AMST Rules


All visitors, staff, teachers and students of the institution, with no exception, are expected to follow the rules



Students and visitors with powers must at all times use the special device that was provided to them upon arrival, which has the function of limiting the amount of their powers, this is done in order to avoid any harm to them or any of the other visitors or students.



It is expected that students practice what they have learned, sometimes with the aid of another student, but those transformations will be limited to a time period of 24 hours, the time period might be extended if approved by one of the qualified members of the staff.



 It is the responsibility of teachers to get involved in any incident that they consider may result in a situation of risk that involves a student, but if those involved in the said situation consider that the said teacher exceeded his or her authority, they can direct their complaints to any member of the board of deans. Any resolution that comes out of the board meeting will be final.



Any other situation not considered in these rules will be considered by the board of deans, they will make the final decision and, where appropriate, may modify or add new rules.

(The Out of Character Rules)


Respect others players, if someone says something in character against your character, don't take it personal, there is a diference between a character and his typist, please learn that difference.



 A character might hate when someone transforms him/her by force, and that is fun to play for both sides only when previously talked.

What the character hates, might be enjoyed by the typist, talk out of character first with your partner to find something both of you enjoy doing, don’t force anyone into a kink they don’t like or are not willing to play



Try to make your character's abilities consistent with their story, and remember that no one knows their abilities or secrets just by seeing them. Don't reveal anything that hasn't been told to you in the game just because you read it on their profile. Many times, by doing this, you only ruin your partner's fun.



 It is of everyone's knowledge that each player has different skills when writing. We do not expect that you end writing a great Nobel Prize-winning novel (but if that is your goal in life, we wish you can do it). Everyone has their own style and descriptive abilities, but what we do ask is that you at least be able to write a couple of complete sentences.

For many players, it's frustrating to write 7 paragraphs only to receive "She moans" in response.

Remember, role-playing is for those who enjoy writing and reading. Prepare your answers, describe what your character thinks or feels, with a little practice, it is not difficult to achieve and you will enjoy your game a lot more.


As stated before, underage players are not allowed on the F-List site, If you want to have one in our room, it will not be allowed to be played there in a sexual way. Some players have very lovely toddler characters with a specific storyline, we do promote that if it is within the limits of their creative process that we promote, but while in the form of a child, will only be allowed to do whatever comes natural and acceptable for a kid. (i.e. Asking for a snack or a candy, or running around driving crazy other peoples) otherwise you will be banned from the room



All in all, what we are asking with the rules, is that you enjoy yourself in a way that lets other players enjoy playing with you or with others.

Don’t go around tossing godmoding actions to everyone. If you reply to an action made by another character, wishing to cut in and be part of their current storyline, and they don’t reply to you, understand that perhaps they don’t see how your character fits in it, or it was something already planned and your interaction can ruin their story, basically, we ask you not to be a jerk.

Really, your character doesn’t need to save the world, before crashing in, ask them how your character could be included in an ongoing story and most important of all, enjoy your time in the room.