Aum Gung Ganapathaye Namah

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassa

Homage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully Enlightened

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


A Collection of Articles, Notes and References


(Revised:  Saturday, January 27, 2007)

References Edited by

An Indian Yogi

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

- William Shakespeare

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8 "... Freely you received, freely give”.

            - Matthew 10:8 :: New American Standard Bible (NASB)


1 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,

7 always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.                                                                  

8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.

9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.”

            - 2 Timothy 3:1-9  :: New International Version (NIV)


6 As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

            - Hebrews 5:6 :: King James Version (KJV)


Therefore, I say:

Know your enemy and know yourself;

in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated.

When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself,

your chances of winning or losing are equal.

If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself,

you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c. 500bc


There are two ends not to be served by a wanderer. What are these two? The pursuit of desires and of the pleasure which springs from desire, which is base, common, leading to rebirth, ignoble, and unprofitable; and the pursuit of pain and hardship, which is grievous, ignoble, and unprofitable.

- The Blessed One, Lord Buddha



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Bon-po Nuns: Then and Now - Women As Ascetics.

Kali. Part 1

Kali. Part 2

Kali. Part 3

Mother Worship and the SriChakra

Pagan Goddess of the Sibyl and Cybele Oracle

The Goddess: Introduction



Educational Copy of Some of the References




Bon-po Nuns: Then and Now - Women As Ascetics.


Generally speaking, Tibetan nuns stayed in their parents home. They reared their brothers and sisters, cooked and maintained the farms and helped with harvest.  Many families were nomadic shepherds and their daughters' work was vital to survive in Tibet's raw climate.


Formal nunneries existed in Tibet, but while monasteries flourished as academic centers, the nunneries struggled without patronage.  Populations in these convents usually did not reach one hundred nuns.  Unlike the honored tradition of each family sending a son to the monastery, there was no prestige for a family to send their daughter to a nunnery.  In Tibetan life, women were vital members of the household, but the education of young women was not deemed necessary. 


Often, nuns might travel as pilgrims, led by their faith to holy sites, or retreat to caves for solitary contemplation. Some nuns would study with wandering gurus they would encounter on their journeys.  Nuns were often alone in their struggle for the religious life, yet there are many famous female practitioners and saints.  Some Tibetan teachings claim the female form a superior vessel for the practice of  Dharma and ultimately enlightenment.


These nuns of old Tibet are a remarkable inspiration to any true seeker on the difficult journey of  the spiritual path. 


These women, who belong to one of the worlds oldest and most peaceful cultures, pray daily for the protection of the earth and its inhabitants. The vow of a Bon-po nun is to serve until enlightenment is achieved by all.

(Reference: Bon-po Nuns: Then and Now - Women As Ascetics.)



Kali. Part 1



In fact, Brahmani, Vaishnavi and Rudrani are the consorts of the three Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (also named Rudra).



The simultaneous existence of these three processes within the creation clearly expresses the statements included in all Tantric writings, that the creation of the universe did not occur once, in the past, nor will the universe be destroyed once in the future, and that rather in every instant these aspects manifest as flashings creating the illusion of continuity and reality.


The description of the Great Cosmic Power Kali describes her as being dark as the night, dancing over Shiva's inert, white body. This representation reveals the significance of the two fundamental aspects of Reality: on one hand there is the dynamic, imanent aspect of God (Kali's dance) and on the other the static, transcendent aspect of consciousness (identified with Shiva).


Shiva is white because he signifies the infinite divine light (prakasha), inert because the absence of movement and action reveals the consciousness pure, homogenous and compact.


On the other hand, Kali's dance signifies the dynamic, active aspect of the Divine, and the dark color of her skin indicates that the processes of the creation are disolved in Kali.


From a different perspective, Kali is also the creator of the universes, as they come to life from the ashes of the Divine Consciousness' purifying fire. Consequently, Kali's action is deeply evolutionary, as she impels the human beings towards evolution, sometimes in a painful manner.


