks about the high risking anti terror operations humane Israel is always taking against Islamic Jihadists and against racist Arab militants, Fattah, Hamas or Hezbollah, all those operations that were/are without any collateral damage but successful in precision acting on eliminating dangerous terror masters are totally ignored, but is always criticized when vicious Arab terrorists can finally happily point to some fallen kid or woman they grabbed to shoot, hide behind. 


As Hamas Cuts Gaza Electricity, Sderot Israel Bleeds
Israel News Agency, Israel - January 22, 2008
More than 10 Hamas missiles exploded in Sderot on Thursday morning, while children were on their way to school and kindergarten. My younger sister Liora, ...

Dafka - January 21, 2008
Since the first day of January until today, January 20 th , over 430 Kassam missiles and mortars were launched towards Sderot, the Western Negev and ...

Sderot: Only 25% of students attend school
Ynetnews, Israel - Jan 18, 2008
Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter visited Sdeort Friday, and was greeted by two Qassam rockets that landed near a school and local Kindergarten. ...
Barrage of rockets hits Sderot as kids go to school
Israel Insider, Israel - Jan 17, 2008
The Hamas Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades claimed responsibility for the ongoing barrage. Since the Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in mid-June 2007...
Rockets From Gaza Plague an Israeli Town
Bombardment Of Sderot And Its Human Effects
Evening Bulletin, PA - Jan 18, 2008
"Unfortunately, some parents are so scared that they are willing to get their children out of town at any price, even if this means missing school,"
Sderot Media Center... Israel - Jan 17, 2008
Hamas terrorists are being trained in Iran," he noted bluntly. "They're well trained, well equipped and their arsenal is growing.

Qassam lands in Sderot kindergarten - Israel News, Ynetnews
Ynet News: Rocket lands in schoolyard, damaging nearby buildings, including other adjacent schools. Kindergarten empty due to summer vacation; ...
Qassam hits kindergarten; 2 children lightly wounded - Israel News ...
Rocket lands next to kindergarten in town south of Ashkelon; 2 children hurt, ... Thursday night five Qassams were fired towards Sderot and the Shaar ...

Stop perpetuating "Palestinian" Islamists' orchestrated self made fake "victimhood"!

It's not only unfair but it's even dangerous to swallow their propaganda and "agree" with their: "we are the victims" culture.

It's all routine to see each time the Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad "succeeding" in it's devious tactics to appear as "victims", be it by inflicting self misery on turning all aid and resources towards destructive hateful fascistic Jihad, or via using civilians as shields for terrorists, or any other cruel tricks they come up with to show the world how "bad" the Israelis are to them, because you know 'all the troubles this self inflicted group of the Arab "Palestinians" always have is the "Zionists" fault of course.'

We should oppose any of their devilish propaganda that takes their civilians' lives along with the 'oh, look how bad Israel is', message, a "people" that is able to kill it's own children (Hamas, Hezbollah and their massive followers) directly or indirectly only to damn (the good guy, anti terrorists defender) Israel's image, never deserve any sympathy.

I know they prey, especially on Jews' ultra conscience, but it's a dangerous game, once we allow to have compassion on those that are about nothing but compassion and minimal values of humanity, we are replacing this love where it rather should go, to the real innocent people anywhere else outside the guilty "Palestinian" group, that are not pushing their leaders towards genocide ideology.

Once we allow our selves to cave in to their tactics and finally sing that "Palestinians are victims" dreadful song, the danger is enormous, if we take them as "victims", this is exactly Islamic terrorists' power all over the world, their slogan: 'We are victims, so we can do what ever we want to".

Well of course the Qassam attack on Israeli schoolchildren that caused the Israeli action was another well planned trick to "justify" the latest Islamic bombing on innocent Israelis.

It's your life and mine or theirs, as simple as that, in the fascism of anti non-Muslims, or anti all that are not the right kind of Muslim in their evil eyes.

