Thank you for joining me on this page.  It will give me a chance to explain a very special gift that we are trying to put together for a very deserving family!

My mother and father (Lil and Ray) have been raising my brother's 3 children (Lindsey-7, Taylor-10 and Scott-13) since they were born.  Their father is unable to live with them and their mother left them with Lil over 3 years ago and just walked away from my brother.  Scott and Lindsey are both autistic and have ADD (attention deficit disorder) and LD (learning disabilities).  Taylor turned out to be the "normal" one, but she has her problems growing up in this situation (and being the middle child).  Scott was non-verbal until about 4yrs of age and Lindsey is still not completely verbal (we get a word here and there, but nothing like she should be at this age).  Without the help of child support, my parents have been raising these children.  (they started receiving some, but it stopped).  Even with the child support, it is not enough for the family to live off of and still go to places for vacations like other families.  When Taylor was 4 or 5, my mother had said that one day she would like to go to Disney World.  At that point in time, things were going fairly well and money was not the greatest, but they were able to put some away for a rainy day.  Suddenly, it started to rain.  And Hard!

In less than 5 years time, there were several deaths in the family, including my dad's father.  My mom's mother has been going down-hill rapidly and the loss of several close friends of the family made things worse.  Layoffs, cutbacks and the general lack of income, combined with the fact that my mother could not get a job due to the special needs of these exceptional children, only made things progressively worse.  I tried to help where and when I could, but I couldn't give her her dream - Disney World for her, my dad and the 3 children.

Now I know that this sounds like hundreds of other families out there at this time, but there are a few background details I should fill in here.

My mother has had multiple surgeries for a number of different problems.  She is only 58 and is a survivor of fibro-cistic conditions throughout her body.  Her double breast removal for the condition 20yrs ago proved to be successful.  She has also had a hysterectomy  because of the same condition. (During these surgeries she was unable to stay in bed like she was told because no one was able to help her - I was in another state and unable to return at the time).  This meant that she cared for these 3 children (lock, stock and barrel) while she was trying to heal.

Lindsey - because she is unable to verbally tell people what is wrong - is prone to violent fits.  She kicks and punches and the only thing you can do for her at the time is hold her til she calms down. (I know because I have had to hold her!)  She's not throwing a temper tantrum, but is trying to communicate that she is hurting.  Only recently, has Lindsey been able to start signing (using some of the American Sign Language that my mom and I have learned) to tell us what's wrong.  Mom is patient with her and stands steadfast when Lindsey is having a "bad day".

Scott - even though he seems to be "outgrowing" his autism - is still in special classes because he is so behind.  It has taken my mom years of sitting with him on a nightly basis to teach him the basics to get him as far as he is.  Without the love and support of my mom and dad, Scott would still be trying to learn his alphabet with other "retarded" children, instead of being in an accelerated class for autisic children.  They have discovered that he has a genius IQ, but his lack of communication skills is holding him back from being "mainstreamed" with other children.

Taylor - because she is "normal" - has felt like she was being excluded from the special things that the other two get (Lindsey and Scott are both in SECEP - a special program for autistic and learning diabled children).  Because of this and other "special" things (ex: programs, doctors' visits and special therapy sessions), Taylor was feeling left out.  We have tried to give her special things of her own (ex: swimming and dance), but the one thing that Taylor really wants is for Grammin and Granpy (the kids' names for my parents) to be able to take them to Disney World!

Here is what we're looking for:
6 tickets to Disney World (3 adult - 3 children) (the extra adult is to help with the kids)
6 round-trip plane fare or rental car for the family
Hotel  rooms for 6 (3 adult - 3 children)
and, of course, some spending money for food and a few souvenirs.
We feel that the entire cost should be less than $5,000.

At this time we have not been able to come up with possible promotions from private or corporate entities. We are trying, though, and will keep on until we find something! The children have started a "Disney World or Bust" piggybank and so far have about $20 in loose change and money that was found on the ground. Mom and Dad try to give them spare change and the kids try to put in part of their birthday money too.

If you have any type of donation or information, they would be greatly appreciated.  For any further questions, please contact me, Diana Schmus at
[email protected] or Margo Maskell (a close friend of the family) at [email protected] .

Thank you for your time and help.
With your assistance, we can make their dreams come true!
Disney World or Bust!!!
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