Anthony's weBLOG

Monday, 5 July 2004 

Building your own light box

Summary: Gives complete instructions on building your own light box, complete with a Bunnings shopping list! A bit Australia specific in terms of the names of all the bits and bobs, but it shouldn't be too hard to adapt it for other countries. Jeremy Daalder Photography Official Site - Building your own light box

logged by Anthony at 7:47:38 PM Link

Sunday, 4 July 2004 

The Time Machine

The Time Machine has a brilliant 1800's inventor driven to create a time machine. Alexander Hartdegen, played by Guy Pearce, proposes to his girlfriend, but she is then killed in a hold up. Alexander is then finishes his time machine and goes back in time to save her , however she is killed again. At this he becomes frustrated and decides to go forward in time to see if he can work out why he can't save her. Along the way he comes across a future exploration development by humans that ends up destroying life on earth. In the process he is knocked unconscious and he travels past the year 800000. He then discovers life that has been recreated.

This movie showed real potential for a novel idea, but feel flat in the delivery. The new world existence was a little uninspiring and resulted in ending that was very predictable.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 8:40:18 PM Link

Photography QA with Reid Scott

Are there some do-it-yourself tips that penny pinching designers can employ to get more out of their photo gear/setup?

White Formica is your friend. A 4x4 sheet can be clamped to the edge of a table, and if you prop up the back end, you have a seamless (and cleanable) white background for your smaller subjects (and you can use a 4x8 sheet for larger ones)

Many shots can be done with one well diffused light source (and maybe one light on the background), with the aid of simple white and silver cards. Use white cards, propped up on a can of Spray Mount or something, to fill in shadows. If that's not enough, use a silver card.

And the best couple bucks you can spend is to buy some of that goopish adhesive for hanging posters or small prints. When your product wants to roll off the set, or your prop won't lay in quite the right place, a small ball of this goopish adhesive will temporarily defy gravity, so you can get your shot. It's like a malleable form of duct tape.

Photography QA with Reid Scott

logged by Anthony at 8:06:03 PM Link

Thursday, 1 July 2004 


Confidence is an excellent crime double cross movie. This is a movie that would appeal to people that enjoyed The Italian Job. Confidence however uses the Pulp Fiction story telling format. In this case the time line jumps about as Jake Vig, played by Edward Burns, is retelling the story while being held at gun point. One line from the movie is about expert chess players being able to think up to 20 moves ahead, and that describes how complex this movie gets. This is not a movie to watch if you are feeling tired, this one keeps you thinking. There are some great art styling without detracting from the story line. Overall I feel this is a great movie.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 11:53:58 PM Link

Wednesday, 30 June 2004 

White Balance Tips and Tutorials

Digital Photography White Balance Tips and Tutorials

logged by Anthony at 8:16:34 PM Link

Tuesday, 29 June 2004 

Clean Graffiti

Moose has come up with a new way to graffiti. You clean the image you want, not paint it.

Moose, public-spirited graffiti artist, cleans up

He has devised a brand of street art which not only livens up city streets, but removes grime in the process. His method is to take any dirty inner-city wall or pavement, place a template over it and scrub the concrete clean, revealing an image as sharp as any spray paint which fades with time.

logged by Anthony at 7:55:05 PM Link

Monday, 28 June 2004 

The Big Deal about GMail

While I have no great interest in getting a GMail account, there has been a great deal of talk about them on the web. Keith Robinson has posted an article asking What's The Big Deal With Gmail.

Well my guess is the big deal about GMail is that it is currently by invitation only, and somehow being recognised by the world's leading search engine make people feel important. Just like appearing first in the Google Rank and the new web sites forming that work on membership by referrals only.

logged by Anthony at 11:03:37 PM Link

Discovering Dickens - A Community Reading Project

You can read Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities in weekly serialized form, which I might add sounds very appealing as it would be a great way to manage time but still get some quality reading in. Via rebecca's pocket

Discovering Dickens - A Community Reading Project

With this project, we invite you to reenter the world of serial publication and of family reading circles. Stanford is once again proud to share with you many of the fine holdings of its Special Collections, as well as to invite you to share in Dickens’ lively meditation on the human and the historical – words that ring startlingly true today, though they were written 145 years ago.

logged by Anthony at 11:01:50 PM Link

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