A Bird's eye look at the historic 'Israeli - Arab conflict' towards Annapolis 2007
A Bird's eye look at the historic 'Israeli - Arab conflict' towards Annapolis 2007
Around 2,000 years ago, 70 AD, the Romans that have conquered Israel, the Jewish people, the Jewish land, (after killing Jesus) destroy Jews' second temple, massacre hundreds of thousands following a revolt against Rome's oppression and prohibition on practicing Judaism , mass torture and a complete suffocating siege on Jerusalem [an armed rebellion, one which was disapproved by the rabbis & by any religious leaders], they expell the majority of Jews out of the land [as was expected ahead of time, throught the Jewish prophets, because God expects from his people - the Jews much more than from other nations, still, the cruel Romans "carried" out the evil deeds].
The Romans have also renamed Israel as 'Palestina'. The land however was mostly deserted and mainly survived by some Jews who still lived there.
Many years later, at the beginning of the 600's, an Arab named Muhammad will create a new religion called Islam, he will massacre the Jews of Madina for not following him, lead attacks first on Arabs themselves and on all who has not accepted him, this battle on non-Muslims still continues on today, he will later on also claim that he had a dream that he was in the Jewish city of Israel: Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, in Christianity, Jews' refusal to change their religion to which [Jewish born] Jesus came up with caused resentment among Christians, and hatred brought the belief that it was the Jews who "caused" Jesus to die, then this fanatical religious hatred even gave birth to all kind of imaginary "theories", stereotypes blatant lies and libels, persecution, mass murder, etc.
Later on in persecuting the Jews in Europe, they were expelled time and time again (often called to return after being expelled, for their urgent need of Jews' talent, intelligence and seriousness in life - vital for Europeans economy).
Many European haters have called upon them to return to their homeland Israel.
This traditional hatred was used by Adolf Hitler in his delusional "Aryan" supremacy to use Christians who still hold that hatred, against the Jews he was so obsessed with in his animosity, as he came up with most criminal idea ever known to mankind [Though, already in biblical times, between the first and second Jewish temples, it was the WICKED Haman who planned total extermination, genocide, as stated in the holy book of Esther, where Hebrews / Israelites were already referred to as JEWS], so far as implementing a 'final solution', aka, to exterminate all Jews (no matter if they are religious, or not, communists or not, Zionists or not, secular, atheists, Jews with no ideology at all, men, women, children, babies, all were doomed by the infamous criminal number one in history, that has caused a total of around 50 million deaths, whereas at least 6,000,000 were Jews, murdered for no other reason then for pertaining to one particular root, being, simply, Jews).
Muslims fight Christians for decades, long and bloody battles.
The Turks had a stronghold on the holy-land after defeating the Christians.
Jews were generally not persecuted under the Turkish Ottoman rule in Israel "Palestine".
In the late 1800's Jewish immigrants and Arab immigrants, both rose to a new level, as Zionists started to cultivate the land, in the early 1900's under the British colonialism & occupation, Jews were restricted in entry to their historic land but Arabs were not, a vicious rule that has continued during and after Hitler's holocaust, when poor Jewish victims tried to escape], this imbalance "policy" by the British which was pushed by the Arabs out of racism and bigotry to "others", has "made" the Arabs a majority for a while.
One of the main Arab racist & Islamic fascist agitators was Haj Amin Al Husseini the infamous 'Mufti', he was behind such massacres as in Hebron 1929 where innocent unarmed Jewish were sloughtered by Arabs Muslims, he was also behind the 1941 'Farhud' pogrom on the Jews of Baghdad.
Priot to attacking the Jews, he participated in the Islamic genocide on Armenian Christians in 1915, where 1.5 million were murdered.
He was the one Arab (though not "Aryan") leader that made a pact with Hitler and led a Bosnian Muslim division of the SS to carry out atrocities against the Serb Christians and against Jews.
The United Nations founded post WW 2, after 2,000 years of persecuting the Jews and so many millions murdered [before the six millions murdered by Germany's nazis, all throughout history in Europe there were countless victims], gave "permission" to the Jews to re-establish their homeland Israel, along side an Arab state, basically a two states solution.
The Jews agreed, all they wanted past and present, is to 'live and let live', but the Arabs refused, the bigots wanted all of the land for themselves.
1948 Israel is re-established, ALL Arab nations vow to destroy Israel, declare war on this little newborn state, Arab leaders vouch for genocide! to "Throw the Jews into the Sea".
Arab leaders call upon Arabs residing in Israel-"Palestine" to evacuate their homes for a while until "mission -- of throwing into the sea-- is accomplished".
Tiny Israel heroically defends itself and thwarts gigantic Arabs' attacks.
A phenomenon of "Arab refugees" is born, but also a larger refugees population, that from the Arab on Jews, between 800,000 & 900,000 Jews are expelled from Arab Muslim countries: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, etc.
Their land, properties confiscated.
The contrast however how Jews dealt with Jewish refugees and how Arabs have dealt with Arab refugees is huge, Jews are completely absorbed into Israel, Arabs have rejected the Arab refugees, keeping them down, and using them as a foot ball against Israel.
As the Saudi Arab king Fahd said: "Next to the Jews, we hate the 'Palestinians' the most".
Arabs terrorize Jews, attacking the innocent, as Arab terror intensifies & Arab leaders threaten again and again to annihilate the Jews, the 1967 war breaks out, Israel that had enough, succesfully conquers some Egyptian land and more land pertaining to Israel - historically and Biblically but not granted by the UN, though the Arabs illegally defied the UN in rejecting Israel and UN's two states solution.
The balance of world's powers plays out in the middle east, USSR supports and arms the Arabs, US is on Israel, [the surviving David vs Goliath] side.
The local Arabs [which most of their parents or grandparents have immigrated to the holy land] start to call themselves as "Palestinians" (PS no connection to "Philistines" who were NOT Arabs nor spoke Arabic, and are all gone, absolutely nothing remained from them).
Continued Arabs' attacks targeting unarmed civilians, rose in the 1970, such as the massacres of school children in Avivim, Maalot and other attacks, more famous in the 1972 massacre of Israeli Athletes in Munich by the Egyptian born: Yasser Arafat, the leader (somehow...) of the Arab "Palestinians".
He is in Jordan and as a trouble maker creates the "Palestinian" intifada attack on Jordan's government, 1970 - 'Black September', but Jordan quickly oppresses even more the "Palestinians", kills many, makes mass arrests, in 1971 the PLO is expelled.
He finds a safe heaven in Syrian's occupied Lebanon, he adds more destruction to the already tense relations between Christians & Muslims in that country.
He Islamizes the Christian Bethlehem, oppresses Christian Arabs in general.
In 1973 Israel is again attacked by Arab nations, mainly by Egypt and Syria, a delicate date is chosen, the cruel Saadat and his advisers chose Yom Kippur a Jewish fast day, the vicious Arabs chose the time of day, towards the end of the day (before breaking the fast).
The attack was in a surprise, many were killed, although Israel managed to win the war (as all wars), still the Arabs saw it as "victory", as a blood thirst cult, for the simple reason that many 'Jews were killed'.
In 1976, amidst civil war between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon, the Muslim "Palestinians", PLO - Arafat, and the Syrians carry out the massacre of Christians in Damour, this was the reason for Christian Arabs massacring "Palestinians" in Sabra Shatila in 1982.
1978-1979, Israel's leader Menachem Begin & Egypt's Anuar Sadaat break a peace agreement in which Israel shall give back the land conquered in 1967, Sinai that is [which so it did], and the Arabs give nothing, just a "promise" not to attack, and so a cold peace comes in place between Israel - Egypt.
Syria refuses to 'sit down for any peace negotiations' and leads many in the Arab world against Egypt & its more moderate stand.
Goliath Arabs using it's oil power, intimidate nations to be against Israel in boycotts, and in the United Nations.
Basically hijacking the UN for the Arabist agenda, of bashing Israel no matter what it does.
This Arab control worldide intensifies as the years pass by and expands into all international bodies.
On another front, in Iran, the Shah rules, he is an ally of the United States but he is not exactly a democratic leader, US presidemt (called by so many the worstt ex president) Jimmy Carter pushes pressure on Iran.
In 1979 a revolution happens, not what the US wanted nior what most in the world have wish for, an Islamic revolution, a militant Islam, a Shiite extremism, headed by the Ayatollah Hummeini.
Immediately, the American embassy is hijacked, the workers kidnapped for 444 days, until US has a bettr leader, a courageous Ronald Reagan.
Iranian Satanic Mullahs declare that the United States is the "big Satan" and Israel is the "little Satan'.
Millions of Iranians are oppressed under Islamic Republic, standing out even in the "usual' Islamic dictatorships standards.
Asides from killing of minorities such as Ahwazi, Kurds, Druze, which even information is so scarce out of that jail house known as state of Iran.
They are behind creating, training and arming the Islamic Hezbullah in Lebanon, the 'Party of Allah', whose goal is creating a militant Islamic Shia theocracy in Lebanon with [no Christians or any non Muslims' in Lebanon, and ultimately in the entire middle east including "liberating Jerusalem" as they call it], Hezbollah carried out terror attack such as on US marine barricades in Lebanon in 1983, the US was stationed there to keep peace between Christians & Muslims figting civil war.
Israel, its civilians being attacked by Arafat's terrorists - based in Lebanon (as a practical 'Palestinian' army there), enters that country in 1982 to root them out, at first is received by local Arabs, Muslims with candies and flowers, as most Lebanese want the "Palestinian" troublemakers out, but the operation 'Peace for the Gallilee', turns into a long and bloody war, all while Syria still occupies Lebanon, PLO & [Iran's & Syria's backed] Hezbollah causes many deaths among all sides.
However, The main base of Arafat's terrorists infrastructure is destroyed.
Yasser Arafat declares two "intifadas" (1987 & 2000), bloody violence on Israel's unarmed men. women and children, targeting the most crwoded places, in a clear attempt to cause as many civilinas deaths' as possible = Genocide bombings.
"Palestinian" mainstream and official media in demonizing Jews, in glorifying mass murder and "martyrdom" is full force, the death cult of camps for children to be 'human bombs' is greased by Saudi Arab oil with large payments for every parent that sends its kid to die via killing many innocent Israelis.
In order to create public sympathy, the Arab Muslim "Palestinians" make sure the kids are pushed on the front lines, often with "stones", to cover for adult terrorists with machine guns.
The tactics of using kids as human shields by "Palestinian" terrorists proved to be effected, as the global media rarely puts the blame on the Arab adults and leaders and not on Israel trying to defend, to survive.
Israel complies with UN's resolution for Israel to leave Lebanon and for the Hezbollah's army to dissolve, Israel exists bit the Hezbillah remains armed.
In 2000, the most powerful Christian leader, the Pope has issues the Church's formal apology to the Jews of the 2,000 years of constant persecution and bloodhsed.
September 11, 2001, the Islamic attack that butchered 3,000 innocent people in the United States of America, reinforced the recognition of radical Islam's war on the west, their 'plan' for a global repressive Islamic empire (recognized even by left wingers such as Barack Obama in 2007).
So was the continuous Islamic massacres, including the one in Bali 2002 on Australian youths.
2005, Israel gives a big gift for Arab "Palestinians", sacrificing a huge steak, giving away of it's vital borderline own land, the Gaza strip.
The Arab "Palestinians" react very traditionally, the more you give them the more they get radicalized, they vote -- overwhelmingly -- for the Islamic Jihad party of Hamas, who does not "recognize" Israel, vouch for it's destruction and its members promise to "drink Jews' blood".
The Hamas-tan Islamic Apartheid creates more Islamization, persecuting Christians, often threatening individuals to "change" their faith, practice.
"Palestinians" via Hamas express more publicly their "plan" of Islamic world repressive domination [Caliphate].
The civil war between Hamas & Fatah (who's still has under its wings the terror group 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade', but Hamas is still more on the extreme with it's genocide aims), intensifies in 2006 - 2007
2006 Iran & Syria decide to send it's Hezbollah Islamic army to attack Israel, a war breaks out, Israel hits Hezbollah which uses 'Palestinian' tactics of human shields to cause as many Arab kids' deaths possible, in order to create a media shift in the Arab world towards more Anti-Israelism.
In November 2007, there's an attempt by US' president George W. Bush to break a peace agreement between Israel and the Arab "Palestinians", Fatah is present, Hamas denounces.
The agreement is still based mainly on that first UN's resolution of 1948, a two states solution, which the Arabs ILLEGALLY have rejected then until now.

Not only are they exploiting again Israel's kindness and its urge to give for any chance for peace, but hese Arabs even make the Jewish eternal capital Jerusalem an issue for Muslims, as if this was 'always an Islamic thing'.

