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concerning his

Note added November 29, 1997.

Like other wild animals, for many hundreds of thousands of years Neanderthals and other extinct human races (some call them "apes") left Africa and dispersed as far as they could, possibly as far as America. How many of these extinct races were displaced by existing human races?

According to my Theory, the Hamitic ancestors of Aryans were the last race to be forced out of the Sahara by the droughts caused by the coldest phases of the last 100,000 year long Ice Age.

Why did the races which left Africa not flee such droughts by entering the humid equatorial African rain forests to the south? Would the established Negro, etc. nations which still live there have exterminated them? What Negro nation has not recently cleansed itself of all foreigners?

Was the small population of uncivilzed Hamites which fled Africa about 20,000 years ago forced to skirt the best homelands in Eurasia because it was unable to displace the well established populations of Mongoloids in Asia and CroMagnons in glaciated Europe?

If the US government ever allows scientists to more thoroughly examine the 9,000 year old remains of "Caucasoids" recently discoverd in America, might they be determined to be those of Hamites?

According to my Theory, the Hamitic ancestors of Dravidians began populating India about 20,000 years ago, even though glaciers covered the Himalayan mountains, and much of India and the middle East was drier than now.

Since cattle starve in forests, the Aryans' Hamitic hunter gatheror ancestors who settled in the forests of Canaan about 20,000 years ago did not encroach upon the resources of, or compete with, the nomadic CroMagnons (Semites) which preyed upon the herds which grazed the grasslands of the Middle East..

Hamites were able to remain in the forests of Canaan after game, etc. was overhunted because some of them (women and children?) invented agriculture, which enabled them to settle down, multiply, and eventually evolve into the Hittites and about eleven other biblical Hamitic "nations of Canaan", which are the progenitors of the various Aryan nations (Slavs, Germans, Kelts, etc.), and "Indo-Hittite" languages.

Do permanent settlements require the enforcement of laws, which tend to eliminate from the nations' gene pool individuals who are less respectful of the property, etc. "rights" of others, and who are less willing to sacrifice thier own self-interests for the welfare of the community?

Is civilization the population which is created by many millennia of such breeding?

About 4500 years ago savage Semitic herdsmen acquired horses from Mongoloid nomads and began their oppressive and genocidal conquest of the prosperous Hamitic civlization of the Fertile Crescent (first in ancient Mesopotamia, then in Egypt, Canaan, etc.), so many Aryans fled to Persia, India, Europe, and as far east as the Xingzhan province of China (Tocharians) .

Have centuries of miscegenation with uncivilized races and Mosaic religions, wars of conquest and division, etc. led to the decline of Aryan civilization in southern Europe and Asia.?

After the last Ice Age, Aryan farmers from the Middle East began moving into northern Europe. Since glaciers had forced CroMagnon races (the biblical Japhet) into southern Europe, until recently civilization in northern Europe had been less affected by the above factors.

Will the rest of North America continue to become like the population of its inner cities, such as Washington, DC, if the Aryan population continues to decline and be dispossessed and replaced by ethnic groups from uncivilized parts of the world seeking our wealth and security?

Has domestication deprived Aryans of the instincts needed to compete with savages?

Can life outlast our planet unless some civilization continues to develope the science and technology required to colonize more of the Universe?

Will Mongoloid civilization avoid our fate?

Note added December 8, 1997:

Question: Why are "Whites" not as dark skinned as other races?

My answer: The ancestors of "Whites" (CroMagnons, Aryans. etc.) remained longer in the treeless grasslands of the Sahel and Sahara, where light skin and hair color is the best camouflage.

Until the warm phase between the last hundred thousand year long Ice Ages, our ancestors were camouflaged and protected from the cold by dark body hair similar to that of our gorilla and other primate jungle relatives, so did not need skin pigmentation.

The Negro and Pygmy races developed the darkest skin colors because they never left the forests of our ancestors.

The ancestors of the currently surviving races which left Africa settled the best land available to them. The first group (the ancestors of Australoids, Melanesians, etc.) to leave the Sahara settled in the plush forests of the Far East because Neanderthals occupied Europe. Scientist mistook them for close relatives of Negroes and called them "Negroid races", although these races are genetically as distantly related to the Negro as any race alive today. They resemble Negroes (dark skin color and kinky hair) superficially only because they have lived in a forest environment nearly as long as the Negro race. The ancestors of Mongoloids drove the ancestors of these races out of the best forest land of the Far East and into less desirable regions, like Australia and other fringe areas (islands, etc.) about 70 KYA.

