My Real Name is Diana Schmus.

   Favorite Color:    Green (that includes the spendable type too!)

    Time of Year:     Fall-Winter

       Place to Be:     In front of a roaring fire with my hubby and a good hot chocolate!

Favorite Saying:     "Don't upset me! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies!"

Motto for Living:    "Don't take things too seriously - we all need a laugh now and then!"

I'm a jokester and love a good gag.  For those of you who know the school of coyote - you know what I'm talking about!

I'm musically inclined and love the classics as well as some of the newer stuff - even though I don't understand the lyrics or the names of the groups!
As much as I love a good joke, I'm also creative.  I sew, crochet, knit and do Native American Jewelry.  (all of which I will teach when asked!).

I also have my serious side.  I have several friends who are Native American and live on reservations.  Life there is not the easiest, so I try to send them things that they can use.  If anyone is interested in doing this sort of "adopt a family" work, please contact me and I will be happy to give you information about this. My email is
[email protected] .

My other cause is Children with Learning Disabilities.  Check out the link labeled "
Disney World or Bust" to see one of the many things we're trying to give three of these children.  You'll be pleasantly surprised.
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As you can see, all the animals like to congregate here!  That includes some of the human type too!  Don't be afraid to email me or instant message me if you have any questions or comments!  I'm on AOL Messenger as well as Yahoo Messenger.  Both have me listed as "ancientbirch".
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