J O J A P S (mjurnal)


VOLUME 17 - 2020
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Paper 01/2020 - Case Study : Waste Material Management for Housing Projects at Port Dickson
Amilia Noorlin Binti Md Jelani & Siti Noraain binti Harun  
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Waste material management is very important at the construction site. This waste material management study was conducted around the housing construction projects at Port Dickson. The purposes of this study are to identify the types of waste materials commonly found in housing construction project, identify problems encountered in the management of waste materials in housing construction project and proposed methods of improving waste management of waste material in housing construction projects. All information and data for this study were obtained from the distribution of questionnaires and interviews with respondents. Statistical analysis methods i.e. average index and frequency are used to analysed and obtain results. Based on the results of the study finding that the waste of construction materials generated and often disposed of, especially in the construction site area is concrete, brick, wood, soil and mortar. The next method of improvement that shows the highest frequency is the method of controlling material stock to avoid ordering of excess material and improving knowledge about waste management. This shown that the waste management system of waste materials is very important in controlling the occurrence of waste and can avoid the problem of loss on the housing construction project. The conclusion of this study shows that there are five types of waste building materials that are often generated at the housing construction site. This study also shows the contractors were practice the best way in disposing of construction waste.

Paper 02/2020 - Tropical Sustainable Architecture : Passive Design Strategies in Green Building 
Badariah Daud  
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Green building, or sustainable design, is the practice of increasing the efficiency of the building with which buildings and their sites use energy, water, and materials. It also reducing building impacts on human health and the environment over the entire life cycle of the building. Green Building Index (GBI) is one of a rating tools for building grading system developed by construction industry professionals in order to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness about environmental issues. A variety of active and passive design strategies can be integrated in order to increase the energy efficiency of a building. Active design strategies usually consist of heating and cooling systems like electricity or natural gas to keep the building comfortable. For instance, forced-air HVAC systems, heat pumps, radiant panels or chilled beams, and electric lights. Most building in tropical climate usually depend on mechanical means by using fans or air conditioning systems to maintain the indoor temperature within the comfort level. The dependence on a mechanical ventilation system could lead to additional costs for its installation, operation and maintenance. However passive design strategies use ambient energy sources which include day lighting, natural ventilation, and solar energy. It is achieved by appropriately orientating your building on its site and carefully designing the building envelope (roof, walls, windows and floors of a home). Passive architecture design strategies in tropical sustainable architecture aim to avoid heat from the sun, promote natural cross ventilation from the prevailing wind and ensure daylight into the building. This paper aims to introduce the natural climatic strategies for coping with local climate. These strategies include architectural development of the climate responsive design process. For instance, orientation, ventilation, thermal zoning, building form and typology, building envelope and optimize daylight access, building envelope design, materials selection and landscaping. Finally, it focuses on lessons that we can learn from our past experiences to improve our energy consumption patterns in tropical sustainable architecture.

Paper 03/2020 - Proposed A Centre of Technology for Architecture, Polytechnic Malaysia (COTA)

Zurika Amnah @ Salmi Binti Mohtar
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - The Centre of Technology for Architecture (COTA) is proposed as a platform to build public awareness of the architecture role in society, to promote scholarly research in the field and to stimulate innovation in design practice. The project is seen as an opportunity for the Polytechnic to achieve strategic objectives relating to the positioning of COTA, with a commitment to innovation in relation to the design and delivery of an outstanding building. The aspiration of the school and the Polytechnic is that the new building will demonstrate an outstanding level of quality in both the processes of design and development in the end product. The resulting design will provide an excellent working environment to encourage high quality research, teaching, learning and linking advanced research with public engagement in architecture. The building will establish an exceptional level of environmental performance, expected to be concurrently with Green Building Index (GBI) of Malaysia rating system. The building will enable teaching and learning opportunities, with users being able to actively monitor and adjust the environmental features of the building in order to appreciate their impacts on the indoor environment as well as research opportunities for the broader School agenda.


Paper 04/2020 - NNR ECO CEILING

Nora Binti Ismail & Norsilan Binti Wahiduddin
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Nowadays, there are many types of ceilings created, however leakage problems can’t be resolved especially during the rainy season. Asbestos ceiling has a very delicate carcinogenic dust that causes a negative impact on health over the long term.  The mixture of glass waste fiber in NNR ECO CEILING creation with the objective of studying the ability of mixture between glass waste with plastic waste and to study the capabilities of NNR ECO Ceiling compared to ceiling in the market in terms of waterproof, durable and economical. Glass waste used in this study comprise of three different ratios with plastic waste:  NN1(100:1), NN2 (80:20) and NN3 (70:30). Each sample undergoes four types of testing which is Water Absorption Test, Flexural Strength Test, Tensile Strength Test and Density. Finding shows that Sample NNR ECO CEILING prove to have the double strength in Tensile Strength Test compared to others. It also has significant advantage in term of durability with waterproof and density properties. The cost for NNR ECO CEILING is in the range of RM1.19 – RM1.40 which is 72 -77% cheaper than the asbestos. The NNR ECO CEILLING product is not only strong, light and cheap but it is also one of the most innovative ways to preserve nature and help the nation towards sustainability while increasing the 'income from waste to valuable products'.single spacing. Paragraph justified with single spacing.