Nonetheless, Kali performs her actions in the divine light and harmony, knowing that this is the best thing to do. Those who manage to pass all the tests and go through all the stages are in truth spiritual heroes, and they will be rewarded with Kali's spiritual grace.


However, until God's will does not manifest the creative impulse, the divine infinite energy (Shakti) lies potential, but unmanifested, inseparably united with Shiva, in his purely transcendent aspect.


The spiritual Tantric writings denote this state as SAT-CHIT-ANANDA (PURE EXISTENCE-PURE CONSCIOUSNESS-INFINITE BLISS).



Kali. Part 2



Kali is also named ADYASHAKTI, in her quality of energy and terrible Cosmic Power who impels humankind towards action and the universe towards manifestation.


Kali's representation reveals her nakedness. This is not a trivial manner of representing a deity, but instead this fact stands for the transcendence of all limitations.


Her action in the manifested world implies the destroying and in the same time purifying action of time (Kala). This aspect is suggested by the human head she holds in one of her hands.



One of the most important hypostasis in which one can worship Kali is the goddess Durga, the one who defeated the demon Mahishashura. This demon represents in the Hindu spirituality the forces of the dark.


The Vedanta philosophy presents the conception according to which there are the Divine Embodiments (avatara) who come on earth in order to perform a deep transformation of mankind.


For the worshipper of God in the aspect of the Divine Mother, Durga is the only hypostasis that destroys the evil of the world in its numerous demoniac and satanic aspects.


Thus, the Hindu mythology describes how the goddess has vanquished the demons and their king, Mahishashura, saving the gods from captivity and set up again the divine order in the universe.


The spiritual significance of this myth is that each human being has inside both good and bad, and these energies constantly fight for supremacy.


Durga, embodiment of the goddess Kali grants her support and help to those who ask for it and worship her, so that the spiritual forces develop and gain supremacy over the dark, negative influences of the psychic and mental.


Durga is thus the Divine Light who destroys and burns in terrible fire of her pure consciousness any malefic force and any leftover of ignorance.



The sadhana or spiritual practice recommended for the worship of the Great Cosmic Power Kali implies the effort of purifying and activating the centers of force, so that the fundamental energy Kundalini ascends from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara.


The ascension of Kundalini represents one of the characteristic and most important aspects of this Great Cosmic Power's worship, and is correlated with the practice of sexual continence, according to the principles of the Tantric doctrine.


The mysterious influence of Kali is so complex and hidden that only few pure souls may see through her actions their real significance.


We meet a frequent representation of Kali as the Cosmic Mother, surrounded by a great number of different gods and goddesses. Lacking any dimensions or spatial-temporal limits, she takes on different forms and names in order to meet her worshiper's most secret desires.


In certain situations, Kali embarks into action to destroy that which is perverted, weak, or useless. Thus, we may see her representation as having four or more arms, in which she holds different objects that are helpful in restoring or preserving the divine order of the universe.


In her most elevated aspects, Kali is the Divine Bliss itself, that which is beyond ordinary human perception, and the nature and consciousness of the Divine Brahman himself.


Consequently, there are two ways of worshipping her: as the great Goddess bestowing her grace and blessings upon all those who deserve it, and as holy energy (Shakti) who grants spiritual freedom (Kaivalya).



Kali. Part 3



All the representations of the goddess have in common the following fundamental elements: Shiva's dead body, her glorious attitude, the black color, but they may differ in other details, which underline her specific role in the universe, characteristic to a particular representation.


One representation of Kali reveals her in an imposing attitude, meditating in a state of infinite bliss on Shiva's chest. Another representation is while shooting an arrow, with her right foot bent, on Shiva's chest.


Both figures (Kali and Shiva) are in a cremation place, suggesting that all illusory things are finally reduced to ashes, burnt in the fire of time, or that they return to their primordial essential state.


