Anton Van Herrera
I am the creator of this website, and I am a student of Valenzuela City Science High School. I love reading books, and also I love watching movies, especially the movies that are based from a book. I also love adventure and also likes singing and listening to music. Although I created this website, I am also not that familiar to Adobe Photoshop.

Did U Know That:

*A recent study indicates when men crave food, they tend to crave fat and salt. When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate.

*Chocolate was introduced into the United States in 1765 when cocoa beans were brought from the West Indies to Dorchester, Massachusetts.

*German chocolate cake did not originate in Germany. In 1852, Sam German developed a sweet baking bar for Baker's Chocolate Co. The product was named in honor of him -- Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate.

*In 1900, Queen Victoria sent her New Year's greetings to the British troops stationed in South Africa during the Boer War in the form of a specially molded chocolate bar.
Frozen Basic Photo Editing Tutor
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