Paper 05/2020 - Kajian Terhadap Kerosakan Struktur dan Elemen Rumah Warisan Hajjah Kundur, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan

Nik Hasnira binti Nik Pa, Norzalina binti Md Yusop & Nor Haslinawati binti Mohd Saad
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Politeknik Port Dickson dalam usaha untuk menjalankan Projek Rumah Warisan Kampus UNESCO. Sebuah Rumah Melayu Tadisional Negeri Sembilan telah dikenalpasti untuk merealisasikan projek ini. Rumah berkenaan dikenali sebagai Rumah Warisan Hajah Kundur yang terletak di Kampung Rendah, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. Rumah Warisan ini akan dialihkan dari kawasan asalnya ke kawasan kampus Politeknik Port Dickson. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, kebanyakan Rumah Melayu Tradisional yang terdapat di Malaysia yang diperbuat daripada bahan asas utamanya seperti kayu, buluh dan rotan tidak dapat lari dari mengalami sebarang masalah seperti kecacatan dan kerosakan. Sehubungan dengan itu, satu penyelidikan atau kajian dilapidasi telah dijalankan ke atas Rumah Warisan Hajah Kundur ini dalam usaha untuk mengenalpasti punca dan jenis kecacatan atau kerosakan, lokasi di mana kecacatan dan kerosakan umum ini berlaku dan seterusnya mencari jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik bagaimana untuk mengatasi masalah berkenaan. Rumah Warisan Hajah Kundur ini mempunyai banyak kesan kecacatan dan kerosakan. Secara umumnya kecacatan dan kerosakan boleh berlaku atas banyak sebab. Antaranya ialah tiada penjagaan dan penyelenggaraan berkala yang baik ke atas rumah berkenaan menyebabkan rumah ini mudah rosak. Bahan pembinaan yang digunakan seperti kayu membolehkan ia mudah diserang oleh serangga pemakan kayu seperti kumbang perosak dan anai-anai. Selain daripada itu, faktor cuaca di negara ini juga boleh menyebabkan struktur kayu sesebuah rumah mudah mereput dan dilitupi oleh cendawan serta kulat. Sehubungan dengan itu, lanjutan daripada penyelidikan yang telah dilakukan, kerja-kerja pengekalan dan pemuliharaan ke atas Rumah Warisan Hajah Kundur ini dapat dilakukan dengan kadar segera setelah hasil laporan disediakan. Sekiranya tiada tindakan susulan dilakukan dengan kadar segera, seni bina Rumah Warisan Hajah Kundur yang amat bernilai ini akan musnah dan mungkin pupus.


Paper 06/2020 - Pembuatan Papan Partikel daripada Sabut Kelapa dan Hampas Tebu
Mohammed Farid Bin Ishak & Zanalizah Binti Jauhari  
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Papan partikel mempunyai kegunaan yang meluas dalam industri pembinaan pada masa kini. Dalam kajian ini, pembuatan papan partikel daripada sabut kelapa dan hampas tebu adalah bertujuan untuk mengurangkan pencemaran udara dan sisa buangan. Ianya dihasilkan dengan pencampuran sabut kelapa dan hampas tebu dengan bahan perekat iaitu resin Urea-Formaldehyde (UF), kemudian ditekan menggunakan mesin penekanan sejuk (cold press) dan mesin penekanan panas (hot press) untuk dijadikan papan partikel. Parameter yang dikaji dalam penghasilan papan partikel ini ialah nisbah sabut kelapa dan hampas tebu yang digunakan. Ujian yang dijalankan ke atas sampel adalah seperti ujian kekuatan lenturan (Bending Strength), ujian kelembapan (Water Absorption Test) dan ujian pengembangan (Thickness Swelling Test). Keputusan ujian yang diperoleh dibandingkan dari segi ciri mekanikal dan ciri fizikal. Daripada ujian kekuatan lenturan, semakin bertambah nisbah sabut kelapa, semakin tinggi kekuatan lenturan sesuatu papan partikel. Penambahan nisbah sabut kelapa akan meningkatkan kekuatan dan ketumpatan sesuatu papan partikel. Peningkatan dalam nisbah sabut kelapa turut mengurangkan kadar penyerapan kelembapan pada papan partikel. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penghasilan papan partikel daripada campuran sabut kelapa dan hampas tebu ini sesuai untuk dipasarkan kerana mempunyai sifat mekanikal yang baik disamping menggunakan bahan mentah yang murah dan mudah didapati.


Paper 07/2020 - Multiple Centrality Assessment: Computer-Operated Procedure for Interpretation and Modification of Urban Streets Network and Spaces. A Case Analysis of Govan Town, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Nornawar Laili Nordin
Main Author from Politeknik Port Dickson.
Abstract - Govan is a riverside district, shipbuilding industry. The area is also known for its traditional pubs and red sandstone Victorian buildings, as well as The Ibrox Stadium that serve as a home ground for The Glasgow Rangers FC.  On the other sides, the area long had a reputation of deprivation and poverty partly due to the unemployment, street gangs and crime in community area, and the shipbuilding industries in Govan will face serious pressures to decline. Within the Glasgow network, Govan is clearly isolated from central areas due to a lack of connections and poor centrality due to large blocks and cul-de-sacs urban design in western areas. Now, it has been planned for a comprehensive programme of five and ten years’ physical regeneration programme designed to make Central Govan attractive, vibrant and prosperous, a place where people wish to live, work, visit and invest with special focus on accessibility and the quality of spaces. The objectives of this paper are to use the new ‘tools’ that an Urban Designer may apply to the interpretation and modification of urban streets network and spaces. To map the structural potential of each urban space in Govan to sustain a thriving and diverse local life, as expressed by its density of centrality with respect to all other places in the system and also to test alternative scenarios of development of the street system in order to understand the impacts of local decisions on possibly remote spaces. As part of the problem setting phase, the Multiple Centrality Assessment (MCA) was applied. MCA is a process of network analysis based on primal graphs, a set of different centrality indices and the metric computation of distances (S.Porta et al, 2008) - in order to solve problem phase turning out to offer a relevant contribution to the comparative evaluation of three alternative proposed scenarios, leading to the identification of one final solution of urban design.