As usually, Kali's skin is black, the source of all colors. This also indicates the fact that she is associated to the depths of God's mystery.


Nevertheless, she is surrounded by a white hallo, a gentle light whose nature is amrita and that brings peace to the eye. In this representation, Shiva's body indicates the fact that the power of God's consciousness is inherent to the unanimated matter as well.


Kali's mouth is wide open and she pulls her tongue out, symbolizing the mudra of the devouring, or consuming the universe.


However, this terrible and scaring aspect is backed up by a smiling attitude of the goddess, looking upon the being of the universe with kindness and affection, sustaining their life and nourishing them with her immense breasts.


Her ironic laughter is for all those who, due to ignorance for the laws of harmony and balance imagine that they can elude spiritual evolution. The Great Goddess has three all-seeing eyes, "supervising" the universes from the past, present and future.


In her other hand she holds a skull, whose significance id double: on one hand it is the receiver of the universal mysterious teaching, and on the other hand it is a reminder of what endures after the dissolution of the universe.



In another hand, Kali holds a sword (khadga), whose role is to cut all worldly connections and attachments, so that the worshipper is prepared for the ultimate spiritual freedom.


It is also interesting to mention that her hair is long and dishevelled, standing for the power of this great cosmic power's all-pervading grace.


Her benevolence and compassion are underlined by two of her hands that perform the gesture of casting away the fear and that of offering spiritual gifts and powers.


Around her neck there is a necklace made of skulls belonging to various demons and other malefic entities, symbolizing her complete victory over the evil.


Her naked body is splashed with the blood of these entities, and her earrings are in fact two decapitated human bodies. This is Kali's complex representation in her terrible form, known also as Dakshina Kali or Shyamakali.


In the Hindu iconography, Kali appears under a number of other forms, with minor differences as regards the number of the arms, face, of symbolic objects she holds.


Thus, Shamasana Kali, Siddha Kali, Maha Kali, Guhyakali represent just as many aspects of the Goddess, worshipped in different areas of India.


Among these forms, remarkable is the form of Bhadra Kali, described in Tantasara as a hungry deity, ready to devour any illusory aspect of the universe, having three eyes, four hands holding a skull, a drum, an ax and a trident.


A variant of Bhadra Kali is Chamunda Kali, who although pleasant to the eye has terrible teeth and holds a long human bone with a skull at one end, a sword, a chain and a human head. Unlike the other representations of Kali, Chamunda Kali wears a tiger's fur and sits on a body.



Mother Worship and the SriChakra


Mother is Brahman the Absolute, the all pervading, beyond all speech and mind and even beyond time and space, the Tat Sat.

Though illuminated seers and adepts call the absolute Brahman in various names, this is due to the difference in taste, but in reality there is no difference at all in essence. What ever name you call her she is still the absolute Adi Sakthi or Adi Para-Sakthi.

(Reference: Mother Worship and the SriChakra.)



Pagan Goddess of the Sibyl and Cybele Oracle


In the new language Siburu became known as Si-bel-u (bel being lord) in the new language, while Her heavenly aspect became Subulutu, the "celestial virgin", which is a priestess who never married but was sexually promiscuous.

The Hittites, who had first arrived in northwest Asia-Minor (modern Turkey) about 3900 years ago, began their rise to power about the time of Hammurabi, but were held in check for the next one hundred and fifty years, when Babylonia become a weakened nation. Six generations later, the Egyptians under Tuthmosis III, conquered much of the former Babylonian territory. It was during this period that the Holy Taverns and the Sibelu spread north to the place of its origin in Asia Minor and as far as the Caucasus Mountains. By the time Assyria rose to power, [300 years after Hammurabi--c. 1400 BCE] the Sibelu had spread throughout Asia Minor, beyond the Black Sea and into Europe. In Thrace their Holy Taverns were established as temples of Sibyl, as the Sumerian "u" was dropped from the name.