As it stands now, the main real issue Israel still struggles with, is survival against the twin diabolical intolerance that motivated - motivates Arab Muslims, the Arab racism & Islamic Jihad. the Arab racism and Arabization also claims millions of victims in Africa, including Sudan, Mauritania, Chad and more, so are all non Arab minorities in the middle east paying the price of persecution, then the Islamic Jihad�s war on the world is the cancer everywhere on the globe, main victims are: Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and other non Muslims or 'infidels', or 'kuffars'.

Worth mentioning that Israel is by in large a secular State, most of its very religious Jews, the Ultra Orthodox do NOT serve in the Israeli Army out of principles.
The first to try to negotiate a peace treaty with the Arabs was the Ultra Orthodox Jew, Professor Dahan, it was prior to the reestablishment of Israel, he was murdered.
Still, this community's children are as much a target by radical Muslims terrorists.

Too late but better late than never, Arab 'moderates' start to realize that a nuclear Islamic Repulic of Iran is a danger to all.


Info & Sites on the Arab Israeli conflict


From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
by Joan Peters

Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
By Mitchell G. Bard

The Fight for Jerusalem
By Dore Gold

The Case for Israel
by Alan M. Dershowitz


Myths & Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Frequently Asked Questions About Israel

Fact and Fantasy in the Holy Land

Arab-Israeli conflict - Basic facts

History, maps & facts

Concept wizard info, Visual information about the Middle East conflict

Israel Size Comparison Maps

A History of Terrorism in Israel (since the 1920’s)

MEI- Middle East regimes and Terrorism

IHC Historical Facts


One Jerusalem

Coalition against terrorism

Update on victims - All4israel

Think Israel



Israel’s War Against ‘Palestinian’ Terror

Awsome Seminars

Israel ‘Palestine’ - 101

Arabs For Israel


Amin Al Husseini - The Grand Mufti and father of today’s jihad

In November 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti’s requests for a declaration in support of the Arabs, however, telling him the time was not right. The Mufti offered Hitler his �thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear expression in his public speeches….The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely….the Jews….� Hitler replied.
The Mufti and the Fuhrer

1941 The Farhud, the Mufti inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq

In 1948, nearly 900,000 Jews - indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa - lived in what are now known as the “Arab States.” ~ Today, 99% of these indigenous Jewish communities no longer exist. ~ Arab governments forced us to leave, confiscated our personal and communal property and stripped us of our citizenships.
Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa http://jimena.org

MEMRI: Middle East Media Research Institute (translating Arab media)


Twenty facts about Israel and the Middle East

Arab terrorism came before the (so called) “occupation”

There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that isn’t Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection

The Case for Israel

Israel’s morality

Why Israel Is The Victim And The Arabs Are The Indefensible Aggressors In the Middle East

Who caused the Arab “refugee” problem? Refugee: Arab leaders told us to flee Israel in 1948

Israel’s moral right toexist

Israel’s Right to Exist Questioned, Anti-Zionism or Anti-Semitism?

Israel and the Palestinians: no moral contest


How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?

The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens?

THE NEXT SCREWING, There are two causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The first is Arab racism, which rejects any presence that is not Arab in its neighborhood; the second is Islamic intolerance which leads to the same rejection http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=7268

“Flaubert’s Observations of Jerusalem and the Jews Living There [1850]”

Israel Has A Moral Right To Its Life Why reason and justice are on Israel’s side

Israel’s Moral Legitimacy

British National Archives unveil presence of Nazi S.S. agents in Mandatory Palestine, working closely with Palestinian leaders. Historical documents in Britain’s National Archives in London show
[Nazis shipped arms to Palestinians

When being anti-Israel is anti-Semitic

The Hebron Massacre of 1929 http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/hebron29.html

March 2006 - 120 Years to first of Arabs’ attack on Jews in “palestine” Israel, Petach Tikva 1886

As grand mufti, al Husseini presided as the Imam of the Al Aqsa mosque in … 1929. Hebron Massacre. Amin Al-Husseini organizes more riots in Palestine.
From Al Husseini to Hitler :Radical Islam and the Nazi connection

Israel’s struggle for Good VS Evil

Munich & morality tale of good vs. evil

The Jews took no one’s land http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27338

Arabs Recognized Israel - 1919

Continuous Jewish Presence in the Holy Land, Under Turkish rule the Jews in Jerusalem and in Gaza maintained "cultural and spiritual ... James Parkes, Whose Land?, A History of the Peoples of Palestine ...


The vast majority of travelogues and historical accounts of the Middle east describe this area as barren- that does not mean UN -populated- it does mean UNDER populated. Alexander Keith, recalling Volney’s 1785 description (quoted above) fifty years later, commented: “In his day [Volney’s] the land had not fully reached its last degree of desolation and depopulation.” (The Land of Israel).

Other travelers and pilgrims recorded similar reports of the dreary state of the Land around the middle of the nineteenth century. Here are just a few examples:

Alphonse de Lamartine, in 1835: “…a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country … the tomb of a whole people” (Recollections of the East, Vol. I, p. 308).

A contemporary German encyclopedia (Brockhaus, “Allegmeine deutsche Real- Encyklopaidie”, Vol. VIII, p. 206, Leipzig, 1827) calls Palestine “desolate and roamed through by Arab robber-bands.”

In 1849, the American W. F. Lynch described the desertion of Palestinian villages “caused by the frequent forays of the wandering Bedouin” (Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 489).

And again H. B. Tristram, in 1865: “… both in the north and south (of the Sharon plain), land is going out of cultivvation, and whole villages ar rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. Since the year 1838, no less than 20 villages have been thus erased from the map (by the Bedouin) and the stationary population extirpated” (p. 490).

Mark Twain, ‘Innocents Abroad’ 1867:

“”Desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse … We reached Tabor safely … We never saw a human being on the whole route” (p. 451, 480); “There is not a solitary village throughout its (the Jezreel Valley’s) whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings” (p. 448); “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren … the valleys are unsightly deserts… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition - it is dreamland” (pp. 564, 567).

Referring to the same era, the Christian historian James Parkes writes in Whose Land?: “Peasant and Bedouin alike have contributed to the ruin of the countryside on which both depend for a livelihood… In spite of the immense fertility of the soil, it is probable that in the first half of the nineteenth century the population sank to the lowest level it had ever known in historic times.”

In 1738, the land was described by the English archeologist Thomas Shaw as “lacking in people to till its fertile soil” (Travels and Observations Relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant). The French historian Conte Constantine Francois Volney writes:

“The peasants are incessantly making inroads on each other’s lands, destroying their corn, durra, sesame and olive-trees, and carrying off their sheep, goats and camels. The Turks, who are everywhere negligent in repressing similar disorders, are attentive to them here, since their authority is very precarious. The Bedouin, whose camps occupy the level country, are continually at open hostility Alexander Keith, recalling Volney’s 1785 description (quoted above) fifty years later, commented: “In his day [Volney’s] tthe land had not fully reache its last degree of desolation and depopulation.” (The Land of Israel).

Other travelers and pilgrims recorded similar reports of the dreary state of the Land around the middle of the nineteenth century. Here are just a few examples:

Alphonse de Lamartine, in 1835: “…a complete eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country … the tomb of a whole people” (Recollections of the East, Vol. I, p. 308).

A contemporary German encyclopedia (Brockhaus, “Allegmeine deutsche Real- Encyklopaidie”, Vol. VIII, p. 206, Leipzig, 1827) calls Palestine “desolate and roamed through by Arab robber-bands.”

In 1849, the American W. F. Lynch described the desertion of Palestinian villages “caused by the frequent forays of the wandering Bedouin” (Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 489).

And again H. B. Tristram, in 1865: “… both in the north and south (of the Sharon plain), land is going out of cultivvation, and whole villages ar rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. Since the year 1838, no less than 20 villages have been thus erased from the map (by the Bedouin) and the stationary population extirpated” (p. 490).

Mark Twain, ‘Innocents Abroad’ 1867:

“”Desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse … We reached Tabor safely … We never saw a human being on the whole route” (p. 451, 480); “There is not a solitary village throughout its (the Jezreel Valley’s) whole extent - not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings” (p. 448); “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren … the valleys are unsightly deserts… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… Palestine is no more of this workday world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition - it is dreamland” (pp. 564, 567).

