
ME: Aníbal Paredes M.

I was born in Lima, on December 30th, 1958

I grew and studied in a nice town 25 km, away from the city called Chaclacayo.
Chaclacayo, beloved town where God likes to live around.

After the school studied Biology at University Ricardo Palma in Lima.  I think it was the wisest decision I have ever made due to the wide and rich base of knowledgement acquired

Also I have studied some other interesting things like:
Photography at the Kodak school
Hotel management
Search and rescue
First Aids
Gardening and Landscaping
Real state

Some things I use to do and  self learn are:
English , reading, writing and speaking
Search and rescue dogs training
Motor vehicles mechanics
Watering and irrigation

The things I love to do are:
To love my wife, my parents, my children, my family and my friends
Mountain trekking, camping and exploring
Cycling: specifically 
Listen music, specially not commercial type
Travel , basically exploring and navigation
Work, to do the things right and progress
Help people
Study and always learn something else
To do useful things and always find things to do
To share my experiences, that is why this site is posted in the web
Make dreams come true

Some things I have done and make me feel proud are:
Saved live to some people when I was Search & Rescue Squad member.

As volunteer emergency radio-operator have contributed to keep some people alive, when they received help when they needed it the most.

To found an NGO:
Yanapasayki, Cuerpo Peruano de Ayuda formed by volunteers to respond when disasters accur attending the victims.

At present:
I feel very good doing my job as manager of my family’s hotel and having the best time of my life.

I also want to thank to all of you for reading and visiting our website.
This is a mean to share part of our lives and experiences with you.

Have a good time and smile, god bless you.
Hola, besos, amor y bendiciones para todos

SHE: María Elena Pinto

I was born in Chucarapi, Cocachacra district, Islay province, Arequipa deparment on December 22nd,1962

I grew and studied in my home land, the Tambo river valley, where grows sugar cane and the sweetest sugar is produced.  There is where my sweetness comes from.

My profesional studies were done in Arequipa and Camaná in the Santa María Superior Teaching Institute.  I studied Initial Education and at present I work in the Special Education fied, teaching special not normal children.

I have also studied some other courses like, Executive Secretariat and many other special trainings of my career’s specialty

There are many things I love to do like:
Watching TV
Staying at home
Cycling with Aníbal, he intriduced me into this activity, at the beginning I was frightened, but after some practice learned to use my bicycle and to use the gears properly.  Now I like it verymuch and enjoy every trip we made together.

Also, there are some things I would like to have:
A little dog
A little car and learn to drive it with confidence
To live in peace and without problems
Trekking and camping at the beach
Having a baby, my home and own family
Traveling with Aníbal to as many places as possible.

I always liked romantic music, but now I learned to listen other styles.  I love the music we use to listen together when we met:  Cramberries, Radiohead and U2.  Last week March 12th, 2007 we went to Pink Floyd’s concert in Lima, it was spectacularly amazing.

Thanks to you all for reading and visiting our website, we just want to share with everybody else part of our lives, our experiences and to giver the best of us to all our friends.

God bless you all.
thank you for been my best friend and for waiting for me holding until the end…
Astronomy: Cielo 12 Sur
Hotel in Lima?
Mont Blanc Gran Hotel
Our photos


It can not be seen but just with the heart.  The essential is invisible to the eyes.

We met in Lima
It was in the hotel managed by Aníbal.
It was on July 4th, 2005, the day that Deep Impact spacecraft encountered Comet tempel 1.  A historic day
Almost a month later, on August 2nd. we stsrted dating.
Aníbal went to Camaná to meet María Elena, something interesting was revealed, he didn’t had a shower for 3 days before the meeting!  How was it possible? According with him, he wanted to conquer Maria Elena’s heart with the help of his pheromones that emanate from his body.  They think it worked, since then they keep together all this time, even more she doesn’t want to be away from him and for that she asked for long term license in her job at Camaná.

In Lima we are living together sharing and enjoying life,

When I saw her the first time, I felt the charm of her eyes. When I saw her the second time I started feeling the attraction that keep us together. As I keep seeing her I could understand and hear that secret voice within of me saying: SHE IS

Since then until present many things have happened, good things, bad things, fun things, sad things, unbelievable things, wonderful things, dissapointing things, etc., but one single thing is the most important of all : we love each other and want to keep together the rest of our lives.
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Contact Info: 
Aníbal Paredes M. 
[email protected]
Phone: ++ (51) (1)  433 7981
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