Under Pharaoh Seti (c. 1300 BCE) the Egyptians established the colony of Colchis on the eastern tip of the Black Sea. Colchis was bordered by the Black Sea on the west, the Caucasus Mountains on the north and east, and the Hittites on the south - that portion of the Hittite Empire would later become Armenia. The center for Cybele worship was in the area that would later become Phrygia. Phrygia was located in the mountains of what is now western Turkey (in Asia Minor). Troy and the plains of Ilium were to the west. And though Troy was considered to be the capital of Phrygia by the Greeks, the true capitol was in the mountains to the east. But there had been a drastic change in worship prior to the return of the Sibelu, and sometime after Troy, Cybele became the Phrygian name for the Titan earth Goddess, Rhea, daughter of Gaea and Cronus.


The cult of Dionysus was probably the first missionary religion in history. Semele [the daughter of Cadmus - founder of Thebes] was the mother of Dionysus. His father was Zeus, thus, "to the lightning born". It was from Thrace [in Europe] that the Phrygian priestesses brought their cult back across the Hellesport and the Bosphorus into Asia Minor where it combined with the Mother Goddess as Cybele, about 150 years before Troy. However, the function of the Sibyl was always the same as Siburi, [and much like that of the Shaman] to give comfort to the Spirit of the dead as they made their journey to the underworld; and to instruct the living on how to prepare for the journey into darkness. Siburi did this for Gilgamesh, and Medea led Jason and the Argonauts to the realm of the living and the dead; Circe instructed Odysseus on the way to the house of the dead; and, it is said that Deiphobe, the Sibyl at Cumae went even further by personally leading Aeneas [the son of the Trojan Prince Anchises] to the underworld and back. Deiphobe was the daughter of the sea-demigod, Glaucus, in the Aeneid.

Cybele thus became the Goddess of Asia Minor while, Sibyl or Sybil, which means "Cavern-dweller" became the title for the Priestesses who would be distantly related and known as the Sibyllae in Greece. There are some who believe that Cybele was derived from the mountains, Kybela, but it is more likely that the mountains were named after Cybele. In Classical times the Sibyllae of Italy were purely Etruscan, [being barely distinguishable from their Great Mother in Phrygia near Troy] and although the Sibyls were later associated with Apollo, that was more a case of the Greeks adopting the name as a title, as the Sibyls were never truly Apollonian.

The Pythoness at Delphi was known as a Sibyl, but not until classical times, when the name become a generic term for all oracle. Prior to the founding of Rome (AUC) the Priestesses had been chosen for service when they were 10-12 years old, and like the priestesses of Hathor in Egypt, they performed sexual rituals as part of their oracular duties. This did not fit into Apollonian theology of "moderation in all things" and divine homosexuality and about 200 AUC (c. 550 BCE) the priests of Apollo at Delphi changed the Order of the Pythoness. Under this new Order, the Pythoness was chosen only after she had become too old for marrying [age 50] and too old to be sexually attractive, "thus insuring that oracle would be inspired by Apollo and not by a woman's love." But there was more to this change than the age of the Priestess. It had to do with sex itself and the authority of the male priest over the priestesses.

Justification for the supremacy of male the priests of Apollo had begun in at the earliest days of the Hellas, when the poet Thamyris fell in love with Hyacinthus. Thamyris was the first "man to love another man" for Hyacinthus was a beautiful young boy. In what was to become the Greek way, Apollo vied for the same love. Thamyris, however, made the mistake of challenging the Nine Muses to a contest of their skills. Thamyris proposed a wager, if he should win, he would have sex with each of the Muses. The Muses agreed, but put the condition that if he lost he would be made blind and lose his memory of harp playing. Thamyris lost and Apollo was left to enjoy the fruits of divine homosexuality, until Zephyr, the West Wind, also took a liking to Hyacinthus.