Haman in the Book of Esther, evil aide to Persian king Ahasuerus; attempted to kill ... to annihilate the Jews; Esther...

...WICKED enemy Haman...

In the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on its thirteenth day ... on the day that the enemies of the Jews were expected to prevail over them, it was turned about: the Jews prevailed over their adversaries. - Esther 9:1
And they gained relief on the fourteenth, making it a day of feasting and gladness. - Esther 9:17
"Therefore the Jews of the villages, that dwelt in the unwalled towns, made the 14th day of the month of Adar a day of gladness and feasting, a holiday, and of sending portions to one another (mishloach manot)." - Esther 9:19
And they gained relief on the fourteenth, making it a day of feasting and gladness. - Esther 9:17 [Mordecai instructed them] to observe them as days of feasting and gladness, and sending delicacies to one another, and gifts to the poor. - Esther 9:22

feast celebrating God�s abandonment of Israel puts in motion a plot to annihilate the Jews.

Historical Overview - Second Temple destroyed; Roman exile begins, 70 CE

Crash Course in Jewish History Part 6: Isaac and His Sons
http://www.aish.com/literacy/jewishhistory/Crash_Course_in_Jewish_History_Part_6_Isaac_and_His_Sons. asp  

Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City, Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City With 3000 years of history behind it, Jerusalem is now thrust to the center of the Arab-Israeli ...
Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City - Israel Update, Jerusalem: Jewish and Moslem Claims to the Holy City.

The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem -- saying that Jerusalem is as important to Jews as Mecca is to Moslems,Muslim sheik Palazzi concludes. ...

The Moslem Claim to Jerusalem is False | Emet News Servicethere any foundation to the Moslem argument that this 'furthest mosque' (Al-Masujidi al-Aqtza) refers to what is today called the Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem?

False Moslem ClaimsThe Moslem "claim" to Jerusalem is based on what is written in the Koran, which although Jerusalem is not mentioned even once, nevertheless talks (in Sura ...

GAMLA: News & Views from Israel - Why Jerusalem is Not Holy to MuslimsWe often hear the Muslim claim that Jerusalem is their "third holiest city", after Mecca and Medina; and specifically, that this is because our Temple Mount ...

F L A M E : Jerusalem (I): Whose city? whose 'holy city'is it? And the Moslem Arab claim to Jerusalem, based on the mosques on the Temple Mount, is just as untenable. Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish life, ...

Jerusalem Not Mentioned in the Koran If Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran, then the claims of Islam over Jerusalem

Jerusalem: "I Hate the Ground You Walk On" (Emanuel A. Winston ...Mohammed turned the quibla of Moslem prayers to Mecca and insured that Jerusalem was not mentioned even once in the Koran. Jews speak of Jerusalem ...

Media Critique #14 - Jerusalem Rally on CNN Third-holiest to Moslems -- even though over the last 1500 years, Jerusalem has never been the religious or national capital of any Arab or Moslem entity. ...

Jerusalem: After 3000 Years, Why Does it Matter? How can others claim ownership in the face of such information. ... Let us never forget that Christian and Moslem interest in Jerusalem exists ONLY because ...

Reuters Ruins Rachel's TombShould the PA control the area, non-Moslems would be precluded from praying at ... In the world of Reuters, East Jerusalem was "occupied" only in 1967, ...

Islam's War Against the Jews: Quotes from the Palestinian AuthorityJerusalem is a symbol... to the Moslems and to their war of Jihad forever and ever. .... Abraham whom they (the Muslims) themselves claim as their ancestor. ...
http://www.aish.com/jewishissues/middleeast/Islams_War_Against_the_Jews_Quotes_from_the_Palestinian_ Authority.asp  

Remember the BibleLatly, and I'm sure many point this out: Moslems think that God or Allah ... Christianity has Rome, let Israel and the Jewish people have Jerusalem! ...

Crash Course in Jewish History Part 5: The Promised LandHowever, the Jewish people base their claim on God's promise. .... That is why Moslems are at war all over the world with those whom they live among. ...
http://www.aish.com/literacy/jewishhistory/Crash_Course_in_Jewish_History_Part_5_The_Promised_Land.a sp  

The Koran On Jews' Right To LandPalazzi cites Koran passages showing that the Land of Israel was given to the Jews, and that Jews would be brought back to Israel before the end of days, ...

The Qur'an and the Land of Israel THE QUR'AN SAYS THAT ALLAH GAVE THE LAND OF ISRAEL TO THE JEWS ..... Koranic order (see Koran 8:61), and since, according to Islam, Peace is G-d Himself, ...

Am Yisrael ChaiThey presented the negation of any Jewish rights to the Land of Israel as ... Holy Koran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel ...

Islam 4 IsraelTHE KORAN SAYS - GD GAVE THE LAND OF ISRAEL TO THE JEWS AND WILL ... Arab Muslims in Israel Are the Arabs who live in Israel proper full citizens of the ...

Even Muslim's Koran Quran advocates that Isarel is the land pertaning to the Jews

... other than in Muhammad's dream? Believe it or not, the one and only source for the Muslim's claim to Jerusalem and the site of the Holy Temple, ...

UN: Israel for the Jews, and another state for the Arabs. The Arabs rejected ... ed observer of this history, therefore, that it was not Israel that caused ...


Chosenness in the Bible.., Israel's character as the chosen people is unconditional as it says in Deuteronomy 14:2, "For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth.
Although the Torah - Bible also says, "Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people," God promises that He will never exchange the Jewish people with any other.
Other BIBLE verses about chosenness, "For all the earth is mine: and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5, 6). "The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 7:7, 8).
A (true) convert to Judaism, no matter his color, race, shade, or creed is as much a Jew - chosen.
It is not only a privelege but an obligation too:
The special obligation imposed upon the Israelites is emphasized by the prophet Amos (Book of Amos 3:2): "You only have I singled out of all the families of the earth: therefore will I visit upon you all your iniquities."


Sephardic Holocaust Project - Formerly the FARHUD Recognition Project
The Forgotten Holocaust Pogrom in Iraq ... Mufti & Hitler. Farhud. Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries. Failure of the U.S. Holocaust Museum ...

In 1948, nearly 900,000 Jews - indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa - lived in what are now known as the �Arab States.� ~ Today, 99% of these indigenous Jewish communities no longer exist. ~ Arab governments forced us to leave, confiscated our personal and communal property and stripped us of our citizenships. Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa

Italy and the Jews - Timeline
It reaches a membership of 2,000 clergymen. ... trip to Israel, Pope John Paul II apologizes for the Church's treatment of Jews. ...

Pope Offers Historic Mea Culpa, Apologizes For Treatment Of Jews ...
In a step decreed by Pope John Paul II as "essential," the Roman Catholic Church staged an unprecedented ... 2,000 years -- including its treatment of Jews, ...

Catholics, Jews, and the Prism of Conscience(PDF)
Pope into a hero of resistance on behalf of Jews, a dubious ... For 2,000 years, we Jews were without worldly power, especially on the political stage. ...

The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens?

credible evidence for their connection to this holy site, other than in Muhammad's dream?

Islam rediscovered Jerusalem 50 years after Mohammad's death. ... thinkers believed that it was just a dream of Mohammed, that he was never in Jerusalem. ...

Muhammad and the Jews(2) Allah tells Muhammad in a sura (chapter) revealed in Mecca that the ... The other Jews were also killed with one exception. Thus, Muhammad engaged in ...

Muhammad: Jews and the Jihad, When the Jews rejected his prophecy in spite of these practices, Muhammad changed them, and fixed the qibla (direction of prayer) to Mecca in place of Jerusalem

Muhammad and Massacre of the Qurayza Jews, The aftermath for the Qurayza Jews ... Muhammad is ordered to fight the Qurayza Jews. .... No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. ...

Anti-Semitism in Islam: Israel Didn�t Start the FireThen the apostle divided the property, wives, and children of B. Qurayza among ... actually be killed by Jesus, and the Dajjal�s dispirited army of Jews, ...

