

Hey there! Thanks for coming! Since you have taken the time to come here and learn a bit about the creator of this website, I guess I will tell you a few details of my life.

I am 25 years old and live in Nebraska with my fiance (we are getting married in June, 2001!!!), 2 dogs (a Siberian Husky and Boston Terrier) and somewhere between 3-6 cats (depending on the day. LOL). I grew up in Michigan and then moved to Vermont the morning after I graduated from high school. farmhouse I went to school on and off for the 4.5 years I lived there. I moved to Iowa the day after Christmas (of 1997) and then moved to Nebraska in May of 2000. I miss Vermont... the skiing, the hiking, and just the aesthetics of the beautiful state. I hope to move back east at some point during my life.

I, obviously, enjoy using computers. I have been using them ever since the Vic 20 came out, eons ago. *smiles* I also enjoy most outdoor activities and am also an avid book reader. I am a big movie buff-- I probably spend a bit TOO much time watching them. I keep thinking that I should probably invest in some Blockbuster stocks!! And, it goes without saying, that I am a huge animal lover. I worked at a vet's office back in Vermont and miss that job a lot. My home is not big enough for all the animals that I would love to have.

Well, I guess that should give you an idea about who I am. If you have any questions about anything at all, please do not hesitate to email me. I love hearing from people!! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your visit to Amy's Abode!!


Here I am practicing to be a FBI Agent!! ROFL

Amy surfing

Me and my surfing teacher at Waikiki Beach, Hawaii (he was a professional surfer for 26 years) ... a horrible picture of me, but I still like it as it brings back wonderful memories of riding my first wave!

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Graphics designed and created by Amy. Please do not take, use, or alter any of them without written permission.

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