Fobs News



foB-UniT Forum



Spy Series - This is were we put our theory to the test. They only say we cheat cuz yes of our fob tag. But lets see if they say we cheat when we have one of their clan tags on. And the results are well as expected. Thats right bitches all these fags that call fob cheaters well they didn't say shit when we join their clan. Yes when it comes to fob members winning the game for these rookie clans they don't call us cheaters lols. For the past few months the rice-units have smurfed a few clans. We been spying and living in these clans is funny how they don't talk shit anymore once we have their gay clan tag on. ROFLicopter!

1. They all call us cheaters cuz of our fob names.
2. We too good.
3. Jealous they not in the fob clan.
4. Don't know who we are. LOLS
5. Don't call us cheaters when we smurf into their clan. LMAO

6. Fob always beat their ass that's why they cry about fob cheating.
I'll post a few for now. Ill let you guys keep guessing hahah. goodjob fob_happy, fob_turtle, fob_market, fob_power.




JUNE 2005 - Summer Time

fob wonder race

GirlsOfElm don't like fob_loser

Fob_retard learn english?

Ho Chi Minh lols

You got a boyfriend fob_retard?

Gay is cool

fob talking style becomes popular

fob_market spits the inglish

Pictionary game

fob_prince really fob in this one

fob_prince bird question remix ultimate funny

GR_Vaddaka Still making excuses


MAY 2005

Jesus got owned

Retarded Jesus


How big is fob boats?

Thug cping lols

Thug mad

we at chinatown

bird question annoying

Shorty shit talker

Ressij we no you cheat 01

Ressij we no you cheat 02 (don't lie)

free food

lobby 01

lobby 02

lobby 03

VFC_Soldier cping lols noob try to smurf

nerd's ugly face

RT_Nirvana 01

RT_Nirvana 02


Jan 05 White ppl new year. Not Asian new year yet.


fob_prince talking to _Heocon

Cyber_Kane talking to ChutCon

phasma talking to chutcon


 Dec 04 Happy New year



i have no life. im a loser

aps chatting with mango 01

aps chatting with mango 02

aps chatting with mango 03

fob site is

fob_market aka foreverzen

Soti trying to tell Mango how to change names lols

phasma_KinG_ talking to fob_loser

phasma_King still guessing our akas

u got served! +JustHereToHelp

__4orce__ combo packing (full image from ih site)

__Runningslow Combo Packing

__Runningslow admits to cp after i smurfed him.

__RunningSlow cp clan member aka fob_nerd

__Niang__ handsome picture of his black ass

 Nov 04 LOLS The fun continues

fob_rush lobby post to LIFe

ChillingBeer Sets

fob_loser aka JiaZ 01

fob_loser aka JiaZ 02

Life makes people believe fob_loser is Heocon

fob_loser is supa nser

fob_loser aka zip

Imsofamous chat

Tinh lols

Noob sets

Americans Cowards

The Ocean

Party in the club

Epic Flames 01

Epic Flames 02

Soti gets mad

really noob


  Oct 04 LOLS The fun continues


Life thinks you cant empty vills

GR_Mango is the fake fob99_fast

Forcefull has a fob name lols

Never say never fucking liar


__Life Empty Vill Screenshot

__Life Empty Legs Screenshot

Cyber_Superstar zm

Life thinks im Heocon

Pyscho Noob being himself which is just noob

Life dont cheat? LIES

Blackboy is fucking too fob for me

Runningclear joining fob?

Life thinks he is funny

Life trying to lie

Life use photoshop

Life fooled Soti

ybnvs talking trash


  ROfl ******************

loser is trajek duh lols

fob hidden clan

dry05 talking shit to sutron

No game! Go now!

traj or not?

who the fuck are you fobs

Aust better then eclan

Free combopack

gtfo loser

lemonparty is fob website

Black jokes 01

Black jokes 02

Black jokes 03

Black jokes 04

spider who?


LMAO more dumb picture up kakak u no it baby.


Life got chat owned 01

Life got chat owned 02

Life Big Setting

No Loser

Im from well...  the ocean

My AKA is better then urs

AUST is fucking shit

Whats the rules in NukeHunt?

Fob_rush doing the bird question remix

Fob Loser only 8 rax wowser

Lying and booting noobs

This guy. OMG DOA ur too fucking funny man. LOLS

Maphack is at ebay dude fucking idiot =)

zGrenade really thinks im Trajek wow lolser

Fob have 56k heo yea

Rice dance

Is Fob_Loser really who he says he is?

Slayer asking for training. LMAO

Phuoc is a fucking fob

Stfu Nigjihz lols

FOB_Market is booted again. NIce Setts

Fob_Prince reply to noobs

Fob_Rush handing out free cheats to noobs

This is Fob town dude

Fob rap song is tight heo yea

fob_rush misson fail

PrideTinh kakakak ....

Loser is really fucking fob

Phuoc is fucking vc

WGF's dumb question

Kekeke Heo yea more SS that's FOB. Is good to be FOB kakakaka lolssssssssssssssssss

Where can I get d-click?

fob_shiet cheats lols

ink nutt booted

orginal fobness

fob_loser is black

Fob looks very rookish

Market is Heaven Lord?

This guy is really FOB

My AKA is Trajical

Steel Chat #1

Steel Chat #2

My AKA is Trajek #1

My AKA is Trajek #2

My AKA is Trajek #3

My AKA is Trajek #4

My AKA is Trajek #5

My AKA is Trajek #6

Haa Old SS Fob 2003 Screenshots - shit is still funny as heo. HEo Yea That's FOB. Lols


FOB _Market is rookie

AKA S M Nuru

SX_ToFu confused dumbass

Im middle school

SX_Lowerider favorite fob chat moment

Zag zming me something stupid STFU loser

Dumbasses Trying to guess Fob akas LMAO not even close

Fob16 aka KsE Animal #1

Optical idiot loser zm with his life story

Fob16 aka KsE Animal

__Palladin__ aka the loser 4orce

4orce Comix

__4orce__ uses macro, fastkey and map hack. SS by Smooth_NeSS

AOE Question: How to kill bird to get food

AT Clan not falling for my aka

DnC ask for fob_loser aka

fob_kickurars aka moon

oppa_demon thinks im oppa_kapa

v6_contender talking shit after fob75_ricester exits 01

v6_contender talking shit after fob75_ricester exits 02

What is FOB? Zone Debate


WTF is fob market

supa or shit?

what r the rules?

fob75_ricester gets punch

Noob talks back

unknown rook joining fob

game 76

SK vs. Fob

Fob Challenge Zone

CM_Farm talk and run

SK_Bullet ask for fob aka

fob67_KickUrArs away message


 Fobs R Us