Andrew John Griffin
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Imagination Cartoons * Site Map

During the early nineties, one way I used to pass the time was to draw some cartoons and funnies. I used to give them to my best friend at the time; therefore, almost all of them contain some detail that can be traced back to some aspect of his life. Consequenlty, many of them probably won't be all that funny to anyone besides him, or myself. Nevertheless, over 3 years I ended up passing on over 100 pages of these things to him, and he ended keeping all of them, to boot. Thus, I figured I would retrieve them from his parents' house, scan a few, and include them here, in my online Imagination section. I've divided them into categories, with a brief description of what you can expect from each one.

The Adventures of Prince
The Adventures of Prince is based on my childhood best friend and his dog, Prince. Prince was a lab who used to always want outside and who would also regularly run away. The first cartoon depictions of Prince were completed on afternoon school bus rides, which were 45 minutes long. This, coupled with some new colour change markers, ultimately resulted in the creation of "Super Prince." The concept behind Super Prince wasn't very original: A dog who regularly runs away ends up finding an alien meteorite by chance one day, and subsequenlty ends up becoming a super dog. Thus, from that point onward, Prince has reason to periodically run away from home--he has super dog responsibilities to own up to. It is these responsibilities, plus Prince's apparent free spirit character, that lead him into various adventures. My cartoons, with help of the moustached "Mr.Narrator" and Prince's winged sidekick, "Chirp," depict moments from these same, fictional adventures.

[ One of the original bus ride Prince cartoons. ]  Spring 1991
[ How Prince became Super Prince. ]  1991
[ Super Prince under seige. ]  1991
[ Super Prince gets special training. ]  1991
[ A dog fights for his right to stay off a chain in the action thriller, "The Showdown." ]  1991
[ Prince gets taken back home by his owner. ]  1991
[ The dog has his day. ]  Spring 1992
[ Super Prince and Chirp undercover. ]  11 JUN 1992
[ A fictional cover page I made for one of the final "The Adventures of Prince." ]  15 JUN 1992

The M.U.L.E. Crusade
This is a comic strip I based on the video game M.U.L.E. The version we played was the one for the Commodore 64. (I wish I had a copy of it today for my Sony notebook.) The comic strip features most of the characters and features of the game; so, if you've ever played the game, you'll probably get it. Otherwise, it's too bad you've missed out on the game that first introduced me to the notion of buying low and selling high.

[ The M.U.L.E. Crusade ]  26 JUN 1993

These cartoons are largely based on or inspired by facts taken from either my childhood best friend's life or my own. Factor in a little imagination, and there you have some cartoons and funnies. Well, so my friend did anyway. No matter, those presented here are a few of the more generic ones that anyone might be able to understand, rather than just my friend and I. In fact, some of these are just fictional narrations or descriptions of real life pictures.

[ What?? There might be some form of bacteria in the water... ]  18 AUG 1991
[ Just a part of life with a dog ]  December 1991
[ A Christmas tree cutting joke. ]  24 DEC 1991
[ Just an old newspaper picture I thought looked interesting. ]  04 MAY 1992
[ I had some time to kill, while travelling across the USA with my family. ]  Summer 1992
[ Again, just a picture that looks like it has a story behind it... ]  Summer 1992
[ A humourous take on the National Park restroom fascilities. ]  29 JUL 1992
[ My friend's mom made him get a shot at 15. I thought only girls had to get that done... ]  10 AUG 1992
[ Believe it or not, the funny part wasn't that this features a Chevy Cavalier. ]  20 MAR 1993

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