Rumah Anak-anak Yatim dan Asnaf As-Solihin Kanchong Darat

About Us

The home was first founded in 2007 and at first it was known as Rmah Anak-anak Yatim As-Solihin aDarat. With a few number of orpahanage, then in 2010, 3 recipients (asnaf) came to stay here. In late 2010, the name of our home changed to Rumah Anak-anak Yatim dan Asnaf As-Solihin Kanchong Darat. At that time, theres 24 orphanage and 5 recipients. 24 orphanage which consist of 16 girls and 8 boys. In 2015, we have 33 orphanage (21 girls and 12 boys) whose age range from 6 to 17 years old and 7 recipients. Our founders Asrilla Emir and Fatena Syeeda Jalil their own passion and strengths in different area of charitable work for our expenses for the orphanage and recipents. The name As-Solihin came from the name of Asila Emirs', the founder of this orphanage house, late son who passed away because of involved in a tragic accident. As-Solihin means good manners and kind-hearted person

Our Services

The home has established vocational skills training for those in the home and outside the home (those of poor social economic background) who are not academically inclined so that they can be independent in the future. They have also started a new programme on teaching/learning method to stimulate and motivate the children towards learning. This is done by activity based learning, which is conducted in small groups of six children at the maximum.

Our Needs

Volunteers are also welcome as Care Givers. The range of responsibilities as assistance include:

    • Cooking
    • Cutting of children's hair
    • Supervising school homework
    • Teaching Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mathematics
    • Being with children when they are studying on their own
    • Technical skills and vocational training (during leisure time or school holidays)