From The Armenian Genocide To The Hijacking of The Arab World. Building Blocks ... the local Muslim vote, appoint Amin Al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.[The Mufti] Amin Al-Husseini. Born in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule
Husseini�s First Taste of Jihad
Allegiance to Ottoman Empire .
Amin Al Husseini: Ottoman Empire Officer. Amin Al-Husseini swears allegiance to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide .
He is an officer stationed in Smyrna and participates first-hand in the Armenian genocide. One and a half million Christians are slaughtered under the sword of Islamic Jihad by the Ottoman Army. Allegiance to Ottoman Empire and Islamic world take-over will be echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration

From Morocco to Montreal ...He did not want Canada to become 'the dumping ground for 800000 Jewish refugees'. Toward the end of the 1930's, Canada had two opportunities to help...

What happened to the Jewish refugees from Middle Eastern countries? In the years following Israel's independence in May 1948, 600000 to 800000 Jews from ...
Point of no return: Melanie weighs in on behalf of Jewish refugeesInformation and links about the Middle East's forgotten Jewish refugees ... draw attention to the Jewish refugees from Arab lands ? the 800000 Jews who were ...
Who Are the Palestinians? At DePaul, Don't Ask and Don't Tell, Historically, the biblical Philistines were not Arabs but rather Mediterranean sea people, whose culture was influenced by that of Crete. ...
[Islamic Sheik] Abdul Hadi Palazzi: The Jerusalem Report, The Koran contains no mention of Palestine or Philistines
Politically motivated mythology of Palestine, These Philistines were an Aegean people, driven out of Greece and Aegean islands ... Most Arabs do not admit so candidly that "Palestinian identity" is a ...
The History of the Words Palestine And Palestinians, The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, ...
Libya?s Khadafy opens up to Jewish refugees; what?s his motive?
Advocates have been fighting for the rights of an estimated 800000 Jews who ...
http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/23831/edition_id/472/format/html/d isplaystory.html
Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries
... appealed to U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall: ?Between 800000 and a ... Roughly half of Israel's 5 million Jews are Jewish refugees from Arab ...

Lebanese Civil War 1975 - 1976 Includes pictures of the Syrian-formed and -sponsored groups (Yarmouk & Sai'qa) attacking Damour city (January 1976).

Historical Fact: The Massacre and Destruction of Damour. Damour lay across the Sidon - Beirut highway about 20 km south of Beirut...

hobeika_damour ...Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and ...

Phalangist website - contains account and includes graphic photographs

Damour Massacre (1976)

Damour Massacre Slideshow

Account of Damour massacre at Cedarland.org, a Lebanese Christian website

The True Identity of the So-called Palestinians.
The current myth is that these Arabs were long established in "Palestine", until the Jews came and "displaced" them. The fact is, that recent Arab immigration into the Land of Israel displaced the Jews. That the massive increase in Arab population was very recent is attested by the ruling of the United Nations: That any Arab who had lived in the Holy Land for two years and then left in 1948 qualifies as a "Palestinian refugee".
From Time Immemorial - Evidence of Unrecorded Arab Immigration ...9 Fred M. Gottheil, "Arab Immigration into Pre-State Israel: 1922-1931"
The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931 - Middle East Quarterly.

Jerusalem Cloakroom #117: The Islamization of Bethlehem by ArafatJerusalem Cloakroom #114 - November 8, 2001 Appeasement 2001


The Islamization of Bethlehem by Arafat - The Israel Report ...Arafat has intensified the Islamization of Bethlehem, by adding to its population a few thousand Bedouins of the Ta'amrah tribe, located east of Bethlehem, ...

Mideast Outpost: ARAFAT'S LEGACY FOR EUROPE It preaches Islamic replacement theology, and the Arabization and Islamization of the Holy Land�s biblical archeology. Arafat, its leader, was the bin Laden ...

The Legacy of Jihad [Andrew G. Bostom] - The Islamization of Europe... recognition of the PLO and its leader Arafat as unique representative of the ...

Terror for Christians in Arafat-land, Let me tell you the story of two Christian converts in Arafat-land � and you ... persecution within the Palestinian Authority, "Holy Land: Christians in peril

Death sentence hangs over Arab ChristiansSaeed Salamah was an active member of Fatah, Arafat's own party, ... has worked to expose anti-Christian persecution within the Palestinian Authority. ...



Barack Obama: The terrorists are at war with us. The threat is from violent extremists... the threat is real. They distort Islam. They kill man, woman and child; Christian and Hindu, Jew and Muslim. They seek to create a repressive caliphate. To defeat this enemy, we must understand who we are fighting against, and what we are fighting for.

Islamo-Fascism Denial...
Hamas: The Hamas Charter sets out its Islamic mission as global: "Its spatial dimension extends wherever on earth there are Muslims, who adopt Islam as their way of life; thus, it penetrates to the deepest reaches of the land and to the highest spheres of Heavens. . . .
By virtue of the distribution of Muslims, who pursue the cause of the Hamas, all over the globe, and strive for its victory, for the reinforcement of its positions and for the encouragement of its Jihad, the Movement is a universal one." Universal in what way? The Palestinian Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi exhorted believers in 2002 "Oh beloved, look to the East of the earth, find Japan and the ocean; look to the West of the earth, find [some] country and the ocean. Be assured that these will be owned by the Muslim nation, as the Hadith says . . .
'from the ocean to the ocean.'"


Israel, Hezbollah and the Wider Geo-political-Religious Terrain
Israel is on the front line in a global struggle for the future of civilization. Afghanistan and Iraq are other fronts in World War IV; this is a total war on a global scale.[13] If the United States and Israel do not prevail, civilization will plunge into a dark night of barbarism exceeding anything Adolph Hitler envisioned for a world dominated by the Third Reich.
At its essence World War IV is a religious war. Islamist Jihadists whether Sunni or Shi�ite, are committed to establishing a global caliphate with Islam as the world�s only religion, a world without Israel, indeed without Jews. In this new world, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists would face two choices: conversion to Islam or slavery. Anyone who stands in the way will be liable for extermination. If this enemy obtains weapons of mass destruction, given the totality of their war aims, they will use them.

The uncomplicated answer is that no matter what we do, policy-wise, we will remain infidels with gigantic bull's-eyes on our backs unless we renounce our capitalistic ways, destroy our churches and synagogues, outlaw our pluralistic religious society, convert to a radical Islamic theocracy and join the global jihad en route to a worldwide caliphate.
We are in this war for the long haul whether we like it or not. The only question is whether we intend to fight it or roll over in shameful appeasement until we are in a much weaker position to fight at such time as even the appeasers realize we have no other choice.

Palestinians back caliphate over politics - Telegraph

Hamas reiterates goal of world domination by Islam - annihilation ...The PA sources further asserted that senior Fatah and Hamas terrorist leaders, as well as senior security officials from Egypt and Israel, know many details ...

["Palestinians":] Wanted: a caliphate - Haaretz

The official said Hamas seeks to create an "Islamic caliphate" in Gaza and ...



hobeika_damour, Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and ...

Yasir Arafat and the Christians of Lebanon - Opinion - Kamal Jumblatt, in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay, told Labaky, 'Father, I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat. ...


Lebanese Forces : Historical Fact: The Massacre and Destruction of ...Damour lay across the Sidon - Beirut highway about 20 km south of Beirut on ... He gave Arafat's phone number to the priest.

USCFL - Frequently Asked Questions, When, in 1976, Yasser Arafat's PLO destroyed Damour, a Christian Lebanese town of some 25000 people, the Palestinian murderers employed the same barbaric ...