Most CroMagnon "Whites" (southern Europeans) are darker than Aryans (but lighter than many Mongoloid races) because they left the grasslands of North Africa about 40 KYA and settled in the dark forests of Europe.

Dark skin color and hair was not much needed for camouflage after the ancestors of Aryans invented farming and clothing, and began civilization, not long after they left Africa 20 KYA. If light skin color, blond hair and blue eyes were as much in demand then as now, social and sexual selection may have increased the frequency of such genetic characteristics in the Aryan population.


Have two people ever had the same fingerprints or shade of red hair?

Red hair is rare amongst Aryans. Miscegenation between Aryans and non-Aryans often produces interesting hues of reddish hair, but rarely as attractive a face.

Is miscegenation between Germans (Anglo-Saxons and Vikings) and black haired CroMagnon Picts responsible for the flamboyant red hair seen in some of the coastal areas of Catholic Ireland?

Some mulattos, but not full blooded Negroes, have reddish hair.

Note added July 30, 1997:

On page 46 of the August, 1997 edition of Scientific American, next to a map depicting human migrations out of Africa, in "What Mitochondrial DNA Says about Human Migrations", Professor Douglas C. Wallace wrote that "Homo Sapiens emerged in Africa approximately 130,000 years ago. The initial immigration out of Africa took people to Asia by about 73,000 years ago. Roughly 51,000 years ago another cohort left the Middle East and colonized Europe".

The above dates are in the same range as my own more detailed theory, which states that about 70,000 years ago the ancestors of the Mongoloid race immigrated from north Africa to the Far East, and began to displace the first Homo Sapiens (Australoids, etc.) to settle there. The ancestors of the Mongoloid race did not settle in Europe because it was occupied by Neaderthals.

Because of lack of rainfall in the Sahara, the ancestors of the Cro-Magnon race emigrated from north Africa to Europe about 40,000 years ago (my estimate, but possibly as early as 51,000 years ago, as Professor Wallace wrote), and began to exterminate the Neanderthal race, which some estimate to have split off from "anatomically modern humans" (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) about 300,000 or more years ago.

I estimate that Homo Sapiens split into forest dwellers (Negroes, Pygmies, etc.) and grassland hunters about 150,000 years ago. About 130,000 years ago, during the warm phase which separated the Last Ice age from the previous Ice Age, both groups lost the ape-like body hair which covered their ancestors.

Homo sapiens emigration (Australoids, etc.) from north Africa increased as the last Ice Age began to reduce rainfall in north Africa (100,000 years or more ago).

Professor Wallaces also states that migratory waves from Asia into North America took place about 34,000, 15,000, and 9,500 years ago. Could the first of these migrations have been that of Neanderthals fleeing extermination by Cro-Magnon Europeans, the second wave that of the Hamites who left north Africa about 18,000 years ago in search of a more humid homeland (which would account for the 9,000 year old "Caucasoid" skeleton recently found on the West Coast of the USA - please read Opposition), and the last wave that of the Mongoloid Indians (Na-dene speakers) which killed that Caucasoid (Amerind-speaker?) and account for the remarkable resemblance of Navajo and other American Indians of the western USA to the Japanese?

Note added July 30, 1997:

On page 63 of the August, 1997 edition of Scientific American, Dr. Farouk El-Baz wrote: "Fred Wendorf of Southern Methodist University, who has conducted many investigations in the Western Desert, concludes that about 11,000 years ago, rainfall increased from near zero to 100 to 200 millimeters a year. This shift permitted the growth of grasses and thorn trees . . The rainy era ended 5,000 years ago - the date that marks the initiation of Egyptian civilization.

According to my Theory, Hamitic Canaanites began to harvest grains in Canaan up to 18,000 years ago, and to cultivate them shortly thereafter. By 11,000 years ago they had utilized almost all the farmland available to them. As soon as rainfall permitted, they began to farm the grasslands of Egypt (the Sahara's shifting sands may have obliterated all trace of their grass and stone huts, tools, etc.). When rainfall decreased about 5,000 years ago, the invention of irrigation allowed farming to continue along the Nile river..

For countless millennia before civilization began, the political sturcture of Hamites was the clan. Meetings between the leaders of many Egyptian clans who wished to share knowledge and coordinate their activities eventually led to the establishment of government above the clan level, and the creation of an Egyptian state ruled by dynasties of Pharoahs, whose monumental artifacts mark what is accepted as the beginning of civilization in Egypt.

