My Friends

I have met some truly wonderful friends during my time both online and while serving as a GeoCities Community Leader. Please stop by and visit their wonderful sites and say hi!

This is the one "real life" friend included on this page (everyone else are online friends). This is my best friend here in Iowa, Lonnie (and her daughter). What I would do without her in my life is beyond me. I love ya Lonnie!

My online "sister"
Danny is an amazing friend. He is my own private PSP teacher, always showing me new cool tips and tricks.
Cindy has a special ability to somehow always know how to make me laugh... She is a constant friend to me and has been there for me through thick and thin.
Cindy is such a sweetheart. Such a wonderful sense of humor too!
One of my best online friends, Joe and I have so much in common it's downright scary! LOL
A true friend!
Denise is an absolutely wonderful lady and was the first to teach me the joys of Paint Shop Pro!
Lynda is my friend from New Zealand, which means that she is online at the same hours as me ("normal" her time= very early morning for me... hehe)
My unofficial "online mother." Jane is a truly wonderful friend who has been there for me every single time. *hugs* Jane!
Susan! What a true friend and late-night chat buddy she is. We swear that we are clones of each other.
Scott was my very very very first online friend. We met on a BBS called ISCA during the summer of 1995 and are still friends to this day. What a cutie he is too.. *giggles*
Meghan is a lover of ferrets (she has 8 of them!!) and a really wonderful friend!

Snow Globe from Meghan
This is from one of my best friends, Meghan... it was the very first snow globe she ever made! Thank you Meghan!! *HUGS*

Picture from Kasey
Look at this! This is Kasey, the daughter of my dear friend, Susan. Kasey drew this picture just for me. What a cutie huh?! I think she will be a great artist when she grows up!! :-)

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Graphics designed and created by Amy. Please do not take, use, or alter any of them without written permission.

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