Or Does It Explode?: Iran Morality Police out in Full Force Many Palestinians in Israel have much more rights than in the other Arab ... They can vote in elections in Israel and have freedoms guaranteed not seen ...
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic elimination of an ethnic group from a region ... Kurds, jews, Berbers and Christians are not excepted in muslim society. ...
http://web.israelinsider.com/bin/en.jsp?enDispWho=Views&enPage=ForumPage&enDisplay=view&enDispWhat=Zone&enZone=SecurityF5 &
Christians in the Middle East, Coptic, Maronite - The Peace FAQ, The ethno-religious cleansing of Christian peoples in the Middle East .... In the Lion's Den: Persecuted Christians and What the Western Church Can Do About ...
Why not one movie on the Kurdish ethnic cleansing, on the Genocide in southern Sudan, on the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, on the Berbers, Shiia of Iraq, ...
Recently, on 6th of June 2005[7], a bomb attack was carried out on an Aramean priest in Tur Abdin which is situated in south-eastern of Turkey. Thirty years ago, there were approximately 40,000 Arameans in Tur Abdin. Because of continued discrimination and persecution, our people were forced to flee into the Diaspora, leaving behind the sacred land of the forefathers, which they inhabited for thousands of years. Today there are only approximately 2,000 Arameans left in Tur Abdin, and dwindling.  None of us would have voluntarily left Tur Abdin if not for the discrimination and persecution.
Iraq: East- Aramean Chaldean Priest Kidnapped, This time, the East- Aramean priest of the Chaldean church has been kidnapped ... recent denouncements of persecution against the Christian community there. ...
...and persecution of Aramaic Language and Aramaean Culture in numerous countries of ... In our days, the Arameans of Iraq are excluded from the Iraqi ...
Mr. Paul Kelly, the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, noted that "Iraqis of Assyrian, Turkman, and Kurdish ethnicity suffer additional abuses due to the ongoing Arabization' campaign of ethnic cleansing." Noting other abuses including the prohibition of all non-Arab broadcasting and publishing and the forced Arabization of personal names, Mr. Kelly added that "Abuses like these are a long-standing part of the Iraqi government's decade long campaign dedicated to eliminating the non-Arab presence in villages and towns under regime control in northern Iraq."
The ChaldoAssyrian Cause in Iraq: Implications for Maronites, The ChaldoAssyrians (also known as Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Syriacs) are the ... has been persecution, massacres, and ethnic cleansing...
freedomhouse.org: Yemen Gender discrimination is present not only in Yemeni laws, but also in the implementation of laws, by-laws, and procedures, which may be subject to various interpretations and the personal whims of individual state agents and authorities. Discrimination is faced not only by women in Yemen, but also by ethnic minorities such as the community called Akhdam (servants),  refugees from the Horn of Africa, and the small Jewish minority who remain in Yemen. The government has not instituted a formal complaint mechanism whereby an individual or group can file a report if they become victims of discrimination.
The ethnic composition of Yemeni society is characterized by the existence of marginalized and socially excluded groups (Akhdam).
Omar Al-Bashir: Not So Arab... Palestinian as a foil to keep their own oppressed population focused on Israel instead of deplorable human rights conditions in their own countries. ...
FORGOTTEN OUTRAGE: Iran's Baha'i Crackdown, Yemen's Akhdam Marginalization (tie)
The Baha'i religion is out and out banned in Iran. Followers, who must practice in hiding, are banned from universities, jailed, and even murdered. The black Yemenites known as Akhdam have lived in Yemen for centuries but continue to face egregious discrimination domestically and indifference from the outside world.
Marginalized Social Groups Many groups subsist on the periphery of the ... Akhdam communities in Yemen are victims of negative public attitudes and poverty ...
www.undp.org.ye/Inequalities.php -
�Akhdam� as you described the unfortunate segment of the Yemeni community, sounds humiliating term for this section of the society. Just say the poor rather than �Akhdam�. Encouraging the use of such names by Yemen Times supports the continuous degrading of these people, by branding them that slavish name.
It is high time YT refrain from encouraging the use of such discriminative labels, which are against all norms of human rights, although used by the majority of Yemenis in the northern parts of Yemen.

Non-Isaaqi Somalis have a say too <br>
Somaliland myth was invented by some Isaaqi men �power Hungary� to create a government dominated by Isaaq clan (since Isaaq�s are a minority in Somalia). These men were tribalists and were oppressed. Recognizing Somaliland is a extremely dangerous, it will create more genocides by Isaaqs against other clans who live in northern Somalia, never ending civil wars, and more border conflicts with Somalia<br>
Another fact is that the so-called Somaliland authority is only popular and in control in Hargeisa and Barbara. What�s more tragic is that the so-called Somaliland government is illegitimate and wages constant aggressive wars on all regions in northern Somalia and non-Isaaq clans. So-called Somaliland government vigorously follows bad policies like ethnic cleansing and genocide against non-Isaaq clans.
by Dr Walid Phares
For years, the term "Arab Christians" was used to categorize the Christians in the Middle East. However, the concept instead of being precisely defined was intellectually misused and politically abused. Both Arab regimes and "Arabists" in the West attempted to libel all Christians living under the sovereignty of Arab states, as "Arab Christians."
This denial of identity of millions of indigenous non-Arab nations can be equated to an organized ethnic cleansing on a politico-cultural level. Similarly to the Turkish attempts to eradicate the ethnic identity of the Kurds, whom they call "Mountain Turks," and the Assyrians, whom they define as "Semitic Turks."
Arab-Islamic regimes in the region assert that all those Christians who live within the confines of "Arab borders" are "Arab." With Arab nationalism at its peak, and "Arabist" circles at the apex of their political influence in the West, the pre-Arab ethnicities of the Middle East became the real underdogs of the region. The Arab Israeli conflict increased their crisis. Not only the non-Arab ethnicities, particularly the non-Moslem ones, were denied their basic rights, stripped from their ancestral lands, but they were pressured to participate in the general "war effort" conducted by the Arab regimes against a non-Arab nation, i.e. the Jews of Israel.
The gestalt of global Arab strategy in the region was to pit non-Arabs against other non-Arabs, after demonizing those who have formed their national state Israel, and fragmented those who weren't able to implement self determination. The Christians in the Middle East are not just a religious group, nor do they form one single community. The overwhelming majority of the Christians in the region are ethnically non-Arab, and their major common characteristic is their subjection to Arab colonialism and Islamic oppression for thirteen centuries. The Christians in the Middle East are not, as it was portrayed by the Arab regimes and many in the West, the followers of Christian faith among the Arab ethnic group. "Arab Christians" exist in few spots in the region, but they are a minuscule minority within the world of Middle Eastern Christianity.
Prior to the Arab Islamic invasion...

Human Shields: Palestinians Exploit Their Own Schoolchildren, This tactic of using one's own civilians as human shields is of course nothing new. Hezbollah used it to great effect in the war of summer 2006.
American Thinker: Palestinian Human Shields, On November 8th, at a mosque in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, the Palestinians used about fifty heavily-shrouded women as ?human shields? to provide cover for a few [terrorists]...
'Palestinian' Arabs' vicious tactics of HUMAN SHIELDSHe denies Israeli accusations that the Palestinian Authority has placed children at the front of demonstrations to act as human shields for armed gunmen. ...
Palestinian human shields give Israel pause | csmonitor.com The militants' new system enlists neighbors to protect homes from airstrikes ? and could force a change to Israeli strategy.
The root of Palestinian misery Palestinian suicide bombers would be stepping over each other in an effort to attack the target. "Human shields" work only when your enemy fights.... [humane...]
http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/editorialsletters/story.html?id=69c23d82-dd87-4c1d-a333-bf3f 3979df37
Palestinians Shoot 15 Human Shields - IRIS Blog, Thursday, May 17. 2007. Palestinians Shoot 15 Human Shields. 200 Gaza residents decided their "human shield" tactics worked so well against the Israelis, ...
lPalestinian Human Shield Watch, GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Hundreds of Palestinians formed a human shield around the home of a militant in the northern Gaza Strip late Saturday to ...
On Video: Palestinian As Human ShieldThe terror-stricken 24-year-old Palestinian soon found himself forced onto the front lines of Israel's shadowy war against militants, a human shield as he ...
lgf: Human Rights Watch Condemns Palestinian Human Shield Tactic An interesting phenomenon is occurring, as Palestinians use women and children as human shields to guard the homes and ammo dumps of terrorists; the tactic ...
"Brave" use of human shields

Photos that damn Hezbollah | Herald Sun, The release of the images comes as Hezbollah faces criticism for allegedly using innocent civilians as "human shields". Mr Egeland blasted Hezbollah...

Hezbollah's human shieldsNor would it be enough simply to declare Hezbollah's cynical use of civilians as human shields to be a war crime. A multinational force must be empowered to ...
http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/issuesideas/story.html?id=439dbdcc-167c-423c-9d52-b14a906054 40

YouTube - Hezbollah's Human Shields In the recent war in Lebanon, Hezbollah used civilians as human shields.

Hizbullah's exploitation of Lebanese population centers and civiliansHezbollah's human shields, by Alan M. Dershowitz (National Post, Canada) � Hezbollah's propaganda tours - as told by a CNN producer ...