Farming made more permanent human settlements possible, and produced wealth (grain, etc.) which had to be protected from thieves by the community ("law" enforcement). If these "criminals" were punished by exile, death, and in any other way that resulted in the removal of their genes from the community's gene pool for many millennia, would a savage population eventually become "domesticated" (civilized) and lose some of its more dangerous instincts? Human behavior is determined by both genes and environment. Can a race which has not undergone millennia of such domestication (selective breeding) create the secure communities (low crime rates) necessary for the production of much wealth?

The cultivation of grains permitted permanent communities and homes, which required security. Millennia of law enforcement resulted in the domestication of these Hamites, which became what I call Egyptian "civilization" long before the creation of the Egyptian state 5,000 years ago.

Note added September 5, 1997:

Last week on PBS's "Technopolitics", I watched an interview of Paul Gross, from which I gathered that in Paul Gross' book "Higher Superstition", and in a new book "Flight from Science and Reason", Gross and other scientists write about the anti-scientific agenda of our media, political masters, universities, etc. If only I had time to read everything I need to read!

My "Theory of Aryan Origins and Kinship" was posted at Athens/1004 from April to December 30, 1996, the date when GeoCities deleted my theory from that site (censored it?), without giving any specific reason or explanation.

Geocities (accidentally, or to keep it from being read?) deleted my Theory from its URL at Athens 5094 about July 27, 1997.

"Hatewatch" put my theory on their "hate list" about November 9, 1995, which may have caused complaints and threats to GeoCities staff and management, from people and organizations who may not even have bothered to read it, or if they read it, wanted it censored, even if all they object to about it is that it reveals truth they may not want you to know.

Are books are still being "burned"?

Have you heard of any author being burned at the stake or crucified for writing the truth lately? Will such practices increase, if we continue tolerating censorship?

Do our Censors want the Supreme Court to pass legislation that outlaws and punishes free speech on Internet, and to jail (which will likely kill some) us for writing scientific theories like this one?

Have the perpetrators of the Soviet "Gulags" immigrated to the US, and taken over much of our government, Supreme Court, and communications industries?

Please send me any ideas you have about why GeoCities has deleted this page so often, especially if you are a GeoCities Censor or employee.

Do you want GeoCities to allow you to read what Hebrews claim Germans did to their ancestors, but not about what the Hebrew Torah (Bible) claims Hebrews did to the (Hittite) ancestors of Germans? Can a just person have double standards?

Note added January 15, 1998:

From "Calibrating the Mitrochondrial Clock" by Ann Gibbons in the 2 January, 1998 edition of "SCIENCE", Vol. 279, page 28:

. . . dating our ancestors' first journeys into Europe at about 40,000 years ago - may be in question. . .

. . .For example, researchers have calculated that "mitochondrial Eve" - the woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living people - lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa. . .

Note added January 15, 1998:

From "Breakthroughs of the Year" 19 December, 1997 edition of "SCIENCE", Vol. 278, page 2041:

". . in July a team in Munich announced that it had recovered and analyzed a snippet of DNA from the arm bone of that orignal Neaderthal. The researchers had pieced together a 379-base pair sequence from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cell's energy-producing organelles. This Neaderthal mtDNA spelled out a sequence very different from that in living humans, supporting the view that Neaderthals were not our ancestors, but a separate species that went extinct."

Note added January 15, 1998:

From 'Playing Chicken' Over Gene Markers, 19 December, 1997 edition of "SCIENCE", Vol. 278, page 2046:

The collection would also provide some data on known genes. and it may breathe life into the beleaguered human diversity project, which was supposed to survey DNA variations in populations around the world, but has become bogged down in politics (Science, 24 October, page 568).

Note added June 1, 1998:

An Early ARYAN City

From page 43 of Archaeology magazine, March/April 1998 edition, "The World's First City":

This 5 page article is about archaeological excavations at Catalhoyuk (a Turkish word) in Central Anatolia (Turkey), with occupation levels dated to over 9,000 years ago.

Quote: "Colin Renfrew of the University of Cambridge believes central Anatolia, with Catalhoyuk as its preeminent site, was the wellspring of European settled farming life and perhaps the homeland of the Indo-European language and people."

Archaeology Magazine claimed that "" and provided information about this project, but these links are no longer operational.

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