One day while Apollo and Hyacinthus were hurling a discus, Zephyr caught the discus and in a jealous rage hurled it against Hyacinthus's skull. Apollo's cradled his dying lover in his arms and from the boy's death's blood which fell to the ground, sprang the hyacinth flower. This is somewhere between legend and myth, as it has little to do with the cosmos, but rather it is used as historical justification for homosexuality among the Greeks. There is no question that homosexuality (or rather male bi-sexuality) was very much a part of the early religious practices. But this was sacred homosexual ritual. By making the sex of Hyacinthus and Apollo, "love" between a mortal and a god, Greek men were justified in emulating their god.

When the Priestesses of Daphoene were taken over by the male priests of Apollo, the priests vied for both oracle and the sexual rituals of the Priestesses, as Apollo sanctioned both fellatio and anal sex. However, the people rejected any change from Priestesses as oracles, when the oracular priests failed - which was immediate. So to take control from the young sexually promiscuous Pythonesses, the priestesses were deprived of their sexual rituals and replaced with older women. It was through these older women that Apollo gave His oracle. This led to the legend of the Sibyl.


It was the Great Mother, Cybele, as the Greeks and Roman's knew Her, who was originally worshiped in the mountains of Phrygia where she was called the Mountain Mother. It appears, however, that her original seat of power was in Colchis to the north, which was the home of the Medea [the Eponymous Mother of the Medes]. Her temples and shrines were always in mountains or caves and her guardians were lions (or leopards) as Her priestesses had a close affinity with nature.


All of the Cybela rituals had an orgiastic nature.


Midas, king of Phrygia, was at the music contest between Pan, the pipe playing God [who resembled Dionysus] and the harp playing Apollo. The judge of the contest, Timolus, awarded the contest to Apollo, but Midas said that Pan was superior. For this Apollo changed Midas' ears into to those of a donkey. This is more than a cute story, as it shows the rivalry between the Greeks and Phrygians.

Apollo was a God of restraint, sexual moderation and homosexuality [or bisexuality]. Pan was a God of wine, open sexuality, and enjoyment, as were the women of Phrygia and Lydia, a nation which sprang up after the Trojan war. By the time of Herodotus, the cultures of Greece and Lydia were indistinguishable, except that the Lydian woman all prostituted themselves to earn dowries, and Lydian men judged their potential wives, not by how much money they had earned, but by how many different men with whom they had sex.


There are several versions of Attis. And though he was obviously associated with the late coming, Adonis of Palestine, there were some slight difference. Attis was mythically born of the hermaphrodite creature, Nana [a virgin] who conceived by a ripe pomegranate [some say an almond] which had grown from the severed penis and testicles of a man-monster, Agdistis. Some say that Agdistis was both male and female and impregnated herself-himself and that Agdistis was Attis' mother. The pomegranate, of course, is associated with Dionysus, as it was from his blood that the plant sprang, making him older than Kore who ate 9 pomegranate seeds while being held by Hades in the underworld. Attis died either after emasculating himself [cut off his penis and testicles] under a pine tree [violets grew from his blood], or he was emasculated by a boar. ((The former version is, of course, In keeping with the myth of the psychopomp who castrated himself as Galla in order to deceive Ereshkigal and obtain the soul of Inanna so he could return her to the world of the living.) Nana or Agdistis, or both, prevailed upon Zeus to grant that the body of Attis would never decay [thus assuring the immortality of the body], and then his body, symbolized by a pine tree [which would later be adopted by Christians as the christmas tree] was taken to Her cave where the two lamented his death.

(Reference:  Pagan Goddess of the Sibyl and Cybele Oracle.)



The Goddess: Introduction


In the beginning was the Mother.


Once She has called your name,

you are Hers forever.

(Reference: The Goddess: Introduction.)


Personal Note

In the beginning was the Mother.

In the beginning was Energy...neither created nor destroyed...never dies...Energy, the Mother...from which all forms evolved...



Published on internet:  Saturday, October 25, 2003

Revised:  Saturday, January 27, 2007


Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.

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“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!

(Reference:  Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK:  Rider & Company. Page:  35.)


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