CAR Fourth Annual Student Paper Award Winner

The paper prize was presented by Susan Erikson, Chair of the Student Paper Prize Committee, to Susi Krehbiel for her paper titled 'Women do What They Want': Family Planning and Islam in Northern Tanzania

CAR Third Annual Student Paper Award Winner
The third annual CAR student paper prize was awarded to Helene Goldberg for her paper entitled, �The Man in the Sperm � Silenced Male Infertility in Israel.� As seen below, Helene was presented a certificate and check for $250 for the 2003 CAR graduate Student paper prize at the annual AAA meeting in Chicago in 2003.�

Helene Goldberg receives the Student Paper Prize. Helene Goldberg (left) is presented the award for the student paper prize by Lea Pickard (right),
at the CAR Business Meeting at the 2003 AAA's in Chicago.

Helene Goldberg (left) is presented the award for the student paper prize by Lea Pickard (right),at the CAR Business Meeting at the 2003 AAA's in Chicago.

CAR Second Annual Student Paper Award Winner
The second annual CAR student paper prize was awarded to Elly Teman for her paper, "The Medicalization of "Nature" in the Artificial Body: Surrogate Motherhood in Israel." Elly could not attend the CAR business meeting during the annual AAA meeting in New Orleans in 2002, but her academic advisor Meira Weiss was at the meeting and accepted the award on her behalf.

CAR First Annual Student Paper Award Winner
Susan Erikson was the winner of the Council on Anthropology and Reproduction (CAR) First Annual Student Paper Award for her submission, "German Prenatal Diagnostic Technology use a Decade after die Wende: 'Old' Differences in the 'New' Vaterland." She received the award at the CAR business meeting during the annual AAA meeting in DC in 2001.


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