Children in a world of Terror
Palestinian Child Abuse ... A Special Photo Essay on Palestinian exploitation of children for armed conflict; �We teach our children to reach Shahada� ...

Palestinian Child Abuse Link to "Leave our Children alone" ... A young Palestinian child hugging a gun at a demonstration against the Geneva accords ...

0pal-child-abuse-1970.jpg. The cover of the June 17, 1970 issue of LIFE magazine shows how long Palestinian Arabs have been instilling hatred in the minds ...

The main solution is to:
Teach kids peace!

"Innocent Palestinians", say what? who? Hmm, a tiny fringy minority - maybe!
Don't you "love" it, to hear the term 'innocent Palestinians'? another great production of the 'Palestinian' propaganda greased by international monstrous Arab oil [not to be confused with helping any Arab 'Palestinians, which the Arab world never thought nor seeks to, of course, on the contrary, the Arab leaders have an "interest" & often 'help' in Arab Muslim 'Palestinians' kept down, amazing as it is, it serves them an anti Zionist bashing front and a diversion from their oppression, corruption and crimes on their own people] and Arab-Muslim political power worldwide.
Well, why don't we examine the true meaning of "innocent"?
True, usually, in any nation, group, the vast majority is innocent, well meaning, its intentions, actions are directed towards positivity.
However, the "specialty" of 'Palestinians' is that their overwhelming majority is guilty, and I will explain why.
* A society that its mainstream glorifies mass murder ["martyrdom"] (see: http://pmw.org.il, http://memri.org  ), is sick to the core.
* A society that votes overwhelmingly for the genocidal party the Islamic Hamas - which up to this day still declares to annihilate all [non-Arabs, non-Muslims, AKA] Jews (http://pmw.org.il/bulletins_apr2007.htm#b120407 ) from Israel, and promotes Islamic supremacy domination all over the world (http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2790, http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=661486&amp;contrassID=2&amp;subContrassID=15&amp;sbSubContrassID=0&amp;listSrc=Y, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/016618.php ), is by-in-large a part in this fascist ideology and deed.
* A society that it polls show, most favor ethnic cleansing of Jews from its historic land and genocide bombing [carefully planned to be carried out in the most crowded of places, specifically intended to massacre as many unarmed innocent Israeli civilians as possible], ( http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3%3Fid=28550, http//www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-10/20/content_273601.htm) is a racist genocidal "society".
* A society that encourages to sell one's child to the devil, to the death camps (see: http://TecahKidsPeace.org ), where religious figures and parents love to instill hate in their children for the "apes and pigs" [AKA Christians & Jews], where mothers from hell "love" their children in the Islamic militant ideology of 'kill & be killed' - 'Palestinian' motherhood, is twisted all around.
* A society that since its inception has produced nothing but lies, denying that most were immigrants into the land of the Jews, calling every lost battle a "massacre", then expanding the monster lying machine of fake images Pallywood (see: http://www.take-a-pen.org/english/Articles/PLE.htm, http://www.seconddraft.org/movies.php) and never honored one detail of any peace agreement with Israel, can't claim to have one iota of honesty in its entity, [Never forget this, every time you hear "Palestinians" say, claim, just about anything of a "Palestinian" source has about the same degree of credibility].
* A society that chooses death over life, Jihadism over education, self destruction over advancement, is the "best" model for self made misery.
* A society that shoots behind little shoulders of own kids, or behind squirts of own women, is nothing but the "perfection" of cowardice evil.
* A society that would do anything so that its kids die [from covering for adults terrorists, plain shooting its Arab kids like Muhammad Al Dura http//www.eretzyisroel.org/~ginsburg/aldura, pushing children in the frontline, to firing from crowded areas, etc. http://www.israel-wat.com/x1_eng.htm http://www.tzemachdovid.org/Arab_Violence/shield.shtml http://www.aish.com/jewishissues/middleeast/Children_Soldiers.asp http://honestreporting.com/articles/45884734/reports/Children_Under_Fire_.asp http://www.jcpa.org/jl/vp441.htm http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=19060], in order to be looked upon as a "victim", can't be granted that.

Pali Dictionary (2007)
The guide to the Arab Muslim 'Palestinian' propagandist
A security 'check point' (the one you have in the airports that effects all Israelis too) = "oppression".
Arrests of terrorists = "subjugation".
Equal rights, equal treatment, freedom for all & democracy = "apartheid".
Terror camps = "refugee camps".
Terror attacks aiming at the unarmed innocent civilians = "freedom fighting".
Cowards hiding among civilians = "fighters".
Reluctance to shoot at terrorists surrounded by civilians = "weak Zionists".
Use of human shields = "heroism".
Unintended deaths of human shields = "victims of the occupation".
Call, attempt for genocide = "struggle".
Mass murder = "martyrdom".
Annihilation = "just-anti-Zionism".
Investing in self destruction Jihad instead of economy = "plight".
['Palestinian fake & edited images -] Pallywood = "documentary".
"(Idbachu) Itbach al Yahud" ["kill the J-s."] = "liberation".
Oppression & totalitarianism (by bad-Fatah or worse-Hamas) = "freedom".
Caliphate, radical Islamic repressive empire = "equality".
Islamic Apartheid [including on women & on non Muslims] = "Palestinian culture'".
Oppressing Christians = "Muslims' rights".
Forcing Christians to convert to Islam = "practicing their faith".
The anti - Israel bigotry composed of 1) 'Arab racism' against non Arabs by Arab supremacy (the same active in Africa like genocide in Sudan, Chad, etc. or in all of the Arab world on all non Arab minorities), 2) 'Islamic Jihad' against any non Muslims (the one active in the entire world) = "anti Zionism".
Israelis' natural human fear of massacres, attacks by Arab racism & Islamofascism = "anti Arab racism".
IDF sincere factual humanitarian programs worldwide = "propaganda".
Terror masters gathering = "freedom of movement".
Terrorists using ambulances = "carrying the sick"...
Oppressing women = "manhood".
Fascism aka not even giving "right to exist" = "Palestinian rights".
Preferential treatment to Arabs over Jews, including in cities like Hebron = "apartheid state".
Israel's extraordinary humane help for 'Palestinians' (including free hospital care to their children injured though of Arab initiated attacks, medical advancement for ordinary Arabs & more  http://israel21c.org, etc.) = "not an issue".
The historic Arab attacks, massacres & ethnic cleansing on Jews in the holy-land prior to the date of so called 'occupation' = "not the issue".
Seeing the US as the big Satan & Israel as the little one = "land issues".
Defending against attacks = "occupation".
Preventing 'Palestinians' from killing = "crimes against humanity".
Revealing the truth about 'Palestinians' = "propaganda".
A terrorist = "activist".
Demonization of Israel via lies = "all for the cause".
Calling to 'wipe of Israel off map' = "free Palestine campaign".
Telling it's children invented horror fantasy 'stories' about the Zionists = "pride".
Spreading around graphic photos of dead kids who died as tools by Arab adult terrorists = "evil Zionists".
Dehumanization of innocent Israeli men women & children as "tanks" = "against the occupation".
Publicizing Hitler's 'MeinKampf' in Arabic and having it as a 'best seller' in Gaza = "defying the Zionists".
The vast anti Israel bias, the global Arabism & Arabists control in the mainstream media = "Zionists control".
The most powerful lobby in Washington - the Saudi Arab Muslim lobby = "Jewish lobby".
Militant Hamas' front group in Islamic lobby CAIR = "real 'Americans'".
[Not dual loyalty but one loyalty] Arab "americans" acting on behalf of 'Palestinian' terrorists against US = "loyal Americans".
Treacherous American Muslims raising funds in US for 'Palestinian' terror Jihadi organizations = "brethren".
Dancing masses in public square towards the blood of 3,000 innocent victims of the Islamic attack on 911 or of major Islamic terror attacks on innocent Israelis = "folklore, national holiday".
Arab lobby's two anti-Israel Arabist books, Carter & Mearsheimer = "balanced view".
The one way street, like actvists on the Israel side to act on behalf of 'Palestinians' = "balanced view".
Having only the 'Palestinian' view at any forum = "even handed".
Islamic Republic of Iran's Hitler 'Mahmoud Eichmanjihad' [the 'mehdi' 'Islamic Messiah' with nukes, the one giving the ultimatum to the west to convert to Islam or else, that declares 'Death to US, UK', threatening Israel despite having absolutely no land or any other disputes with, stretching all over his global network of violence, having troops creating bloodshed & mayhem in, Lebanon, 'Palestine', Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.] = "Palestine's poster boy".
Cheering to the party that seeks an all out Shiite oppressive theocracy in the region, Iran's Hezbullah (2006) invasion & attack of Israeli civilians when half of the victims were Arabs in Israel & using civilians in Lebanon, causing deaths & destruction there = "good job, we want more".
'Palestinian' war on Lebanon, siding with militant Islamists Al Qaeda, in terror "refugee" camps = "Lebanese occupation & racism".
Mourning the deaths of the butchers of our time: Saddam & Zarqawi = "national pride, mutual understanding".
Global Arab Palestinian led anti Israel hate lobby = "International Solidarity Movement".
Blaming the Zionists for all Arabs, Muslims crimes against humanity all over the planet, with or without "theories" = "FYI".
"Death to Israel!" = "peaceful protest".
Pro terror march = "anti-war march".
Abu Mazen, Fatah's terror arm 'Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade' = "moderates".
Racist vicious boycotts = "protesting".
Powerful hijacking the UN, EU & most world bodies via the international Arab Muslim oil lobby Goliath = "David vs goliath".
Bashing little Israel -- fighting to survive -- at the UN & in international media all the time = "olive branch".
Jihad, Shahid & hatred camps for kids = "education".
Teaching little Muhammad about 'apes & pigs' = "Biology"
Strapping death belt to it's kids = "Parenthood".
Being paid for [selling to the devil] sending own kid to die via massacring others = "heroes".
Lost battle = "massacre".
Muslim clerics': 'kill all infidels' = "justice".
'Palestinian' TV industry of lies = "information".
Honor killing = "honor".
Oppressing any opposition = "inner 'Palestinian' matter".
Uncivil war, fighting between 'mainstream' radical Arab - Muslims & more extreme Arab - Muslims = "western conspiracy".
'Conspiracy theories' = "the truth".
Careful planning of terror attacks, genocide bombings = "desperation".
Anti terrorism fence, shield = "apartheid-wall".
Muhammad's dreaming about a Jewish city = "Muslim site".
Arab immigrants prior to 1948 = "indigenous, natives".
Smuggling weapons = "humanitarian aid".
Terror tunnels = "family unification".
Mass kidnapping cult = "activism".
Shooting into residential homes or Infiltrating into cities invading homes in the middle of the night, murdering kids in their beds = "liberating the land".
Corruption & stealing from it's population = "Zionists' fault".
Shooting missiles on schoolchildren = "grievances".
Ethnic cleansing, Judenrein 'Palestine' [aka no Jew in 'Palestinian' controlled area] = "right to self determination".
Stoning ANY Israelis passers-by = "David vs goliath".
Lynching [by the masses of "moderate" mainstream 'Palestinians', or attempting to] any Jew who dared lost it's way into their "territory" = "human rights".
Lynching own brothers = "Palestinian legal system".
IDF's rubber bullets to disperse violent 'Palestinian' crowds = "Israeli bombs".
Israeli security's use of tear gas to disperse 'Palestinians' on rampage = "attacking civilians".
Arab terrorists firing among civilians = "Israeli massacre".
IDF's humane advanced notice, warning to evacuate certain areas before conducting anti terror operations (on the expense of terrorists escaping) = "Zionist scare tactics".
IDF's high risk investment & use of specially low impact, maximum precision, small missiles, desinged to hit only a dangerous terror target & minimize by-standers casualities = "F-16 on poor Palestinians".
Killing it's own kids [like Muhammad Al-Dura, Gaza beach family, etc.] & creating of them icons each time, carrying the 'torch' on = "voice of Palestine".
Self inflicting suffering [ever since 1948, still today, rejecting any settlement, rejecting Israel's help, choosing terrorism over calm, war over peace, exterminating Jews over partition of two states] = "the victims".
Always initiating the attacks = "innocent victims".
[Arab] Targeting civilians in shopping malls, bus stops, wedding halls, restaurants, etc. = "legitimate rights".
Massive support for fascist terror organization Hamas bend on annihilating all of Israel & urges it's will of "drinking the blood of the Jews" = "innocent Palestinians".

