Anthony's Home Page

Howdy All sorry about the stage of the web pages it would appear the way things are going that this is becoming semi permanent. I still plan on having a few things on this page such as those listed below when life stops intruding on my web development time.

Mumeishi 3's Kendo Tournament October 2004

Lantau Island August 2004

Trips I have done to places like

Also Information on a few things I do such as

  • Kendo, Iaido, Jodo and other martial arts
  • Travel
  • Climbing, Skiing and outdoor stuff
  • Photography
  • The Environment and Associated Issue's
  • And things that just grab my attention

I am also planning on trying to get regular updates and photo's from trips I do regularly such as the skiing and climbing in winter.

So terribly sorry if I have bored you so far

You can still get me at mailto:[email protected] if you are interested in sending me an email.

If you are looking for the Ballarat Kendo Club page it has its own web address now and can be found at


Updated 16th October 2002 - Even though it doesn't look like it : )
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