Dr. Andrew Broad
Computer Science

Welcome to REF, a system to help humans keep track of bibliographical information.

This takes a lot of the hassle out of making a bibliography if you update your bibliography file as you go along. It also helps you to adhere to the two key qualities of a bibliography:

  1. It contains the right information.
  2. Its style is consistent.

REF encourages you to associate more information with a reference than is needed to generate an entry in a bibliography for it. Information such as where to find it and what publications you have cited it in are very useful, and above all a list of keywords that describe what the reference is about will prove very useful if you know you read about something somewhere but can't remember quite where - REF will help you to find the reference.


  • User Guide

  • Download REF

    The program is written in Perl 5 and was developed on a Sun running UNIX. Since it generates bibliographies in HTML, these are best viewed using your web browser.

  • Program Source Code
  • Sample Bibliography File
  • Sample Output Bibliography

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