To the Arab Muslim anti-Israel propagandist:

1) Are you denying that the Arab racist attacks on Jews in Israel/"palestine" has started since 1838 (Safed) [so were the attacks in 1883, 1920, 1921, 1929 - Hebron, etc.]?

2) Had Israel be a (mostly) Arab-Muslim State, would the intolerant Arab-Muslim Goliath world not accept them?

3) Why is there a complete silence on the historical fact of Arab immigration late 1800s early 1900s into Israel/"palestine"?

4) What anti-Israel bigotry is stronger, the "Arab racism"; factor? or the 'Islamic-Jihad' factor?

5) 'Moral equivalence' Do you have Arab activists on behalf of Israeli victims, just like you have Jewish, Israeli, Zionists activists for the (so called) 'Palestinian cause' (whatever that is...)?

6) If humane Israel would really go after "unarmed poor palestinians" as the 'Pallwood' propagandists tell us, How many Arabs would have survived Israel's might?

7) Who's more at fault, the Arab Muslim "Palestinians" parents pushing for Shahid-isim, or the indoctrinating Mullahs, Imams in the holy Mosques for using "Palestinian" kids and women as human bombs and as human shields (so they can blame the Zionists when Arab kids die)?

8) What would have happened if Arab Muslim "Palestinians" would have invested as much energy in rebuilding their lives as they do in destroying both nations' lives in fascistic Jihad, total hatred and campaign for GENOCIDE [to "drink the blood of the Jews" or to "push them all to the sea", or to "wipe them off of map"]?

9) Why does "bad" IDF Israeli army announce an area residents' civilians to evacuate before an operation against terrorists?

10) Why did Humane Israel's IDF invented specially low range missiles designed to hit ONLY the [terror] target and minimize collateral damage?

11) When was the last time the "Palestinian" well oil-ed propaganda machine has retracted [or even apologized] for it's usual PALLYWOOD fake images industry?

12) What's the difference between a Christian in Indonesia, Buddhist in Thailand, Christian in Nigeria, in Philippines, Australians in Bali (2002), non Muslims in London (0707/2005), in Madrid (bombing), "not the-right-kind-of-Muslims" in Shiite-Sunni hateful massacres in Iraq, oppression & massacres in the "Islamic Republic of Iran", and Israeli victims of the same "evil ideology"?

13) What's a harder oppression, your "average" Arab Muslim regime's on it's own people, Hamas-tan Islamic Apartheid [which most "Palestinians" supported!] on non Muslims, or the pro-Jihad parents' on their kids?

14) What would have happened if at least ONE Arab Muslim nation [regular or oil-ed one] would really care about the Arab [brothers, that since the 1960's started to call themselves as] "Palestinians" and let them get off the terror slum into normality and even prosperity?

15) What part of 'BLIND FASCISM' do Arab-Muslims deny, the usual obsessed anti Israel demonization [no matter what Israel does] or the reluctance to see Israel's super kind gestures for those that are trying to kill them [releases from prison, giving away own land vital to it's security, humanitarian aid, etc.] not as goodness but as "weakness"?

16) Why is it that when Islamists terrorists [Hamas or Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad, etc.] succeed in making sure Arab kids die [with their known tactics of cowardly firing among or behind children, etc.] the Arabs, Muslims rejoice and the Israelis, Jews are saddened?

16) How can land be an issue [or the blatant lies the Arab lobby's financed: Jimmy Carter has said, though he admitted that Israel is a great equal democracy for all, Arabs and Jews alike!'] if "moderate" Palestinian official government still has venomous hatred and pro 'death cult' in it's regular curriculum and on it's official TV, or that such "moderate" Arab media outlets [like Al Jazeera] still glorify mass murder as "martyrdom"?

17) Who's more powerful, the Arab Muslim Goliath Oil mafia "lobby" on the world or a Chinese, Italian, Israeli, Irish, pharmaceutical, cigarettes lobbyists in Washington?

18) Had the International Arab Muslim lobby of nations in the UN [or the EU] not threatened other nations to bash Israel 24/7 [motivated by intolerance only!], What would be then the outcome?



In Arabists' rule - Apparently, If you attempt to defend yourself against racist Arabs you are 'the racist'


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